Posted by Original Species Interest Check

Ace of Yokai (#59342)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-08-19 02:00:15
As the title says above, I'm looking for feedback/an interest check for a species in the making I've created.

The Species

The name given to this species (which has yet to be finalized) is:

Colossal Pawthorn

Ref Image
This species was given the name 'Colossal Pawthorn' due to their giant paws, which had thorns on them. The thorns were originally thought to have been used to kill their prey, but recent studies on the species have shown that their thorns are used to protect their mates and kin.

The History of Colossal Pawthorns

The species is a genetically modified wolf. Scientists wanted to take the current wolves to the 'next level' by modifying their genes and creating a completely different species. The project 'Colossal Wolves' was top secret and originally only scientists knew of the species until rumour of the Colossal Pawthorns was leaked to the public. None of the scientists knew how valuable intel of their species got out to the public, but it happened in less than two years after the species was created. The early species of Colossal Pawthorns were very aggressive, therefore they extinct the early process, and re-began their creating of the said next level wolves. The original thought on the Pawthorns was that they would live in packs like wild wolves, but that was proven wrong when ten Pawthorns were forced together into a pack, and after leaving them alone for several months, only two survived. It was clear to the scientists, that they had claimed mates during the time period, but the Pawthorns killed each other off for believing their mate was going to be stolen, and for the lack of territory. Only the strongest and biggest Pawthorns survived the project. The scientists then built a wider spaced area for the two living Pawthorns, and monitored them daily. Several months later, the female Pawthorn was impregnated, only to have pups ten months after. The original thought was that since they were the same blood, they would remain a pack, but it didn't turn out like that. When the pups of the older Pawthorns became one year and four months, due to them not leaving, they were brutally murdered by their own parents. Pawthorns are un-agressive towards humans, but more towards their own kind if they don't get enough space. Over the years different, and the same scientists studied the aging pair of Pawthorns, and eventually they died of age. They lived for nearly one hundred-fifteen years, but exactly one hundred-fourteen years and nine months. As dozens of Pawthorns were released into the wild, they were still monitored for how long they live. In the wild, they were found to live for up to one hundred-twenty years. Several years after the Pawthorns were released into the wild, they became even less aggressive towards humans, and slightly each other, and began to live in groups of two-five Pawthorns. When the government found out that the Pawthorns were less aggressive, smaller breeds of Pawthorns were taken and bred for the purpose of household pets. Scientists had no say in whether or not they should be household pets, but the public loved them. Occasionally wild Pawthorns were found on the lawns of citizens, and were given public names, as well as beads, feathers, and light chain-link accessories. Well known Pawthorns around forest communities usually are found with lots of said accessories, and eventually even given clip on piercings! Scientists finally gave in to the public, and Pawthorn genetics were announced publicly. They are said to be part Lynx, Wolf, and a classified hybrid species. Later it was found out that inbred, and rare cased Pawthorn breedings were born with lethal, and non-lethal mutations. Scientists felt no need to fix the problem of Pawthorns having mutations because it occurs in humans and other animals. But due to public demand, scientists created a special item to cure the mutated Pawthorns, and other special items for the species.

Current Colossal Pawthorn Mutations

Unicorn Horn - 'Very Very Rare' 'Non-Lethal' Pawthorns born with a 'Unicorn Horn' are said to have special powers! Can't be treated. (Once a unicorn, forever a unicorn.)
Horns - 'Very Rare' 'Non-Lethal' In very rare cases, Pawthorns can be born with horns. Lucky people who see horned Pawthorns usually decorate their horns with flowers, feathers, chains, or fur. Can be treated.
Wings - 'Very Rare' 'Non-Lethal' In very rare cases, Pawthorns are born with wings. They must be trained how to fly during early ages, or the wings will eventually become useless decoration. Can be treated.
Thornless - 'Rare' 'Non-Lethal' In rare cases, Pawthorns are born without thorns, and need either artificial thorns, or very good protection. Can be treated.
Eyeless - 'Rare' 'Lethal' Rare case-scenarios Pawthorns are born without eyes. This is a very serious mutation that can kill, or help a Pawthorn. Pawthorns without strong sense of vibrations or sound are most definitely bound to die. Can't be treated.
Long Fur - 'Rare' 'Non-Lethal' Also referred as 'Chewbaka' by the public. Pawthorns with this mutation are born with shorter fur which grows into long fur. Can be treated. (Please include if you understand what I mean by 'Baka.')
Short Fur - 'Rare' 'Non-Lethal' Pawthorns with the 'Short Fur' mutation have especially short fur for a Pawthorn. Exactly the opposite of the 'Long Fur' mutation, they are born with long fur which sheds to short fur. Can be treated.
Blindness - 'Uncommon' 'Non-Lethal' Unfortunate Pawthorns born with blindness in either one, or both eyes are almost pitiful. While they are born with very keen senses, they lack sight in one or both eyes, and must have a companion to help protect them. Can't be treated.
Long Claws - 'Uncommon' 'Non-Lethal' Special Pawthorns are born with longer than average claws, and have outstanding fighting power with those claws. They can send a bear home crying! Can be treated.
Sabre Teeth - 'Uncommon' 'Non-Lethal' Pawthorns born with 'Sabre Teeth' have uncommonly large canines. While very intimidating, Pawthorns with this mutation are usually very kind! Can't be treated.
Curly Fur - 'Common' 'Non-Lethal' This mutation makes whichever fortunate Pawthorn be born with amazing curls. Can be treated.
Long Tail - 'Common' 'Non-Lethal' The 'Long Tail' mutation gives Pawthorns a longer tail, which is usually very fluffy. Can be treated.
Small Paws - 'OMG SO RARE' 'Lethal' Pawthorns born with the mutation 'Small Paws' are born very weak, and die one day after birth. Can't be treated.
Lightning Scar - 'OMG SO RARE' 'Non-Lethal' On very very very very rare cases, Pawthorns can be born with a lightning shaped scar on their forehead. They are believed to also have the power to use spells. The human race call these Pawthorns 'Harry's' but the Pawthorn species don't understand why. Can't be treated. (This is by far the best mutation ever.)

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Edited on 19/08/15 by Ace of Yokai (#59342)

Ace of Yokai (#59342)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-08-20 11:34:05
Bump ~w~

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Kamay (#37519)

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Posted on
2015-08-20 11:38:56
Would you buy one?: Totally!

If so, for how much?: Ahh I don't know, I'm sorry, I'm really bad at pricing things I tend to underestimate prices a lot. Maybe 1-2 GB for customs and maybe between 450-750 for adopts depending on their rareness? Like I said before, though, I'm really bad at pricing.

Anything I should add?: I'm going to go with what Mimi said and suggest a slight difference between males and females.

Should I continue working on these?: Yes

Should I make different age cycles?: I think that would be really cool!

Anything Else?: I don't believe so

What needs to be fixed?: I don't see anything in particular

What should I name it, or is the name fine?: The name is fine :)

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Morr 🔥
9BOx2Mottx2RosMand (#26583)

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Posted on
2015-08-20 11:45:25
(If you mean understand what you mean by 'baka' as in the japanese word, then YESSSSS I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN, DEMON/YOKAI ;))

*bookmarked, will reply later on :)

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Edited on 20/08/15 by Cinder Blaze (#26583)

Ace of Yokai (#59342)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-08-20 12:41:27
@Kamay Hahaha great! :o I'm working on a female base/ref.

@Cinder Blaze I look forward to your reply! :)

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Ace of Yokai (#59342)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-08-22 08:45:59

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ShadowDawn2 (#48239)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-08-22 09:04:49
Would you buy one?: yeah i'd love to buy one or three XD

If so, for how much?: maybe 1 or 2 gb or more depending on rareness & complexity

Anything I should add?: a difference between males and females

Should I continue working on these?: yeah they're amazing ^^

Should I make different age cycles?: yeah id love to see wee puppies ^^

Anything Else?: not that i can think off ^^

What needs to be fixed?:

What should I name it, or is the name fine?: i like the name :)

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Ace of Yokai (#59342)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-08-22 09:46:36


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Edited on 22/08/15 by Ace of Yokai (#59342)

Ace of Yokai (#59342)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2015-08-22 09:56:15
One..? Or three?!!? :o

1 or 2 GB? *Mind Blown* / I'm planning on upping the rarity (and not reveal how mutations will be determined.) And of course updating the complexity of the design and background of the species. I'll probably start working on a new base (I guess?) for the Pawthorns since what I have up now is just a sketch of *Insert Sparkles* Imagination!

I'm also working on the difference between genders, I'd have to get started on the female 'base' after I finish the male one.

Puppies for life. (No questions asked.)

Glad you like the name (as well as multiple others <3) But the original name I had down for the species was "Colossal Jutjaw Pawthorn." But that name was to long, so I just took out 'Jutjaw.' So yeah.. Glad you like the new name! c:

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