Posted by Coveclan Sign-Ups [A litterate Warriors RP]

Tale (#67882)

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Posted on
2016-01-20 07:26:31

Deep in the heart of the Great Bear Rainforest on the northern coast of British Columbia, Canada, Coveclan makes their home in an old hollow tree. This hollow tree has stood as long as the clan can ever remember. It was once predicted, by a famous medicine cat, that the destiny of the clan is so intertwined within the very branches of this ancient tree that the prosperity of the clan would fail when the tree itself falls.

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Bellow is an image of the camp lay out. The red circle is the leader’s den. The orange circle is the medicine cat’s den. The purple circle is the nursery den. The blue circle is the elder’s den. The yellow circle is the warrior’s den. The green circle is the apprentice den.

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To the west of the camp lies the salt water cove that is directly connected to the ocean at its mouth, further towards the westward forest. Primarily wolves, bears, seals, sea birds and tide pool invertebrates inhabit this region, however, occasionally a variety of whales can be seen within the deeper portions of the cove with their calves in the birthing season. Once upon a time a mischievous apprentice even reported a shark in the depths of the cove but it was never verified. To this day mothers and mentors alike use the threats of sharks to keep young cats from straying too far in the water. To the north of the cove the salt water meets fresh water in a cold water stream.

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From the north west to the east of the camp runs a long cold water stream. Towards the west it is deep and perilous but towards the east it is shallow and narrow. During the spring and fall different varieties of salmon and trout spawn and run in this stream. During the summer the warmer eastern section of the river which connects to a shallow warm beaver pond bears pike and muskalunge fish as well as bass, sunfish and minnows.

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To the east of the camp lies a shallow beaver pond inhabited by territorial family of beavers. This is an excellent place to fish but it is a forbidden place for apprentices as an angry beaver is not an opponent an unexperianced cat should face alone.

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Finally to the south of the camp is the heart of the Great Bear Rainforest. This pristine old growth northern temperate rainforest is both dark and terrifying while also being beautiful and serene. It is a place where most creatures would get lost but it is a place all cats of this clan learn to know better than their own tails even before their warrior ceremonies. Many dangers live here but also many amazing, beautiful and mysterious creatures.

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Prey, Predators and Neighbours
red animals are for hardest to catch, even for the most advanced warriors, orange animals are somewhat difficult to catch, yellow animals are simple to catch for warriros, apprentices may have difficulties, green are easy to catch and good for apprentices.

- Bats
- Pika
- Cottontail Rabbits
- Snowshoe Hares
- Porcupine
- Red Squirrel
- Flying Squirrel
- Chipmunk
- Mice
- Voles
- Lemmings
- Moles
- Shrews
- Muskrat
- Small Weasles
- Song birds
- Woodpeckers
- Grouse, Quail, Ptarmigan, Pheasants and Partridge
- Ducks
- Shorebirds
- cold and warm water minnows
- Trout
- Salmon
- Bass
- Sunfish
- Starfish
- Crabs
- Clams

red are extremely dangerous and should not be engaged, orange are challenging rivals not to be engaged by apprentices, yellow are equal strength rivals and may be defeated by apprentices, green are threats to kits only.

- Bears
- Wolves
- Coyotes
- Mountain Lion
- Lynx
- Bob cat
- Fisher
- Badger
- Wolverine
- Bald Eagle
- Golden Eagle
- Hawk
- Pike/Muskellunge

red are aggressive, orange are territorial, yellow are neutral (but still pose potential threat), green are passive and pose little to no threat

- Raccoon
- Skunk
- Opossum
- Sea and River Otter
- Beaver
- Red fox
- Deer
- Caribou
- Elk
- Moose
- Swans and Geese
- Pelican
- Cormorants
- Herons
- Seals
- Whales

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Edited on 20/01/16 @ 17:59:00 by Tale [good] (#67882)

Crowteeth {RLC
1.6.23 } (#39277)

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Posted on
2016-01-22 07:06:27
I finished Eeltail and added an elder, Cloudleap.

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Tale (#67882)

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Posted on
2016-01-22 07:13:35
There's 2 applications for Med. Cat so I'll wait one more day and then choose. If anyone else wants to throw their hat cat in for consideration let me know now. I will also be accepting the lovely Owlpaw as Med. Cat Apprentice tomorrow so this is last call for Med. Cat Apprentice applications. :)

@All-Hail-Queen-Me; Since this is an advanced RP I'm going to ask that you elaborate and expand on your apprentices' applications. Since I don't ask for a RP sample I'm using your applications as writing samples. Please write at least a paragraph for the cat's history.

@Starsky; Accepted Seamint. :)

@Headless; Accepted Cloudleap and Eeltail. I am so excited to see Cloudleap interact with the elder I'm about to make (Yewberry), they are almost complete opposites.

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all-hail-Queen-Me (#81921)

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Posted on
2016-01-22 07:30:44
Is it okay that I wrote an RP sample? It's edited now.

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Tale (#67882)

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Posted on
2016-01-22 08:06:30
I'm going to cry if Lioden doesn't stop logging me out and making me loose all my typed data... :/ I had Yewberry done... Ugh...

@Queen; I'll check out your RP sample now :) I'll accept your two apprentices now.

To everyone:
If you play a warrior and see an apprentice you'd like to mentor just contact the apprentice and if you're both in agreement let me know. If you don't care who is who's mentor I'll just decide for everyone.

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Edited on 22/01/16 @ 15:10:23 by Tale [good] (#67882)

Tale (#67882)

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Posted on
2016-01-22 08:33:10
Yewberry (formally Stormpelt)

Reason for name:
Yewberry was named for her bitter and poisonous personality. When she was born, as stormkit and later named stormpelt, she got her name from her dark pelt with thick black stripes and ashen underbelly.

180 moons (15 years)


Sexual orientation:
Hetrosexual (though never took a mate)

Elder (ex warrior and ex med. cat)


Yewberry, even as a kit, was a sassy cat. She was a vain, ambitious go-getter with nothing to loose and an unbelievable sense of entitlement. Her determination and merciless demeanor saw Yewberry rise quickly through the ranks of the clan but it also left her very much alone. Few cats wanted to spend time with this large she-cat knowing that, if it would benefit her, she would throw them under the bus without a second thought. Many in the clan became weary of Yewberry while others tried to "save" her from herself... it was these cats the she-cat couldn't stand the most.
When Yewberry was stripped of her warrior title and forced into the med. cat position she became extremely bitter believing that the clan was threatened by her prowess. This bitterness only grew over the years causing the snarky she-cat to strike out at everyone who came within her "personal bubble". Warriors without "worthy wounds" would be turned away from her medical den, kits with pulled muscles would be told to walk it off and anyone with legitimate concerns were in for the worst bedside manners they had ever seen. That being said Yewberry was an intelligent she-cat and therefore excelled at most tasked she was given.
Now that Yewberry is an elder she spends most of her time in the elder den only lurking out during dusk and dawn to grumble about camp and use her rank as elder to bully others out of their meals. The only joy this grouch of a fossil gets anymore is tormenting apprentices who have been sent to hunt for the elders, clean the elder den, groom the elders or listen to their old war stories.

Born over 180 moons ago Yewberry started out life as Stormkit, one of 5 kits born to an older she-cat named Lightstep and the deputy of the clan, Shallowpool. Stormkit was the first kit of the litter born and the largest - even bigger than her 3 little brothers and her 1 runty sister. The smallest of the kits didn't make it to her first moon due to an immune system dysfunction but the 4 remaining kits were destined to grow up into big successful cats. Growing up with three boys wasn't easy for Stormkit, they would gain up on her, bite her ears and pull her tail. It was frustrating. Despite everything, though, Stormkit overcame. Before the end of their kithood Stormkit had already learned to rebuff playful, but mean, attacks from three opponents.
By the time the litter was named apprentices their relationship had not much improved. Mudpaw, eldest of the brothers, became apprentice to the leader of the clan. Sandpaw, middle kit of the brothers, became the apprentice of their father - the deputy. Rainpaw, youngest of the brothers, became the apprentice of the senior warrior and praised warrior of the clan. Meanwhile Stormpaw was subject to a new mentor just out of his apprenticeship. He wasn't confident, he was whiny and he didn't know what he was doing! Frustrated Stormpaw took to taking advise from any warrior who would give it to her. She trained longer and harder than any other apprentice quickly surpassing the majority of her peers.
Even through apprenticeship and into her warrior years Stormpelt, as she was named, the large gray she-cat was alone. Others didn't understand her and avoided her because of her ruthless ambition but she paid very little attention to this until the day the leader died. Stormpelt's father, Shallowpool, became Shallowstar leader of the clan - much to his kits' excitement. Stormpelt, as most successful warrior and hunter in the clan, expected to be named deputy but to her shock Shallowstar named Sandstripe as deputy. Shallowstar claimed Stormpelt's younger brother was more social and a stronger mediator than she was. This explanation did not at all sooth the outraged feline. There, in front of the clan, Stormpelt attacked her own brother, ripping through his right ear and scaring his muzzle. Shocked Shallowstar disowned Stormpelt and gave her the ultimatum of banishment or retirement. Disgraced Stormpelt chose to retire as a warrior but as a cat still in her prime the clan allowed her to become medicine cat apprentice instead of becoming an elder at her early age.
During the apprentice ceremony Stormpelt was renamed Yewpaw for her poisonous jealousy. This didn't sit well with the once famous warrior and to advance herself through the ranks again Yewpaw poisoned her mentor, Mintnose, (after learning all she needed to know about medicine and herbs) witha paw full of yew berries. No one ever knew how Mintnose died but when Yewpaw requested to be known as Yewberry during her naming ceremony rumors spread through the camp like wildfire. If the clan hadn't needed her as their medicine cat she would have been a pariah.
From her position of influence Yewberry manipulated her brother Sandstripe (and later Sandstar), living a life of luxury. Years rolled by and Yewberry never took an apprentice until she was already 9 years old. At that point she was forced to train her replacement and only a year later she was forced to retire to elder by the new clan leader who took over after Sandstar's natural death.
To this day, during her 15th year, Yewberry remains in the elder den making the rest of the clan uncomfortable. There are even rumors in the clan that this bitter old cat will outlive them all.



Reason for name:
Wrenshadow was named after a bird because her mother decided to name all of her kits after their deceased father. His name was Sparrowsong and as a result all of his grieving mate's kits were named after song-birds. Wrenshadow was given the name shadow when she was named a warrior because of her vain personality.

36 moons (3 years)


Sexual orientation:



Wrenshadow is a selfish she-cat, having been neglected as a kit she looks out for number one and she craves attention. The friends she has she keeps only as long as she feels that they are beneficial to her. If she thinks your no longer of use to her she will drop you like a hot stone. Wrenshadow is intelligent, charming, sophisticated and cunning. She looks at life as if it were a chess game and she always plays her pieces just right. She knows who to suck up to, when to suck up and when to cut cats loose. She's not afraid to do what she has to in order to get what she wants and live a comfortable life. That being said Wrenshadow is a powerful ally. If she thinks you are valuable to her in the future she will help you make it forwards in life.

The very night Wrenkit and her brother Sparrowkit were born, probably only moments before they were born, their father Sparrowsong was killed trying to protect their pregnant mother and the clan's other kits from an angry Golden Eagle. Fortunately the eagle did not get a single kit but it did get Sparrowsong. Everyone knew the cat's fate but no one saw his corpse. The first of Lilypad's litter was Sparrowkit, named as such because he looked identical to his father in every way. He even had Sparrowsong's striped mask which was what gave him his name. The next kit was the rusty agouti tabby Wrenkit. Grief stricken by the loss of her long time mate and kithood best friend Lilypad devoted all of her time and affection to her mate's little look alike almost neglecting her second kit. Wrenshadow was not allowed to suckle first, she was not allowed to sleep closest to her mother and she did not receive the praise her brother did. As the kits grew Sparrowkit could do no wrong and anything he did do wrong was almost always blamed on Wrenkit unless there was significant evidence pointing to the contrary. Furthermore on the off chance Sparrowkit was caught doing something bad he was never punished severely.

Several long moons passed and Wrenshadow became more and more distant, more and more withdrawn. The sleek she-cat almost never spoke as a kit nor did she speak much as an apprentice. Once named apprentices Lilypad insisted on training her own son, even though this was not customary. Wrenpaw, on the other paw, was trained by a meek-hearted tom who didn't have the ability to restrain her. Wrenpaw would often sneak away from her mentor, skip training in order to taunt other cats, steal food from the food pile before others could get it, bother the elders, and so much more. To Wrenpaw there were no boundaries, there were no rules. If her mother was going to think she was a good for nothing fool, then that was exactly what she was going to be. She would be the brattiest little cat any in the clan had ever seen!

As a warrior Wrenshadow out grew her childish pranks but instead prefers to manipulate anyone who will let her. She is intelligent, cunning, charming and manipulative. Her words are like poison. What Wrenshadow wants, she usually gets. This sassy she-cat is not above using flirtation (regardless of the other cat's gender), flattery and suggestion to get her way. In a way Wrenshadow never grew out of her pranks she just upped their sophistication. Beware of this she-cat's ambition.

Even as an adult Wrenshadow's relationship with her family did not improve. Lilypad considers Wrenshadow a "write off", a "failure", a "disappointment". Her own mother can't be bothered to take the time to even know her own daughter. Similarly Sparrowmask, her brother, shuns his sister. Sparrowmask, because of his mother's ever adoring praise, thinks that he deserves everything in the world and that he is the crown jewel of the clan. In fact this self-entitled tom was devastated when he wasn't chosen as Deputy and Littlewhisker was, further more he was disappointed when Littlewhisker did not name him deputy when Littlewhisker became Littlestar.

(More will be added to include Lilypad and Sparrowmask's death if they are not adopted)


Spottedpaw (Spottedowl)

Reason for name:
When Spottedpaw was born he was almost pure black with only slightly darker black dapples on his back and belly. Spottedpaw will be named Spottedowl for his calm and intelligent disposition.

7 Moons


Sexual orientation:

Apprentice (deputy apprentice?)


Spottedpaw is an intelligent calculative young tom with an exceptional talent for accurate movements and direct strikes... or rather... he will be. At this point in his life Spottedpaw has not grown into his long legs or long tail. Even his ears seem over-sized at this adolescent point. Despite his intelligence and thoughtful mind Spottedpaw is still a sweet, excitable and rambunctious young tom. He loves to explore, he loves to learn and he's always open to listening to the stories of others. Spottedpaw has yet to learn the boundaries of social life in the clan, he doesn't consider other cats above or bellow one another, he doesn't consider one cat more important than the other. This gentle-hearted tom has always been this way. Even when he was still in the nursery he would stand up against bullies and fight with every ounce of his being to defend victims of cruelty or wrong doing (in his eyes). This tom may not be the strongest or the most skilled but he is amongst the most stubborn and the most brave.

Spottedpaw was born in an unusual and unforeseen turn of events. His mother, Dewpetal, had decided, though she was heavily pregnant, to go of a walk down by the cove shore - after all she was a restless individual and could no longer stand being cooped up inside the nursery alone. At the time of her walk the tide was out and the adventurous she-cat decided to wander out onto an island for a change of scenery... This was to be her mistake. The lithe tabby lost track of time and the tide came in trapping her on the island for the night - at first Dewpetal was unconcerned since she wasn't due to give birth for another week and spending the night on an island wasn't really anything to get too worked up about. There was shelter and it wasn't a cold evening. A few hours passed and, much to the she-cat's alarm, she went into labor. By morning the out of place she-cat was alone and unprotected on an island with 3 new kits. Still the new queen didn't panic. She would simply wait until the tide was back out, hide her kits and get to camp so someone could help her carry them to their home. Theoretically this didn't seem like a bad plan but... unfortunately... she was spotted. The queen's labor had attracted the attention of bald eagle which had it's sharp eyes on her new litter! Every step she took away from the kits the closer the eagle got... Now Dewpetal was in trouble. For hours the cat and eagle remained locked in a stale mate until hunger drove the bird to attack. Dewpetal fought back ferociously but she was unsuccessful. The eagle had grabbed one of her kits in it's beak and the other in its talons. Luckily Dewpetal managed to grab one kit and run. She ran all the way back to the camp where the only surviving kit, a little black kit with darker black spots, was safe. Unfortunately this queen's reckless behavior got her scolded and shunned by most others in the clan - how could she have put those kits in danger?! This blunder even destroyed her relationship with the kit's straight-laced father: Barknose. The two parents could barely stay in the same clan together, nevermind the same den. Unfortunately Barknose was not the only one who deemed Dewpetal an unfit mother. By orders of the clan leader and the med. cat at the time Spottedkit was taken away from Dewpetal to be raised by another queen... Only days later Dewpetal disappeared never to be seen again...

Moons passed and Spottedkit, not knowing the chaos that had brought him into the world, was looking forwards to his apprentice ceremony. Many cats in the nursery had asked who he would choose as a mentor if he could choose but the dark little tom would always just shrug his shoulders and tell them he was happy to be apprenticed by any of the warriors in the clan. Each one had something they could teach him and he intended to use their combined knowledge to his advantage. After all, a cat who could not admit that others had wisdom to share was a cat who could not learn at all. It was this lighthearted and friendly disposition that won Spottedkit many friends. He was patient and kind and he loved to listen - he seemed for find even the most mundane stories interesting. Unfortunately, as noticed by many queens in the nursery, Spottedkit had inherited his mother's thirst for adventure. As he grew his father and his adopted mother (Barknose's new mate) tried desperately to shelter the kit but he would not be restrained. He was the first kit to venture outside the nursery and was even the first kit to peek beyond the camp. He always wanted to go out there but he knew how up tight it made his parents and so... the little tom waited patiently...

Another few moons passed and it was time for Spottedkit's naming ceremony! He was becoming an apprentice! Barely containing his excitement Spottedpaw waited while the leader picked out his mentor: Beartuft! Excellent! Spottedpaw would have been pleased with any mentor but he also know this tom was a well respected warrior with a kind heart - a true rolemodel! Of course the little bengal didn't know about Beartuft's last apprentice but somehow Spottedpaw felt he was in for a long adventure. Head held high the newly named apprentice strode into his new life. There were less rules, there was more freedom, there was a chance to explore and so much to see... Life is looking up... right?

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Edited on 27/01/16 @ 19:05:02 by Tale [good] (#67882)

Rin (#2458)

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Posted on
2016-01-22 11:07:55
Reason for name: His prefix "Bear" comes from his incredibly large size. His suffix "tuft" comes from his tufted ears and ragged fur.
Age: 30 Moons
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Rank: Deputy
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Bonus not shown in this picture: Beartuft has polydactyl paws, with six toes on each foot.
Beartuft: A large, chocolate brown tom with six toes on each foot and hazel eyes.

You're hard pressed to find a cat more gentle and benevolent than Bearstar. Not much can offend him, and he's incredibly affectionate to all cats. However, he is passive, preferring to be diplomatic than fighting. Despite his gentle and charming personality, he's quite insecure, often questioning his abilities and genuinely hating his strange size and paws. In fact, he often chews on them, leaving dots of red and ragged fur on his large feet. Despite his polite behavior, he's prone to being oblivious to personal space, and will get up into another cat's face to prove a point or to just give a sincere kitty smile. Plus, no matter how gentle he is, he can be very, very harsh.
Beartuft was always a large cat, even as a little, furry bean nursing from his mother. Both of his parents would joke about their kitten growing up to use his size to get what he desired, but were pleasantly surprised to find that their young tom was as gentle as a soft breeze during a hot day. Bearkit wasn't a fun kit: a complain often said by other kittens in the Nursery. This didn't seem to bother him, but sometimes he would wake up during the night with a twinge of pain in his chest. He never mentioned it to either of his parents.

Apprenticeship was more exciting for the newly-named Bearpaw. Mostly since it was hard for him to do more strategic slashes with his larger paws. (The six toes didn't help.) However, he was a stubborn little bugger, and tried his best. Needless to say, he failed more than he prevailed during his apprenticeship. His mentor was named Longwhisker, and she was around the same size as he was. The tabby seemed to understand the brown tom's struggles, and the two often spent time together training and just relaxing like two old friends, which is what their relationship developed to. The two cats were tied at the hip, and even after Bearpaw was appointed to Beartuft, he hung around Longwhisker.

Their friendship is probably what made it possible that Beartuft took Longwhisker's daughter, Grasspaw, as his apprentice.

Beartuft absolutely adored his tiny apprentice, and would often treat her more like his own kit than his apprentice. This, naturally, drove Grasspaw nuts, and, as a result, made Beartuft baby her even more. He tried to train her as toughly as he could, and soon Grasspaw ended up growing into a fine apprentice, soon to be a warrior. That was until the duo had faced off against a trespassing rouge. The tabby apprentice had become cocky, and took on the older cat without thinking.

It didn't end well.

Two dead cats later and Beartuft was walking back to camp, his beloved apprentice splayed across his back. Once more, he had been a disappointment. But this time it caused someone to die under his watch, and he could feel eyes burn into him as he laid the once lively Grasspaw onto the ground. He had mourned all night, and immediately cut off connections with his best friend, Longwhisper. From then on, he became more harsh when he helped in training, his usual gentle speech seeming to disappear. He wouldn't allow it to happen again.

Moons passed and their old leader died, much to the shock of the entire clan. More surprising is when Beartuft was elected as deputy. That night filled Beartuft with a mix of pride and dread. If he wasn't always at peak performance, he could cause another death or be removed and ridiculed for his inability to do his duty. No. That wasn't going to happen. Not if he could help it.

Reason for name: His prefix, "Seal", comes from his white, plush coat. His suffix, "sea", comes from his excellent swimming ability.
Age: 14 Moons
Sex: Female (Gender is Male so I'd prefer if you don't refer to him as female ahhaha)
Sexual orientation: Bisexual
Rank: Warrior
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He's an short-tempered and sarcastic individual, with an alert mind. Despite his sour personality, he's a surprisingly loyal, and would rather die than betray those he's dedicated to. He's sensitive about certain aspects of his family, and generally gets frustrated when said aspects are mentioned around him. Sealsea can be clever, though he generally keeps out of drama that would require a sharp mind. He's also got a certain sense of humor, albeit it's generally about his own jokes or those from cats he's close to. He's also as stubborn as an ox.


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Edited on 23/01/16 @ 22:27:23 by Rin (#2458)

Tale (#68023)

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Posted on
2016-01-22 11:27:32
No rush on your other cat, Rin. Beartuft looks great, by the way! I'm going to wait a couple of days though, as per the norm, just to be fair to everyone. I think Bear tuft would be a good choice for deputy. His lack of confidence and unexpected naming as deputy would be a good testiment to Littlestar's lack of experience. If I choose him as deputy though we'll need to decide how Littlewhisker knew Beartuft - kind of define their relationship and justify why Littlestar would choose him :)

Also, interested in having spottedpaw as his apprentice (deputy or not)? I feel like there could be lots of drama there, especially if he was the first apprentice he had since Grasspaw.

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Rin (#2458)

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Posted on
2016-01-22 11:46:59
Aahh I'd love that, both of the ideas I mean <3 My other baby should be up soon

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Tale (#67882)

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Posted on
2016-01-22 11:56:11
Cool :) I'm working on my 3 cats right now. I can't wait to see your other character Rin.

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Rin (#2458)

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Posted on
2016-01-22 11:56:53
Thank you! I'll get him up once I finish playing Don't Starve with a friend

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Tale (#67882)

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Posted on
2016-01-22 12:03:49
Oh, I've heard of that game. I don't know much about it and I haven't played it but another RP friend of mind used to rave about it. Hopefully I'll have my other 3 done tonight too.

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Tale (#67882)

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Posted on
2016-01-22 12:37:40
Yewberry is done. She's such a dark old lady.

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Crowteeth {RLC
1.6.23 } (#39277)

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Posted on
2016-01-22 23:39:05
Her and Cloudleap are gonna buttheads all the time

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Tale (#68023)

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Posted on
2016-01-23 02:11:41
Yes, yes they are. I think it'll be entertaining. :P

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-01-23 03:17:11
Hello there! I am interested in this RP...
May I ask, is the deputy slot still open?
If so, may I reserve that?
Also, I would like to reserve an apprentice as well, if that is okay.
If you don't do reserves, I suppose I can try to type a form up quickly, though I'm having an 'off' day, so it might take longer than wanted.

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