Posted by Mutations Rarity and Pricing Guide

Fizzlepop (#49710)

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Posted on
2016-11-26 10:06:45
- At time of writing (12/2/2017), the number of living and immortal mutated lions is 54397.
- This post tracks only living and immortal lions, deceased cannot be bred/sold/etc.
- Prices are based off trade center trends only, and will be updated once a week.
- Rarity does not equal demand. For that part of the guide I am looking at the number of living and immortal lions only, I am not taking into consideration what sells and what doesn't.
- As always with price guides, this is merely a suggestion, as there are many factors that can increase or decrease the price of a lion.

Mutations: What Are They?

Mutations on Lioden are a huge drive in the economy. Some are rare, and therefore worth more, and some are not so rare, which results in those mutations garnering a lower price at market. There are items that can increase chances of mutations, or increase the chance of specific mutations passing. These items are usually in high demand most of the year, and can also fetch pretty high prices in the trades (a cheaper option is Cotton Root Barks -- CRB's. Though they may not be as effective as say, lion meat, they have been known to throw some pretty wild muties!). During times when there are a large amount of these breeding items being used, the prices of muties drop, as there is an influx of these lions being born (pretty much basic economics).

So, What's Rare, and What's Not?

Below, you'll find a chart that will list all known mutations alphabetically. Using the Global Mutation Counter, we can determine what the percentage of each mutation is. Going off that, we can set values that mark mutations as "Very Rare, Rare, Uncommon" and "Common."

Very Rare Mutations are any mutation that are less than 1% of the Global Mutation Counter.
Rare Mutations are any mutations that are 1-2% of the Global Mutation Counter.
Uncommon Mutations are any mutations that are 3-5% of the Global Mutation Counter.
Common Mutations are mutations that are 6% or higher in the Global Mutation Counter (currently the highest is 18%).

Now That We Know What Rarities Mean, How do we Price Mutations?

Mutations are priced by gathering the highest, average, and lowest asking price in the trade centers. Lowest price will be listed first, average second, highest last (example: 5 gb, 10 gb, 20 gb-- 5 being lowest, 20 being highest). These are merely suggestions, but you have a better chance if you price your lions within the ranges shown. If there is only one trade, or none, you will see "--" in the lowest and highest trade or "No Data," respectively.

Last Updated June 14th, 2018

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Edited on 14/06/18 @ 14:25:24 by Fizzlepop (#49710)

Fizzlepop (#49710)

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Posted on
2016-11-27 09:12:21
Please be aware to determine rarity this guide is using statistics, not supply and demand. The difference between the two is one is just raw data, the other is what actually sells lions.

MutationPercentageRarity Price
Achromina8.05%Common 1 gb, 6 gb, 60 gb
Blind1.4%Rare 7 gb, 19 gb, 50 gb
Bobbed Tail4.9%Ucommon 1 gb,26 gb, 146 gb
Conjoined Cubs0.6%Very Rare No data
Cyclopia0.6%Very Rare No data
Dwarfism4.6%Ucommon 30 gb, 62 gb, 225 gb
Extra Limbs0.1%Very Rare No data
Eyeless0.16%Very Rare No data
Folded Ears8.3%Common 2 gb, 6 gb, 50 gb
Harlequin Ichtyosis 0.01%Very Rare No data
Leopon1.1%Rare 100 gb, 112 gb, 125 gb
Lipomatosis0.05%Very RareNo Data
Mane Feathery0.8%Very RareNo Data
Mane Fluffy4.8%Uncommon15 gb, 30 gb, 70 gb
Mane Frizzy0.8%Very RareNo Data
Mane Fuzzy0.82%Very Rare 4 gb,19 gb, 60 gb
Mane Ruffled.85%Very Rare-- gb, 5 gb, -- gb
Mane Scruffy0.8%Very RareNo data
Mane Shaggy0.84%Very Rare-- gb. 5 gb, -- gb
Mane Silky4.6%Uncommon3 gb, 2 gb, 5 gb
Mane Whiskered3%Uncommon6 gb, 4 gb, 15 gb
Maneless0.2%Very Rare10 gb, 12 gb, 15 gb
Melanism1.5%Rare8 gb, 9 gb, 15 gb
Overgrown Claws1%Rare2 gb, 16 gb, 60 gb
Overgrown Fur1.6%RareNo Data
Overgrown Teeth1.1%Rare3 gb, 11 gb, 30 gb
Overgrown Teeth1.1%Rare3 gb, 11 gb, 30 gb
Patches - Croupe0.06%Very RareNo data
Patches - Dense0.1%Very RareNo data
Patches - Frontal0.01%Very Rare-- gb, 50 gb, -- gb
Piebald - Bisected1.7%Very Rare9 gb, 9 gb, 10 gb
Piebald - Broken2.4%Rare4 gb, 5 gb, 10 gb
Piebald - Clouded0.1%Very RareNo data
Piebald - Harlequin0.1%Very RareNo data
Piebald - Heavy0.8%Very Rare-- gb, 12 gb, -- gb
Piebald - Light1.4% Rare4 gb, 8 gb,15 gb
Piebald - Mosaic3.3%Uncommon-- gb, 10 gb, -- gb
Piebald - Mottled0.9%Very Rare8 gb, 6 gb,10 gb
Piebald - Slender0.15%Very RareNo data
Piebald - Symmetrical 2.2%Uncommon10 gb, 13 gb, 20 gb
Polycaudal1.3%Rare10 gb,19 gb, 40 gb
Primal26.6%Common 2 gb, 64 gb, 60 gb
Primal - Felis2.9%Rare18 gb, 30 gb, 100 gb
Primal - Similus1.6%Rare15 gb, 51 gb, 200 gb
Sirenomelia0.1%Very RareNo data
Tailess1.6%Rare2 gb, 3 gb, 15 gb
Two Heads0.11%Very RareNo data

*** I did round percentages a bit, so total percentage may equal slightly more than 100%

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Edited on 14/06/18 @ 14:25:36 by Fizzlepop (#49710)

Gatekeeper [6K
2Rosette Ruby] (#69933)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-11-17 21:32:45
I wish this was in order, from most rare to least. its hard to read going back and forth from top to bottom x'D

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Gatekeeper [6K
2Rosette Ruby] (#69933)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-11-17 21:35:21
also i wouldn't call piebalds very rare, them and primals are somewhat common if you breed. I've been back a month, and gotten 3 pies, and like 8 primals xD no felis or smilus tho ;3; I'd say primals are more common than pies, but i dont think pies are THAT rare if you're breeding with a pie parent. it's probably a 10% chance. as for pricing a leopon, they often go for 400GB 500+GB if its a first gen because they have a slightly higher % chance of having pon cubs than a second and onward generation.

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Juminakata (River) (#6903)

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Posted on
2017-11-17 21:36:45
Very useful, seems to be a bit outdated though, pies are wayy less expensive now for example. Definitely interesting though!

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Fizzlepop (#49710)

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Posted on
2017-11-18 03:11:47
I haven't updated this in over a year, so prices and numbers may be inaccurate. If you see prices changing, I'm slowly updating!

To answer you comments, Becky, at the time I did this Piebalds were very rare, they had just been released. As for Leopons, I only take what's in the trades, since it's a solid number. Often there are not lepons for sale in the trades. I also will be keeping this as alphabetical order, since the tracker also lists them in alphabetcial order and it's easier for me to input data.

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Juminakata (River) (#6903)

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Posted on
2017-11-18 03:14:05
Glad to hear this is getting updated, I'll definitely be watching!

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Fizzlepop (#49710)

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Posted on
2017-12-02 10:35:49
The guide is completely updated!

The new mutations were added, everything should be in order. :)

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Juminakata (River) (#6903)

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Posted on
2017-12-02 12:10:19

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— oilspilI (#137629)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-03-29 14:43:04
This is a very helpful guide, though, new mutations were added! If you find time, (I'm so sorry, I'm not trying to be rude at all, this guide just helps me a lot, I'd love to see it continue to do so,) yes, if you find time and this isn't a bother, would you mind adding Mane Villous and Mane Imperial? <3

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Fizzlepop (#49710)

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Posted on
2018-04-03 12:09:55
Going through and gonna add them, hopefully I'll get it done today!

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— oilspilI (#137629)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-04-03 20:39:58

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(Love's here) (#159074)

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Posted on
2018-12-25 14:43:37
why is primal sell normal higher than the highest price?

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Fizzlepop (#49710)

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Posted on
2018-12-30 06:22:33
Edited on 14/06/18 @ 14:25:36 by Fizzlepop (#49710)

Because the last time I've had time to sit down and update this was August.

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Wolvesofthenight (#101070)

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Posted on
2019-01-08 14:03:32
Now we need tigons...

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Tamara (#172783)

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Posted on
2019-04-09 21:30:29
Cool thread! Do you have any data on tigons?

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