-LOCKED - Cave Dens, Tan Base, and more!
Posted on 2016-07-22 03:42:18

Caves are the newest feature on Lioden! Here's a detailed run down of what you can expect:

* Caves have replaced the huge long list of oddly assorted lions on your territory page, allowing the page itself to be a bit neater and clear up some loading lag.
* Each cave you create can house an unlimited amount of lionesses, restricted only by your own territory size.
* You have been given 3 free cave slots to start off with, and if you need extra caves for organising then you can permanently expand your cave slots for 5GB each (when you reach 9 cave slots, this will increase to 10GB per slot).
* You can build a cave using resources you can find freely in explore - Large Rocks and Large Leaves - along with a small SB fee.

* All dropdown lists in the game have been changed to reflect cave sorting - all lions will be divided into their caves and ordered by that specific cave's sorting settings. The only lists that haven't yet been converted are your Pride Overview and the Raffle Prize lists as they require a little extra fiddly work.
* Caves can have lions within them sorted differently from other caves - you could have one cave dedicated to your stat beasts and order them by stats, and another dedicated to pretty cubs in which you could order them by name.
*Everyone is able to create a free cave to start off!

There is a bug at the moment that if you don't have at least one cave you will not be able to feed or use any items on your lions. Please make sure you create your first cave and we will try to fix this bug asap.

And this is just the beginning! We have a whole host of things planned for caves to make them more personalised and another fun feature of Lioden. Some things to look forward to:

* Selecting a "Featured Lion" for each cave, which will load that lion's image layers (minus decorations) onto the main cave image.
* Having the Feed All tool appear in each cave so you can choose which caves to prioritise - or choose to not feed a cave at all! The Feed All tool will remain on your Den page too, so you will have the choice of either.
* Same thing with Play All tool!
* Future Den Decorating

If you don't like this change, you are more than welcome to ignore caves entirely. We have moved your existing lions list to a new link underneath your player information on your den page. It will show "Unsorted (# lions)" which will list your lions exactly as they were before caves were added. This at least helps out a little with page load times on Den pages, and also stops endless scrolling for those prides that have hundreds of lions. We hope that if you don't like caves, you can at least appreciate our need to do this :)

CREATE A CAVE PAGE - LINK - this link normally becomes available when there's an empty cave slot open for you on Den page. When you're out of slots, a purchase option will appear.

* it is intentional that you can't see anyone else's unsorted lions

New Things!
* Bookmark folders now can be temporarily collapsed in order to easily browse different folders for the correct bookmark. Suggestion [link]
* A small padlock icon will now show up in your Territory Overview, next to lions that have been secured. Suggestion [link]
* We have rearranged the Pride Overview slightly, moving Status icons to the right of lion Ages as we feel this looks a bit neater.
* The Feed All tool now prioritises the food which will expire the soonest.
* You will now receive a notification if a Private Trade is created for you, and the list will also show how many days the item has remaining. Suggestion [link]
* The lion feeding list on the stacked item page will now show lions in order of hunger from most hungry at the top to least hungry at the bottom (with the exception of main male who always comes first ;D).
* Lion raffle message with link on lion’s page if it is in a raffle. Maybe in upcoming days a den icon will be added too, we're still thinking what it could be. Maybe a rolled dice?

Bug Fixes
* Off-season gems should now appear in explore a little more frequently as they were unintentionally restricted before. They will still appear less often than in-season gems, but we've just made a small correction.


Two new beetles are now available for you!

Dynastes hercules - found in explore, Uncommon, user suggestion
Xylax: yes.. my mistake :( Somehow it was in my African chart, this is American beetle. But if feels unfair now to move it to Oasis, so let's say it's introduced species and leave it in Explore <3

Stolas beetle (defaults on imperialis) with subspecies as colours - Oasis beetle, user suggestion

Explore encounter
A new explore encounter aimed at beetle owners has been added - it will grant you a random free herb when you get it.



Tan is a new Cream Dark Solid Common base, available via Oasis or applicable via Base Applicators.

NOTE POSES are planned for next week, unless one of admin's house is on fire, or something. That might delay it.


Remember that the event ends on July 31st at 11:59 pm, and all your currency will be stored in your account until next year.

Shad has added new tags, check them out as usual! :D

Raffle Lioness

Congrats Tala (#23331)! You have won the latest raffle lady along with the Feline 6 Silver!
Newest lady with the Knysna Lagoon background and Feline 6 GOLD is up for impressing in Special Lioness area in Explore or in NEWS section under News Post List!

Polls and dev notes
POLL LINKWhat should we release first? A few recolours of Rosette (Dark Brown Ginger) / Inverted Rosette (Gold, Saffron), orr maybe new Rosette markings such as Soft Rosette or Heavy Rosette?

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Edited on 22/07/16 @ 22:55:51 by Xylax (#4)

Ren (#83331)

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Posted on
2016-07-22 11:33:28
Okay, I moved my lions into my starting cave, but it says I have 4 unsorted lions. When I click it, there's no unsorted lions.

Is this a bug?

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Soulen (#88938)

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Posted on
2016-07-22 11:36:15
I personally don't like the caves : /

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Freya (#42480)

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Posted on
2016-07-22 12:19:18
So cool!! I love how Lioden is always improving and getting more and more fun! I'll never get tired of this game. So excited for the changes ^_^

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Marmie (#89610)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-07-22 12:24:57
The idea of dens is fantastic, I also like the new beetles. Thanks for the wonderful updates.

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Posted on
2016-07-22 12:33:04
YOOO I love organization, so these caves are going to be a huge help for me! <3

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Starblazer (#51170)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-07-22 13:46:26
Seriously, how will nursing cubs be affected by caves? I sell a lot of cubs and would need them in a second cave.

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Astrid (#25945)

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Posted on
2016-07-22 14:05:07
Can we at least have the option to toggle off the 'Unsorted' tab and go back to the old list for the ones that aren't in caves?
Caves are great and all, but I'd rather have the unsorted ones out where I can see them instead of hidden away in a tab. xP

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eli (#45913)

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Posted on
2016-07-22 14:40:07
love this update! so excited for the poses :0

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Jibblet (#94354)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-07-22 17:02:13
This is gonna take me forever to get used to.

Edit: nvm I figured out the problem I was having haha

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Edited on 23/07/16 @ 02:22:13 by Jibblet (#94354)

captnsalt (#38937)

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Posted on
2016-07-22 18:25:07
Not excited for the caves at all :(

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¾ (#23259)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-07-22 19:01:28
Woot more organization stuff~

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Xaco (#48995)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-07-22 19:14:42
Bears live in caves.When did lions start to live in caves?
Africa isn't a forest.This is not as it is in the wildlife with these unusual for animals habitats.Especially for the main animal in the game the lion.

Good thinking for the organization but to be as a cave - not so much.
NOT hating!Only pointing out facts.

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Mad Hyena (#29080)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2016-07-22 19:30:02
Actually, there's fairly enough caves in Africa. Elephants go to mineral-rich caves for salt and those are just some of the caves. Plus, it doesnt need a mountain to be a "cave" - big burrows in the ground are also caves, two big rocks put together also create nothing else but a cave. I think cave is the best name for a lion's house, simply for there isnt a better word for it.

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Codie (#40129)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-07-22 19:32:49
Lost 3 lionesses and 3 cub died because I wasn't able to play or feed them.thanks for the new update.

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Xaco (#48995)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-07-22 19:37:32
Mad hyena@ How many lions in Africa live in caves?If you answer me that I will accept your point.

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Edited on 23/07/16 @ 02:38:24 by Xaco (#48995)

Topic is locked

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