Posted by WANTED: RP partner for specific plots!

Ky πŸ“|G1 Subtle| (#2104)

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Posted on
2015-03-05 16:36:33
I'm looking for a few 1x1 partners for a few roleplay plots that have been sitting around for a while.

Before I post the plots themselves, I have a few small requirements.

-Literacy: I want content. I'm not saying your post has to be more than four paragraphs, because mine likely won't be, but I'd like your writing to actually do a good job at describing what is going on and what your character feels.

-Pacing: I recently took on a new job and am working more hours than I've ever had before. I'm still trying to manage my free time between commissions, roleplays, writing, and gaming. I need someone willing to not drop the roleplay if I haven't replied for a few days! I'm willing to do the same if you do! Seriously just poke me. I probably just got sidetracked drawing or playing some game for a day or two instead of writing.

-Romance: I would like the roleplay to be about the plot, not about romance, but I would like some to be involved within the plot. It can't be the focus, but I enjoy it and it has been way too long since I got far enough into a roleplay that any happened and I hate pure romance roleplays. I have no preference in m/m, f/f, or m/f, but keep in mind I may end up playing a character that is utside of the gender bianary, trans, or with a sexuality other than just hetero/homosexual. If it is decided that there will be no 18+ stuff I may even go with an asexual character.

-18+ stuff: If involved this roleplay must take place off of lioden obviously and I refuse to do this unless you too are over 18. I AM willing to do this to a point but am not very skilled at writing it. Depending on how detailed it is written, I may have to ask to fade to black in the middle of it, either because I can't write it properly or I get uncomfortable with it.

On to the actual plots I have in mind...

Some are vague and some are very detailed because they've been sitting a while...

Modern fantasy world

It's a ton of traditional fantasy creatures and such, but in modern times. Magic is sold and marketed, mythical beasts are kept as exotic pets, black magic will get you arrested. Basically imagine a subway full of people, elves, maybe a centaur or two all coexisting and you have the world I have envisioned. So basically the character I have for that is an ancient black dragon who has been forced to shift and blend into society in a human form and instead of burning villages and eating everything then sleeping on his hoard of treasure like dragons are supposed to do and that he used to do, this ancient dragon is making due in an apartment selling black magic in dark alleys. I started with this with two people who quit on me and one started turning into a sort of casual romance story in this world where the other was more of a cliche fantasy "save the world and protect this magic artifact of power" thing, but hilarious because of the setting.

In addition to this, I would also be interested if someone wanted to do a plot like this, but with the dragon age world. All the locations, the mages and templars despute, everything is all the same but it's modern times. We'd have to think up a plot though and I haven't finished inquisition so you'd have to keep spoilers away! If you're interested in this, I would be willing to develop a plot for it with you, but would love to do something involving gangs of apostates.

Afterlife/limbo roleplay idea

Basically there's a sort of limbo between life and death in the form of a distorted mirroring of earth. Those whose souls are sent here are sent in pieces. Those fragments of soul are naturally attracted to one another and the person ends up a huge mess of traits with very little memory of their past self. They're compelled to find the other pieces of themselves and make themself whole again. So basically there's this huge city full of people like this. No laws, everybody out for themself. I planned for this one to have some sort of romance involved with a character newly dead and someone who has been there for a long time. The character who has been there a long time would be a part of or run on their own a sort of bank of stray pieces of other's souls they come across, letting others trade resources or other pieces of themselves in trade. They normally kill the newly dead to collect those pieces but takes pity on this other character and takes them in. Things would go on to develop from there into something both involving a crisis in the world and a romance between the two characters.

Anthro rp/mafia (the game) rp

I'd like whoever I do this with to be familiar with the game mafia or something similar to it! It will help a lot in understanding and keeping up with the roleplay!!

Basically there's an arcade of sorts boasting to have advanced virtual reality systems. State of the art advanced technology to change gaming forever. There's also these gangs of teens in the city that both decide to go and compete here. Opening day these kids come in and sign up for a game of mafia to compete against eachother, with the winning gang getting all of one side of town to themselves. The game IS a comprehensive virtual reality, hooking up their nervous systems to the game so that it all feels completely real. They all enter the game in the body of a sort of avatar, that being an anthropomorphic animal body so they don't recognize any of their friends. Being the first to try this new system, the fact that there's a fatal bug in the system is only discovered after these kids go into the game. When they die in game and the system releases them, instead it ends up delivering an electrical shock to their brain as it releases them, effectively leaving them dead. The kids are somehow told this in the game and are told to wait until they fix the bug to do anything. Of course a few of them decide that the others will be easy to pick off if they're not fighting back, so they continue with the game. Effectively it ends up with a life or death game of mafia.

Some sort of space roleplay

To be perfectly honest I just want an excuse to use a character of mine who is a space traveler from one of my headworlds. They're from a species of cold-blooded, cat-like, dragon-esque people with minor psychic abilities. I may add more later, but that's all I have for now. Throw your plots and characters at me! (I honestly wouldn't mind this one in particular just being mainly a romance since I just want to develop my character a bit, as long as they're space travelers)

That's all for now, I'll add more when I think of more!

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Edited on 06/03/15 by Pyrosong (#2104)

FieryWrench (#31573)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-03-06 12:46:49
I'm actually very interested in those first two

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Ky πŸ“|G1 Subtle| (#2104)

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Posted on
2015-03-06 14:24:54
The first two as in both the modern fantasy ideas I had or as in the fantasy one and the limbo one? I'm itching to all of them so...

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FieryWrench (#31573)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-03-06 14:38:43
I love both your modern fantasy, but I'm very familiar with the dragon age world I'm sorry, and the limbo one is extremely interesting, I'd be willing to RP any/all of those

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Ky πŸ“|G1 Subtle| (#2104)

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Posted on
2015-03-06 14:55:23
I'm a little confused on your wording there, are you familiar with dragon age stuff or not familiar? If you are then I'd love to do that one above all else tbh. If not either of the others are good! The limbo one is more thought out though.

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FieryWrench (#31573)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-03-06 15:50:37
I'm not familiar with it, sorry I'm a little sleep deprived at the moment. I really love both of them, and I would absolutely love to RP the limbo one, but I'm not sure I'd be able to write a good romance right now. I'm willing to try though

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Elenvalta (#17120)

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Posted on
2015-03-07 18:56:00
Hiya. ^^ If you're still interested in partners, I'd love to do any of those with you. I usually write multiple paragraphs with around four being my absolute minimum. As for pacing, I am completely fine with it moving slow, because I'm incredibly busy also. However, I am not eighteen yet, only seventeen. :3 I am fine with the topic and stuff happening as long as it's faded. As for your plots, they're all interesting and I'd be fine doing whichever you wanted to the most, really.

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TheTeaCoon (#22219)

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Posted on
2015-03-09 16:40:46
Howdy! I've got to say, these are some seriously interesting plots. Of the presented ideas, I'm especially interested in the space RP, the afterlife/limbo RP, and/or the modern fantasy idea.

As for speed and frequency of posting/responding, I'm absolutely game for taking things easy. I get wrapped up with RL, work, and the like too. If a few days (or however long an agreed upon time frame is) pass without word, I can give you a poke and you're free to do the same with me! ^^ I've got nine or ten years of roleplaying experience under my belt and I do so love to coordinate with my RP partners so that the RP is enjoyable to both parties. I can match post length without too much issue, and I don't have any trouble writing a few paragraphs per response. I do love me some detail and depth!

In regards to 18+ stuff, I'm over the age of twenty, so it is doable. However, in regards to the bulk of the RPs I take part in, actions and activities of a mature/adult nature aren't a requirement. If the story/scene takes a turn towards those sorts of things, I can do them, but generally am pretty fine glossing them over or fading as necessary. So long as you are comfortable with things, I'm game. And I'd let you know if there's ever anything that makes me uncomfortable so as to possibly skip it or gloss it over.

I love writing and adding depth to plot and story. Romance is nice and fun, but I don't absolutely need it if the story isn't geared towards that sort of thing. I've previously RPed as males, females, and a couple of folks outside of the gender binary. I'm comfortable with any sexuality a character might have, be it anything from ace to pan and beyond. I have RPed m/m, m/f, f/f, and others. I like variety. It is the spice of life as they say.

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