Posted by HTTYD Roleplay w/ LittleLynx

KenjiSnow (#57926)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-14 14:27:52
A HTTYD Roleplay with LittleLynx. Please do not comment or reply unless you are LittleLynx!

I'll post the plot here in a second, just give me a bit to get it together and plan it out right.

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KenjiSnow (#57926)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-14 14:28:08
{Reserved just in Case?}

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KenjiSnow (#57926)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-14 14:28:46
(( We should keep OOC to a minimum for the most part, if that's alright with you. ))

{Human From}
Name: Aaron Tierney
Gender: Male
Age: 19 years old
Height/Weight: 6 foot 2 / 220 pounds
Appearance: Aaron is what many consider a brute in appearance. He almost has the classic viking muscle and outline, but none of the adoration for it. He hates his size and is constantly sitting or trying to avoid his bulk from taking over in conversations. His fitness has come from riding dragons for almost half his life, and it's helped give him more lean muscle and taken away from some of his appearance. Aaron has dark brown, almost black hair, and a slightly darker complexion. Both of these allow him to stand out from vikings, but what strikes many oddly are his emerald green eyes. Green eyes are rather rare and they attract some attention if someone gets a good look at him, especially with the pale blue ring around his irises. His face is angular and he has a wide chin and wide, expressive eyes. His forehead is open most of the time since he pulls his bangs back, but it's okay for them to fall one in a while. He's usually seen in casual breeches and a deep blue shirt. Leather gauntlets and a chestpiece are from his sister and have his familys' crest as well as his own personal insignia on them. He's usually seen wth a piece of fur on him; be it a tail or a wrap around his waist. If you catch him after the twins have gotten him his hair has been groomed and played with. Because of the twins, he has a few hair wraps at the nape fo his neck and one right in front of his ear. The colors match up with him and Nightlight's classic colors, but also with a few of their own favorites such as teal and blue.
Personality: Shy is the one word that comes to mind with Aaron, but his temper is legendary. He's usually the peaceful, shy, and quite young man people have seen for years. It's the classic story unless he happens to be in a group he's connected with or goes onto babble about one of his passions. Night and him usually communicate with him mumbling or whispering and her replying in colors, this has helped him to avoid people
History: Aaron grew up in a family that welcomed dragons without hesitation, they were born in the generation that began the riding and training courses. It's grown huge for the last few years, and they've allowed their children into the hobby without a second thought. Shannon's sister, Mathalda, is a racer with a no-nonsense attitude. She's brutish and has helped train and shaped Aaron and Neasa into the riders they are.
Aaron grew up as the second older, with his sister Neasa being born a year before him. He grew up with a few problems with socializing, but has found his place among the obstacle course racers and the strategic riders. Neasa prefers the head-on approach, but does have her other passions. She's a leather-worker and also knows how to work in a forge, and often makes her and Aaron's armor and riding gear with customized symbols and crests from their family.
Aaron is not a very bold rider, but he has won a few contests with obstacles being his strong point. Night is a great thinker and they can usually out maneuver everyone if the tight turns don't kill them.
- Shannon Tierney [Mother - Alive] & Aideen Tierney [Father - Alive]
- Mathalda Tierney [Aunt - Alive]
- Neasa Eireen Tierney [Sister - Alive] + Anisa Tierney [Sister - Alive] + Jacklynn Tierney [Sister - Alive]
(( His mother and father do not ride dragons but possess two terrible terrors as pets. His aunt is a well known racer with a Nadder. His sister Neasa has a Rumblehorn named Murdock for riding, but she doesn't compete very much with him. His other sisters Anisa and Jacklynn are twins and not too interested in riding. ))
Strengths & Weaknesses:
+ Strategic Thinker
+ His size and build allow him to do a lot of physical work, but he hates it with a passion
+ Great artist
+ Sometimes loyal and honest to a fault

- Shabby writer and hand writing, he can draw a diagram but don't expect a good explanation.
- He's not very sociable and usually keeps quiet and to himself
- He's a bit naive to the world, it's why Night is protective of him
- Relationships are hard to form, but they're easy to keep and extremely hard to break with him

- His family is one of the few groups Aaron is fluidly talk in without getting nervous
- His temper is a force to be reckoned with, but it hardly shows
- Sisters before everything; they're his best friends
- Water is not his best friend. He hates the ocean. It's a horrible place; he can only withstand lakes and rivers.
- His insignia is a Hobblegrunt's head with its eyes closed and its tail curled inside of it with one wing showing
- Cats. Cats are amazing. Don't let him see them.
- {More?}

{Dragon Form}
Name: Nightlight [Called Night, Nini, etc by her rider]
Gender: Female
Age: 8 years old
Height/Length/Weight: 12 feet tall at forehead | Nearly 30 feet long |About 1,000+ pounds |
Appearance: Night reverts to a dusky black/purple ink shade when not expressing herself. It's her original color as far as anyone knows, and it's almost always used when she's asleep or trying to hide herself. Her eyes are a teal blue/green and she's as gentle as possible. She appears to be a normal Hobblegrunt through and through, with all the appropriate parts and appearance. Her tail has the normal ruffle on it, although she not afraid to use it as a weapon and it more than happy to use her body for defense. Her head frill is usually slightly lowered, but when she starts humming or calling to other dragons it instantly reaches its full height of 12 inches tail and it spreads around her head. Her name comes from the random white-patches that showed when she was born, looking similar to star and causing her to stand out with her dual coloration. They've faded but sometimes appear when her colors are changing; random white spots and streaks that cut the colors in half before they settle and disappear.
History: She was hatched 8 years ago in Berk's local area from a Hobblegrunt who used the island has a refuge. After she grew enough to walk and be ridden, she was given training. This was left to Aaron since she was paired with him as an experiment. After naming her Night for her default coloration, they soon bonded and she's remained with Aaron ever since. A few misadventures have lead to more colors being showed by her expressive nature, and a gateway to communicating with her rider without the use of words.
Personality: While many know Night for her carefree and joyful nature, they don't always see her mysterious side. She's not the most vocal dragons in company with those she doesn't trust, and after a few fights she's learned not everyone can be completely trusted. She's rather protective over Aaron, often going out of her way to keep her tail or wing around him. Night knows he's been hurt before and wishes to keep himself. Her most used color is probably her default coloring since she's learned to control her emotions a bit better, but waves of it will still pass along her body before fading out.
Color List:
Deep plum purple/Dark Ink = Normal/Default
Black = Fearful
Grey = Content/Placid
Orange = Excited
Purple = Curious
Yellow = Happy/Joy
Red = Angry/Hurt
Light Green = Jealous/Envy
Deep Green = Disgust
Blue = Depressed/Ashamed
White = Confused/Insecure
Pale Pink = Embarrassed/Flustered
[ Her colors changes in a wave from her nose down to her tail ]
- Aaron is her baby, she's a mother hen and doesn't enjoy leaving him alone
- If they're camping she instantly offers her wings and warmth to her rider; she's a Stoker class after all.
- Years of training to run on ground have increased her speed and agility enough to where she's just as good on ground as she is flying
- Tight turns are a no-no; slide outs and crashed have been experienced
- She hates other females with a passion and isn't afraid to snap at them.
- {More?}

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Edited on 15/06/16 @ 10:29:14 by Serelin (#57926)

LittleLynx (#79699)

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Posted on
2016-06-14 15:10:19
Name: Rose l. Marrette
Gender: Female
Age: 18 years old
Height/Weight: 5 foot 6 / 165 pounds
Appearance: Rose has long fair brown colored hair that she keeps braided, it falls to her waist when it's unbraided. She has pale gray eyes. Her figure is slightly curvy and her chest is average size. She typically wears a long sleeved brown jacket with a thickly furred hood and a red shirt underneath. She also wears matching brown legging like pants and furred boots. She has a very delicate appearance and doll like face. Due to this her mother gave her the nickname Lamb, which she doesn't really care for all too much. Mostly because she was teased for it as a child.
Personality: Rose is very outgoing and kind. She has a problem with authority, and doesn't take well to be given orders or directions. She is passive when it comes to arguments, she has almost no temper, but if she would need to fight to protect the things she cared about she wouldn't hesitate.
History: Rose grew up with just her mother and older brother Jonathan. Her father died of a sickness before she was born. Her mother was a well known dragon tamer, and Rose was fascinated with the beasts from an early age. Growing up Rose knew what she wanted to do with her life, she wanted to be a dragon racer. When she was fifteen she finally got her wish and received a dragon. The pair are inseparable.
Family: Harriette- Mother (alive)
Sirus- Father (deceased)
Jonathan- Older brother (alive)
Strengths & Weaknesses:
+ Clever and quick witted
+ Kind and compassionate
+ Outgoing and protective

- Bullheaded and stubborn
- Listens to hardly anyone
- Blunt, tells it like it is.

{Dragon Form}
Name: Moonbeam
Gender: Female
Age: 8 years old (human years)
Height/Length/Weight: 30 feet tall at forehead, nearly 18 feet long roughly 1000 pounds.
History: ((WIP I'm still trying to think of what to put on here.))
Personality: She is very playfully
Color List: Main color is blue with off white and pale yellow accents.

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Edited on 15/06/16 @ 11:23:44 by LittleLynx (#79699)

KenjiSnow (#57926)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-15 06:51:53
(( Sorry for the late reply, I'm getting ready to go out to see a movie. That's about all I can do this summer, to be honest. ))

The wind was about all your could hear up in the sky on the back of a dragon. There was a slight chill in the air, but that was from the speed and the breezes coming in off the sea. Aaron peeked around, his goggles keeping the wind from hurting his eyes; at the speeds they went on dragons he didn't need to be blinded mid-flight by his eyes tearing up. He was seated on his Hobblegrunt's back, Night wasn't exactly her usual color anymore. A bright yellow pattern had replaced her dark, dull color. She was too happy to stay plain for too long, especially in the middle of an obstacle course!
Aaron was steering just by his body movement and the tug on the collar at the base of Night's neck, so which she responded easily. She tucked her wings in then Aaron leaned forward onto her neck, pulling her extra limbs in to fit through a ring that was hung on the side of a cliff. A few dragons are gone in too fast and crashed, but Night knew better than to rush and leave Aaron's directions in the dust. She cooed when she unfurled, her rider sitting up straight as he peeked around. "Okay! We have just a fourth of the course left." Aaron said, mostly speaking to himself. They had knocked down a pole when running on the ground in the beginning, which gave them a 2 second penalty. After that Night had really gotten serious, and so far they were in the leaders for the fastest time.

Night felt Aaron start to shirt, patiently waiting on him to make a move. She wasn't nearly as tall as most dragons, but she knew for sure her lack of size made it easier for maneuver in the tight spaces they couldn't reach. As she spotted the finish, Night's yellow coloration changed to orange in a domino effect down her body. Oh this was it! They would land second if she didn't knock another item down! She felt Aaron push her collar forward, smiling to herself as she tucked her wings in and dove for the next ring that was closer to the ground. She felt Aaron lay himself down on the saddle and quickly tucked her wings in. Aaron tapped his feet against her for security, since this was a steep dive and a quick turn to move upwards. Speed was her enemy, but she knew her rider had a plan.
Aaron felt the wind rushing at them, spotted the ring closing in, and just as they got close enough he signal Night to roll backwards. The hobblegrunt quickly caught on as her head went through the ring. As her body followed she was already moving her head backwards to pull her body with her. As she streamlined her arms and legs against her body, her tail easily soared through the ring without hitting it. Cooing in delight, she rolled into a large backwards loop to avoid a tight turn. It'd slow her down for a second, but it was better than crashing and burning. Aaron patted her shoulders as she beat her wings to pull herself up into a steep climb, soaring through another rig positioned onto a pole in the middle of the arena. It was a bit too easy to get through, and betrayed the harder obstacle at the end of the arena. They had to land after spiraling through multiple rings. Aaron gently tapped his feet against Night's sides, her orange coloration dimming in concentration as she picked up as much speed as she could. These rings could end everything they'd trained for, she hadn't quite perfected pulling up to land gracefully. Thankfully Aaron knew obstacles weren't about grace or beauty, just how you go through them, not knocking anything over, and getting a quick time.

Night went into a spiral roll as she tucked her wings in and streamlined her arms and legs. She spiraled trhough the rings, all 6 of them. Aaron quickly pulled up on her collar, and when she felt her tail slip through the last wing she rolled backwards and spreading her wings out. She landed with a loud thud and stirred the dust in the arena, but she landed right in the middle of the target! The crowd went wild but Aaron offered a small wave as a thanks. He was happy have the obstacle course was observed by judges only, the blunder at the beginning had mostly been his fault. He got nervous in large crowds... It was obvious they'd get second, only 5 full seconds behind the first place winnre as he peeked at the leaderboard. It was someone with a Typhoomerang, their speed was well known and so was their agility.

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Edited on 16/06/16 @ 22:07:15 by Serelin (#57926)

KenjiSnow (#57926)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-28 12:20:00
;w; Are you EVER going to reply?

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