Posted by Shifting Spirits|Sign Ups - OPEN

(Unholy|4xLeonid|G4) (#36246)

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Posted on
2015-05-27 18:37:18

Shifting Spirits

Already accepted? Role-play here!

A warm mist surrounds your body, masking the scents of the forest. You feel cold, despite the beaming morning sun. Suddenly, a crackle of leaves sounds behind you and you whirl around to see a...... a tribe of humans staring expectantly at you. "Welcome to the Forest of Shifting Spirits." The voice seems to be all around you as if the whole forest is speaking but yet it just comes from one of the humans before you. "You are one of us. Your spirit longs to be one of the Others. An animal lives deep inside of you and it urges to be set free." All you can do is stare in bewilderment as the humans in front of you start to change. A voice speaks in your mind, "We are one." This time however, the voice seems oddly familiar yet you've never heard it before. With a shudder you realise that this is what they were talking about. Your spirit is more that you ever imagined.

(Original Rp idea by RainWatcher (#40211)
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This is the Star Stones. Where the Shifters gather to share their newfound spells, talk or just hang out. The way to get here is by following the Lake Path to its end and you will come across the Star Stones. This is where all "Tribe" meetings are held.

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The Lake Path where most Shifters often like to swim. This is the main route to the Star Stones and the Forest Village where the Shifters live. There are many different types of fish living in this lake and some Shifters even like to hunt in their animals forms in the lake.

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These are the houses in which the Shifters live, commonly referred to as the "Forest Village." Each Shifter lives in their own house but Trainee Shifters live closest to their Teachers. Their houses are usually separated by a very short rope bridge instead of a long one that joins all the houses. Every single house is connected by rope bridges and there are stairs and ladders leading up to each of them.


~No perfect characters, godmodding or power playing.
~Lioden Rules apply.
~Please keep swearing to a minimum.
~3+ sentences. Please be literate. If you don't speak fluent english please don't join.
~Do not kill, seriously injure or hurt another character without their owners permission.
~Feel free to cause drama but don't do it all the time.
~Every Shifter studies an element of magic but the White Magic Shifters specialise in lots of different types of magic and shifting. (Your shifter must know some sort of magic but doesn't have to ever have any involvement in it if that is what you wish.)
~Only past tense writing please. 1st or 3rd person are both ok.
~Check to see what animals are already taken. Only one type of a certain animal. No double ups!
~Fade to black only if mating, birthing is ok.
~Be nice to everyone!
~Shifters have only ONE animal form so choose wisely. You can't change it!
~Put your favourite number in Other if you've read the rules.
~Trainee Shifters are Shifters that have not yet discovered their animal form. Once they can shift as they please they will move to their own house and begin to study magic.
~When Posting put "Name|Age|Gender|Species|Rank." It just makes it easier to follow.
(Any more suggestions? Feel free to say them!)


~Rowan St. Claire|Male|Black Bear
Leader's Mate:
White Magic Shifters - (FULL):
~Avon Cornwell|Male|Golden Eagle - Trainee: Arya
~Electra Tatum|Female|Dhole
White Magic Trainees - (FULL):
~Arya Hardwicke|Female|Snow Bengal - Teacher: Avon
~Hikaru Ichor|Male|Elk - Teacher: Electra
Full Shifters:
~Maina Laasya Kepaldia|Female|Red Panda
~Evianna Vera Kaat|Female|Caracal - Trainee:
~Kate Patricks|Female|Snow Leopard - Trainee: Crevan
~Leigha Valkens|Female|Swan - Trainee:
~Abigail Millen|Female|Tigon - Trainee:
~Glacia Mari|Female|White Tiger - Trainee:
~Luxian Shulte-Fawn|Female|Melanistic Barn Owl - Trainee:
~Mason Jones|Male|Red Fox - Trainee:
~Vic Fuentes|Male|Otter - Trainee:
~Ryan Ross|Male|Amur Leopard - Trainee:
~Xanie Atwood|Male|Icelandic Horse - Trainee:
~Riker Dangoush|Male|Platypus - Trainee:
Trainee Shifters - (No More Trainees Than There Are Full Shifters):
~Tavani Joyce|Female|Serval - Teacher: Maina
~Vixine Malliou|Female|Giant Fox Bat - Teacher:
~ Hally Faulkner|Female|Cooper's Hawk - Teacher:
~Feliks Volkov|Male|European Pine Marten - Teacher: Xanie
~Crevan L'Amour|Male|Racoon - Teacher: Kate
~Marcos Windike|Male|Long Tailed Widowbird - Teacher:

Sign Up's:

(Delete everything in brackets.)

Full Name:
Nickname: (If applicable)
Age: (No younger than 14-ish please):
Animal Species:
~Human: (No descriptions only. Must include a picture.)
~Animal Form: (Please choose something that no one else has, however it must be real, and not abnormal. Sorry, no blob fishes.)
Personality: (3+ Sentences. Do not just list traits.)
Bio: (Put a little back story of some kind, try not to be cliche. Not everyone's past is tortured.)
Strengths: (Maximum of 3)
Weaknesses: (Minimum of 1)

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Edited on 05/06/15 by Lia-Lin - {Flaming Lions} (#36246)

Lion Tamer (#48364)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-05-30 15:51:40

Reserving the Animal form of Icelandic Horse

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Edited on 31/05/15 by Lion Tamer (#48364)

🌻roseistance🌻 (#58710)

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Posted on
2015-05-30 15:59:56
Full Name: Vic Fuentes(Yes, the singer)
Nickname: Vic
Age: 28
Rank: Full Shifter
Gender: Male
Animal Species: Otter
~Human: tumblr_mjkc52Gpoy1rb4z7to1_500.png
~Animal Form: 234440.jpg
Personality: Vic mostly only jokes around, but is usually only found in his otter form, around the lake. He is usually happy, but prefers to stay out of fights, for neither of his forms are strong. He loves to help people out, and if you get to know him, he can be even sweeter than he looks, nice, and caring.
Bio: Vic was born into the group, but shortly after, his mother died. He doesn't remember her, and his father left them before he was born. He has lived as an orphan in the group ever since, but thinks not much of it.
Strengths: Swimming, Good Personality, Smart
Weaknesses: Fighting, hunting.
Likes: Fish, People, a Good Laugh.
Dislikes: Fights, Arguing, Anything Other Than Fish.
Other: 3

Full Name: Ryan Ross(Yes, the guitarist)
Nickname: Ryan
Age: 28
Rank: Full Shifter
Gender: Male
Animal Species: Amur Leopard
~Human: 0804_ryan_ross.jpg
~Animal Form: Leopard_in_the_Colchester_Zoo.jpg
Personality: Ryan is more of a serious person, and is offended easily. He does not understand jokes, and never takes things jokingly. He is hard headed and hard to get to know. He doesn't trust anyone, not unless they have truly proven themselves to him. He likes to stay up in the trees in his animal form, hoping that people will leave him alone that way.
Bio: He had a good life and was born into the group. He lived with his parents until they grew old and passed away. He has been with the group ever since and was an only child.
Strengths: Smart, Strong, hunting.
Weaknesses: Joking around, Bad around others.
Likes: Being Alone.
Dislikes: Jokes/Being around others.
Other: 3

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🌻roseistance🌻 (#58710)

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Posted on
2015-05-30 16:01:32
Yes, I made two more. That makes 3 characters for me :D)

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Sohodora- The Senpai
Hyena (#48779)

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Posted on
2015-05-30 16:08:44
How many characters are allowed?

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🌻roseistance🌻 (#58710)

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Posted on
2015-05-30 16:14:18
Unlimited^ Just don't dominate the Rp.)

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(Unholy|4xLeonid|G4) (#36246)

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Posted on
2015-05-30 16:16:18
@Lion - Cool, thanks! ^^

@Dreamer - Both Accepted! That Leopard is gorgeous!

@Soho - As many as you can handle, though I would prefer no more than 4 unless ALL of your characters will be active enough. :)

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Sohodora- The Senpai
Hyena (#48779)

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Posted on
2015-05-30 16:23:23
I can handle up to 6 but for now ill do 4 two males and two females

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Hanthony (#61722)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2015-05-30 16:53:53
Full Name: Crevan L'Amour
Nickname: not currently
Age: 23
Rank: trainee shifter
Gender: Male
Animal Species: Racoon

winter fashion
summer fashion
~Animal Form:

Crevan often speaks before thinking, steals without remorse, and laughs at others misfortunes. He finds pleasure in flirting with anything that walks and picking fights with his peers. The wild boy spends most of his time mapping out the forest and searching for trinkets and lost treasures, which usually consist of buttons, bones, and shiny metallic objects. Due to his small-weak form and trouble making skills, Crevan always has an escape path planned.

Bio: Crevan is a late in life shifter, he was perfectly capable of leaving behind his boring life in the city to join the shifters. Has had a hard time with relationships due to being Pan-romantic and Asexual.

Can find anything you need or have lost
Sticky fingers

feeling weak
getting wet

Other: 32

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Edited on 31/05/15 by Galaxy (this is a Bro-Down!) (#61722)

Sohodora- The Senpai
Hyena (#48779)

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Posted on
2015-05-30 17:13:49
first one is done
Full Name: Vixine Malliou
Nickname: Vix
Age: 18
Rank: Traniee shifter
Gender: female
Animal Species: Giant Fox bat
~Animal Form:
Vixxen is a friendly trixter who plays pranks on many of the fellow shifters she loves to just hang around and be friendly or just fly, she is a night owl and is rarley ever awake in the mornings. Vixxen is hostile towards people she dosent know and hates normal wolves...
Bio: she rather keep it to herself "Its best to look towards the future"
-Night time
-sweet scents
-Wolves/ most carnivours
Other: 8

Full Name: Marcos Windike
Nickname: Mark
Age: 15
Rank: Traniee Shifter
Gender: male
Animal Species: Long tailed Widowbird
~Animal Form:
Mark is very friendly person who has the tendency to flirt with other Shifters in the 'tribe' he loves to make jokes though half of them are terrible and is really noisy and loud, he is Optimistic and is cheery about almost anything bit is a huge coward, he hates thunder or lightning and oven hides in his house if it begins to rain, he is very childish but can be a bit professional if needed
Mark was Born into a Family of high expectations his parents had tried so hard to hide his 'Unique ness' but when his crappy uncle found him being very rude at the dinner table his parents freaked out and put him in a Orphanage he grew up there but ran when he was 14 tired of the treatment and encountered the tribe of shifters, for a while they thought he ran away again but discovered he was still here after seeing a long tailed widow bird that had been following a few of the tribe members for a while had shifted to a human
-Looks on the bright side
-comfortable almost any environment
-Loud noises
- People who criticize him
Rude people
Other: 8

Full Name: Riker Dangoush
Nickname: Rike
Age: 20
Rank: full shifter
Gender: male
Animal Species: Platypus
~Animal Form:
Rike is a strange friendly person who can often talk about almost anything, he is absentminded and can often change topics at any time, he is loud and kind who tries to make friends with anyone, he can get grumpy and be mean but its hard to do so but you better know he is over emotinal
Not much is known about his past (In Fact he dosent even know much about himself) all that is known is he was found half drowned in platypus form on the river bank...
-Land (pretty slow movement)
-Any thing dram related
Other: 8

Full Name: Abigail Millen
Nickname: Abi
Age: 23
Rank: Full shifter
Gender: female
Animal Species: Tigon (like a liger but not the same apperence)
~Animal Form:
Abi is a quirky wierd person with sass she takes orders from no one other than the two leaders, she respects other peoples thoughts and opinions but dosent follow them, she is independant and can be hostile to anyone who dares to help her
She has lived with the shifters for most of her life there is not much more to say
-Thin branches
- land
-lots of things
-Most fruit
(Alergic to most of the stuff listed above)
Other: 8

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Edited on 02/06/15 by Sohodora- The Senpai Hyena (#48779)

RoosterChick (#46649)

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Posted on
2015-05-30 17:17:46
I think I may make a female... if that's okay. I leaning towards not making one. I just want to know the final count and possibly make another girl is applicable. *shrug*

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(Unholy|4xLeonid|G4) (#36246)

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Posted on
2015-05-30 17:22:13
@Galaxy - He's pretty! Accepted!

@Soho - The finished one is accepted!

@Rooster - You may make a female if you want ^^

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Edited on 31/05/15 by Lia-Lin - {Flaming Lions} (#36246)

RoosterChick (#46649)

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Posted on
2015-05-30 17:32:57
Full Name: Leigha Valkens

Nickname: N/A

Age: 22

Rank: Full Shifter

Gender: Female

Animal Species: Swan


Leigha's Human Form

~Animal Form:
Leigha's Animal Form

Personality: Incridibly shy, Leigha only likes to be around one person she is very close to. This stems from her earlier experience as a younger teen. She goes along with whatever someones, refusing to stand up for herself. Unnaturally connected to nature, it's a surprise she isn't a White Shifter. Her main downside is that when she really upset, Leigha can be extreme. Having a very beautiful figure and look to her, she can become the center of compliments, which she isn't much a fan for.

Bio: Leigha was born in Mississippi, USA. Her pale skin and white hair lead to her becoming a regular target to bullying. Her solution was locking herself away from everyone, but the teasings and beatings only got worse. One day, Leigha couldn't take it and murdered her bully before running far away. The authorities never caught her and she was able to escape into the forest far from home. Leigha lives with her heavy burden of secrets from her past. There is much more to her past, but that's for her to share.

-Very Strong/Powerful


-Being In Water
-Being Alone

-Large Crowds
-Hot Weather
-People Bugging Her

Other: 8!
She has never told anyone her secret and doesn't plan to, however people do change.

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Edited on 31/05/15 by RoosterChick (Allons-y) (#46649)

Hanthony (#61722)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2015-05-30 17:33:37
@Lia-Lin - Thanks! He spends hours on his hair. I edited his last name because I accidentally picked one another tribe member had and I didn't want it to be confusing. I'm letting you know just encase you saw his old last name.

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RoosterChick (#46649)

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Posted on
2015-05-30 17:51:59
My form is complete! :)

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(Unholy|4xLeonid|G4) (#36246)

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Posted on
2015-05-30 17:57:53
@Galaxy - Thanks, I'll edit it! Also, why would you like as his teacher?

@Rooster - She seems..... interesting. Accepted!

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Edited on 31/05/15 by Lia-Lin - {Flaming Lions} (#36246)

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