Posted by ✴From Ashes✴Sign-Ups✴A 100s RP

🌟Ally(is the
Awkward)Slothï (#100007)

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Posted on
2017-01-22 11:44:50


A woman rushed through the cramped halls. Her sandy blonde hair bobed with every step. Her face was panicked. The large door at the end of the hall was locked to most of the residents on the Ark, but as she scanned her thumb print and punched in the code the large black door slid open. A tall man was talking to a woman, there voices were low in order not to disturb the room of working individuals. "What the hell do you think you're doing!" The woman exclaimed at him. He shifted his glance to her, whisper something to his assistant and he turned back to her.

"I'm doing what we're supposed to be doing," He responded through clenched teeth, "To save the Ark."

"Your going to be floated for this! The council never gave you the go-ahead," She was outraged at his foolishness.

"Guess what? You missed it. The Chancellor gave me orders to continue with the plan," He looked back at the large screen ahead of him, 100 faces stared back at him.

The woman shook her head in disbelief, "You're a murderer." She accused.

The man slammed his fist onto the console in front of him. "Damnit Emily its for the greater good!" He yelled at her, she flinched at his words, scowling at his excuse. "They're already dead to the council anyways."

Emily was shocked. "There are still some good kids on that drop ship and you know it!" She yelled back, "You can stop this Daniel. You can tell them to wait. We can try and stabilize..."

"There is no stopping this Emily. There's no time," He interrupted her. "There's no stabilizing the Ark."

Tears started to form in her eyes. "No, I don't believe it. There must be something we can do," Her sentence trailed off. Daniel looked back at the 100 faces.

"You can either help or get out," He said bitterly.

Emily turned to leave the room, she couldn't handle what was about to happen. They were sending 100 adolescents down to the surface to die, there was no other way of putting it. Just before she stepped out she turned back to the dark figure. "What are we going to tell the people?"



It's been years since any one has set foot on the Earth's surface. The planet ruined by nuclear war. Radiation posioned the whole world. The only 2,400 survives were on 12 international space stations that have come together to form the Ark. After 97 years and 3 generations on the Ark, supplies are dwindling and the stability of the ship is failing. In a last ditch effort, the council decided to send 100 child delinquents to the Earth's surface to see if it's survivable.

On the Ark, when someone above the age of 18 commits any crime they are exicuted by being sent into space, or floated. If they are under 18, they get a second chance and on their 18th birthday they are evaluated by the council. They are either floated or sent back into society. In light of this the council viewed their sacrafice as nessary but decided to keep this inforamtion a secret.

Now 100 children from the ages of 12-17 are on the Earth's surface. And they aren't alone.


The Dangers of Planet Earth
After being soaked in radiation, the earth as humans knew it, is gone. Anything from the previous civilization was either destroyed in the bombings or is overgrown by plants at this point. Animals on the planet have changed, from camouflaging large cats to two headed deer. Mutated animals are safe to consume, just be careful about some of the nuts and berries.

-Danger 1) Predators:
Animals on Earth's are vicious. There are huge snakes in the water that will try to eat you. There are giant gorillas and big cats in the forest that will also try to eat you. In order to prevent being eaten, bring a weapon and don't go alone.

-Danger 2) Burning Sap:
A type of tree produces acid like sap that will burn anyone who touches it. Know what tree it is and don't touch it. It won't kill you but it'll hurt real bad.

-Danger 3) Acid Fog:
Acid fog is much like a storm. It comes and kills anyone trapped inside. It causes burns, boils, paralysis and respitory damage. It will kill you. If you hear the sound of a horn, take cover and don't come out for a while. You can be safe in caves up and away from the entrance, closed rooms, and under tarps/tents. This is very dangerous and extremely painful. Avoid at all cost.

-Danger 4) Nuts and Berries:
There is a known nut that causes hallucinations. Avoid eating it and you'll be fine. Be careful of all fruit and nuts. The 100 don't know if it could harm you. Go with someone who knows. Don't eat unidentified plants, nuts, or berries. You can die.

-Danger 5) Grounders and Their Traps:
The Earth's surface was believed to be empty, without human life. Some humans survived. These humans are primitive, using bows and arrows and traps. If you happen to find yourself on grounder territory, tread lightly and get out as soon as you can. They have planted traps of spears and sharp poles. Those will kill you. If you aren't killed by the traps, the grounders will also kill you. My suggestion is, stay off grounder territory.

-Danger 6) Each Other:
While many of the teens just want freedom, some are real criminals. Just sleep with one eye open if you're anybody and look behind you.


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Edited on 23/01/17 @ 19:46:53 by ✴Ally(is a Fabulous)Sloth✴ (#100007)

🌟Ally(is the
Awkward)Slothï (#100007)

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Posted on
2017-01-23 11:16:22


•Follow all Lioden rules

•The plot of this RP is based on the TV show The 100. If you've never watched the show and still want to join, go ahead! None of the characters or events of the show are going to come over into this RP. I haven't even finished the show, I just thought that it'd be a fun one to RP. (This is more of a disclaimer than a rule.)

•All of our characters are human. Therefore give them flaws. We don't want any Mary sues, power playing, god modding etc.

•This RP is PG-13. That means fade to black when needed. That also mean cursing is allowed, but in moderation.

•Hate the character not the player. I'd like for everyone to get along in OOC.

•Pets are a no go. Everything here has mutated and these humans are at the bottom of the food chain.

•I will ask of a 5 sentence minimum for posts. This is a Semi-lit+ roleplay. I'd also like to see proper grammar and spelling. I won't be super strict because I am on mobile so I make quite a few mistakes myself, but if spelling and grammar are a constant issue I will step in.

•Our characters are teenagers from the ages 12-17. They are criminals but remember most of them have no formal training in anything. Even in confinement they didn't have formal training. So no insta wins in fights and no teens with medical training.

•There are no siblings on the Ark. Couples are only allowed one child.

•Don't kill each other's characters without permission.

•If you use a picture, make sure to cite your sources properly.

•I won't be putting a cap on how many characters you can have. Don't make too many and overload yourself.

•Please wait a minimum of 2 posts before posting again. If you have been waiting for a while then go ahead. Please be regular. Two weeks without a post and I will PM you to see if you are still interested. After 3 weeks you will be kicked. Please tell me if you are taking a break or dropping out.

•Please post your character on the character sheets topic. I'll let you know if there are any problems. If you want to know if you're accepted, just ask here. If you notice your character's name on the census, then they've been accepted.

•Put a joke in the Other if you read all the rules.


Character Census
Character name|Age|Gender|Crime|Player
[6♂:8♀][Total: 14]

•Penelope Davis|17|Female|Larceny|AllySloth
•Aaron King|17|Male|Smuggler|AllySloth
•Samuel Westbrook|20|Male|Smuggled Onto Ship|AllySloth
•Cypress Kildeer|12|Female|Assault of an Officer|AllySloth
•Siobhan Westbrook|17|Female|Illegal Second Child & Aggravated Assault|Legolas
•Cane House|17|Male|Theft|Lady Khajiit
•Jade Weaver|15|Female|Unpermitted Space Exploration|Lady Khajiit
•Valentine Parkins|13|Male|Attempted Murder & Illegal Second Child|thelowercase_king
•DD Baazil|17|Female|Murder|MoeMoe
•Rafael Da' Silva|17|Male|Murder in the 1st degree, Assault, & Theft|Christicat15
•Xylia Grimsong|14|Female|Theft & Substance Abuse|NightShade
•Dakota Silver|17|Female|Murder & Assault|Direwisp
•Vivian Da' Silva|15|Female|Illegal Second Child|Direwisp
•Caden Schmidt|17|Male|Theft|ScottishCoyote


There will be a vote cast for the leader and the leader will choose any other positions.

Character Sheets
Roleplay Thread

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Edited on 06/02/17 @ 04:54:11 by 🌟Ally(is the Awkward)Slothï (#100007)

Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2017-01-23 13:57:31
Bookmarking! I'll be joining this sometime tomorrow once I decide on which characters to use. :)

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cinnamonbuns (#72092)

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Posted on
2017-01-23 14:01:50
Bookmarked I can't wait to start, ill post tomorrow :)

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Crowteeth {RLC
1.6.23 } (#39277)

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Posted on
2017-01-23 16:21:17

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2017-01-26 11:40:17
There is literally no way I'm not joining this xD Bookmarking <3

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🌟Ally(is the
Awkward)Slothï (#100007)

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Posted on
2017-01-26 11:51:45
I'm glad you are excited Christi. I am too.

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Floriann (#104022)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2017-01-26 11:53:08
// I'll definitely be bookmarking this. ^^

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MaskedCritters (#99062)

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Posted on
2017-01-27 00:56:40
hhh bookmarking I love the plot ^^

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🌟Ally(is the
Awkward)Slothï (#100007)

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Posted on
2017-01-27 21:59:14
Thanks for so much interest guys. We will probably start the roleplay when everyone gets their forms up.

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rvedBetter (#99089)

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Posted on
2017-01-28 12:39:45
Is it possible to be a mutated animal? (Noobish question, testing my luck here.)

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🌟Ally(is the
Awkward)Slothï (#100007)

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Posted on
2017-01-28 12:58:40
No, I was just going to keep the RP strictly humans. Sorry about that.

No question is a bad question here. :)

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rvedBetter (#99089)

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Posted on
2017-01-28 13:15:02

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Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2017-01-28 13:50:16
I promise I'll finish my bios tonight. The past few days haven't been great for me writing wise, but I gotta get out of this funk somehow.

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2017-01-28 14:20:14
Same with me... >.< If not tonight, then tomorrow morning at the latest ( I hope, at least... Anything could happen. D: )

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Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2017-01-28 17:28:57
My bios are done! I won't lie, they aren't great, but hopefully they'll do for now.

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