Posted by Leotie Herd (Thread) | Mustang RP [Semi-Literate+]

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-09-07 05:49:55
Chat Thread
Spillover Thread

Spring/Summer Home

SOURCE: Neali Austin

Fall/Winter Home

SOURCE: Mark & Leslie Degner


• Three sentences minimum per post
• Hate the character, not the player
• When speaking out of character.. please use ()'s!
• No powerplaying!
• If you have read these rules, put 'Flower of the Prairie' in Other
• If you are going to be gone for a while, please alert us!
• Lioden rules apply
• Relationships with characters and NPCs are definitely allowed!
• Most Importantly: Have fun and be nice!

Herd Ranks

Cheif (Lead Stallion - 1) - Leader; his word is law; in charge of leading and advising the herd mainly; deals with threats to the herd; the only one technically allowed to produce foals and mate with mares, though secret mates DO occur...

Queen (Lead Mare - 1) - The cheif's favorite mare; deals with conflicts within the herd, including pecking order; gets the best pickings of grazing/drinking/sleeping spots

Round-Bellies/Sucklers (unlimited) - Pregnant and nursing mares and their foals (until 7-8 Months of age); of utmost importance; next to eat/drink/sleep after Lead Mare and Stallion; placed in the middle of the herd

Shaman(ess) (1) - Male or female; treats sickness and injury

Lookouts (2 - 6) - Male or female; surround the herd while they sleep/graze/drink and watch for threats; take turns/shifts so that they can each sleep/eat/drink

Citizens (unlimited) - Every other individual within the herd; mostly mares, some submissive stallions, yearlings, colts, and fillies (8+ months); mares are only "supposed" to breed with the Cheif

~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~Bands & Loners~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~

There may be separate bands of stallions and loners that are not a part of the herd, but they MUST be labeled as such in their header. For example:

Miss HorseyMcHorseface | Mare | 5 years | Loner

Mr. Mustang | Stallion | 12 years | Mr. Mustang Band

Bands are like mini-herds, but all stallions. The "Cheif" of the band is used as the name for the band, as shown by the second example.

Extra Info:

●Equine Anatomy:


Mare - Mature female horse
Stallion - Mature male (non-gelded)
Yearling - Foals who are around a year old
Foal - A baby horse
Colt - A male foal
Filly - A female foal
Wean - To accustom a foal to food other than its mother's milk
Weanling - A foal at the age to be weaned (6-8 months)


Current Month ~ February (Pg 49)

Character Sheets

No thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.

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Edited on 06/11/16 @ 20:32:20 by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227)

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2017-02-04 15:25:16

Your faith was strong but you needed proof,
You saw her bathing on the roof,
Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you.

Otekah | Mare | 13 years, 2 months | 2 months Pregnant | Queen
Mentions: Group of foals; Onida

Beads of those infamous April showers drummed against Otekah's navy frame like a god's sorrow-filled tears, staining her dark hide even darker, muddling the blue into a near-black. Across the way, a quintet of young foals danced and frolicked through the growing puddles, splashing murky waves of mud and water all around them. A grumpy yearling's golden coat, one which she'd been trying her hardest to keep clean, was soon embellished by a spray of the filthy stuff (which may or may not have been tainted by a little something... organic). A furious squeal erupted and the filly spun around, aiming a pale, stockinged hoof towards the rump of one of the children, missing. The Queen chuckled to herself, mind wandering, as it often did, to the young embryo in her womb who would perhaps one day be one of those foals being kicked at. A hankering for mud soon crept into the esteemed mare's mind and, obeying her impulse, she dropped to the ground lying for a moment in the refreshing filth before shoving her sterling mass over, effectively caking her barrel in deep brown mud. It was only after a light, urgent whinny caught her attention that she hastily stood and worry flooded through her.

I love you as certain dark things are to be loved, in secret, between the shadow and the soul.

Onida | Mare | 3 years | In Labor | Round-Belly (Princess)
Mentions: Otekah; Hakan; Ajax

A petite, onyx skull swung towards Onida's bloated belly, striking it lightly with irritation. Shouldn't this foal be born by now? Her belly swung low with the weight of her child, transforming her formerly floaty stride into a lumbering, burdened waddle, though being doted on was, admittedly, very nice. She relaxed again, willing the filly or colt to just leave. As if answering her prayers, a sensation rippled through her body and forced a panicked whinny from her muzzle. Her dark hooves carried the woman onward, followed swiftly by her rather-overbearing mother. It would be expected that Ajax would come running as well, whether his love would welcome him or not.


There was something so beautiful and at the same time so mysterious about this new thing at her hooves. A velvetine lip stretched cautiously toward the lanky creature, touching the tips of the damp fur as if the foal could shatter like glass at any moment.

“Kneel or bleed.”

Cobra | Stallion | 6 years | Loner

Dark mud splashed around the painted stallion's well-muscled legs, his shoulders rising and falling in inversion with his rump, a four-beat gait that propelled Cobra steadily forward along the stretch of plains. No wafting feminine scent drifted into his expanded nostrils, replaced instead by the refreshing complexity of petrichor. The brute's solid hooves slowed and fell into a three-beat rhythm, then a two-beat, then decreased further into slow four-beat for only a moment before halting completely. The angry April rain coated the coffee-and-cream stallion as he narrowed his amber eyes, scanning for any trace of the opposite gender. A powerful motion of his thick, crested neck threw his head in a wide arc, his wooden muzzle reaching skyward as the stringy tendrils of his monochrome mane and forelock exploded around his crest and poll. The vicious beast's velvet-furred nostrils quivered with rapturous emotion, guiding the wavering bellow of a thundering neigh into nature's hostile chorus.

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Edited on 04/02/17 @ 23:31:08 by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227)

⍟ chennie 🏜️
fulvous nrlc (#84624)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-02-04 22:29:50
Loi|Mare/Female|Mentions: Ania,

Loi's eyes stung as she looked up from protecting her foal from the rain that went so fast, it hurt. Wisps of hair blew through the wind, as her foal muttered in despair. "It will be over." Dark clouds regned over the south and east from here, so this was a lie. As the two walked over closer, Onida was in the distance, it took Loi a while to realize that she was in labor, but once she did, she whinnied happily. More spindly legged babies!

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Edited on 05/02/17 @ 05:33:32 by Ouhsha (#84624)

Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2017-02-05 02:34:19

Hakan| Male| Newborn| Suckler| Mentions: Onida

In an instant the warmth of his old world disappeared, leaving him in one that felt cold. But perhaps that was because his pelt was damp. The light that was produced in this new world was blinding and all the colt could do was blink until vision was clear. Soft lips would touch against his fur, his small head would turn to look at the dark creature he would soon learn was mother. Underneath him he noticed were long objects that appeared to belong to him, but it felt hard to move them. The tiny male would place one spindle leg after another into a position where he could stand, and though it had hardly been a minute since he was ushered into the world, he would find himself standing on wobbly stilts.

Body would sway as he tried to gain balance, something it seemed he wouldn't master. Even though unbalanced the colt would move forward, until he found himself leaning into his mothers front limbs and chest. Legs would shake as his weight became more bearable to hold, using his mother as a crutch, a very warm and large crutch.

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Edited on 05/02/17 @ 09:55:39 by Shy**BSS** (#51494)

⍟ chennie 🏜️
fulvous nrlc (#84624)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-02-05 03:17:25
Ania || Female || 2 Months Old || Suckler || Mentions: Hakan, Onida

The small female curiously walked up to the strange, spindly legged thing that was trying to walk. "Hey you!" She snorted at the little thing. "Try this!" She took a huge step, and then looked at the weird little horse. Was I this awkward? She thought. Looking at the foal, she saw his mother, did she know her? She ran toward to her mother, tripping over a stone, and whimpering. She re-balanced herself, then tried getting closer to the foal.

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-02-05 04:28:51

The stallion reacted well to his mate's whinny, instantly at her side and nuzzling her gently through the process. Suddenly his colt was before them, heart swelling, "He's perfect my love." His muzzle approached the colt, a soft blow of air and a even softer intake was all the stallion needed. His head bounced lightly, withdrawing to give them space. Though a filly soon approached and was met with a warning snort, hoof slightly pawing at the ground.

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⍟ chennie 🏜️
fulvous nrlc (#84624)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-02-05 04:52:29
Loi || Female/Mare || Mentions: Ajax, Ania, Onida, Hakan

Loi walked up to Ania. "Dearest, come with me, it's cold." Loi nudged Ania, then looked at Onida, Ajax, and Hakan with a 'sorry' look. She then returned her large head toward her foal, and hung her low , draping over her foals small neck in a short hug. "You'll get to play with him in a few days, once her gets older and can run with those spindly legs!" She said excitedly.

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Sinful (#50847)

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Posted on
2017-02-05 11:09:09
Viper | Stallion | 5 years old | Loner | Mentions: Cobra

Air blew from the stallion's black nostrils, tasting the air. Viper knew what his brother was searching for. The sweet scent of Mares. His brother craved it. Viper always wondered what was the big deal with mares. Viper trot was slow and steady, his legs coming high off the ground. His massive head bobbed with each step. The scared stallion wasn't far from Cobra's side, just a few yards back. Viper made sure to keep his distance, knowing how unpredictable Cobra was while trailing their next victims. His ears perked forward, dark gaze regarded the other stallion as he came to halt. Viper slowed staying clear from his flank knowing full well the other would kick out. He neighed harshly, lips curled showing off yellow teeth. "Cobra. What now?" Viper hooves splash in the mud gathering around their hooves. Mud clung to his strong legs, water running down his coat. He was growing impatient with all this running. Viper skin twitched and quivered for excitement, anything to relieve his boredom.

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Edited on 05/02/17 @ 22:34:30 by Sinful (#50847)

Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2017-02-05 11:30:05

Junebug| 1year 7months| Filly| Mentions: Onida, Hakan, Ajax In heat

Her head would have moved to look at Onida, and her new son. He was a had some young colt. It gave her much joy to watch the small thing stand and move around. Oh how happy Ajax and Onida must have been with their son. Two months ago Onida had told her a secret that she swore to never tell anyone and to this day still had not.

Lots had seemed to change, one being herself. Especially since last night, Junebug had found herself feeling awkward lately. A new scent was being produced from her hind quaters, and it bothered her not knowing what the scent was. She had wanted to ask Onida but other affairs had gained her attention.

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MoeMoe (#65000)

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Posted on
2017-02-05 14:46:50

"I have found so much beauty in the Dark,
as I have found many horrors in the light."

Lux'noticus | 7 Yrs, 11 mnth | Cheiftan| Locations: Outskirts~>Midherd
|Mentions: Otekah,Onida, Hakan, Ajax, Loi|

Wisps of fog swirled around Lux's hooves, his sterling white form eerily luminescent within the heavy rainfall. Steam billowed out of alabaster nostrils, heterochromic eyes narrowing at the birth of Onida's long awaited child. He had been awaiting this foal for a long period of time, as suspicions of the small individual's origin had been festering with the king's mind for as nearly as long as he had governed Leotie Herd. Ajax guarded princess Onida like a mother would guard her foal.

It is time to pay a visit to the little family.

"Watch the outskirts." The soft words were directed to a nearby lookout as the king slowly made his way down the water soaked incline towards the middle of the herd. Deep words of comfort would be offered to those who the stallion passed, even as his eyes were locked on his destination. Approaching the group of individuals, light and dark orbs would lock onto the little colt's small frame. Gaze flickering towards Onida in polite but unneeded inquiry to investigate the foal, the stallion waited for the princess's but more importantly, Ajax's reaction to his arrival.

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Edited on 05/02/17 @ 21:50:07 by MoeMoe (#65000)

Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-02-05 15:28:19

The younger stallion flicked his ears towards approaching hooves, cranium swinging 'round to look towards the lead. The male gave no indication towards resenting the male getting closer to the foal, and instead with a warning glance towards Onida he backed off to give the king room. "Precious isn't he?" He'd inquire the alabaster king, the one who had long since defeated his adoptive father and sent the male away. The lookout lifted his head towards the woods, nostrils flaring slightly to detect hidden scents under the rain-soaked wind. Finding nothing peculiar the stallion would move away from the group once more, eyes steadily looking away and around. Every so often dancing back towards the king, his colt and mate, the queen and some of the other herd members... He felt slightly threatened with the male looming over them so, watching them as if he'd rip them apart for deeply hidden secrets.

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Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-02-06 00:50:52

cc6966e23057125f5435a02450c4dda8.gif source: Pinterest

Clytemnestra “Clyte” | 4 years | Lookout | Mentions: Open

Soft grass tickled the small mare's ankles, and her tail swished at flies that lingered nearby. Though, some managed to nip her skin. Clyte scanned the terrain with curious and cautious eyes, for she knew the new born foal not far from where she stood was vulnerable, along with the tired mother. So, she could not let anything slip past her carful gaze. She did not want to be at fault for the death of a new soul.

The breaking of a twig caught her attention, and her ears perked and she tensed a bit. However, her gaze was met by a rabbit who's ears perked same as hers. Scared by its own sound. Letting out a soft sound in its direction, she watched it bound off away from her. 'Perhaps I am being too cautious,' she thought, calming down a bit.

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2017-02-07 10:43:39

Your faith was strong but you needed proof,
You saw her bathing on the roof,
Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you.

Otekah | Mare | 13 years, 2 months | 2 months Pregnant | Queen
Mentions: Onida; Hakon; Ania; Ajax; Lux

The complex beauty of Otekah's new grandson wedged a hot lump in the center of her throat, both of unbridled pride and anxiety. The foal, now in the process of staggering to his delicate, spindly legs, was embroidered with a bold pinto pattern uncannily like Ajax's, shattering the midnight black. Her ancestors never held any trace of color like that and neither did Atsila's as far as she knew. This was bad. Surely, Onida and Ajax (who may not have noticed his "love's" dam there yet) would be uncovered. Lux was far too intelligent to gloss over the odd coloration. "He is astounding, Onida," she breathed, in awe of her grandson. Her legacy was complete. She had a daughter, a son, a grandson. Onida would just need to produce a filly and the bloodline would be insured for the next generation. The Royal bloodline would continue. A high-pitched voice of another foal sounded, reeling Otekah back from her worry and musings, as a slightly older filly approached the newborn. Tall, delicate ears pinned backwards, but Onida had the idea before she did, much to her mother's delight. Within the minute, the young prince was standing and leaning languidly on his dam's lanky legs, a sure sign of strength. No granddam had ever been happier, she was sure of it. But the happiness soon dissolved into concealed anxiety as the whispers of heavy, feathered hooves grew closer and the ghostly Chief came to stand beside her, staring down the new mother.

"I love you as certain dark things are to be loved, in secret, between the shadow and the soul."

Onida | Mare | 3 years | In Labor | Round-Belly (Princess)
Mentions: Hakon; Ajax; Ania; Otekah; Lux

In mere minutes, Onida's son had found his legs, gaining enough control of them to wobble on over and lean on her leg, his monochrome frame pressed dependently against the bony black appendage. The satin voice of her lover floated into her obsidian ears, his close proximity immediately greeted by an instinctual lunge, jaws half open in a mock bite. Perhaps the stallion was too overwhelmed by his son's presence to grasp the dangers inlaid within the show of affection, especially one not greeted by hostility from the dam. Moments later, the cheerful chirp of some filly grew too close too quickly, to be greeted by yet another warning nip, coupled with flattened ears. The robust, apparition-like architecture of Lux'noticus came into view through the blanketing fog, his mismatched eyes glaring into hers with menacing kindness, the stallion requesting access to the newest herd member. Reluctantly, and holding back refusal, she granted solemn permission, forcing her elegant skull out of the Chief's way and allowing contact with her colt.

“Kneel or bleed.”

Cobra | Stallion | 6 years | Loner
Mentions: Viper

A flicker of amusement passed through Cobra's wooden eyes, cast his sibling's way for a moment. "Why, Viper, what a great question!," he jeered, sarcasm dripping from every syllable, "Tell me, brother, do you fancy flinging mud? Getting covered in it, from head to hoof?" The broad-chested brute turned, stocky legs twisting the stallion around to face his relative, a harsh sneer painted across his mud-hued profile. Without waiting for Viper's response, Cobra's fine-chiseled skull stiffened, bound loosely to his chest, the velvet charcoal of his lips mere centimeters from his breast. Affluence in strength was showcased by the cresty arch, bulging as it was flexed. A single sharp, pale hoof lifted slowly from the rain-soaked soil and brought down again against the grass, blades and a torrent of murky rainwater fanning out to encompass the atmosphere around the leg for a brief moment before returning to temporary dormancy. A challenge has been proposed.

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Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2017-02-07 11:25:55

Hakan| Male| Newborn| Suckler| Mentions: Onida, Ajax, Ania, Otekah, Lux

Soon the young babe would find himself surrounded bynew faces, and new sounds. It was all quite over stimulating for the newborn, but frightened him none. Attention was turned to a large male, one that shared an affectionate moment with his mother, though he was too young to figure out who this stallion was. Another horse would appear soon, a mare that shared resemblance to his mother. But before he could move any closer to her a even bigger stallion would approach. One that was white, and held himself with authority.

The colt could sense Onida's unease with Lux's approach. However he didn't not share the same feeling. Instead he felt curious of the large male. Before his mother had even awarded permission to get closer to him, Hakan moved forward invading the white Knights space. Pink nose extending outward to explore through touch, aiming for the males own pink nostrils.

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⍟ chennie 🏜️
fulvous nrlc (#84624)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-02-07 11:49:59
Ania||2 Months||Suckler||Female||Mentions: Onida, Ajax, Oketah, Lux, Hakan, Loi

Ania ran back toward the foal. She stood next to him, but looked up at the white stallion fearlessly. She snorted and reared happily. "Are you my dad?" She tilted her delicate head, brown eyes curiously looking at the white stallion. She held up one hoof, touching the stallion's large hooves lovingly. "I like your eye colors!" She said playfully, running around Lux. Little did she know, he was not her father. She stopped next to Hakan again and extended her nose toward the grass, eating the small clips as the mud around them made her hooves slippery and wet.

(Always gotta count on Ania to ask how's her father.)

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MoeMoe (#65000)

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Posted on
2017-02-08 16:31:15

"I have found so much beauty in the Dark,
as I have found many horrors in the light."

Lux'noticus | 7 Yrs, 11 mnth | Cheiftan| Locations: Outskirts~>Midherd
|Mentions: Otekah,Onida, Hakan, Ajax, Loi, Anai|

Mismatched gaze would lock on the dark and light patched foal, albino muzzle extending to investigate the young colt's sent. The diluted smell of the young male would irritate the white beast...simply put Lux had very little tolerance for his own gender. Little Hakan was so smothered by his mother's scent, and the beating cold rain, that to identify his father from scent alone would be nearly impossible. It no longer mattered though...guilty or not, the foal's coloring was enough for Lux to name Ajax as a traitor to his own only reaffirmed the lesson Lux had learned long ago.

Sons could not be trusted past their maturity.

Hakan himself showed spunk that just reeked of future rebellion...and Lux'noticus could not stop the flicker of dark thoughts that whispered through his mind. A nasty bite delivered to the little thing as a warning?

The thought was immediately crushed, with ruthless intensity...he was no longer a stallion that would punish a foal for the crimes of their parents. Oh, he had once been one of the ilk that would spill the blood of the little mutts.. quite a few deaths weighed upon his soul. He had turned a new leaf though...punishing the youth for crimes they could not comprehend and had no knowledge of was, in all honesty, childish and cruel.

A reluctant (VERY RELUCTANT), nuzzle would be offered to the little black and white stained beast offering up a new scent. The body language would send a message to the newborn foal... I am your protector...I may not like it, but if you are endangered...I will protect you. A quick retreat would be soon after...attention drawn to a slightly older foal...this one was not of his own blood. Female though, and so more trustworthy....talkative little thing.

A deep rumbling voice would echo solemnly from Lux's throat answering Anai's compliment, and question. "No, little one...I am not your father. I appreciate your compliment, it has been a long time since anyone has offered me such kind words and straight forward questions. You deserve kind words in return...I appreciate your honesty, it is a sign of strength. I dislike being lied to and misled...I will remember your knack for honesty in the future."

Grooming the small foal for a bit, if the buzzy little thing stood still long enough, Lux was lost in his thoughts. What of Ajax and Onida? Not much blame could be laid upon the new mother's shoulders...she had not been the first, nor would she be the last to fall for a sneaky male within the herd who played at being submissive. Hmmmm....if the crime had been committed during his time, there would certainly have been harsh punishment for both. Simply put though, this was a father son betrayal that had occurred before Lux had laid eyes on the herd.

Looking Onida in the eyes, before switching his gaze to Ajax and Otekah rumbling words would echo out of Noticus's chest.

"Do any of you wish to tell me something important, something I should know perhaps? I will forgive any crimes committed before my reign, and will consider forgiveness for any crimes committed up to this point. I do not like being in the dark, or lied to as I told young Ania."

Rai | 1Y 4Mnths | Filly | Mentions: Clyte | Very Edge of Herd
She planned to leave. It was something she had wanted to avoid, an action she condemned herself for even before she had taken the first step. Not everyone could be noticeable...and no matter how she tried Rai could not keep the attention of her fellow herd mates. Not even her mother. Perhaps it was familiarity...perhaps not, but Rai was not content with the mind dead existence she had found herself slipping into every other hour with increasingly more frequency.

It was too tempting.

The rainfall had covered Rai as she had made her way from the herd...the blue gray world provided the perfect camouflage for the silvery blue roan. This was it..., from here she would have to and not look back unless she changed her mind despite herself.

A movement out of the corner of her eye caught Rai's attention...a lookout. The young mare had to admit she had never before met the other individual, perhaps a few words to the stranger would provide a few more memories to treasure once Rai had left the herd.

"Have you spotted anything?"

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Edited on 08/02/17 @ 23:32:42 by MoeMoe (#65000)

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