Posted by Douglas Fir Pack - Sign Up-

Diphonous (#77473)

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Posted on
2015-12-08 03:23:03
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Welcome, to the harsh territory of the Douglas Fir Pack. Large rocky hills, coated with rock hard snow that could churn into a death sentence in seconds if you're not adapted to these lands like we are. Food is not exactly plentiful, so don't expect to eat every night or be plump for winter.. for winter barely ever ends here. The prey we do have are fierce and fight back with powerful blows which can kill any wolf almost instantly if hit in the right area. There is no way to guarantee your survival, but I will say one thing.. we will never abandon you, let you freeze, or stay out in the snow at nights.. we stick together through thick and thin ice!

Alpha~ The leader of the pack, this is a large and important role. (RESERVED, WAITING ON APPLICATION)

Beta~ Second in charge, they mostly give orders to the pack when the alpha cannot or lead hunting patrols or other things.( Madjaster, Esther)

Scouts~ Some call them the leaders henchmen, they deal with serious duties, watch over the territory for threats, and hold most of the darkest secrets to the pack. (Rookie, Aleera, Scaius, accepting 1 more scouts)

Warrior~ These specially picked wolves are the defense and offense of the pack. They keep us safe..~ (Kato, taking as many warrior as wanted. Lead warrior female is Aurora. Lead warrior male is Comet)

Hunters~ Anyone could be a hunter, sometimes even the warriors go hunting or the apprentices, even the omega's.. but some fully dedicate themselves to this role of sustaining the pack with food.~ (Currently no hunters, accepting as many as possible. Lead huntress is Cupid. The lead hunter male is Daemon.

Subortinates~ These are not so much a high rank, but are more like warriors who have retired who want to become a sub. They teach the apprentices the legends, rules, and ways to survive. (Currently no Subortinates, accepting as many as possible)

Shaman This is the healer of the pack, very important to have herb experience. (Scar)

Broodmothers~ These wolves watch over the pups, sometimes the mothers go off to hunt or die.. sometimes even abandon their pups in which Broodmothers will take in to assure survival for the future.~ (Ryu, accepting 3 more.)

Apprentices~ They are the future of this pack, they must be trained and ready for this harsh land they live on... because the land does not care if they are ready or not.. because here it comes..~ (Currently no Apprentices, accepting as many as possible.)

Omega(s)~ Some call this position pathetic.. unworthy.. useless. Though the omega is what keeps the pack together and we try to not trear them much differently than other ranks.~ (Akiara. Abduxuel.)


Some wolves are unhappy with their rank given to them after apprenticeship, or when they joined the pack. There are wolves brave enough to challenge others for their position, but there.. are prices.. Fighting in such harsh cold deadly weather can lead to death, unattended death due to wounds that sometimes even our shaman can't heal. We do allow challenging, for it is something natural among us wolves.. but please heed our warnings about injuries leading to death for even the slightest weakness or injury can churn into something deadly. The member you challenged will either be exiled, or will take your past position. (If exiled you can create a new wolfy :3)

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(PM for banner)

These rules may NOT ever be broken, for their are consequences.
~ Be respectful to your pack mates, and out of character to. What happens in the pack stays in the pack. Though your character can be mean in-character however.

~ Any wolf can have pups, but must be given permission by the alpha and blessed by the shaman for luck in hopes for a healthy litter. Just remember.. if you are a weaker/lower rank your pups have a lower chance of survival and CAN die.

~ I prefer if you had one character, but if you PM me about it I will allow you to have another ^^

~ Pups must have a player to rp them when they are able to well.. talk and function in the pack so just a couple of weeks (in game) after they are born they must have one. If they don't have one, the pack will exile them.

~ This is pretty simple, don't know why anyone wouldn't understand or know this, but BOTH players must agree to mateship, or breeding.

~ No godmodding or powerplaying. (Pretty simple, don't do it.)
~ Please write at least 4-5 sentences at the minimum. There are no exceptions, because it's not that hard guys.

~ Wolf speak is allowed, I greatly love wolf speak so do as much or as little as you want!

~ So I have done this on nearly ever forum I go on, because I am the type of person to give chances. (Not gonna say where I use it, but left because people started making fun of me for it and crap -.-) You have 3 STRIKES If you get one strike for not following a rule and behave yourself for a day or two I will let you off the list, the more strikes you have the longer the suspension type thing is. In-game you will be put in the 'prison' which is just a very deep hole with food and water and logs on the top.. 3 STRIKES AND YOU ARE EXILED. Don't treat them any differently though guys, we all make mistakes.

~ I only accept realistic images, and sometimes art but nothing unrealistic please guys. NO ACCESSORIES.

~ Please fade mating scenes or anything else to black.

(These are the in-game rules)

~ Do not drink or bathe from the shaman spring. (Located a mile or two up the mountain behind the shamans den)

~ The ranks are in order of how they eat, alphas are always first.

~ Respect higher ranks, and try to be equal as well.

~ Omegas, everyone is allowed to fight back if another attacks them.

~ Do not shed blood without purpose.

~ Females that are pregnant can not hunt, nor can females that are nursing pups unless the pups can walk, talk, and function fine. The broodmothers will watch them than. We prefer professional hunters to hunt the largest, and toughest prey because the risk of intermediates or others getting killed are to great.

~ (These rules can actually be broken without a problem, but just remember there are consequences. These ones will not earn you strikes btw.)


Username~ (Your username)
Name~ (Of your wolf)
Sex~ (Male or female?)
Age~ (How old is your wolf?)
Rank~ (What is your desired rank? Why do you think your wolf would fit this rank? If your wolf is over 12 they are considered elders.)
Image~ (You [u]must[/u] have an image of your wolf.)
Crush/Mate~ ;)
Offspring~ (Please put down every pup, an * next to their name means they were exiled or didn't make it.)

Douglas Fir Pack Season~ Winter! Merry christmas. (Breeding season has began)

In the chat room? No worries here are the linked banners for each room!


Links to all rooms

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Edited on 30/12/15 @ 13:33:55 by Kiba (#77473)

Diphonous (#77473)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2015-12-12 08:42:12
Okay ^^ Thank you!

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FoolsgoldFenrir (#27778)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2015-12-16 05:40:57
Username~ (Your username) Simba
Name~ (Of your wolf) Serkahri
Sex~ (Male or female?) Male
Age~ (How old is your wolf?) 2 years, 6 months
Rank~ (What is your desired rank? Why do you think your wolf would fit this rank? If your wolf is over 12 they are considered elders.) Subordinate
Image~ (You [u]must[/u] have an image of your wolf.) (Source:
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Crush/Mate~ ;) Has a slight crush on Ryu, has no mate yet.
Offspring~ (Please put down every pup, an * next to their name means they were exiled or didn't make it.) None
Deformities/Handicaps~ None
Other~ Hi :)

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