Posted by Naturechild RP (accepting!!!)

Goldflame (Pine
Marten) (#1733)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-08-12 09:26:48

1) Proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling please.
2) Be polite to other users.
3) No using the same combination of powers as someone else. (There is a list of available combinations on page 10, posted by Baevia.)

Official thread link:

We are the children of nature. We control, we create, we destroy.
The types of naturechildren.
Icechild- power of ice, can use ice to make things, to attack, etc.
Frostchild- same as ice, but their work is a lot more fragile, they are not fighters
Windchild- power of wind
Waterchild- power of water
Firechild- power of fire- predominantly fighters
Earthchild- power of Earth, healers
Starchild- can read the stars and communicate with them, can call spirits up to fight for them, have the power of prophesy
Lightchild- can make things glow from the inside, can blind people with light
Darkchild- creates shadows, hides in them, can make things such as weapons with them.

The goal of this RP is to create new worlds and further peace between the Children. You will be placed in the world of my character, Aska and shall work with her to create a new world.


Type of Naturechild:
History: (optional)
Hybrids ARE allowed, but only two types may be combined.

Characters signed up so far:
Katsuya Mathore - 18 - Female - Dark/Star - Nephthys (#14065)
Peter Faux - 18 - Male - Light/Dark - 100percent (#58058)
Zachary Woods - 17 - Male - Earth/Wind - WeepingWillow{*Thirsty AF*} (#20542)
Elies Zotha - 20 - Male - Dark/Ice - CapeSoul (#68250)
Allain - 28 - Agender - Wind/Water - Pairo (#2104)
Starling - 19 - Female - Star/Frost - Pairo (#2104)
Adar - 19 - Male - Ice/Fire - Lia-Lin - {We All Still Die} (#36246)
Pierce Zotha - 17 - Male - Water/Ice - CapeSoul (#68250)
James Bourne - 17 - Male - Earth/Stars - Baevia (#44065)
Nadia Maillet - 20 - Female - Earth/Light - Kemuel (33721)
(Credit to 100percent for compiling the list!)

You can sign up here as well as talk about the RP.

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Edited on 20/08/15 by Goldflame (Pine Marten) (#1733)

Sybil (#14065)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2015-08-20 09:14:29
I think something she might be getting at, is if in my second post the instant reply was being yelled at, I wouldnt exactly want to stick around I guess.

Thats just me though, however you're right, it is your RP and make peoples characters feel as welcome or unwelcome as you please. It was simply opinions and requests that were given.

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Baevia (#44065)

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Posted on
2015-08-20 09:15:32
It's not fair to everyone else.

You may have made this rp, but it's not yours. Just like how all our characters are making Aska's world we are making this rp by adding our characters, our plotlines, and our ideas. It is not fair for your character to come along and do whatever the hell she wants just because she feels like it. This isn't how a rp is supposed to be!

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Goldflame (Pine
Marten) (#1733)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-08-20 09:16:03
It's not like I'm godmodding or anything. I'm not controlling anyone else's character, just my own.
I'm not breaking any rules, either my own or LD's.
I have been polite to other users. (Well, until I felt like I was being attacked, and I apologized for that, I think. If I didn't, sorry for getting mad at you because of a misunderstanding, Nepthys.)
Besides, how is it not fair to attack someone else's character? They can fight back, ya know?

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Goldflame (Pine
Marten) (#1733)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-08-20 09:18:59
Yes, you are. But, you guys can make your characters do what they want. You can be rude to other characters if you want. I haven't done anything I would be mad at someone else for.
It is fair. We get to act out our character's personalities. Why is it not okay for me to do that?
Aska views the world as hers. (And the others' in part, but she was the original creator.) So she wants to protect it.

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Baevia (#44065)

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Posted on
2015-08-20 09:20:34
The thing is you're not letting them and you're going after us for stupid things.

Aska drenched Nadia, not giving her a chance to move.
Aska somehow knew exactly what type of children everyone was even when they weren't going to reveal what they were just yet.
Aska said that only certain types of children can make animals when in theory all of them should.

You attacked Nephthys for being welcoming
You yelled at 100percent for not putting parenthesis when they did fyi
and now you're coming after me for standing up for what's fair and right which is not this.

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Goldflame (Pine
Marten) (#1733)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-08-20 09:21:09
I dare say if Nadia's player is upset with me, he or she can say something about it.
Then and only then will I change it. Because it's not up to you to decide what others can and cannot do.

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Baevia (#44065)

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Posted on
2015-08-20 09:21:57
Neither can you, but that's what you've been doing this entire time.

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100percent (#58058)

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Posted on
2015-08-20 09:23:32
Not sure if this is a fight or anything, but I just got back and I'm pretty confused....
Just one question. I'll read up the rest. How did Aska know Nadia was there? Not trying to call anyone out or anything, be accusing or all that, I'm just curious.

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Goldflame (Pine
Marten) (#1733)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-08-20 09:24:10
Nadia can still avoid it, I think. I can put "attempted to drench" if that makes you happy. (I said give them life. Earthchildren can create animals, and so can others. Those without odd combinations can't give them personalities, unless they're earthchildren. I never said they couldn't create them.)

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Sybil (#14065)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2015-08-20 09:26:19
In reality 100, it is differing opinions. Shouldn't technically be a fight.

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Baevia (#44065)

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Posted on
2015-08-20 09:27:30
But that's still not right she didn't break anything. It's completely unfair I just don't get why you're being so stubborn about being wrong.

Also what does having odd combinations have to do with anything? Where's the logic? Since it just doesn't make sense.

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100percent (#58058)

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Posted on
2015-08-20 09:30:04
Ah alright, thanks Nephthys. Well I have an audition to go to now... wish me luck. I'll post tonight when I get back

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Goldflame (Pine
Marten) (#1733)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-08-20 09:31:08
Because it's combinations that shouldn't work... It makes sense to me.
Aska could sense it because it was her frost being broken.
Like, the Naturechildren have a connection to their creations- they can sense what's happening to them.

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Baevia (#44065)

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Posted on
2015-08-20 09:34:25
Then that means it shouldn't work. The logic is missing here and just because it makes sense to you doesn't mean the same for everybody else. Especially when you can't give a logical explanation.

Again the frost isn't broken. It was just describing the light shining through the ice, it's used all the time in literature. It's a very common description. So nothing was broken so she shouldn't have sense anything, because nothing happened.

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Sybil (#14065)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2015-08-20 09:34:53
Good luck 100! You'll do great.

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