Posted by Shadow/Sun/Dusk Gathering Place

Sunfire (#26490)

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Posted on
2016-01-28 14:49:33
Here the three packs meet to exchange news. It is a large forested glade beyond all three territories ( a ten minute walk from each border) with a large fallen pine tree where the alphas sit and make announcements.

ShadowPack Alpha ~ Meruem ~ Beta ~ Killua
Duskfall Pack Alpha ~ Lucifer ~ Beta ~ Nova
Sunrise Pack Alpha ~ Kenai ~ Beta ~ Kerrin

photo glade_zpssxxkhts0.jpg

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Edited on 31/01/16 @ 17:48:41 by Sunfire (#26490)

Sunfire (#26490)

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Posted on
2016-01-30 19:10:56
(I wouldnt have asked to hold off the gathering if id known everyone had posted already. my lioden forum thing is being really weird, it only reveals some posts after I post even when Ive been refreshing the page. geez ><)

Meruem | ShadowPack | Alpha | Female | Speaks to Lucifer and Kenai
Meruem raised her tail to signal her patrol to move forward, stepping silently from the undergrowth where she had been watching the other wolves arrive for quite some time. Her face was expressionless as she strode past the mid ranked wolves and hopped up onto the log, turning to sit facing the crowd. She dipped her brindled head gracefully to Lucifer and Kenai, knowing the other she-wolves would not take kindly to rudeness. She sought out Killuas white pelt first, making sure he was no egging on any of the others, then her emerald gaze was sweeping over each wolf and taking in every facial feature and scent, and committing it to memory. Illumi sat at the back of the crowd, still as a shadow save for his tail which moved every few moments. She had told her wolves to situate themselves along the outer perimeter of the gathering and to listen to all conversations that they could report to her later, if it was anything of interest. "It appears we are all here. Shall we begin?" she said to Lucifer and Kenai. Her tail flicked to them, motioning for them to go first. She preferred to gather all information first before making her announcement.

Illumi |Gamma | ShadowPack

Illumi followed returned Vex's smile, glad the wolf was there as well. Whereas Killua felt like the other half of his soul, Vex was like the other half of his heart. He had experienced more emotions in the past few days than he had his entire life just from meeting him. When Meruem passed him he followed suit, settling behind the wolves of Duskfall and Sunrise where he could observe all. "Those are the other alphas," he said under his breath to his companion, motioning to Lucifer and Kenai. The gray female is dangerous- as strong as us. The others here aren't so much of a threat." His ink black gaze flicked from wolf to wolf, until they found one in particular that caused him to smile brightly. "And there is my uncle, Nova. That ear is my handiwork." You could detect a hint of smugness in his voice. "And it looks like his human buddies tagged him as well. Poor brute."

Nova | Duskfall | Beta
The beta of Duskfall sat proudly by Lucifer, keeping an eye on Arielle every once in a while. He saw her eyeing Kerrin from Sunrise and raised his brows in surprise. If Gem knew she had been checking out another wolf he would be heart broken. Good thing he wasnt here. Nova heard the light tred of pawsteps in a very familiar fashion and tensed. Sure enough, Meruem appeared and joined the other alphas, followed closely by Killua. Nova returned his nod, not giving any indication to the hatred boiling in his stomach. Smug little cretin. He'll get whats coming, Nova thought to himself. If Killua was here that must mean that his brother was as well. He spotted the black wolf near the back, talking to a paler male. Nova felt his lip curl in a quiet snarl and forced himself to relax. Illumi owed him an ear.

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(Dixie) (#71738)

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Posted on
2016-01-31 01:21:23

"So many wolves.." Izusa replies to her brother, her head tilting all the way back when a red wolf passed her. Her body went cold when the male's red eyes met her teal ones. I feel so tiny... she thought with a silent whine. The Duskfall wolf wasn't even full grown, yet she felt like the tiniest wolf on earth. "I'm so small..." she whispered.


Pups.. he thought bitterly as he took his place among the pack. It looked as though they were getting ready to fight, but who would bring pups into a bloody battle? The red male sat down at the back of his pack, glancing up at the beta and alpha of the small group of wolves.

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Edited on 01/02/16 @ 16:39:42 by Dreaming~Paradise (Dixie) (#71738)

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-01-31 01:28:19
Kerrin | Male | 5 years | Beta

Kerrin scanned the crowd, nodding a little when Shadowpack sauntered in. He followed Mereum's shoulder as she took her position on the log, giving the other Alpha a small smile. The pack still owed Sunrise, or at the very least, him, Soren, and Daemon, a favor for saving one of their... gammas was it? Surveying every wolf again, he took note of distinguishing characteristics; notched ears, missing ones, scarred noses, bright pelts, incredibly dark ones, and, of course, the Duskfall beta's silly collar. Near the pine, on Duskfall's side, a young, gray and black she-wolf locked eyes with him. Her gaze seemed calculating, searching, but at the same time, warm. She looked somehow familiar, but he was sure he had never seen her, in person at least. Her pelt did look a lot like his sister's, but the eyes were different, much more like his, only darker. The she-wolf definitely wasn't his sister. Kerrin's father may have gotten around, but not from the grave. Itzal had most definitely been dead longer than this female had been alive.

Arielle | Female | 13 months | Noble | Duskfall

Arielle clenched her jaw. The male was staring back now, great. She almost didn't want to take her eyes off of him, but forced herself to break eye contact and look up at the three alphas, waiting for the gathering to begin so she could take her mind off of the strange beta. [Short.]

Storm | Male | 3 months | Apprentice (Noble)

"I know, they all smell so different," Storm muttered, looking around the wolves, a new pack now added to the bunch. He gave a small growl as the red wolf passed, standing up straighter in a mimic of his father. "You're not small Izusa," he said, leaning into her playfully, "Here, sit up like dad!"

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Edited on 31/01/16 @ 08:41:06 by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227)

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-01-31 01:41:29

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Morr πŸ”₯
9BOx2Mottx2RosMand (#26583)

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Posted on
2016-01-31 02:16:13
Killua | Shadow pack beta

Killua padded quietly at Meruem's side, though kept one eye at Duskfall - particularly at Nova. As Meruem waited on the log, he sat beside her, showing that he was her beta. Killua glanced at every wolf, and took note of any states directed at him, shadowpack, and Meruem. Killian noticed one stare in particular, Arielle was staring at the sunrise beta rather intently.

Kenai | Sunrise Alpha

Kenai kept her gaze steady as she returned Meruem's nod, watching Illumi indifferently. At Meruem's go ahead she stood slowly, signaling that she would go first. Kenai's head swept the gathering wolvee to meet the gazes confidently. "I'd like to formally introduce myself, as this is the first gathering in the last 6 months or so. I am Kenai, daughter of the former alpha Nikol. With my father's passing 8 months ago I assumed the alpha position. I am pleased to make your acquaintance. To start, Sunrise has two new apprentices and one tenderfoot - both apprentices are here today. Earlier, we had a group of humans enter the territory. One of our own were killed with a firestick, and a hunter pupped early because of it. Both pups are healthy and the mother is resting in the nursery with our new healer. One apprentice here has actually become her assistant." She nodded proudly at Izusa and Storm. "That concludes Sunrise."

Pyre | Duskfall Noble

Pyre listened quietly to sunrise, and realized with shock that it definitely was the same alphess, and that Nikolai - that old coot - had finally hit the grave. In the other packs Nikolai was known as a trickster, and while he always seemed to be foolish and a clown act, he had been plenty sharp with intuition dealing with Duskfall.

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-01-31 05:52:47
(Gawd everyone leaves me behind .-. .. Idk what to say this will be random...)

Lucifer // Duskfall Alpha

Her eyes locked onto Killua before flitting over the other wolves in the clearing. Her head shaking slightly before turning to sunrise, once the fae stopped talking Lucifer raised her own voice. "I'm happy to announce that Duskfall has some new positions as well. Nova, our beta. Arielle, Gem and Sky All proud nobles. Gem and Sky stayed behind as we also have a new hunter among our ranks." She nodded to Nova, then Arielle, "That concludes Duskfall." Her gaze swept over the shadowpack ranks, they were spread out behind the others and it was setting her on edge.

Vex // ShadowPack Gamma

His gaze flitted over the other wolves, listening intently to Illumi. A wolf with a radio collar snarled quietly towards them and Vex shot back his own, warning the male with narrowed eyes. He listened quietly to the announcements, nobles? He hadn't heard that term since... He shook his head and snorted lowly, pushing the thoughts back and away. It felt as if the hole in his heart had been filled, a certain dark pelted brute taking up the space. His moonlight-like pelt gleamed slightly as he looked to Meruem with a tilt of his head, hoping and praying they were given a job to do sometime, being bored isn't exactly something he was used to.

Isis - Jazzlyn // SP Delta - Training?

Her eyes flitted among the group as Jazzlyn sat close to her side, the pup watching the other two pups in the clearing. Her head cocked to the side as both females looked towards Vex and Illumi then to Kill then to Meruem. -short asf sorry-

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Sunfire (#26490)

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Posted on
2016-01-31 08:30:58
(the apprentices in SP are known as cubs ;) )

Meruem | Alpha | ShadowPack
Meruem appeared saddened by the news of the hunter "Your pack has my condolences as well as my congratulations, alpha Kenai," she said. "Humans can be real monsters when they wish to be." Now lets hope they pick off even more of you. "But the news of pups in winter is a good sign." She checked each of her patrol wolves again, noticing the looks they were getting. Good. If the other wolves were wary of them it meant they thought ShadowPack to be a threat. Her striped tail swept around to touch Killua and she spoke again. "Killua was appointed as my beta last moon rise, and Isis had risen to the rank of delta. We have three new gammas in our ranks, one of which is here tonight." She did not looked at Vex as not to draw attention to him. "Unfortunately we are not so lucky to be able to boast of pups, but one of them did graduate to cub and is now being trained by two of our finest members." She gave Jazzlyn a warm smile and then continued, this time darkening her expression as she spoke t Kenai. "I'm afraid I have some bad news, alpha Kenai. I did not wish to tell you like this but after the human incident I was not willing to send a wolf to your territory. It seems your scout- James? was killed by a bear on my territory after delivering his message to me. We recovered his body and my wolves at home are standing vigil for him as we speak. They will take his body to your border at dawn. I'm very sorry." She bowed her head down low.

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Morr πŸ”₯
9BOx2Mottx2RosMand (#26583)

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Posted on
2016-01-31 08:42:56
Kenai | Alpha SR

Kenai listened to Lucifer with a reserved expression, and nodded quietly as she finished. Listening to Meruem's message she snarled inwardly, outwardly she nodded in sadness "Hmm..yes i see. Thank you for seeing to him." {ILL 'see' when i check him over} Kenai thought with a flick of the ear, her head still inclined sadly.

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-02-01 09:08:07
Kerrin | Male | 5 years | Beta | Sunrise

Kerrin peered up at the Shadowpack alphess, working his paws once or twice into the ground. He didn't entirely believe Mereum's words, but couldn't find a legitimate reason why. The entire pack was a bit extrinsic. He smiled and nodded as each alpha concluded their announcements, taking it upon himself to hush the crowd when they talked. "May I speak," he asked politely, inclining his neck up to look at the seated alphas, asking them all for permission.

Arielle | Female | 13 months | Noble | Duskfall

Arielle couldn't help but stare absentmidedly at the beta, even when he pulled his gaze from her. She nodded and smiled respectfully when she was mentioned, standing up a little straighter. Her tail wrapped around her more as the beta she was watching asked for permission to speak. Oh Talia, she thought, Is he going to ask about me?

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Edited on 01/02/16 @ 16:08:34 by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227)

Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-02-01 09:15:03
Lucifer looked to Kerrin, giving the beta a small nod to show she didn't mind. Her gaze then returning back to the crowd with a blank expression. Her lips curling slightly at the looks everyone was shooting towards shadowpack, specifically Killua. She straightened up ever so slightly before looking to Kerrin once he began, if the others allowed him to.

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Morr πŸ”₯
9BOx2Mottx2RosMand (#26583)

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Posted on
2016-02-01 09:48:43
(Des messageee)

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-02-01 10:03:23
(I did)

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Sunfire (#26490)

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Posted on
2016-02-01 10:04:13
Meruem nodded as well, looking upon Kerrin with curiosity. At the same time she was considering how to initiate the new she-wolf back at camp into the pack. She could tell, or rather assume, that the Sunrise and Duskfall wolves didn't trust her words completely. They'd be a bit senseless if they did. Luckily she wasn't one to care much as long as her plans succeeded. Her pack had enough strength behind it to not fear the mistrust of others, and she knew that the accepting of rogues and loners into ShadowPack was the cause of it. After this new pair however she would not allow any more into the pack and focus solely on training and bringing them up to par. A small smile crossed her lips. Fun things were to come.

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-02-01 12:54:18
Kerrin | Male | 5 years | Beta | Sunrise

Kerrin stood and bowed his head to the alphas. "First off, on behalf of Sunrise, I'd like to again congratulate Duskfall and Shadowpack on their graduating pups and apprentices," he stated, slowly pacing a wide circle in the middle of all three packs as he spoke, "I have no doubt that you here and your co-graduates back at camp will protect your pack with every ounce of your being. Next: Shadowpack, this is your first gathering with Duskfall and Sunrise, but I trust you know the basic rules of gathering etiquette. Nevertheless, in case some of you need a refresher, no fights are to break out on these grounds, especially during a gathering, and no prey be caught within a five-elk radius of the spot where we sit. Now I know what I'm saying is all rather mundane, but rules are to be taken seriously by everyone, from alphas to omegas. Finally, is there anything anyone would like to add?"

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Sunfire (#26490)

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Posted on
2016-02-01 14:53:47
meruem | alpha

Meruem crouched on the log, a smirk of contempt on her face. "Drat, there go my plans for tonight," she said sarcastically and rolled her eyes. "I'd like to add if I may." She sat up straight and looked at each wolf, Lucifer in particular."I've noticed the...discomforting..looks my pack members have been getting all night from your packs. I'd ask that they show more tact. We have shown no bad will against you, apart from that little hiccup with your beta." She grinned at Nova who glared back at her. "And I even defied direct orders in order to allow him to live. I would have sent Killua back if I wished him dead. You ought to take that in good faith that we are here on good terms. Our slate was clean the moment we parted from our main pack back home." She dipped her head to the alphas, feigning respect as she had been taught to do. "I know that the ethics in our packs run differently, so what I am saying may not sound quite right to you. Just know that I wish us to have allied relationships, not rival ones." Finishing on that note, she lifted her head to look the other two in the eyes.

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