Posted by Camp Half-Blood - RP Thread

Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2016-01-29 23:30:36
The Gods are angry. A great evil has been unleashed under our very noses, and everyone suspects Hades is involved. However, the words going around state that Hades himself has gone into hiding from this threat; a threat greater than the Gods themselves. It's now up to the demigods to destroy it - the fate of the world, and the Gods, rests on their shoulders.

-No Godmodding
-No Mary Sues/Gary Stues
-No powerplaying
-Limit of four characters for each person
-No children of the Big Three. If I know and trust you, and you are interested, send me a PM.
-I have changed up the universe of Percy Jackson a bit, as I wanted something a bit less canon than most roleplays. The list of things I have changed are down below the Rules.
-No Roman demigods - only Greek gods. This focuses only on the Percy Jackson series.
-This roleplay takes place before the events of the Percy Jackson series.
-Please PM me if you would like to be a teacher/professor. The beginning will focus on people getting integrated into Camp Half Blood.
-Put "Blood & Roses" in other.
-If you would like to be some kind of supernatural creature, PM me first.
-You may have your characters engage in romantic acts, but fade when clothes start coming off.
-Cussing is allowed.
--Use headers in every post.
-At least five sentences per post. I understand if you make a mistake in terms of spelling or grammar, but please make sure you can at least have decent posts.

The Cabins
The cabins in this roleplay are very different from the series. They will be decorated according to the God they represent, as usual, but they will have many floors. Each camp member will have their own dorm, and can decorate it according to what they like.

I will allow pets and non-canon creatures to be allowed, such as werewolves, vampires, etc. It's sort of like a supernatural twist to the story. Dragons will be allowed, but they will only be the size of a small house, and resemble dragons found in, say, Skyrim. Please PM me beforehand. I will allow only a few people to have actual dragons as pets, but they will only be those I trust.

The Olympian Gods
-Zeus (1/3)
Amelia Callay-Kiannia
-Poseidon (1/8)
Justin Brown-mysticalperson
-Hades (1/3)
Lyanna Firenze-Calla N.
-Ares (1/8,)
Skye Draconis-Midthedragoness
-Aphrodite (1/10)
Kapri McCollins-Headless
-Hephaestus (0/8)
-Athena (1/8)
James Burns-Keezy B
-Nemesis (1/8, 1 Reserved)
-Hermes (1/8)
David Kirk-Booker
-Demeter (0/8)
-Hypnos (1/5)
Valentina Rose-BlazeRed
-Apollo (3/8)
Marshall Kozak-Fantastic Dorito
Brianna Jones-lolpeaceoutlol
-Wynston Morrison-Headless

-Centaurs (1/5)
Olilans Elerall-Headless
-Satyrs (1/8)
Saffron Kasiby-Headless
-Nymphs (1/8, 1 reserved)

Camp Classes
Sword Sparring
Horse Riding
Robotics (Kind of like a building class)
(If you have any other Ideas, please PM me)

Weekend events
(You must sign up for these)
Chariot races
Horse races
Capture the flag

The Beginning

You have just arrived at Camp Half-Blood, and the day has started. unfortunately for you, however, the news of the Gods' anger has spread fast, and you won't be excluded from the list of victims that have been affected by it.

Character Sheets

No thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.

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Edited on 30/01/16 @ 16:56:39 by Calla N.<<Legolas's Girl (#76766)

lolpeaceoutlol (#6100)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-31 10:43:39
~ Brianna Jones ~ Female ~ 17 ~ Daughter of Apollo ~ Mess Hall ~ Mentions: David ~

Brianna realized quickly that David had put his hand out to shake hers. She silently thanked the gods that it wasn't the hand he had just wiped his face with. She quickly shook it, his hand was obviously much more firm than her own. She was sort of surprised that he was a son of Hermes. She didn't know too much about the greek gods and goddesses pretty much only what she had learned in school. She had always been interested in it, but since she wasn't the academic type never did any further research. Although she did know that Hermes was the god of travel and the god of thieves she didn't know much more. Although just knowing those two simple traits she figured any son or daughter of Hermes was probably fun!
Brianna laughed as David said that he wasn't good at archery. She had never really considered herself an expert. Sure she went to a summer camp and did it when she was younger but she never really practiced the natural talent. She smiled "Well to be honest, I'm not that fantastic myself considering my dad is the god of archery. But I'm sure that with time we can both get better" Brianna said remaining optimistic. Brianna followed David's eyes as he pointed out the girl at the Ares table. He was right she did look super intimidating probably even more than the girl with the dragon! Then she looked at the Hephaestus table which was completely empty.
She looked at the table in between them, the Apollo table. Which was also currently empty. Brianna didn't worry about that too much though her brothers and sisters would probably be joining her soon enough. Brianna then looked back at David and gave him a warm smile. "Well thanks a lot! I guess I know who to go to if I need a guide" Brianna said and walked over to the Apollo table and sat down. She felt more confident now.

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2016-01-31 12:40:25
Valentina Rose | Female | Daughter of Hypnos | Mess Hall | Mentions: Justin, Lyanna (Indirectly),Marshall (Indirectly)

Valentina listened to Justin, and she shook her head. "Practicing sounds like a good idea, but you don't need to let me win. There's no point in that." She appreciated that he was worried about her, but she was never going to improve if he went easy on her. Soon, she heard a familiar caw, and looked over her shoulder to see that Diaval had flown into the Mess Hall while she wasn't looking, and he was now standing on the table, right in front of her. She was about to say something to the bird when a dragon came crashing into the Mess Hall, spooking the crow and making him jump back, fluffing out his feathers in an attempt to make himself appear more menacing. Valentina watched the girl and the dragon for a moment before she chuckled. "I better get this fluffy ball of feathers out of here before he tries to attack that dragon. I'll see you at the Training Arena!" She said, stuffing her sketchbook back into her bag and standing up. She whistled to Diaval, and the crow flew over to her, perching himself on her shoulder.

She quickly walked back to her dorm room, where she put on some good clothes for sparring. She then grabbed her new rapier sword, making sure it wasn't damaged. Once she was content with the appearance of her sword, she walked outside, making her way over to the Training Arena, Diaval still on her shoulder. Once she arrived, she saw a boy that was about her age. He was...flying? Curious, she watched him as she waited for Justin to show up. 'It looks fun to fly.' She thought, tilting her head to the side.

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mysticalperson (#59800)

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Posted on
2016-01-31 14:04:45
Justin Brown / 17 / son of Poseidon / male / mentions Valentina / sparring areana

He had been walking around the areana juggling water balls. Literally, he had used his power to form three water balls. Then he juggled them. He was actually very good at this. He had saw Valentina approach the areana so he walked over still juggling the balls. His sword hooked to his belt along with his shield. He smiled. "I think I'm getting better at the water power." He said as he let the water fall to the ground and get sucked up but the ground. "Anyways. Is this your new sword?" He asked as he motioned to the sword she had

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BeastieBeanz (#78562)

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Posted on
2016-02-03 04:26:25
Marshall Kozak || Male || 16 || Son of Apollo || Location: Training Arena || Mentions: Valentine (indirectly) Justin (indirectly)

Marshall had dragged the dummy over to a empty spot where he wouldn't be in the way of anything. Planting the wooden object firmly on the ground to keep it standing still while he trained. He knew that he had skipped break feast but that didn't really bother him, all he wanted to do at the moment was try to master some aerial attacks. Pulling one sword out from within it's guard the white haired boy takes a few steps back and quickly launches himself up into the air with one large flap of his wings. It was a sloppy take off but it was always hard to launch himself into the air from on the ground, he preferred to jump from a higher perspective seeing how he was already in the air and all he would need to do was flap his wings to keep himself leveled. Marshall then tucks his wings once again and darts down towards the dummy, this time he quickly readies his sword and open his wings just a tad to where he could glide past the wooden object and slash it while he passed by. It was a small attack nothing fancy, it was more for distracting the enemy rather than being your usual killing blow. He hurriedly swings his legs forwards and untucks his wings allowing the wind to catch his wings and slow him down till he was at a complete stop. Though while he slowed himself down he spotted two other campers, one was juggling what looked to be water while the other held a sword in her hand. Marshall then turns his gaze back towards his unmoving wooden target.

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Edited on 03/02/16 @ 11:26:42 by Fantastic Dorito (#78562)

lolpeaceoutlol (#6100)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-02-04 08:07:08
~ Brianna Jones ~ Female ~ 17 ~ Daughter of Apollo ~ Mess Hall ~ Mentions: Amelia ~

Brianna soon finished her meal. She still had some food on her plate, but she just couldn't will herself to eat it. She was homesick and therefore just wasn't that hungry. Brianna looked around the mess hall was a bit busier now. The daughter of Apollo stood up and walked to a trash can. She smiled, even though she was home sick everyone here seemed so happy. There was a few campers running around the mess hall playing tag or something. Brianna heard a "watch out"!

She was slammed into by a camper. She tripped forward and her plate went flying out of her hands. It landed straight onto a girl that was sitting by herself with her two dogs. They were both fairly large one was a golden-red color and had a lot of fur, and the other was cream with short fur. As the plate made contact with the other girl's shirt Brianna gasped her hands flying over her mouth. She ran the few steps towards her "oh my! I'm so sorry!" Brianna exclaimed.

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~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-02-04 08:27:49
Amelia Callay||Female||Daughter of Zeus||Location: Camp mess hall
--Mentions: Brianna

Amelia had soon finished her food, after all she had to eat quick before the dogs snapped her meal up. Aslan was the main problem, the large brute would happily stand up and eat all her food if he felt so inclined. Lost in her own world with her dogs she pushed the plate to the side, Aslan instantly diving upon it and licking it clean. "Anyone would thing that I didn't feed you" she ruffled the dogs head. Suddenly something collided with her shirt, causing her to jump a little in shock. Her hands flew up and her eyes widened, she had clearly not been expecting the incident to happen. Flora had now gone for the food on her shirt, Amelia rolled her eyes a little before the voice reached her ears.

Looking up she gave a friendly smile "it's alright, accidents happen to us all. Are you alright? It looked like a pretty hard hit" she had just seen the incident from the corner of her eye. Removing some food from her hair she pushed the dogs away, the pair of them were swamping her with saliva covered tongues. "I don't think I've seen you here before is this your first time here?" she asked, the friendly smile still upon her face. Even thought she was covered in food it didn't bother her. she'd had worse before. The dogs were both now sat at her side, becoming very obedient as the looked at the new girl, their tails wagging.

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2016-02-04 09:39:45
Valentina Rose | Female | Daughter of Hypnos | Mess Hall | Mentions: Justin, Marshall (Indirectly)

Valentina watched the winged boy for a few more moments before she noticed she was staring, and she looked away, awkwardly brushing a piece of hair out of her face. She would just have to hope that the boy hadn't noticed her looking at him. Hearing Justin's voice, she looked up to see him juggling, and she smiled. "Well, I don't really see what the point is in juggling, but okay." She teased him with a chuckle. When he asked about her sword, she raised in and studied it for a few moments before looking back to him. "Yep, do you like it? It looks pretty cool." She asked him. "It's lighter, too. So hopefully I'll be able to swing it more easily." Diaval watched the sword warily for a few moments before cawing softly and flying away, landing a few meters away and watching her. He seemed to be afraid of her sword. That didn't really surprise her, though. Diaval was afraid of almost everything. "So, what are we going to do today?"

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Keezy B (#77898)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-02-04 11:06:21
(Sorry I haven't posted guys I've been busy for the past week and I'm still gonna be busy until like Wednesday of next week)

James Burns | Male | Son of Athena | Mess Hall | Mentions: Open

James had finished unpacking all of his things into his familiar room on the third floor of the Athena cabin when he heard his stomach growling. He let out a soft groan before getting up and stretching, letting out a yawn as he did so. He slipped on some converse then was headed down the stairs and out the front door, he ran a hand through his hair, then pulled open the door of the mess hall. He immediately turned towards the long line of food, grabbed a plate, and started to fill it. Once he had completely filled it he made his way to the Athena table, which had a few other familiar faces there, so he sat with a group that had formed made of those who had been there for at least two years already.

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Booker (#37427)

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Posted on
2016-02-05 12:46:41
David Kirk:: Son of Hermes :: 19 :: Mess Hall :: Mentions: Brianna, Amelia (Both sort of indirectly)

After helping Brianna to her table, David turned on his heel and began walking towards his own table. A bunch of his siblings were already sitting down, so he had to elbow them out of the way before sitting between them. David reached over one of his sibling's plates, snatched up their half full cup, and willed the drink to change from whatever murky liquid it was into a cold Sprite. It didn't taste exactly like the real thing, but it would do until somebody smuggled actual sodas into camp.

David had made a decent sized dent in his food mountain and was having a heated discussion about Capture the Flag strategy by the time the commotion happened behind him. Clashes and bangs weren't too unusual in the Mess Hall, but he was still curious, so he turned himself a little bit and looked over his shoulders. David winced a little at the sight of the collision which grabbed the attention of a few of his siblings. After a few moments of staring Dave turned back to his food, elbowed one of his brothers to get their attention, and returned to strategizing and eating. However, while he had been turned around one of his brothers or sisters switched his fork with a spoon. A couple of David's siblings found his puzzled expression hilarious and burst out in laughter. At first he was pretty upset, but a smile eventually appeared on his face, and he even let out a few short bursts of laughter himself.

(First time posting while using my phone. I was gonna wait until my laptop got fixed but nobody at Apple could do it. Anyway yeah. OwO)

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lolpeaceoutlol (#6100)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-02-06 08:10:59
(Sorry I haven't posted! I've been horribly busy!)

~ Brianna Jones ~ Female ~ 17 ~ Daughter of Apollo ~ Mess Hall ~ Mentions: Amelia

Brianna couldn't help but be shocked as the girl didn't seem to even mind that much. She scratched the back of her head nervously. "Oh yeah! I'm fine! I'm more worried about you and your poor shirt!" Brianna said frowning. The poor girl looked like a fashion disaster and it was all her fault! She was surprised the girl didn't care that much. Brianna glanced down at the two dogs by her side. She was half surprised that the dogs didn't attack her when she spilled the food all over their master. And she was also surprised that the dogs didn't jump on the girl and lick her clean.

Brianna looked back up at the girl. Was it that obvious that she was new? Of course it was no Camp Half-Blood veteran would be this embarrassing. "Uh, yeah I am! My name is Brianna. I'm a daughter of Apollo! Just got here yesterday." Brianna said and laughed nervously. "What about you? What's your name?" Brianna asked. This girl had some very powerful vibes coming from her. Probably a daughter of Ares or something. But then again she wasn't sitting with the other Ares girl.

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~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-02-06 08:31:02
(It's alright, life happens sometimes =3)

Amelia Callay||Female||Daughter of Zeus||Location: Camp mess hall
--Mentions: Brianna

"My shirt can be washed, injuries involving people aren't so easy to fix" she chuckled softly. Admittedly the food on her shirt felt rather gross, but it wasn't something she couldn't deal with for a small while. Looking at the dogs she signalled for them to leave, the pair rushing off bounding about each other and playing. "I'm glad you're alright, some people don't think to look around here" she gave a playful roll of her eyes and a friendly smile. In her mind the mess hall wasn't a place to be rushing about, there were vast spaces for that just outside. Finally removing the final bit from her hair she looked at her clothes now, her shirt was filthy so she'd have to change before doing anything else.

"Nice to meet you Brianna, I'm Amelia. I gathered you were new because I've not seen you around before. After being here for 2 years you get to know faces pretty well" the smile remained upon her face. "A daughter of Apollo, that's cool. I'm a daughter of Zeus myself, completely under my fathers care since my mother left me here" she gave a soft sigh. "What class do you have after this? We may even be in the same class and I could get to know you a bit more, that would be nice" she liked this girl. She seemed nice and like someone Amelia could get along with, after all they didn't seem to butt heads, but only time could tell.

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lolpeaceoutlol (#6100)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-02-13 08:44:22
~ Brianna Jones ~ Female ~ 17 ~ Daughter of Apollo ~ Mess Hall ~ Mentions: Amelia ~

Brianna smiled at the girl despite the fact that Brianna had just spilled her food on Amelia, she was being incredibly nice. She figured that the girl would have tried to fight her or something! Brianna watched as Amelia shooed away the two dogs and the happily bounded away. They were trained very well, which really surprised Brianna since both of the dogs were so big.
Brianna was shocked that the girl had been here for two years! That was a very long time, Amelia must have had some incredible skills. She couldn't imagine getting to know all these people's faces there were so many teenagers running around, that skill itself impressed her. Her mouth nearly fell open when Amelia said she was a daughter of Zues. The great and powerful Zues?! That was amazing, she must have had some amazing powers! Being a daughter of Apollo was great and all and had its perks like healing and archery. But being a daughter of one of the big three she assumed that was rare and impressive.
Brianna smiled at the girl. "That's so cool! You have to tell me all about your abilities!" Brianna said excitedly. Brianna though for a second biting her lip. "Uh.. I think I have archery!" Brianna said. "Figured I'd start the day with something I'm already decently good at" Brianna said happily.

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