Posted by Experiments No More || RP Thread

Cryptid (they/he) (#44335)

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Posted on
2016-01-31 09:08:24
For a long time, all of you were experimented upon and even tortured. But after the older hybrids began to get shipped out for wars and battles, the rest of you escaped. Now you're out by yourselves, with no food, water or resources other than what you managed to grab. And to top things off, it's raining.

This is a hybrid roleplay, meaning your character is not an anthro or furry. It can be something simple, like owl and hawk genes combined with the human DNA, or it can be like a wolf and a snake combined. Anything you'd like to mix, go for it.

This is a PG-13 roleplay, for anything mature or graphic please fade to black or take it to a PM.

No more than 4 characters per person.

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Edited on 02/02/16 @ 18:55:01 by Libette (#44335)

Snape's Curse (#6538)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-02-15 11:24:21

Retreating her hand awkwardly after a few moments of being ignored, Irene decided that this guy obviously was not the chatty type and opted to sit next to him in silence instead. Turning her attention back to her wings, she methodically ran her fingures through the inky black feathers, gently seperating the ones clotted together by blood and removing tiny shards that she neglected to notice before. Occationally she would hear soft rustling from the presence next to her but other than that, the male offered no attempt at further conversation, which suited her well enough as she was not completely focused on the task before her. She figured it also helped conceal the fact she had snuck into this peculiar group.

So engrossed in removing the glass, she was surprised when a clearly male voice informed someone that darkness was setting in. Looking up, her sappire eyes observed the shadows that were cast from the waning sunlight. Where had the time gone? She wondered as she silently got to her feet, experimently flexing her wings and satisfied that even though pain shot through them, they were unclotted and had regained mobility. Looking down at the crocodile hybrid still situated on the ground, she decided against disturbing him and debated approaching the cheetah hybrid that was considering moving.

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Edited on 15/02/16 @ 18:35:29 by Snape's Curse (#6538)

Cora (#38247)

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Posted on
2016-02-15 11:47:41
No Idea the continent but Tatiana is in the forest. They needed a place to dump the bodies where no one would find them)

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Lost In The Stars (#35073)

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Posted on
2016-02-15 12:23:46
Agora sat crouched in the trees above as the rain pounded down on the leaves above. She pulled the camouflage hood over her head as she crept along a branch. She caught a flicker of movement up ahead, and proceeded cautiously.As she approached, she soon saw the movement was caused by a woman (Tatiana) lying, likely wounded, at the base of a tree. At first Agora decided to continue through the forest, until she noticed something else. The woman had a tail. Agora froze in place and glared down at the wounded woman for a few moments before crawling down the tree slowly and landing silently on the grass. This woman was like her, and for that simple reason it made Agora feel like she had to do something, at least.

Agora rummaged around in the military satchel she wore and drew out a knife and bandages. She was definitely no medical expert, but she saw what looked like bullet holes with the dark metal still stuck inside, and she was pretty sure people dhouldn't have bullets buried in their flesh. She was also pretty sure that it would hurt, and that she shouldn't be doing this. Mumbling about her misfortune, Agora began to cut at the woman's sleeve, since the military uniform would be a pain to remove. After cutting and ripping away the fabric, Agora flinched slightly. "I'm not meant to be doing this crap..." She mumbled crossly as she ever-so-sloppily dug the tip of the knife into the bullet wound and harshly attempted to lever the metal out.

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Edited on 15/02/16 @ 19:31:05 by Lost In The Stars (#35073)

Lira (#68312)

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Posted on
2016-02-15 13:06:02
((im so lonely ;-; im waiting for a reply))

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Lost In The Stars (#35073)

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Posted on
2016-02-15 13:12:59
((Woah you've been waiting like 4 days. RIP))

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Lira (#68312)

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Posted on
2016-02-15 13:13:49
((yup ;-; ))

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Cora (#38247)

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Posted on
2016-02-15 14:32:50
Sorry Stars! I got into playing Call of Duty Black Ops 3)
Tatiana | Female | Viper Hybrid |

She heat senses alerted her to someone new, but she was too weak and too cold to do anything. She was balled up like the snake she was. Her torso down was all tail (No legs), a thick anaconda-like tail that could crush a car if caught in her grasp. It was 4 ft thick and thinned out towards her tail. She was a massive creature, and she used to use her size to her advantage, but size meant nothing in her field. The small spiked along her tail flicked upward as she felt something rip what was left of a shirt she had worn for the mission. Her armor lay in a different bush, completely destroyed. Her eyes flew open as she felt a sharp pain come from one of the many bullet wounds she had. She hissed weakly, her snake-like blue eyes glared at the unknown person, her vision was awry and blurred, but she could just make out the figure. Her hands shot out to grab a hold of her assailant's hand, her nails were honed to a pointed edge, almost like claws but not necessarily.
Her hand fell back to her chest, she was too weak to do anything but croak out:
"What are you doing?"
She heard the woman mumble about her misfortune and how she shouldn't be doing this. But she looked at the woman's face, and couldn't help the gratitude that filled her once hate-filled gaze. She was still very mistrustful and would likely try to kill the woman once she was fully healed, if she even lived.

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Lost In The Stars (#35073)

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Posted on
2016-02-15 15:03:46
Agora gave the woman a slightly annoyed look as she saw her hand rise and fall, but continued levering at the metal until it fell out onto the ground. She moved along to the next one a bit further down her arm and tried to be a bit more precise with her stabbing. She wanted nothing more than to just get this over with and move on to go far, far away from this place. She heard the metal hit the ground and moved onto the next one, only to flinch at the sight. The bullet has truck high enough to completely go through her arm. Ah well, less work for me. She thought as she set the knife down and picked up the bandaging. She wrapped it a few times around her arm. She knew it would be proper to disinfect it, but she didn't have anything for that at the moment.

Agora moved on to the cut in the woman's side and sighed to herself. At least the fabric was ripped enough to where she just needed to wrap the bandages around her waist, which was much easier than before. Seeing another gash on the woman's arm, she repeated the process and ripped away the fabric to bandage it.

After she finished Agora sighed. She guessed there were more wounds beneath the armor and uniform, but Agora's arms were already tired and she'd gotten the most severe of wounds. I'm glad I escaped before they sent me off to war... or the roles could easily be switched. she thought as she rose to her feet and began to climb the tree. She stopped at one of the lower branches and sat down, resting against the trunk and letting her legs fall. I s'pose I should stand watch. What's the point of saving someone only to have them die five minutes later?

She activated her Chameleon skin and blended against the tree behind her. She knew that this wouldn't work if a person actually saw her, because some floating army outfit is quite suspicious, but at least some animals and insects might be tricked. With a small yawn Agora closed her eyes. She remembered the woman's earlier question and decided to answer it, though it was much after the time she'd said it, and she likely wouldn't be heard anyways.

"I'm helping, so don't die or you'll waste my time." She said blankly.

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wagner ✦
(heritageless nadir) (#36223)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-02-15 15:35:24
Able had watched the encounter with the new hybrid, but he hadn't done anything about it. Surprisingly, he was more calm than nervous being in the public eye. Of course, right now it was so dark no one could see anything. But that didn't mean there was time to dally.

After walking some more, Able recognized what he remembered as a department store. "This place is good. We'll find food and some clothes for sure." He pointed out, moving to the front of the group and stopping before them to keep them from walking into the streetlight.

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finley (#80772)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-02-15 18:22:44

Hearing a groan, He jumped a bit. What? Nobody expected that to happen! He followed Kyle faster, Although curiosity wanted him to check it, But admittedly, He was afraid. Whenever Arye wanted to see something he wasn't, There was always a little voice in his head, Filling him with 'what if's and fears that stopped him from searching.

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Cora (#38247)

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Posted on
2016-02-16 10:20:37
Tatiana | Female | Viper Hybrid |

The viper hybrid stayed still as the woman worked. She could feel everything, she could feel her body shutting down into hibernation, the loss of blood and her cold-blooded nature were working against her. She hissed in annoyance as the woman moved to wrap the bandage around her waist. She struggled to keep her eyes open, but forced herself to move and unwrap herself slowly, she bit her lip and forced herself to sit upright. In her time in the war she knew what needed to be done when dealing with bullet wounds and such, but she was so tired....and out of energy.

She looked up and saw the heat signature from the hybrid. Chameleon, she guessed, or maybe tree frog? Oh well. She took deep breaths, the painful lurch of her lungs causing her to hiss. She looked down at her body, full of metal and bullet holes, she was pitiful.
She chuckled and then winced. "You sound exactly like I did" she shook her head, amused. Talking hurt, but it was something she could live with. She remembered her days in the Lab. She was the ultimate killing machine, still is, but now she has more of a heart than what she used to, she was more emotionless when it came to features....but spending time with her insistent operatives opened her up a bit.
Her voice was a deeper tone filled with a wisdom that she wouldn't' normally have. Ever since she had been shipped out, she had cursed the experiments who had escaped without her, who had left her to the mercy of the men who had created her. She was very bitter and had a few choice words for the hybrids when she saw them next. If she would ever see them again, she doubted it.

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Lost In The Stars (#35073)

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Posted on
2016-02-16 16:26:30
"Lets just hope I don't end up exactly like you are now." Agora sighed. I can't properly treat her since I'm inexperienced and have no idea where exactly her wounds are. I can only help heal the obvious wounds. Once those heal she'll have to do the rest herself.

Sighing, Agora dropped her coat down next to Tatiana (going to use her name though Agora doesn't know it yet, because its better than 'the woman'). "Don't freeze, either." she commanded. She had originally hoped to climb the tree and rest a bit, but it was impossible to sleep in the cold. Instead of trying to sleep, and against her normal nature, she decided to talk instead.

"You were in the war, huh?" She said, but quickly realizing that a response would hurt she continued talking as if she hadn't been wanting an answer, "I was about to go to the war, but escaped. Hijacked a helicopter. They're probably searching for me... but that was a long ways away. I just hope they don't search this far." she said, her voice fading a bit at her last sentence.

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Cora (#38247)

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Posted on
2016-02-17 10:02:10
Tatiana | Female | Viper Hybrid |

She watched as Agora (Good idea) dropped her coat next to her, when she heard the command she chuckled, coughed, then took the coat gratefully and wrapped it around her shoulders. She looked forward into the darkness and stayed silent. Her thoughts were running wild, images of flashing guns and fallen comrades filled her mind.
"Indeed, I was sent out right after they questioned me about the escape" She shrugged with difficulty "I was already due to be sent out in 2 weeks when I heard of the plan, I spoke with its supposed leaders Ahren and Aspen. How the younglings pulled it off, I dont know. But you can imagine my rage when I learned they had left without me. How they had left me to the mercy of our creators and war" She hissed angrily, her anger clouding her pain. "I spent 5 years in that shithole. 5 years of war, day to day, nonstop bloodshed. I can't tell you how much blood I have spilled" She chuckled. Instead of breaking down, she turned it into indifference and humor.
She shook her head, smiling "How did you steal a helicopter?"

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Cora (#38247)

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Posted on
2016-02-21 06:26:19
Okay this is officially dead

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Cryptid (they/he) (#44335)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2016-02-21 07:43:35

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