Posted by Zombie Got Your Heart? (and Brain?)

Starwolf -
semi-haitus (#28052)

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Posted on
2015-10-12 14:19:57
1x1 between Valentine and myself.

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Valentine [Main] (#34494)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2015-10-19 14:48:32
Theo shucked his shirt off and set it in his lap to keep it out of the way then raised his arms up straight so that his ribs would be set in the right place. The twenty year old stayed completely still besides the few minute twitches as Storm wrapped a roll of bandages around his ribs and middle. At Storms question he lowered his arms carefully, twisting from side to side to test his range of movement and to see if his ribs managed to grate together.

When no painful shifts or pops occurred he gave the other male a smile. "All good." With the most major problem taken care of Theo turned his attention back to the various cuts and abrasions strewn about his hands, arms, sides, and legs. Humming to himself Theo uncapped the antibiotic and set about spreading it on the worse of the lesions before laying on a self sticking bandage over each, each just a square of an inch or two. Before long, which wasn't that long at all, he was done and stuffing the supplies back into his pockets.

With careful movements the blue eyed male pulled his shirt and jacket back on, the heavy material of his coat giving him a sense of comfort like nothing else could, except maybe his shovel. Tilting his head to the side in thought Theo looked over the twins, Storm sitting in-between him and the bean pot and Light still keeping look out through his rifles scope.

"If," He started slowly, his thoughts try their best to put themselves into some semblance of order, "you wouldn't mind, either of you, could I stay? I know how to pull my own weight." Theo frowned as his mind moved sluggishly, his medicine calming and evening him out but slowing his thought process drastically. Maybe I should stop taking it now, he thought, but no, that'll just make me twitchier. "And if you plan on moving I know of a potential place we might go." He said slowly, one hand waving idly in reflection of his words.

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Starwolf -
semi-haitus (#28052)

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Posted on
2015-10-19 22:10:40
Storm nodded, glad that he hadn't done it wrong. He moved back to a better distance and watched as Theo began to treat his smaller cuts, as he dished up Light some beans. He set it aside to cool as Theo began speaking, his eyes watching him. "I am fine with you staying. It would give us another eye to watch our back."

He moved to give Light his beans, and took his place behind the scope, Light moving to Storm's vacated spot. He crouched. "Yeah, and we'd finally have someone else ti talk to then each other." He gave a quick grin, and began to eat, making a soft face at his bowl. Even in the zombie apocalypse, he was still a bit picky.

"A place? Is it safe? How far away is it?" He asked, his bright green eyes turning to Theo and widening slightly. It gave him more of a childish feel to the tall, buff, man. "When would be-" he was cut off by a crack of the rifle. Both muttered "headshot." Before Light continued speaking as of nothing happened. "-be a good time to move, you think?"

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Valentine [Main] (#34494)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2015-10-20 11:43:18
Theo chuckled at the twins duel-speak, but a bit disturbed by the muttered 'headshot', did they always aim like that? What if it had been an actual person? He shrugged to himself, it wasn't his problem now was it, real live breathing people had the potential to be twice as dangerous as the undead. He blinked at Light, momentarily thrown off by the 180+ excitement shinning out of the other mans eyes, but the feeling was infectious and soon Theo was smiling back brightly.

"It's safe enough." He said, his right foot just beginning to tap against the ground along with his new found energy rush. "It's actually an old friend of mines place. Him and his two siblings run, or ran I'm not sure anymore, so it has high fences that are strong. Plus, with the elk it has a great source of meat and fur. Only down side is that from here it's pretty far." Theo sighed, he hated getting peoples hopes up. "It's actually were I was heading to in the first place. I just got sidetracked along the way."

Blue-grey eyes focused on the skyline in the distance, looking to the North where he knew his friends, really his ex but they didn't need to know that, place was. "It's worth a try. As for when to move I don't know." Frustrated, Theo ran an hand through his hair, leaving the strands sticking up in all directions. I need a shower, he thought idly. "I know the Zombies have a harder time moving in cold weather, but it'd most likely be better for us to start before then. No telling if we'd get sick or not. I know I don't have any other clothing then what I've got on."

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Starwolf -
semi-haitus (#28052)

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Posted on
2015-10-20 13:59:22
Light's face brightened even more as Theo smiled. He could never get Storm to give in to his infectious personality, so he was glad their new companion was relatively normal. He gave a slow nod "do.... do you think they survived?" He asked softly. His wings tapped softly against his thighs, almost in tune to Theo's tapping. He like the thought of not having to worry about zombies getting past their defenses.

It hadnt happened yet, due to Storm's OCD in making sure everything was perfect. He always did rounds, and occassionally added on, to make their fortress impenetrable. Light was grateful. If it hadnt been just him, he probably would have already been torn to shreds.

Storm cut off his train of thought. "If we move just before the cold snap, we should be able to get through the city easily, as long as we're careful. And we have stores of clothing." He flicked a glance over his shoulder, eyeing Theo's slim form. "Several should fit. And both Storm and I can modify it if needed." He returned his gaze to the scope. "That aside, have either of you seen any mutated animals? Once we get out if tue city, we'll have to watch for bears, wolves, and other predators. If they've turned as well, we'll have problems." He also hoped that they'd be able to find horses. That was a better option than on foot.

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Valentine [Main] (#34494)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2015-10-20 14:50:02
Tilting his head to the side in consideration, Theo finally gave a tentative nod, "I believe so." His foot tapped a little harder against the concrete, his heavy and worn boots creating a steady rhythm of thump thump thump. "They're used to a harder life than most. It's always a possibility that they've. . passed." Not changed, he could never think of them as changed. Theo nodded along with Storm's train of thought processing his words at a face value. "I can sew, so I think I could handle doing altercations." He offered, fingering the edges of his jacket sleeves, the weave near threadbare. Scrutinizing both of the twins he could spot several places in their clothing that needed to either be replaced or patched, but they had said they had extras.

At the mention of mutated animals Theo shivered, he remembered running into a pack of half decaying dogs, who oddly enough still had working vocal cords. Their eerie, ragged howls and bays had been the stuff nightmares were made of and then some. "Dogs," he blurted out. Looking up to meet Storms eyes he clarified, "Dogs are the biggest thing to worry about. They're faster, nimbler, stronger, and smarter than the average Walker. Other than those, I haven't seen any other animals, but then again I haven't been outside the city in a couple of months."

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Starwolf -
semi-haitus (#28052)

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Posted on
2015-10-20 15:11:26
Light slowly nodded, hoping for atleast Theo's sake, his friends had either survived or died of natural causes. He gave a slight shudder. Before, there had been their entire family, before Storm had came back to them from the military. Lightening, Anthony, Michael, and their parents. Light's fingers stilled, his eyes squeezing shut as he quickly blocked the memory of their blood spraying across his face as they were set upon by zombies. They were the first ones he'd seen, as news of the outbreak hadnt reached them yet.

His next memory, was of Storm reaching for him from inside the heavy wardrobe, his swords covered in blood. He'd arrived just in time to stop the zombies from getting him as well, and together, they'd ran. He was distracted from his dark thoughts, be Storm dropping to his side.

Storm had been watching his twin's face slowly turn pale, and had slowly moved to his side, dropping an arm over his shoulders, though his expression stayed the same. "Good thing you sew. Light doesnt really have the patience for it... and well, I cant do everything." He gave a quick grin, trying to cheer his brother up.

Storm turned his thoughts to the problem mutated animals. "We'll have to be careful... and we'll have have to get used to using guns." He wasnt so sure he wanted to get so close to a zombie dog just to kill it. He gave a soft nod. "We may have to try motorcycles or cars to get through the city and just walk when we run out of gas...." he bit his lip. "The deer havent mutated yet... so maybe horses havent as well?"

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Starwolf -
semi-haitus (#28052)

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Posted on
2016-01-07 13:11:45

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Valentine [Main] (#34494)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-01-08 12:12:06
((Sorry this is so short, I just wanted to get this up so I could get back into the swing of things.))

Theo nodded in agreement to Storm's statement. "Motorcycles probably aren't the best idea, they're not great for carrying multiple people plus supplies, even if they are made to support more than one or two people." His head tilted to the side in thought, pointed strands of hair sliding down to hang in his eyes. "A car might work, though we may have to clear some of the other vehicles off the road first to get it through. Or we could travel across the rooftops. It might be hard to carry all the supplies, but most of them are close enough for us to just jump across."

"If we plan on seeing if the horses aren't mutated we'd have better luck finding them on the outskirts of the city, but that still leaves us having to get there first." Theo sighed deeply, and leaned back against the short ledge surrounding the buildings open roof. "Gods this is all so fucked." He mumbled.

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Starwolf -
semi-haitus (#28052)

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Posted on
2016-01-08 13:06:09
(Its fine! I need to get into the swing too xD )

Storm gave a slow nod. "If we did motorcycles, we'd each have to have our own." he began making a pros and cons in his head, occasionally voicing it. "Motorcycles could get through tight places, but we can get separated, and have little protection. Cars can't get through places well, but we'll be able to carry more, and have more protection. " he chewed his lip thinking over the last. "If we go by rooftops, we risk getting jumped or falling. We also can only carry a little bit. "

He rubbed a hand over his forehead. "I hope they aren't. That would be a horrible way to go..." Light made a face at his twin's comment, before sighing. "I agree. To both of your comments." he stood and moved to glance over the ledge, watchful for Walkers.

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Valentine [Main] (#34494)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-01-11 13:51:06

Theo shut his eyes and focused on simply breathing for a few minutes, drawing the cool air in to the bottom of his lungs before exhaling. "Alright, so. ." He started, only to stop for another calming breath. "Alright, what do you want to do then?" It definitely was not a smart idea to leave the decision making up to him, him having a hard time keeping himself in the actual reality of things than based off of the terrors and nightmare making up his mind. "Personally, I believe we should just go on foot. We could carry more, even if we have to sacrifice the shorter traveling time, and have a better vantage point from the ground."

Opening his eyes, Theo noticed Storm's grimace and he gave him a small smile. "If you wanted, no pressure, I think I'd like to try and head North. I don't mind the cold and I'm pretty sure I could find some more thread and material to fix up my clothes to make it there." Shifting in place Theo leaned forward, rested his elbows on his knees and canted his head to the side. "I'd like if you both accompanied me."

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Starwolf -
semi-haitus (#28052)

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Posted on
2016-01-11 15:53:29
Storm leaned back, his head tilting up as he stared up at the sky, his long fingers stroking his chin softly as he thought. "Probably...." he admitted. "I'll carry the most, since I'm strongest, and that should cut down on our time. And I'll go first to cut down the zombies. We'll have to be diligent. Not every roof is closed off, like ours."

He watched The as he talked, thinking over his words. Where North? We should stay out of heavily populated areas. More Walkers are there, hoping to catch one of the humans still left. And I heard that those that survived formed gangs. They'll kill anything, Walker or uninfected alike. We'll need to avoid them."

He want too sure about leaving. After all, they had animals stored below for meat and furs. And plenty of supplies to last them. But he could tell that Theo was edgy just sitting around. And the place he described sounded safe. "Tomorrow I'll begin to gather our supplies together. I'll kill some of the meat, so we have extra, and let the others go before we leave. Perhaps they can distract anything nearby."

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