Posted by The Council-RP Sign-Ups! (CLOSED)

GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2015-12-26 03:45:02

Closed as of January 7th, 2016


RP Thread
OOC Thread
Art Thread
Poll Thread

Hello. Welcome to the town of Yorkville, Massachusetts. Doesn't look like much, does it? Didn't think so. No one really ever thinks that, and I don't blame them. But what they don't know is the history behind this place, and what amazing things can happen.


Long ago, there only existed chaos. People wonder how the world was created, as well as the very universe we exist in. How do we exist? It doesn't make sense. However, what they don't know is the fact that consciousness existed before everything. A struggle between many forces locked together for eternity...

Or so they thought.

During this mighty struggle, a spark happened in nothingness. A huge explosion ripped everything apart, but it also created. Stars started shining, planets came together, and the very universe came into existence. This might seem like a good thing, but the consciousness started to split apart. Within a little pocket in our universe, something amazing happened.

You might sit around and play video games, learning more and more about these characters as you play. As if they were real people. And then there would be the shows you watch, the books you read, the movies you enjoy. All of those characters, you become attached to. Their stories. Their personalities...

What if they were all real?

In this little pocket, those characters came into existence before anything else. Confused, they grouped themselves into different organizations. Each universe in the media we find, there was a different group...

But sometimes, that wasn't a good thing. Conflicts arose several times, and there was no one to control it. Who would be the one to break it up if two different universes got into a fight? That was when The Council was formed.

We have never heard of The Council, nor the people within it. They never associated with the universes they originated from, nor do many know who they are in the first place. They control everything in this pocket, until...

The Writers. The Seers. Those from our world who have creativity. They were all born with a strange ability, the ability to see into this pocket. They all thought, for a moment, that this was something they came up with. They wrote. They developed. They published. Sometimes, it was right-on what was happening in this pocket. Sometimes, it was a bit off. Nevertheless, it was incredible in the human world.

The Council was startled. How dare their privacy be violated!! However, they saw a chance. As humans discovered the "New World", they decided to take a chance. Send characters into this new world, make a settlement, and live in peace with the humans. At first, one member of The Council went there, and confirmed its safety. The ones going to this world, they had to swear to live in peace with the humans and with each other, even if they had conflicts in the past. If they didn't appear human, they could have technology to hide these abnormal features to blend in.

All was good.


-No god-modding!
-Wait two posts before you post again to reduce spam.
-All characters (minus Council members) are canon characters.
-No making Council members yet. Those will be handed out to certain RPers over time.
-All Council members are OCs. No canon characters.
-All characters coming into Yorkville are from a universe from some sort of media (movies, books, games, ect.).
-No doubles, please.
-If you have a non-human character (Ex. Fox McCloud, Sonic the Hedgehog, ect.), they must have something to hide those features. A necklace will work, or something else with technology within. The pocket dimension is quite advanced.
-If you've read these, put "W is real" in your "Other"
-Stay as close to canon as possible.
-No one knows who The Council members are.
-I have a right to deny any applications or ask you to edit said applications.
-If you are caught breaking the rules, you might be asked to leave.
-PM any admins if you have any questions! (Might add some in the future)

1. All characters must live in peace with the humans.
2. No fighting is allowed between characters unless otherwise stated.
3. Your existence must be kept a secret. Don't tell everyone who you are.
4. If a member of The Council approaches you, do not panic.
5. If these rules are broken too many times, the offender(s) will be forcefully returned to the pocket dimension.
6. Any characters who do not resemble a human must request an item to hide them before setting out to the new world.


Rules for more characters:

-The max for new RPers is two.
-After one week of being active, you can make a third character. One week after that, you can make a forth.
-Four characters is the current limit.
-You don't have to have a new RP sample.
-No Council members.
-Council members are played by Administrators and do not count towards the character count.
-If there are any questions, let's start addressing them through PMs or the OOC room.
-You can double up on fandoms, just not on actual characters.
-If you've read these, put a quote from the character in the Other.
-Go ahead and make these. They will be able to be RP'd later on.

Rules for Administrators:

-The form will be PM'd to me.
-Each one will be reviewed.
-One new Admin for every ten people signed up.
-Admins are the only ones able to make Council members, and Council forms will be PM'd to the new Admin, which will be posted here.

Rules for Council Members:

-All Council Members are OCs from some universe.
-Council Members do not count towards total characters.
-Council Members are not known by the other characters.
-Council Members might be seen by other characters, but are not yet permitted to reveal themselves.

-Adamymous (#68231) || W
-100percent (#58058) || D

Now that the rules are out of the way, let's do this!








History in Yorkville:

Place of Dwelling:

RP Sample:


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Edited on 12/01/16 @ 17:09:58 by Adamymous ☣ (#68231)

GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2015-12-31 02:34:03

I now have internet and I will get the new applications up as soon as I can. There will also be a new list coming up, a list of the Admins of the RP! Yes, there will be more in the future as this RP grows and more people join. After all, I am only one person.

Also, Third characters will be available soon! There will be a separate form for that, listed soon. Each one will be reviewed and can only be posted by someone actively RPing currently. Happy New Year, and I will post new things later!

Currently making an example Third Character application.

Rules for third characters:

-You don't have to have a third RP sample.
-No Council members.
-Council members are played by Administrators and do not count towards the character count.
-If there are any questions, let's start addressing them through PMs or the OOC room.
-You can double up on fandoms, just not on actual characters.
-If you've read these, put a quote from the character in the Other.
-Go ahead and make these. They will be able to be RP'd later on.

Rules for Administrators:

-The form will be posted in the future.
-The form will be PM'd to me.
-Each for will be reviewed.
-One new Admin for every ten people signed up.
-An Admin will be able to create a new Council Member, but they will still be reviewed and sent through PMs again.

Rules for Council Members:

-All Council Members are OCs from some universe.
-Council Members do not count towards total characters.
-Council Members are not known by the other characters.
-Council Members might be seen by other characters, but are not yet permitted to reveal themselves.

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Edited on 31/12/15 @ 10:14:03 by Adamymous ☣ (#68231)

GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2015-12-31 03:13:27
Name: Chara Dreemurr

Age: Appears 9 but is older than you think.

Species: Human(?)

Universe: Undertale

Appearance: Chara
A child with brown hair and red eyes. They wear brown pants and a green turtleneck with a single yellow stripe. They always carry a concealed knife.

Personality: Chara is a very... Interesting character. Revived from the dead in their own universe without a SOUL, Chara wishes for nothing less than the destruction of everything around them. They use the knife they always carry as a deadly weapon, able to almost instantly kill anything they please. However, they have recently become even more twitchy, as they have not been allowed to kill anyone, so they have gone for squirrels and rodents instead.

History in Yorkville: Seeing how dangerous this child is, The Council had a large debate about the fate of Chara. Finally, one of them claimed that Chara would gain more self-control by being restricted in Yorkville. Naturally, the child didn't wish to go, but they were eventually forced to stay. Ever since, they have been killing local animals (though most people blame cats and other animals for these events) to suffice, although it really makes them angry.

Place of Dwelling: Apartment 666 6F

Other: At first, I was so confused. Our plan had failed, hadn't it? Why was I brought back to life?

... The apartment number is surprisingly accurate.

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Edited on 31/12/15 @ 12:05:24 by Adamymous ☣ (#68231)

100percent (#58058)

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Posted on
2015-12-31 05:20:00
Name: Natella Abashwili

Age: 28

Species: Human

Universe: The Caucasian Chalk Circle

Appearance: Rose Leslie (

Personality: In one word, on the outside, she's selfish. She loves her dresses and shoes and purses and coats and lipsticks seemingly more than life itself. But her hoarding-type personality is only due to her fear of losing everything too easily. Natella is used to being in charge and giving orders, and will never take orders from someone else. She has a bit of a problem with The Council due to this, but doesn't let it show. She's basically a queen.

History in Yorkville: Natella was recently widowed. Her child, Michael, was recently taken from her to be given to a "better mother" simply because, while her palace was burning down and her husband Georgi was being killed, she set Michael down to prepare their belongings when a servant pulled her away to get her out of the burning building and the child was left behind. She spent the next few years looking for him only to discover he had been raised by a peasant. the court gave the child to the peasant, and thus, since Michael was the heir to her estates, she lost her son and her home. Since then, she decided to run from her mother country of Georgia, over which she had once been a governess. That's when she decided to come to Yorkville to start anew. She took all her money with her and has consented to inhabit the city as a "normal peasant."

Place of Dwelling: Apartment building... for now.

Other: "It's impossible to live in such a slum, but Georgi of course will only build for his little Michael... Never for me! Michael is all! All for Michael!"

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GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2015-12-31 05:26:47
Natella is accepted! She can be RP'd when at least one more person makes another character. After that, more 3rd characters from other people can be created, but newer people have to make 2 at first.

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2015-12-31 05:27:37
I'll be making another soon, but I have to start working on my form again. It's half done at the moment. :)

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Edited on 31/12/15 @ 12:27:54 by Calla Nightshade (#76766)

GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2015-12-31 05:30:56
Alright. :D I decided it was about time to expand the limit. Besides, I'm going to be Admin searching soon. Maybe next week, after the weekend. I won't be on then since I'll be at my dad's house.

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FoolsgoldFenrir (#27778)

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Posted on
2015-12-31 05:31:42

Name: Karka

Age: 26

Species: Fox/Werefox

Universe: Foxcraft

Appearance: As a human, Karka looks like an adult female that is slightly taller than average for her age. Her hair is black and her eyes are hazel colored. She usually wears jeans and a black t-shirt.

As a fox, she appears to be a black-furred fox with a white underbelly and tailtip. Her eyes are a deep red and her teeth and claws are longer than that of a normal fox.

Personality: Karka is generally a kind person, though she isn't very social. At times, she can be stuck-up and snobby, sometimes even aggressive. This is usually true in her fox form, which she shows to nobody as she does not have any friends.

History in Yorkville: Karka had always been in Yorkville.

Place of Dwelling: Apartment 6G

Other: "I am the fur that ruffles your back. I am the twist and shake of your tail Let me appear in the shape of your body: no one can tell; others will fear; dare not come near!" -Karka from Foxcraft, The Taken Book 1

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Edited on 31/12/15 @ 12:55:44 by ~Simba the Fluffy Lion~ (Poop) (#27778)

GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2015-12-31 05:33:22
She's accepted, there's just one thing it's missing. Look over the 3rd character rules one more time.

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FoolsgoldFenrir (#27778)

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Posted on
2015-12-31 05:53:14
Ohh okay! Lemme go back into the book and find one of Karka's quotes.

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GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2015-12-31 05:58:37
Accepted! Adding now. All of the 3rd characters can now be RP'd!

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FoolsgoldFenrir (#27778)

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Posted on
2015-12-31 06:08:58
Yay! Gonna roleplay Karka soon!

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Honey, Lord of the
Lesbians (#55910)

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Posted on
2015-12-31 11:59:28
(I may have to make a third later :p I'd love to play Bayonetta)


Name: Steven Universe

Age: 14 (I believe he's 14 in the show now)

Species: Human-Gem Hybrid

Universe: Steven Universe


Personality: Steven has always had a very upbeat personality. Before "Jail Break", he was rather immature and a bit naive.

After, he became more serious in his tasks as a crystal gem. He still has his naive moments and is after all, still a child.
But he has a big heart and treats everyone with respect. He has a habit of getting through to others and helping them over come their hardships and personal problems.

History in Yorkville: Steven has just arrived in Yorkville after convincing Pearl and Amethyst to let him live with Garnet. He is looking for her.

Place of Dwelling: Will live with Garnet.

RP Sample:

The change from his real, to their real was mind blowing. He wondered how real he really was.

At the same time he was excited to finally see Garnet again... And live in a whole new place.
He had his burger backpack strapped on as he stepped out into the sun.

Soon he'd be reunited with his old friend.

OtheR: W is real

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GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2015-12-31 12:06:44
Accepted! Will add later when I'm not on mobile.

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2015-12-31 14:54:59
Name: Legolas (I'm on a Lord Of the Rings run today! XD)

Age: never stated, though I'm assuming quite old, as elves are technically immortal, so I'm gonna say unknown.

Species: Elf

Universe: LOTR (Lord of the Rings)

Appearance: Yay Legolas
Personality: Like all elves, Legolas has a great appreciation and respect for nature. He cares greatly for his friends and isn't afraid to fight for someone, whether it be with words or a bow. He can be a bit patronizing at times, but normally doesn't do it much. He is normally very kind, yet can confuse people because he talks in a wise way, which seems to be beyond his years.

History in Yorkville: He's been here for quite a while, as he left Middle Earth because he wanted adventure, and wanted to escape his father, Thranduil, who wanted to make him the heir to the throne. He never wanted to be King, as he preferred the life of a warrior. Here, however, he still hasn't gotten what he wanted besides the occasional hunting session out in the woods.

Place of Dwelling: Apartment 661, 6F

Other: "Few can foresee whether their road will lead them..until they reach the end."

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GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2015-12-31 14:57:48
Accepted!! Going to add her later, when I'm home. Seems like she's Chara's neighbor lol.

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