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Mumei[G1Ra] (#12188)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-07-04 23:35:58
I've been away for almost a year now, I think? I'm pretty behind on what's new, what bases/markings are in and not in. Any help would be very much appreciated, thanks!

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OHATROPA (#62029)

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Posted on
2016-07-24 09:00:49
Well, let's start with the big stuff.

- Leopons. Now there is a new mutation (It is actually a hybrid but it is classified under a mutation.) You don't have to breed with a leopard or anything, it is 100% random, like a mutation. Unlike other mutations it can be passed down to it's cub. Every leopon is born exactly the same: Kilimanjano base with blue eyes (I think) and two markings at 100 %: Under White 4, and Mottled Rosette. Mottled Rosette has a chance of passing down as does the mutation itself if the leopon happens to breed. Mottled rosette is very called for and will go for a lot of GB! A leopon itself can go for 300-400 GB. Also, male leopons can become king but they cannot breed and are therefore sterile. But, female leopons are able to and you can breed them as much as you like. The original news post about leopons can be located here and a user created masterguide on leopons can be located here.

- Beetles. This is fairly new. These are considered a pet, and you have a chance of getting one in explore. There are many different species being added every week, and some are common, uncommon, and rare. They also have colors. Colors can be rare or common depending on which species. Opalescent is the rarest in beetles to my knowledge. You can have up to 6 beetles for free, but beyond that you have to purchase them with GB to have more. Beetles lose hunger every day and you have to feed them either herbs or water items from past events. If you do not have any herbs or water items, you can buy them with Sb here, the Beetle Grounds. Also, you can train and fight your beetles if you want. Only males can fight though. When a beetle is training, it can gain a stat. Fighting and training is available to do here, at Beetle Battles. You can train your females to get stats if you want, but they would only be helpful in the breeding process! Yes, these beetles can breed. Battling, training, and breeding are all available when the beetles reach ten days old. The original news post for beetles can be accessed here and the original post for Beetle Battling can be accessed here. A complete user-created master guide can also be accessed here. And if you would like to know all about species and such, you can access another masterguide here. And last but not least, if you would like to suggest another new beetle species for the game, that thread can be accessed here. Also, special beetles can be bought from the oasis (including the very loved Golden and Silver beetles - literally!) and they will give you a random oasis beetle of a random color! They are 1 GB each and I wasted all my GB on them, haha.

- Genetics. There is the usual dark and light, but the admins decided to add a medium. Now there are dark lions, light lions, and medium lions. This plays a huge part in genetics and breeding but if you are not deep into that stuff, you shouldn't have to worry. The original news post for medium gradient bases can be accessed here.

- Two new mutations. There are two new mutations to look for! A new female mane mutation is out called Mane Whiskered. It's honestly awesome. The original news post on this mutation can be accessed here. And an example of a lioness with this mutation can be accessed here. Also there was an applicator released for the event that permitted a new mutation, Overgrown Fur. Since it is an applicatory mutation, it has a chance of being passed down onto cubs. There is no news post on this for this was an event thing I'm afraid. An example of a lioness with Overgrown Fur can be accessed here.

- Hunting Parties. Now instead of placing each lion seperately, you can click on five spots on the hunting map and then just click one party. Hunting parties can be formed by clicking the link that says Hunting Parties on the top of the usual hunting page. Only five lionesses can create a hunting party. The original newspost on Hunting Parties can be accessed here.

- Footnotes. Now under where you would usually name a lion, there is a chance to give it a footnote. Footnotes help you see who's a hunter or a breeder or an heir more clearly. You can also write whatever you want it a footnote, plus there are little helpful emojis like :breed: or :hunt: or :heir:. There are a few more ^^ The original newspost about the release of these can be accessed here.

- HTML. You can now insert HTML in lion bios and messages! Yay!

- Personalities - lions and lionesses can now have personalities. Personalities are set into groups: Snarky, Evil, Good, and Neutral. There are many sub personalties within these new groups. Also, Good lions in your pride will be able to give a mood boost to to other good lions and your pride, and same goes for evil to evil or snarky to snarky lions! The original news post on personalities can be accessed here.

- Flavour Texts. Now, when you click on a lion for the first time in a day, you have a chance of getting a Flavour Text! These texts also are based on a lion's personality. Good lions will give you a good texts, while a sarcastic lion will give you a remark, while a evil lion will give you a yank on the tail! There are over 100 different texts, so make sure to have fun with them! The original newspost for these texts can be accessed here.

- Clans. Now you can for a fee of 2 GB upfront and a monthly fee of 1000 Sb you can set up a clan where you can invite members and have raffles, and even have your own clan hoard. You can make them based on anything - Maybe Lovers of Blue Bases, Dwarfie Owners, or even like, Harry Potter Fans. Whatever. The original news post on clans be be accessed here. You can view and create clans here.

- Caves. Now, in your den, you have three caves. The first one is free and the other two you need to build out of 10 Large Rocks and 10 Leaves and 200 Sb. You can sort them anyway you want, with anyone you want in which. There is not a way to opt out of it at this moment I'm afraid. The original news post on caves can be accessed here. You can create a new cave here.

- Broodmothers and Cub Mortality. Now cubs have a survival rate. If these cubs are not put under a broodmother, the cubs will eventually lose all their survival rate and die. To prevent this from happening, you can assign one of your lionesses to be a broodmother. They will earn XP, but they will not be able to hunt. They can protect up to five cubs unless they have a nurturing personality, then they may protect six. This update is to help unwanted cubs and the economy. The original news post for broodmother's can be accessed here.

- Two new things have been added to players usernames (Green Paws, Yellow paws, Blue paws, that thing) there is something called a Community Contributer. They are lower then helpers, but higher then usual members. If a helper or a mod isn't on, they will help answer your questions to the best of their ability! Anyone who is a CC will have a little owl sign next to their username to make it easier for us. The original news post on Community Contributers can be accessed here. Also now people who have donated a bit (I do not know the exact number) to Lioden through GB purchases and such will have a little blue star next to their name to indicate that they are an avid Donater!

-Poses. Now you can buy an applicator that will apply poses to you lions. Only one pose is availible at the moment - Jolly, and it's only working on females. Most markings and such have been drawn to fit the new lineart! You canbuy these on people's branches or at the TC. The original news post on this pose can be accessed here.

- Cub Training. You can now train your cubs to gain extra stats. By the time they grow up, if their training bar is at 100% they will get some extra stats. You can train your cubs or adols here. The original news post on cub training can be accessed here.

- Translucent Jellyfish. You can now buy this item in the oasis to hide your lion, so if you have an animal decor or such you can make it look like that's your lion/ess! You can also use a Lab Frog from the oasis, which changes the art of your lion so that they look like the opposite gender! Their genders are not actually changed though, note.

- Two more mini games. Baoball is where you can play hyena/lion "soccer" and have a chance to earn a stat or do! This replaces the scratching rock that used to be there. Also in Trivia, you can answer questions about Lioden or Africa to earn Sb!

- Giving tree. Now, when you click on an item in your hoard you have an option to throw out. If thrown out, it will end up at the giving tree in 15 minute intervals. Also, if you abandon a cub or adolescent, it will end up at the giving tree. Once a day you will be able to claim one cub or adol! The giving tree can be accessed here.

- New bases. There were a lot of new bases added, so I managed to compile a list for you! Here are the newest bases added in the past year.
Common - Auburn, Dark Vanilla, Dikela, Hazelnut, Dun, Ginger, Lemon, Cedar, Golden 6, Sienna, Tawny, Savannah, Sunflower, Dusty Rose, Amber, Bronze, Pecan, Obsidian, Henna, Saffron, Tan
Special - Ebony, Cinnabar, Ashen, Cameo, Ice, Naracat, Shedua, Buttermilk, Goldenrod, Buff, Champagne, Flint, Chartreux, Anjeer, Umber, Buttercream, Cream Brindle, Black Brindle, Golden Underfur, White Eyebrows

- New Noses: Butterfly, Dark, Blue, Tawny

- New Manes:
Types - Tufted, Crested
Colors - Fiery, Brass, Deira, Silver Gray, Prune, Slate, Chocolate, Khaki, Sundust, Maroon, Sandy, Ice, Dikela, Fulvous

- New Markings: White Roan, Silver Roan, White Unders, Cream Unders, Silky Unders, Midnight, Cream Marbled Unders, White Marbled Unders, Chocolate Back, Chocolate Brindle, Chocolate Cover, Chocolate Marozi, Chocolate Points, Chocolate Sable, Chocolate Smudge, Chocolate Snout, Ice Crackle, Ice Cover, Ice Undershine, Ice Glaze, Fulvous Glaze, Fulvous Pelage, Fulvous Rouge, Fulvous Shine, Chocolate Backhair, Chocolate Half, Chocolate Low Flow, Chocolate Tips, Chocolate Top, Saffron Belly, Saffron Coat, Saffron Cover, Saffron Vesture, Saffron Undercoat, Saffron Undercover, Duskfall, Silver Frosting, Silky Frosting, White Frosting, Cream Frosting, - Henna Brindle, Henna Cloud, Henna Coat, Henna Cover, Henna Marozi, Henna Sable, Henna Shell, Henna Tail, Henna Vesture, White Crackle, Onyx Crackle, Dim White, Dim Gold, Dim Mahogany, Saffron Underfelt, Saffron Lace, Lilac Siamese, Tail Banding White, Tail Banding Mahogany, Leg Banding White, Leg Banding Mahogany, (Feline 1/2/3/4/5/6/7 Silky, Gold, Silver, Ginger, ), Golden Luster, Mahogany Points, Cream Eyebrows, White Brindle, Black Coat, Silver Points, Coral Cover, Coral Belly- Coral Points, Coral Face, Coral Luster, Coral Marbled Unders, Coral Under, Coral Shimmer, Coral Socks, Coral Undercoat, Coral Undercover, Coral Underfur, Coral Lace, Coral Soft Unders, Coral Underfelt, Mottled Rosette,

- New Eyes: Crystal, Sinoper, Ice (I think that's new), Lavender (Oasis), Purple (Oasis), Indigo (Oasis), Seafoam, Sage, Bronze, Paradise, Malachite, Peach, Golden Unders 1/2/3/4/5/6,

Alright. I really hope I didn't miss anything except the little stuff. This took me about two-three hours to go through all the news threads and stuff, and I really hope you get a lot out of it so that you can successfully get back into the game. Ow. My hands hurt XD

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shaska (#10801)

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Posted on
2016-07-24 09:03:53
Wow. o-o I think you might have broken a record?

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OHATROPA (#62029)

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Posted on
2016-07-24 09:09:19
@Shaska, did I? XD I honestly had nothing better to do. Lol

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Mumei[G1Ra] (#12188)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-12 00:18:32
@Jay- Wow.. thank you so much! I didn't realise how much was added since I left. This is going to be so helpful, I honestly was clueless coming back into the game. Thank you so much, very appreciated!

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Cirilla [hiatus] (#4207)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-08-12 00:23:22

*Prances in, ready to explain the new stuff*..

*Looks at Jay's long list*


*Prances back out.*

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Edited on 12/08/16 @ 07:23:45 by Lavellan (#4207)

OHATROPA (#62029)

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Posted on
2016-08-12 13:46:35
@Levellan, I might have got a bit carried away.... XD

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Cirilla [hiatus] (#4207)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-08-12 13:59:16
But that's good! xD I probably wouldn't have covered as much as you did. Probably not even half. o>o

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[Ethereal|Scattered] (#97439)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-09-13 13:43:36
Anyone Know How To Expand A Pride...?
Yeah,I Need Help c:

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Whisk {Pete's Side} (#63718)

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Posted on
2016-09-13 13:53:48
You can attack another user for a chance at winning territory. You scroll down just past the user's caves and there's a box that says "attack this lion". You'd choose territory from the box and fight, but it costs 20% energy to do this. If you use this option I would find a lion 2 levels lower than yourself and has less stats that way you have a higher chance of winning. You can also purchase more slots by clicking the "+" next to territory on your profile. If you still have questions, I found all this here so it might help you. :3

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