Posted by FNaF SL [Main RP Thread]OLD

FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2016-11-23 15:38:24

"You're now in the Main RP Thread, Welcome to the RP itself....

[OOC thread is gone now]

Thank you Ennard for that ^ ^
"Hello, if you need a recap from being absent or just want to know the current story in a shorter form then i can tell you."

Night 1 (Pg.1- 7; End of night 1 Post)
"Dakota, Adameira woke up and began moving each doing their own thing.
F.T. Foxy woke up shortly after and stepped off her stage, waiting for a momen for an electric shock to come, when none came she decided on a prank on someone since no guard was around.

Foxy was soon deciding who to prank and with what voice and lines but forgot the words of Freddy's lines. Dakota who was close to her turned the prank on Foxy, who pretended to be shocked and shut down.
Meanwhile Ada had cleaned most everywhere in the location except for the Breaker room where Freddy resided, where she had entered with caution.

After a friendly banter and consersation which was cut short by Foxy hearing a Voice she didn't know echo through the halls, Foxy rushed by to her stage before she could be shocked. While said guard as fighting and disagreeing with the hand held device, HandUnit about Shocking the bots. Hand Unit was in turn shocked himself after the Night guard, Shatha dis-connected and re-did the wires to attach and work only on HandUnit.

This confused Foxy and Ballora as they heard it but not felt it. Dakota wolf figured why Foxy suddenly left and went to her room's vent, fnding it unlocked and after popping in, scaring the guard soon found the guard was a former worker at Freddy's which increased her interestedand that she wasn't corrupted like most they had before. Foxy saw a chance to Prank Shatha which was successful before Foxy left to P&S after Ballora's vent opened at the time.

Foxy was soon joined by Ennard in the P&S room and spoke until LolBit, a virus/old former programing in Foxy took over and has now rushed to the Control Mod while Ennard sought help from Baby."

[Baby, that isn't what i see as 'shorter form' XD -Beaned w/ Mic-]
'Continuing on with the story....' Baby thinks to herself;

" ...Sometime after when Lolbit was trying to get inside by breaking the window, Shatha, the night guard tried to speak and reason to the glitched fox known as Lolbit. But was unseccessful....He was too feral and far gone for mere words to reach him as he finally saw a way inside by the vent of Funtime Auditorium.

Meanwhile, Baby hadn't given any answer thus far to help as then the power went out suddenly, caused by Shatha who overwhelmed Handy with higher volts from the Shock buttons so as to prevent Handy and the cameras from seeing and knowing while also prevntig Lolbit from spreading when possible...
Adameira, joined with Ballora and her Minireenas were trying to get inside to help when Ada remembered that Shatha was a friend who had helped her when she needed it.

They gained access about the same time as Lolbit did breaking the vent door open, Ada roared, making Lolbit disracted long enough to lose track of his target.
Shatha decided to try once more to reach him befor she had to fight him, successfully destroying his control over Foxy, despite her now being in pieces.

Foxy came to and was fixed back up ith some new upgrades and hidden features, Ennard came rushing over after the power went out to make sure Foxy was aright and the guard he found interesting was alive as well. He saw Shatha for himself and absent mindly came out and revealed himself....which Shatha thankfully react rather calmly yet surprised before returning ot what she as doing...

Now, they're figuring more about the flashdrive in Foxy's chest as Shatha fixes the Cameras, audio and even Handy himself so make things appear normal again....."

~~~ [This is Alot or the first night i must say XD -Beaned again-] ~~~
"*Sighs* as i was saying...."

"As Ethan ad Shaha took turns explaining things, the Bots who resided with Shatha came to visit. Not all but only a certain few; Toy Foxy (Vixen}, Withered Bonnie {Bonfoy}, W. Foxy {Ferdi}, W. Freddy {Fredrick}, BB and Marionette {Mario/Mary}. met and interacted with FT Foxy, Ennard, and even Ballora before it was time to go for the night. Ethan and Shatha were successfu in fixing up the camera systems and making sure Handy was no more trouble for them."
~~~~ End of Night 1 ~~~~
Night 2 (Pg. 7- Pg.10

"Funtime Foxy awoke to find Amber, a fellow bot looking about for any malfunctions in the building and after a brief banter the two parted. Amber to the Scooping room and FT Foxy to P&S to speak to Ennard.

Shatha meawhile was heading down to the Control Mod with her now undercover partner; Ethan to see what else they could do and find out. Ethan was forced to bring Frothy Fox and his younger twin; Mange for protection purposes.

Adameira was cleaning up around as usual, leaving the Breaker room fo last til she reached it and found that FT Freddy Killed 4 techs and wasn't himself. Adamei left to sneak to P&S to let Ennard know of what accured while avoiding the Bird who was looking for any problems.

Shatha and ethan came in and found a few odd devices, which Froth and Mange made short work of after be released from their Portable holder Balls where they later met Amber who questioned them before Shatha answered in a calm and aggressive tone, backed up by the two foxes released shortly before.
The Blue jay backed off a bit and answered the now IDed Guards/techs about her finding the problem she was activated to deal with.

Ennard and FT Foxy spoke til Ada came and reported wht was going on. They spoke about the shock collar Ada was given before returning to FT Freddy and what to do with him.
Where they soon figured out that Ethan, shatha and Amber had left the Control Mod to see about Freddy and they soon followed, ready to help if neededwhile they hid in the shadows.

The 2 humans and Blue jay came across The Breaker room, where they found the obvious evidence of what Freddy had done. It's reveled that he was given upgrades before getting infected with a illness that only an Animatronic can get; Blood Eye Diease or BED for short.
FT Foxy used Lolbit's savage, feral nature to help take out Freddy so he could be helped while Frothy, Mange, Shatha and Marti Gratz; a mini fox doll type bot helped as well with Amber.

Lolbit had to be taken down as well when BonBon showed himsef as well bu was quckily saduced. FT Freddy, BonBon and Foxy were taken to P&S for treatment while Amber went to shut down, her mission complete.
Adameira got her Collar removed and got much needed updates/upgrades before she returned to her duties.

Whle in P&S the 2 humans spoke as Freddy and BonBon were fixed and a ew words were exchanged involving the true use of the Funtimes and the fabled Nightmare Animatronics.
Shatha and Ethan shared some facts and stories involving a boy who was plaged by Nightmare Bots and even had sketches from the boy's description as she recounted his near death tale.

It was also revealed that Shatha met one of sad Nightmares from when Willaim Afton was trying to kill her and get rid of any trace of her via said Nightmare bot;Nightmare himself.
The more they talked, the more ino was found. Ennard spoke up about the hidden rooms and even re-found the keys that went the the 3 doors. It was decided to Explore these rooms but not until the next night as they were running low on time.

None knows what'll await them next or what'll happen....
~~~ End of Night 2 ~~~
Night 3 (Pg.11- )

"Thing's started off as normal for this night; FT Foxy awoken and awaited, though not for long, for the two new night guards.
Ethan and Shatha, after arriving and making sure everything for ater was set, went into Funtime Autitorium to meet up with Foxy and Ennard to explore the hidden rooms and see bout the nightmares who dwelled there.

After Ennard showed up and showed the map revealing the hidden rooms better and they decided on a room; Badtime Bedroom. They headed towards it while conversing and gaining info they either needed or were curious of.
They reached an area in the hidden room where Ennard stayed, they found a hidden door where the old stage of Foxy the Pirate once resided long ago

Meanwhile, The nghtmare Puppet was getting ready to attack using another Nightmare; Bonnie to be exact, as they heard someone on he other side. They sent the bunny out to fight Shatha who as first to enter the room aftter opening the doorway on the pirate's cove stage.

After a breif fight with Nightmare Bonnie and facing Nightmarionne Nightmare came in and forced Marionne to back off and return to the shadows, looking to get stronger.

I hope this RP has a good run
Andd i don't own these pics i got from google nor do i own FNaF SL.^ ^

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Edited on 28/01/18 @ 00:35:50 by FNaF Foxy {Main} (#56607)

FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2016-12-09 18:17:32
Shecalmed down a bit as she had Froth and Mange back off bt something had their attnention which made Ethan scan around via cams.
"I see...Yer fine...just don't like bein yelled at when i don' kno' ya is fer a problem..well we just came here so we don't know...yet...Froth and Mange only act that way if.....Shit....Ethan, Didn't a fellow tech say something about Freddy? You know, his power mod getting to low or something?" i spoke, turning to Ethan as realization dawned on me.

"....Yep, They also mentioned how aggressive he gets the more the power drains....esp when Ayone Human tries to handle him....which means...."
"....Judging by Froth and Mange's current behavior...which is a reaction the the smell of blood, mixed with the info...."
"Means....only one thing...."

"....Uh Oh/Shit..."
Shatha and i finished each others sentence and i looked at the Breaker room cam, only to see a dismemered head staring at me...well what's let of it.
'HOLY SHIT WHAT HAPPENED?!?!" i shouted, freakiing out and leaping out of my seat at the sight.

"As what Mary told me....Human's may still think of us as nothng but machines esp here....that we can't feel or think like they can. mary did state that sometimes, a true twisted person just wants to control and wil do anything for that control no matter what happens, they want results....Just to answer that question which makes sense..."
i said firstly beore contiuing on in thought;

"Maybe...Yes, Freddy...We could get over there quickly enough but ...i think ethan just saw the remains from the cams in th Control Mod now...He'd be comming here anyway as there's no way of doing it anyhere else...One tech learned the hard way...even the owner once....So Freddy Has to be brought here beore anyone coul work on him..." I reminded and my advice was clear, hide for now if they want or just do what ever but be in here.

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Renegade (#80128)

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Posted on
2016-12-10 08:22:11
Funtime Foxy | Female | Early 20s | Fox Bot | Entertainment/Abduction

"Yeah... Speaking of Freddy, somehow, I get the feeling that they went to the breaker room on their own... Should we go rescue them?" Foxy sighed, moving back toward the Funtime auditorium. She could no longer hear anything that was going on in the main control panel, even after hearing the confrontation between Amber and Shatha, and that really meant that more unnecessary lives would be claimed by that. Although, maybe they could sic Freddy onto the owner... If he ever returned, that is.

Amber | Female | Mid 20s | Blue Jay Bot | Entertainment/Security

"Ah, bollocks." The bird grumbled, "I'll handle this..." She muttered with a sigh, crouching down near the Ballora Gallery vent and pulling some of the feathery fabric away from the endoskeletal hand on her right. She pressed her metallic finger against a blackish grey panel, which overrid any lock mechanism in the vent and it opened. Amber proceeded to dive through the vent, called out to Ballora that it was just her passing through, and continued toward the lone light that illuminated the door to the breaker room. Just the door itself had blood smears across it, serving as a beacon toward what more horrors lie ahead within the room.

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FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2016-12-10 15:48:13

"Yes, we should....I Just now remembered...Freddy's newest update sadly makes him more ...unpredictable, unstable and more aggressive esp when low to empty on power...He may turn on anyone whose near him no mater who or what they are. That's even more reason to get him in here and quickly....Or else....we'll just say, he only becomes calm and 'submissive' in the room now. Anywhere else and it's asking for a bloodbath...Maybe, that'd be a fitting death indeed but we should go. Now. Forget about hiding away." He spoke, realizing another new thing but wih Freddy.

Ethan and i looked at each other and followed. Froth and Mange hid in the shadows alrightly as if waiting for something.
"Well, i will say that my first task is to fix Freddy with your help Fang...Says he went throgh an update and to proceed with caution..." Ethan spoke, showing me his list of things to do while Ballora actually came up to me and and gave me a quick hug and went on her way.

"Hey Madam Ballora....Feeling fine i see....See ya later dearie" I smiled.

He was still awake but not himself anymore, not competely....He felt so...angery, triggered, wanting something but couldn't think of what.
He looked down to BonBon who was noming on a human's flesh, he tilted his head, Now blood shot red eyes eyed the meat before he curiously began chomping done on an arm.

A loud *Crack* was heard as he snapped the bone as he ate it, more creakig and popping of bones and flesh tearing apart.
He was now calm but for how long?

(Ewwww.....Nasty thought XP)
Yep, i back...I'm tired but not Sleepy tired if you know what i mean XD)

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Edited on 10/12/16 @ 22:52:27 by FNaF Foxy {Side} (#56607)

Renegade (#80128)

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Posted on
2016-12-10 16:05:19
(I'm literally falling asleep right now so I'm just gonna throw out a quick response... I'll edit it tomorrow night if it's too short to respond to)

Amber | Female | Mid 20s | Blue Jay Bot | Entertainment/Security

She knocked on the door with a feathered fist. "Freddy? I know how to make you feel better. Would you like to get rid of this angry feeling and feel better?" She asked in a soothing tone, although keeping the militaristic command of the situation. Amber wasn't sure how this would work out; It'd been a while since she'd have to diffuse a situation, and last time is was a decommissioned dragon animatronic, not upgraded Funtime Freddy.

Funtime Foxy | Female | Early 20s | Fox Bot | Entertainment/Abduction

Foxy nodded, leaving the parts and service room for the Ballora Gallery. Suddenly, she turned back. "Oh, and if Lolbit decides to take over... Just try to get him to aim for Freddy and not you guys, ok? I think Amber has access to my override, and can either paralyze me or completely shut me down if I go too far with things." She explained, turning back to her destination and disappearing into the vent that led into the control panel.

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FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2016-12-10 16:08:14
(it's fine, 'll give my response for now too *Waiting for my trustworthy Lead lioness to return with some food* --Is now editiing-)


He was calmly chomping the remains of his kill when he then herding a knocking sond on his door followed by a somewhat familier voice but he couldn't place it just right now.
His ears flattened best they could, opening his mouth to try and make an angry snarl as he gave a low growl.
His eyes locked on the door.

He suddenly sprung forward with a bear like roar and slashed the door with claw marks that actually went clean through. One of Freddy's new features for his hidden 'tasks' to go with bear like teeth that now un-sheathed as he snarled out. Obviously showing he held no 'normal' intell and was completly feral. His left eye, still blood shot red peeked through as he gave a bear like snarl once more. One could see he wasn't 'sane' or 'normal' no more.

One good thing; the door was locked from the outside and inside, It also looked like Freddy n longer seemed ableo unlock the door he kept poundig against if he caught any signs of someone, any movement or even sounds.

"Shit....Blood eye disease....Please be careful. He's no longer a bot like yerself nr is he able to understand speech.... He's i a feral state and highly dangerous....Any bot who has this virus is prone to ...well, think of it like Rabies but it doesn't kill the host after awhile...BED is known to only happen to animatronic animals...Androids and other humoids Can get it but it's more rare due to more 'human' thinking...."

"So, Don't look at him directly, no sudden moves and No harsh,loud sounds....He's easily triggerded nd by the looks of it....He got some deadly upgrades....those claws must be strong and Sharp if they can make that big of a slash in that door ...and the walls..." Ethan finished Shatha's sentence again as he pointed with his flashlight the large claw marks in the walls. Not very big but still noticeable....
"That's something to fix later...." He mumbled.

" know anything about how to handle a Bear?" Shatha asked. Arms crossed as she mimcked a bear chuff which quickly quieted the bear inside for a moment so she could think.

He nodded as they went on, he was first to see the claw marks on the walls and on the door from where he stood. He also heard ...Bear sounds?
"What the? what exactly did they do to him i wonder?"

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Edited on 10/12/16 @ 23:28:03 by FNaF Foxy {Side} (#56607)

Renegade (#80128)

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Posted on
2016-12-10 16:44:01
Amber | Female | Mid 20s | Blue Jay Bot | Entertainment/Security

Amber rolled up her wings likee sleeves, revealing that she really only had 3 fingers-- two and a thumb-- under the fabric rather than the normal five, nodding as she sslowly moved away from the door. "I have authorization to override the animatronics. The issue is getting to each spot... I can't remember where his override panel is... It might be on his back, but again, only I can use it. For a mechanic, it's much more difficult. I can shut him down and you can take care of the rest." She whispered, taking her vest off and throwing it to the other side of the room in an attempt to lure him to the other side, giving her an open area for her to locate the panel to do her duty. The vest landed with a dull, although heavy, clatter, and motioned for Shatha and Ethan to get back.

Funtime Foxy | Female | Early 20s | Fox Bot | Entertainment/Abduction

Foxy huffed, staying silent. "Keep your voice down." She whispered, getting on all fours in an attempt to keep herself quiet, which seemed to be working. She moved her fingers to rid herself of some anxiety, slowly creeping through the Ballora Gallery vent and entering the minefield. The tension could be cut with a knife, causing Foxy to narrow her eyes, ready to pounce if needed.

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FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2016-12-10 17:38:43
Shatha and Ethan stepped back to see how well this goes and hoped they didn't have to be back up this time around. Even though Shatha can flatten anyone in seconds if she wanted to.


He heard the sound of something land but Bon Bon had already detached and went off and brought back, or tried to, the vest that was thrown. making the bear narrow his eyes with a slight growl and hid away in the darkness with bonBon some where else as well.
He was feral but he was in no way stupid or completely gone....

"Say BonBon, Let's say hi to our Friends! Ahahahaha!" He spoke but somthing was off as the voice rang out, echoing though out the room and into Ballora Gallery a bit. It has deeper, darker almost and demonic rumble mixed with the usualvoice of Freddy's..alomost as if it was split in two.
It ended in a threatening hiss-growl before going quiet.

She heard just enough to realize Freddy's idea
"I don't think you should try that....missy....Maybe try to lure him a different way? Sounds like he's feral but not stupid...." She warned softly, she knew the trick that May happen as Ol'e Fredrick did it to her before and she wasn't able to move for awhile after that.... But it was up to miss security Blue Jay to decide on herown what to do. That didn't stop her from giving advice and warnings though.

He zipped it an continued hiding, waiting.....

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Renegade (#80128)

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Posted on
2016-12-10 17:40:09
(I'll just say I've seen this but I can't respond now, I'll throw a new post down tomorrow night. Separate, so the notification [if you have notifications turned on] still goes through)

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FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2016-12-10 17:43:37
(kay, i see this so you won't have to make a new post. i check automatically each morning and close to noon and 10PM and up ^ ^)

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Renegade (#80128)

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Posted on
2016-12-11 14:32:54
(Excuse me while I spend over an hour elsewhere and forget to hit submit XD)

Amber | Female | Mid 20s | Blue Jay Bot | Entertainment/Security

Amber took another step back, pondering about what to do. She shook her head, crossing out every solution she had in mind, knowing they were fruitless, shown with a sigh. "I have nothing... Actually, let me try something." She whispered, and stepped in front of the doorway. "NOW WHO TOLD YOU THAT YOU COULD KILL THE WORKER, HUH? THAT GIVES ME JURISDICTION TO GET YOU SHUT DOWN, YOU INFERIOR PIECE OF SCUM." She shouted, shedding every ounce of emotion in her voice for the angry drill sergeant programming she had always taken up and favored, ready to move out of the way.

Funtime Foxy | Female | Early 20s | Fox Bot | Entertainment/Abduction

She stared as Amber put herself in the one exit for Freddy, opening her jaw in shock. Freddy was built bulkier than them all, and Amber was almost the flimsiest, contrary to her role as security, and her self proclaimed role as general of the army of these animatronics. Foxy let out more sparks, illuminating the area behind them, and she winced. Oh no... That wasn't voluntary...

(I couldn't figure out a good way to throw Lolbit in without getting Foxy's body destroyed before the shift began... XD)

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FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2016-12-11 15:01:48
(*dies laughing* Yer fine, i did that a few times before meself XD)


"...i don't think yelling at a Bear is going to get you anywhere good..." Ethan squeaked, jaw open til Shatha shut it.
Shatha was just as surprised but apped out of it quicker as she watched on.

"No...She's trying to Jolt Mr. Valentine PandaBear out of it...Sometimes a bot will get so jolted/shocked/Spooked that they restart....hwever ther's a 50/50 chance it may work and it may not...depending on the Upgrade, the bot's nature/persona and how 'Human' they are in mind....We'll see...." Was all Shatha said, quietly and calmly


He Jolted upright at the sudden yelling before he had shut down and was re-booting as his vocals were spazzing out, saying random lines...even one he recorded long ago that were supposedly deleted....He was then quiet before starting back up again with one line, louder than any of the other talking in a near child's voice, distorted and dark...Split and hollow;

"You don't know what we've been though....Never meant to harm...make it stop...Gzzzt....*growl*"

The two watched, catching the lines...but were at the ready....

(Hm, decisions...and the pain of a broken body XD)
Had to rest my Internet, Thank goodness i copied the reply. Take that DW Internet >:3

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Renegade (#80128)

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Posted on
2016-12-11 15:26:02
(Oh and that's not what she's trying to do... XD There's a panel (Kinda like a fingerprint scanner? Idk) that she can access to manually shut him down and keep him shut down until she says otherwise XD But then she ends up shutting down for god knows how long until she recharges but yeah)

Amber | Female | Mid 20s | Blue Jay Bot | Entertainment/Security

"IF YOU WANTED IT TO STOP, YOU WOULDN'T LET IT TAKE OVER!" She yowled more, backing up, still ready to duck out of the way if need be, "NOW GET OVER HERE SO WE CAN HELP YOU, SOLDIER!" Amber finished, screaming as loud as she could manage with her voice box. She lifted her endoskeletal arm and motioned for him to come over, although in a highly authoritative manner.

Funtime Foxy | Female | Early 20s | Fox Bot | Entertainment/Abduction

She knelt to the ground, trying to keep from shutting down, but it was clear it wasn't working to her advantage. "Amber! Move!" She screeched, trying to get her to move so that Lolbit wouldn't lock onto her instead of Freddy, who he could incapacitate until Amber could do what she needed to do. But, the real problem was what would happen when he was shut down and Lolbit was still raging.

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FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2016-12-11 15:54:05
(lol, n my mind it made sense XD)
(I want to make a clan....but i doubt anyone wold join esp when i saw how many they're are XD i have an idea i see it's not against anything as it'd be more active but not official :3)

He snarled as the re-boot failed to restore him. He lowered his head, twitching voilently; "N-n-not What i-i M-en-eant....Ch-ch-children...." Was all he as able to speak before his eye turned black with red-blue.
His ears flattened, jaws opened wider and revealed re-tractable, sharp canines like that of a real bear but worse....

He roared out, air rushing towards the bird before him as he moved quicker than he should, he appeared behind her and grabbed her with one arm....the other was behind his back only those behind could see that BonBon was absent and in place was a bladed, bare (get it? -shot-) endo-paw like piece.

"Rrrrr....Reeer yyyyouu t-talkin' tttee mmmeee Birrrdie?" He rumbled out with much diffculty i speaking now as growls slowly replaced words....Body jerking and twitchng to the point where his endo-skeleton was cracking and creaking from the sheer pressure of the programing and features. The red eyes were worse thn before as they leaked a blood like substance.

"SHIT! DON'T LET HIM BITE YOU! GET AWAY, HE"S CONTAGIOUS!" She saw the signs on the bear as she quickly rapped the pole she got to the ground in a rhythmn and Frothy and Mange darted out of the dakness, the forms similar to Lolbit visable as they smacked him enough to sway him before lassoing him from each side with re-enforced wire robe coming from their mouths.
their wide grins and eyes more insane lookin then before as they gave a cackle, now releasing lasso grabber from their hands/wrists. Restrining te bear more. Mange got a eye full of FT Foxy to see she was changig and le his brother know so they could brace themselves as they both knelt down, tightig the hold even more.

(They're bloodthristy, insane and omewhat evil but not dumb XD)

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Renegade (#80128)

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Posted on
2016-12-11 16:47:50
Funtime Foxy | Female | Early 20s | Fox Bot | Entertainment/Abduction

She collapsed to the ground, shutting down.

Lolbit | Male | N/A | "Fox Bot" | Faulty Programming/Virus

Letting out a roar he awoke, he lunged for the first thing in front of him-Funtime Freddy. He leto ut a savage snarl, grabbing his jaws and attempting to pry them apart. Once again, he really didn't care what happened to his host; it didn't have any effect on him. He simply saw the jaws as the strongest, most dangerous part of him. Besides, if whatever was going on was contagious, like a virus, and Lolbit already took that slot for the pink and white fox. Letting out a snarl, he put more strength behind trying to tear off the jaw, his hosts' arms creaking in response.

Amber | Female | Mid 20s | Blue Jay Bot | Entertainment/Security

The bird ducked out of the way as soon as Freddy let go of her, slinking behind him as soon as Lolbit began tearing at the target. She narrowed her eyes, vaguely seeing the panel that she so desired, letting out a dark chuckle as she approached. "¡Apagando las luces!" [totally not an overwatch quote] She screeched as she prodded the panel, overriding the bear and causing a force shutdown. Now, she'd have to deal with the fox... If the shutdown even worked, that is.

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FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2016-12-11 17:03:04
He let out a pain roar as he fought the ropes and the fox but not getting far enough he let out a werid sound as he shut down and slumped down with a heavy thud.
"RrrrooooNRrroon...Rrreeet...'eeeee-" Was heard as he shut down the las part fmore of a loud, painful screech to all to those nearby.

The bare endo hand was then revealed at his side...Yep BonBon was't there either...

"Didn't he have a bunny? wait...Shit..I think he called -"
She was cut off when the bunny cameout out of nowhere and latched itself to Lolbit's back neck , moving when he got too close to getting the bunny off.

BonBon was just as corrrruted as Freddy was but more visious....His blood liquid was a purpe-blue color, teeth rows of sharp, hooked teeth. The buck teeth one were drills on top and bottom.
Hooks on his paws and belly and a Barbed poisoned stinger where he connected to Freddy

"Shit...Stage two....for the bunny..He's smaller so of course he'd get it worse....Hey fella...come ';t gonna hurt cha...Whoa! Yer fully equipt!" She tried getting close when she saw an opening where Lolbit woldn't get her. But the bunny hissed and too a swap at her, returning to his assult on Lolbit.
"Too quick...." She mumbled backing off and getting a bot outwho was just as fast and small...and immune to the poisonious virus.... 'Marti gratz' a fox like doll.

He woke and twitched voilently as if he was a virus himself, eyes soon locking at the bunny...he gave a hiss yip as he charged, smackig the bunny off and engaging in a fight.

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