Posted by .:Battle of the Bloods:.{Roleplay}

🌻roseistance🌻 (#58710)

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Posted on
2017-04-14 10:37:04

OOC/InfoCharacter Forms

For thousands of years, dogs have lived in peace among the wondrous Earth, coexisting with other canines. They're found everywhere, different breeds adapted to different climates. They're the prime species of the Earth, and none other has ever been able to overthrow the population, and never will.

Up until now.

All this time, the belief of wolves being extinct was everyone's religion. Not a single Lupus had been spotted for as long as any canine could remember. That is, until one night that changed everything.
In a small, remote area in America, Colorado, a large dog pack that goes by "The Amani Tribe" had the first interactions with a wolf for millions of years. But this "wolf" came with many others. No one was able to speak of where they came from, or what their intentions were, but it couldn't be trusted that they were good. Packs of wolves have been revealing themselves everywhere, from where, remained a mystery. Now it's them against the dogs.
Will they be able to finally overthrow them and take charge as they had centuries ago?
It's up to you to find out.


The Amani Tribe
"Speaks the truth"

This tribe of dogs is known for their pride and vigilance. They're not ones to have the impression of being naive, and have more of a respect from other packs. They live in a deep valley of the Rocky Mountains, and they consist of bigger canines with heavier builds. They sleep in makeshift nests, different ranks varied with eachother. In the gully is also a clear, blue pond with a ledge from the mountain rock above where gatherings are held. Below the ledge is a small cave where the Alpha sleeps.

Though listed as a tribe, they have the rankings of a pack, evidently, the higher ranking dogs getting the better end of the deal. Meals go from highest to lowest rankings, the pups and nursing mothers an exception.

The Motomo Pack
"He who runs fast"

The Motomo pack is located on a plain on the side of the Rockies. They consist of very agile wolves, many lean over heavy, but still acquire brute strength. They're a quiet pack, and usually don't get involved with much, but ever since the wolves showed up, they make sure they pose a threat to the dogs.

They sleep in one big "den", which is a huge hole in the ground that is lined with moss, grass, and flowers. The only tree found in the area is a very old, large oak tree, and this is called the "Peace Tree", and no violence is allowed at it. At the bottom of this, a hole was made from the rotting bark,
and this is where the Alpha sleeps.

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Edited on 16/04/17 @ 15:20:38 by roseistance (#58710)

🌻roseistance🌻 (#58710)

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Posted on
2017-04-14 11:17:06


Amani Tribe Census


Wyakin ✦ 7y ✦ Male ✦ 🌻roseistance🌻 (#58710)


*Chosen within the RP*


Jagger ✦ 4y ✦ Male ✦ 🐭Minnie 🐭 (#62827)
Heimdall ✦ 4y 2m ✦ Male ✦ 🔵 Saturn (#38235)

The Garrison[4/6]

Elias ✦ 4y 1m ✦ Male ✦ Archie (#104190)
Winchester ✦ 6y ✦ Female ✦ prince (#6036)
Cane ✦ 4y 3m ✦ Male ✦ 🌻roseistance🌻 (#58710)
Whisper ✦ 5y ✦ Female ✦ Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)


Jax ✦ 2y ✦ Female ✦ 🌻roseistance🌻 (#58710)
Ace ✦ 2y ✦ Male ✦ Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)
Archie ✦ 4y ✦ Male ✦ Archie (#104190)
Wood ✦ 3y 2m ✦ Female ✦ redpaw62 (#110158)
Moriti ✦ 4y 6m ✦ Male ✦ prince (#6036)

Patrol Dogs[4/8]

Hansel ✦ Male ✦ 5y ✦ 🐭Minnie 🐭 (#62827)
Terra ✦ 3y 7m ✦ Female ✦ Tery (#110327)
Karma ✦ 4y ✦ Female ✦ Shadow King (#77712)
Sol ✦ 4y 10m ✦ Male ✦ Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)


Cass ✦ 5y ✦ Male ✦ Archie (#104190)

Nursing Mothers[0/3]


Motomo Pack Census

Alpha Male[1/1]

Hagan ✦ 5y 10m ✦ Male ✦ Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)

Alpha Female[0/1]

*Will be chosen within the Roleplay*


Nawia ✦ 4y 10m ✦ Female ✦ 🌻roseistance🌻 (#58710)
Zorro Fox ✦ 3y ✦ Male ✦ prince (#6036)


Blackbird ✦ 2y 7m ✦ Female ✦ Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)
Allan ✦ 3y ✦ Female ✦ Archie (#104190)
Esme ✦ 2y ✦ Female ✦ Floriann (#104022)


Seba ✦ 6y 2m ✦ Female ✦ 🐭Minnie 🐭 (#62827)
Lakota ✦ 2y 3m ✦ Female ✦ 🌻roseistance🌻 (#58710)
Aelwen ✦ 4y 10m ✦ Female ✦ prince (#6036)

Patrol Wolves[1/8]

Matsi ✦ 3y 6m ✦ Male ✦ 🌻roseistance🌻 (#58710)


Seeker ✦ 5y ✦ Male ✦ Inkspectra (#105232)

Nursing Wolves[0/3]


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Edited on 08/06/17 @ 13:48:16 by 🌻roseistance🌻 (#58710)

🌻roseistance🌻 (#58710)

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Posted on
2017-04-14 11:40:19


Season: Fallen-Leaf

Weather: As the light drizzle comes to an end, the sun now shines over the land creating a warm temperature of 64°F

Motomo Pack: Making preparations for the Full Moon. Gathering wood and other dry items enable for the Moon Pack to light their fire.

Amani Tribe: Harvesting herbs for the upcoming cold weathers is the main activity for the Tribe. Healers are making preparations for the upcoming Full Moon gathering.


When posting, please use Name * Rank * Alliegance * Who you're speaking to

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Edited on 09/07/17 @ 16:35:48 by 🌻roseistance🌻 (#58710)

🌻roseistance🌻 (#58710)

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Posted on
2017-06-10 16:04:16

Amani Tribe
Wyakin ✦ Male ✦ 6y ✦ Kahuna ✦
✦ By the Moon Pond
✦ Mentions: {Indirectly} The Tribe

Pitter-patter, pitter-patter, pitter-patter

The rythym of the drizzle outside forcefully pulled Wyakin from his sleep, his dark brown orbs cringing from the light outside shining on them as they opened. A loud growl was able to sneak out between his clenched jaw, slowly rising as a frowning set of teeth showed. He got up slowly, another disgruntled noise escaping him as he arose from the hard rock of the cave. In an act of helping him wake up to the early sun, his legs began to sway as his coat flew around in an effortless shake, sending a few drops of water from the moisture flying. Now that he was more restive, the brute slowly trotted out of his cave, sneaking around the slippery stepping stones of the pond until he made it to the wet grass near the dens the rest of the Tribe was in. Since it was still early, not quite time for patrolling and hunting, he settled down under the shelter of a rock, watching over the empty camp as he awaited for the life to stir, rain still falling in a light drizzle, giving the air a more gloomy feeling.


Jax ✦ Female ✦ 2y ✦ Hunter ✦
✦ Camp
✦ Mentions: None

Even with the den's opening covered by straw, the light of the early morning still found a way to seep through and blind her, even with her eyes closed. With a loud groan, she raised her head unwillingly, her maw eagerly splitting in an early morning yawn. Getting up, she couldn't help but lightly step on a few others still resting on the bedding as she climbed out. Immediately regretting any life decisions, she let out a surprised yelp as instantly she was getting a wet pelt, not realizing it had been raining out beforehand. With a disappointed frown, she quickly ran over to the Moon Pond, getting under a rock that sheltered her yet allowed her to lap up the clear water, instantly feeling refreshed and awake. With not many others stirring yet, she rolled onto her side, shifting until she could find herself comfortable, and took a long few minutes to silently ponder what she wanted to do in the upcoming events of today, and things she directly wanted to avoid so that she'd have a clear mind-set while doing her duties.


Cane ✦ Male ✦ 4y 3m ✦ Garrison
✦ Hunting Grounds
✦ Mentions: None

Starting to feel tired, Cane's jaw open and his tongue rolled out in a hot pant, despite being under the chilly rain. He had began to run out of energy after exploring outside of camp and into a more secluded area, enjoying himself with a long play in the rain. Even with water falling onto him like a shower, his nice, white pelt was still a brown color as he had rolled in the mud. Finally feeling pooped out, yet satisfied, he ensconced into the mud comfortably on his flank, enjoying the peaceful moments of watching the rain and dirt meet eachother with a "splat" sound hundreds of times a second. He let out a light snort imagining how much fun the hunters and patrols would have in this weather, and would most likely be unsuccessful as all the prey were hiding in their dens, awaiting the moment the rain would stop. Giving little thought to it, he presumed he'd be needed in camp when the others were awake to guard the Healer, not feeling like getting any type of scolding. Heading back to camp, it wasn't any secret that he had clearly gotten up before any other and had enjoyed a nice morning of rolling in mud.

Motomo Pack

Matsi ✦ Male ✦ 3y 6m ✦ Patrol
✦ Camp
✦ Mentions: {Directly}Alasdair

A chill drafted through the den, reaching Matsi and awakening him easily and sending a shudder down his spine, despite the dozens of bodies surrounding him. His ears twitched in annoyance, wishing just to get some sleep. It was early morning, the sun not quite yet shining through the cave's entrance. With a light groan he stood up, his long legs easily helping him maneuver through the crowd of bodies so he could exit. Being poured on by rain didn't necessarily bother him, but now that he was one of the only ones awake, there wasn't much for him to do. With a sad sigh, he laid down in a patch of dirt yet to turn to mud, watching the den's entrance and waiting for Alasdair to emerge. He usually went on any patrols next to the brute's side, him being one of the few friends he'd managed to make.


Lakota ✦ Female ✦ 2y 3m ✦ Hunter
✦ Camp/outside camp
✦ Mentions: {Indirectly} Matsi

As a foot lightly kicked her side, her eyes shot open as she let out a loud growl, her fur on edge. As she didn't see anybody there, her snarl instantly cut off as she let out an apologetic whine to any she may have woken, licking her lips. Now that it was too late for going back to sleep, she let out another frustrated growl and slipped outside, enjoying the rain to cool her down after being suffocated by the hot feeling in the cave. She spotted Matsi, assuming since he was the only one she could see that he'd been the one to wake her up so early. "Idiot." She hissed through her teeth, usually not such a grump to others, yet Matsi was a wolf who deserved anything coming towards his ignorant self. With a groan, she set off into the woods to see if she could find anything to munch on before the others got up to patrol.


✦ Nawia ✦ Female ✦ 4y 10m ✦ Beta
✦ Peace Tree
✦ Mentions: {Directly} Hagan, Whole pack

As she lay at peace tree, enjoying the shelter it offered her from the rain, she spotted two wolves exiting the cave. Her head lifted with a light groan, watching Lakota bounce off to the woods as Matsi stayed put. "Early risers." She snorted, rolling onto her back and hoping not to wake Hagan with her self conversations. "Guess we might have to head out earlier than wanted. Unless Lakota comes back with nothing, then we'll have to wait for the rain to die down," she sighed, already planning the day out to herself. She tossed herself back on her feet, giving a hard shake as she walked down the hill a little bit. She wasn't all too sure if Hagan was even in his den in the tree. Perhaps he'd already gotten up before even her, who hadn't slept very much in the first place. With a flick of her ear she let out a grunt. The sun was beginning to shine higher, chasing away the clouds that dropped the drizzle on them. With only a light sprinkle now, she raised her head and let her vocals ripple out a deep howl, hoping to wake the others to begin making patrols.

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Doe (#62827)

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Posted on
2017-06-10 20:57:37

Amani Tribe

Jagger || Male || Four Years || Beta
Location: Camp
Mentions: Wyakin

Jagger's brown ears twitched lazily from where he laid watching the drops slowly slid then hit the ground with a small splat, The Shepherd of the two beta's rolled over so he was sitting up and stretched his front legs out his paws flexing and digging up dirt as his muscles contracted to bring his legs back to him, he twitched his ears once more and lifted himself up walking towards the leader. Jagger growled a lazy welcome sitting next to the Kahuna "Morning" he grunted as he brought his back leg up scratching at his shoulder lazily causing some of the raindrops that clung to his fur to flick off of him.

Hansel || Male || Five Years || Patrol Dog
Location: Camp
Mentions: Open

Hansel twitched his large ear closing his eyes, he had woken up to the smell of rain and decided to sleep a little longer, the large male's body was sprawled out and when he moved he accidentally kicked another dog, he quietly apologized and pushed himself up. Hansel sat in that position for a few moments before he headed outside, he flinched slightly when a raindrop fell and landed on his head causing a cold feeling to spread through his body, he quickly shook out which didn't help as more rain just fell from the sky.

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🔵 Saturn [lion
skulls] (#38235)

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Posted on
2017-06-10 21:37:56


| Heimdall ● male ● 4 yrs, 2 mns ● Beta ● Location: Camp ● Mentions: Jax (directly), Wyakin, Jagger (both indirectly) |

A soft paw setting down beside his muzzle caused Heimdall to awaken. The male's eyes shot open, as he was a bit startled. His nose twitched and he made out that Jax had been making her way out of the den, stepping on a few others as she went. She exited the den, leaving the sight of the resting dog. He gazed after her and felt a bit indignant at being woken, but he wasn't agitated.

Heimdall's eyes fluttered for a moment and he considered closing them again, but he knew that it was time to get up. Without a sound, he lifted his head and opened his jaws in a wide yawn. One brown ear flicked as the male looked around the den at the sleeping bodies. Suddenly a bit uncomfortable, he decided it was time to go. Carefully, he pushed himself to his paws and took gentle steps towards the den opening. He attempted not to stir anyone, but may have stepped too close to a whisker or tail a couple of times.

A light rain was falling as the malamute mix padded out. He raised his head towards the sky, blinking as droplets fell onto his face. It was refreshing for a moment, but also uncomfortable as his fur became saturated with water. Heimdall shook his fur out and made for the closest shelter he could find - the rocks beside the Moon Pond. As he trotted over, he noticed that Wyakin, Jax, and Jagger were already in the area. Already a gathering, eh? he thought to himself as he made his way to the shelter. He sat down a short distance from Jax, giving her a polite nod as a greeting.


| Alasdair ● male ● 3 yrs, 7 mns ● Patrol wolf ● Location: Camp ● Mentions: Matsi (directly), Lakota, Nawia (both indirectly) |

A growl from nearby caused the black-furred male to stir, his ears pricking at the sound, while his eyes stayed closed. Though a sleepy haze still hovered in the male's mind, he cracked his golden eyes open just in time to see a wolf leave the den. Alasdair blinked and let out a small sigh. He knew that there was very little chance of him being able to go back to sleep. Slightly annoyed, the dark-colored wolf pushed himself into a sitting position. He let out another sigh, tiredly looking around the den. The dim light didn't allow him to see much, but he knew there were still plenty of wolves sleeping.

Standing up quietly, Alasdair made his way out of the den, doing his best not to step on anyone in the process. Once he had made his way out of the entrance, he took a deep breath, enjoying the fresh air for a split second before he noticed that it was raining. It was only a drizzle, but it was still cold and caused him a bit of discomfort. Grumbling, the wolf began to walk towards shelter when he noticed Matsi sitting in the dirt. Alasdair blinked and flicked his ears, tilting his head at the male. He then noticed movement from the corner of his eye and just barely caught sight of Lakota as she slipped out of camp.

With a small sigh, Alasdair turned back to Matsi. He was about to greet the male when a howl rang out, drawing his attention immediately. It was Nawia, one of the betas, no doubt calling to arrange patrols. Alasdair glanced back at Matsi, giving him a bit of an apologetic look before turning to walk away. He did look back, however, to make sure the male was following, before trotting towards the beta. The rain was very light now, and the dark male hoped that it would stop completely soon.

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Edited on 10/06/17 @ 21:40:08 by 🔵 Saturn (#38235)

Tery (#110327)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2017-06-11 17:27:37
Amani Tribe

Terra|Female|3y 7m|Patrol Dog|
Location: Camp, outside of camp|Mentions: nobody

Few sun rays got into the den and lighten up Terra's soft and messy fur, she slowly opened her eyes to look around den. Terra rolled in her on place where she was sleepingand yawned. She got up and slowly walked out of den, she slightly closes her eyes when morning sun hits them. Terra stretches and lick her tail so its not so messy. Terra looks around, it was still quiet and early, she decites to walk out of camp in small patrol for morning walk before Hunter dogs get some food.

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shadowqueen (#77712)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-06-11 18:12:15

Karma | Female | Amani Tribe Patrol Dog | Direct Mentions: Wyakin, Jagger | Indirect Mentions: Heimdall, Hansel, Jax
The red doberman stirs from her slumber, chocolate eyes blinking open to rid sleep from her gaze. Karma sleeps in the back corner of the cave, as far away from others as possible. The slightest brushing of fur can make her relive painful flashbacks, though she's learned to keep her composure when said flash backs obscure her vision. They have been getting less frequent, but Karma still prefers to sleep away from other canines; a trait from birth, really, when Karma would wriggle her tiny pup body away from her siblings.
Her head raises to watch the backside of some dog exiting the den. When all falls still again she gains her footing, her muscles tensing in order to ignore the instinctive stretch; stretching in such a cramped space is undesirable, so Karma carefully picks through the sleeping forms of her fellow tribemates. Reaching the entrance she pauses, her bent ears pricking slightly to the soft pitter-patter of rain. A groan slips from her maw and Karma shoulders through the straw, narrowing her eyes against the downfall. Now outside she allows her forelimbs to extend, rump raising higher in the air before her lower back slopes downward, hind legs lower to the ground as she holds herself up with her forelimbs. Then Karma eases into an idle, but moments after the tan-pointed canine scans the camp. Dogs, although few in number, are scattered about, Kahuna Wyakin and Beta Jagger seated together.
She barks a greeting to the two while trotting towards the patch of grass they occupy. She settles about a dog-length from Wyakin, propping her leg up to scratch at the base of her ear. Once the uncomfortable feeling subsides Karma lowers her head and shakes her fur, wearing a scowl as the rain continues to hit her sturdy figure. Impatient to patrol the territory Karma tips her head towards Wyakin and Jagger. "Will there be any patrols some time soon?" She asks,
her tongue swiping across her lips before clenching her jaw to keep a growl from joining her words.

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Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2017-06-13 22:50:59

| W H I S P E R |
Female • 5 y/o • Saarloos Wolfdog • Amani Tribe • Garrison
Location: Moon Pond • Mentions: {Indirectly} Wyakin, Jagger, Karma

Golden eyes peered into the deep blue depths of the moon pond, their owner unperturbed by the faint downpour, almost as if she did not feel the cold rain seeping into her thick pelt. Whisper’s reflection shimmered as droplets splashed across the pond’s surface and the sound of approaching pawsteps broke her concentration. The sight of Wyakin slipping out of his den and trodding carefully over the wet stones surrounding the pond soon greeted her calm gaze and she nodded to the Kahuna politely before turning to follow him. She kept a respectable distance between them, settling beneath the branches of one of the few scrubby trees found throughout the valley. She watched silently as first Jagger and then Karma joined Wyakin. Karma’s impatience could be read from her body language long before she actually spoke, and though Whisper was of the opinion she should practice some restraint she was also curious for the answer.

◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈

| A C E |
Male • 2 y/o • Lurcher • Amani Tribe • Hunter
Location: Den Site • Mentions: {Indirectly} Jax, Hansel

A startled grunt emitted from the mottled hound as a paw landed on his tail, heterochromic eyes bursting open only to find himself staring at a speckled backside as Jax exited the hunter’s den. He glared after the she-dog with some annoyance, but said nothing, curling deeper into the straw as his racing heart calmed. Before long his irritation faded and Ace lifted himself out of his nest, pausing briefly to stretch before following Jax. He regretted that decision almost immediately, ducking back inside as wind blew freezing rain into his face. Ace’s short, sleek coat offered him little protection from harsh weather and he was less than enthusiastic about what waited for him beyond the entrance.

Ace returned to his nest, burrowing among the warm bedding until it chased the chill from his body. He felt a mixture of uncertainty and shame as he remained buried. Would it be seen as lazy or rude to remain in here until called upon? A sharp kick to the ribs interrupted his thoughts and had a pained yelp escaping his maw soon after. Ace shot out of his nest, barely hearing Hansel’s apology as he darted into the rain full force, ignoring the feeling of cold water soaking through his thin pelt. Seeking out temporary shelter, he swiftly moved to stand beneath one of the many large rocks found around the camp. His gaze drifted to Hansel venturing outside after him and the skin beneath his fur heated with embarrassment. The Doberman hadn't meant to spook him he was sure, and it felt like such an overreaction now.

◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈

| H A G A N |
Male • 5.10 y/o • Yukon/Arctic/Northwestern Wolf Mix • Motomo Pack • Alpha Male
Location: Camp • Mentions: {Directly} Nawia / {Indirectly} Matsi, Alasdair, Lakota

Nawia’s commanding howl reached his ears long before Hagan’s mud splattered form padded into camp, his formerly pristine white coat now stained brown up to his chest. He halted beside the Beta, glancing across the plain they now called home as he waited for the rest of his packmates to gather around them. Thus far only Matsi and Alasdair could be seen mingling outside the cave, though Hagan had caught sight of Lakota sprinting off not long before his arrival. “Hunting will be poor today,” he predicted, his voice holding the same icy, emotionless tone expected from the somber leader. Setting out long before the sun rose had offered him nothing, the grass drenched and muddy.

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Edited on 13/06/17 @ 22:54:08 by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)

Tery (#110327)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2017-06-15 03:11:36
Amain Tribe

Terra|Female|3y 7m|Patrol Dog|
Location: Camp|Mentions (Directly): Wyakin, Jagger and Karma

Terra slowly walks back in camp after a longer patrol. Her thick anf messy fur was soaked wet as it was raining. She looks around camp to find some other dogs when she finaly saw other dogs, Wyakin, Jagger and Karma. Terra walks slowly steping in deep mud in camp when she gets to other dogs finaly on dry place. Turning to she says calmly "I was in patrol and there was nothing unusual this morning." As she said that sge looks over at Jagger and Karma "Morning you two..." she notices that Karma was acting a bit weird. Karma was really impatience, you could tell only by one single look at her. For a moment Terra felt a bit strange becouse she was guessing that Karma wanted to go on patrol but she just came back from one.

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Edited on 15/06/17 @ 04:34:20 by Tery (#110327)

Doe (#62827)

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Posted on
2017-06-15 04:40:18

Amani Tribe

Jagger || Male || Four Years || Beta
Location: Camp
Mentions: Terra, Wyakin, Karma, and Hansel

Jagger pinned his ears back and his eyes flashed with disappointment "You were supposed to wait for everyone else for patrol" he growled out "We haven't even decided on who was going out this morning" The large mutt stood up and shook his fur out once more looking at Wyakin "I can take Terra, Karma, and Hansel out for a patrol around the border twice if it's okay"

Motomo Pack
Seba || Female|| Six Years || Hunter
Location: Camp
Mentions: Open

Seba twitched her dark ears lazily as she walked out of the den site and towards the thick cover to get way from the natural elements. Seba settled down and closed her eyes once more not quite falling asleep but falling into some sort of trance as she laid there. The dark-coated female wasn't planning on doing anything today unless she gets called out to go on a hunting trip but she wasn't sure if they were going to need to today or not.

Nash || Male || Four Years || Patrol Wolf
Location: Den site
Mentions: Open

Nash's thick coat instantly started to clump as he stepped into the rain, he turned his head backward looking at it in disinterest before turning and heading back into the den site, He settled back down almost instantly closing his eyes and going to sleep.

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Edited on 15/06/17 @ 04:46:58 by 🐭Minnie 🐭 (#62827)

Tery (#110327)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2017-06-15 05:12:01

Amani Tribe

Terra|Female|3y 7m|Patrol Dog|
Location: Camp|Mentions: Wyakin, Jagger and Karma

Terra looks at Jagger confusedd then she looks down at her paws a bit sad "I-I'm sorry... I just woke up really early and tought I could go in a small walk and while I was walking I tought I could sniff around a little while I was already there." She looks at side and then behind her shoulder "Sorry, it won't happen again." All she really wanted is to make sure her Tribe is safe when she had that chance.

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Soy (#6036)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2017-06-15 11:10:06

Amani Tribe

♗ Moriti ♗
♗ Male ♗ Four / Six ♗ Sloughi ♗ Hunter ♗
♗ Camp; Den Entrance ♗
♗ Ace, Hansel / Wyakin, Jagger, Heimdall, Terra, Karma, Whisper ♗

Moriti curled in on himself as the chilled morning air wafted through the den, made colder by the ongoing rain. However the gentle patter was rather pleasing and the sloughi only fell deeper into sleep and likely would have remained that way if the dog he had been leaning against hadn't sudden leaped up and ran right out from under his shoulder. Startled awake Moriti shifted into a more alert position and stared after the merle lurcher as an ear pricked to catch Hansel's apology. Of course, now that he was more thoroughly awake, Moriti noticed just how cold it was and after standing to the side for Hansel, he made his way to the front of the den where he would settle down. Moving back a touch to steal some warmth from one of the remaining dogs.

His dark eyes flickered over the camp, spotting more than a third of the pack hanging around the moon pool. A soft whine was emitted from his throat as he fought with the decision of wanting to know what was going on and staying warm. Eventually he went with the latter, curling his paws in and envisioning how cold the rain would feel when he did end stepping out. Each little droplet like a sharp of ice that would spread its frosty touch throughout his short and not especially water repellent fur. With a shudder he focused on putting such thoughts out of his mind.

♖ Winchester ♖
♖ Female ♖ Six ♖ American Foxhound ♖ Garrison ♖
♖ Camp; Border / Camp; Moon Pool ♖
♖ Whisper / Hansel, Wyakin, Jagger, Heimdall, Terra, Karma ♖

Having woken at nearly the crack of dawn, as per usual, Winchester was making her rounds along the edges of the camp, her ears pricking as soft voices began to rise above the light drizzle. Slowing she tilted her head in the direction of the moon pool, spotting the kahuna, betas, and a pair of garrisons already gathering at the water's edge. Soon being joined by a couple of the patrol dogs, Winchester quickly circled back around and was about to bound over when she noticed the large splotches of mud still clinging to her pelt, nearly obscuring all of her lemon colored markings. Attempting a half hearted licks, which only served to dirty her tongue, she decided against the daunting task and raced over to her pack mates.

Upon arrival she dipped her head to Wyakin and the betas, checking to make sure her tail was lowered as it had a habit of sticking straight up. Happy with the result she made her way over to Whisper, settling down beside the wolfish canine. "Have assignments been passed out yet?" She inquired quietly, not wanting to miss out on what was happening.

Motomo Pack

♛ Zorro ♛
♛ Male ♛ Three ♛ Red Wolf ♛ Beta ♛
♛ Camp; Den / Camp; Peace Oak ♛
♛ Alisdair, Hagan / Matsi, Nash, Nawia ♛

At the familiar sound of Nawia's howl, Zorro sprung up and began making his way through the den, purposefully nudging and prodding at those who were still sleeping. He hesitated momentarily at the entrance, puffing out his short pelt as much as he could, before braving the wet embrace of the morning rain. He began the trek through the rain towards the peace oak, lifting his paws daintily as he did so, as though he despised the rain and all that it encompassed. His attention was drawn from avoiding the very earth he walked upon when he had reached the oak, catching the tail end of Hagan's prediction and nodding in agreement. Any prey that wasn't taking shelter today now had the advantage as the terrain, even with such a small drizzle, would only hold up the hunters. However, that wasn't Zorro's concern and he focused his attention on the dark coated patrol, "Alasdair, could you round up Matsi and Nash for a patrol?" He requested, "I want the Amani border remarked and we can look for some dry wood on the way."

♝ Aelwen ♝
♝ Female ♝ Four / Ten ♝ Arctic Mix ♝ Hunter ♝
♝ Camp; Den / Camp; Peace Oak ♝
♝ Nawia / Hagan, Zorro ♝

At the call of the beta Aelwen rose and stretched out her limbs and began her lope over to the peace oak. Making sure not to outpace the somewhat persnickety beta, which would have been harder if she had not caught sight of her elder brother, Hagan, already at the tree. Slowing her pace exponentially, Aelwen toke the opportunity to arc around so that when she arrived at the roots of the tree, she was on Nawia's side and she did little more than a somber dip of the head to acknowledge the alpha. Letting her golden gaze drift to the hunter, the white she-wolf's expression grew friendlier, "Good morning, beta Nawia, are we hunting today?" She said, unintentionally casting a look up at the sky, whose pale blue was shrouded by gathering clouds.

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🌻roseistance🌻 (#58710)

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Posted on
2017-06-15 12:06:08

Amani Tribe


✦ Male ✦ 6y ✦ Kahuna ✦
✦ By the Moon Pond
✦ Mentions: {Indirectly} Ace, Archie, Wood, Moriti Sol, Karma, {Directly} Jagger, Whisper, Winchester, Heimdall

As the brute lay in silence, watching as the rain slowly died down, others came to join him. With a high spirit, he nodded at Jagger with a light smile forming. "Goodmorning, Jagger." He grunted out, getting himself into a sitting position. More others also grouped like a flock of birds over to where Whisper and him rested. As Heimdall approached, he let out a little yip to greet his Beta, and eventually stretched out his pillars and stood up. He glanced at Whisper, his smiling growing widely at the damsel, getting ready to give off patrols. "No need to snap, Jagger." He said in a calm voice, resting his eyes on Terra. "Thank you for the heads up, Terra. Still yet we will send out a patrol to make sure that the borders are safe from those... Mongrels." He snorted, glancing at where the wolves would be. "Heimdall, would you bring Ace, Archie, Wood, And Moriti on a hunting patrol? Jagger will take Sol, Karma, and Terra for a patrol as well." He said, snipping his teeth together to make a click as a habit after orders are placed. He turned towards Whisper once he was finished and rested next to her with a heavy sigh, watching as the pack mingled together to go on patrols. "Would you and Winchester mind coming with me to gather a few herbs?" He asked, nodding as the Coon joined them.


✦ JAX ✦

✦ Female ✦ 2y ✦ Hunter ✦
✦ Camp
✦ Mentions: {Directly} Heimdall

Her tail wagged quickly as Heimdall laid near her. "Morning." She yipped cheerfully to the Beta. Her ears perked anxiously as she hoped her name would be listed by the Kahuna, but, to no abide, she was the unlucky one out. With a grunt, she laid her head in her paws, tapping her tail with a bored, plain face on her face, not sure what she was to do now. Getting back up, she returned to her place by the pond and slowly emerged into it to help wake her up, instantly feeling as if all dirt was washed clean. Getting back out, it still amazed her that no mud was visible in the water every morning when she cleaned off.

Motomo Pack


✦ Male ✦ 3y 6m ✦ Patrol
✦ Camp
✦ Mentions: {Directly} Alasdair {Indirectly} Nawia, Hagan

Just as Alasdair had turned back around to follow Nawia's voice, he got up and jogged to catch up to the male. "Hopefully this damned rain stops." He muttered in annoyance, not particularly being one to enjoy a drizzle. As they reached the Beta, Hagan also came into view. Instantly, he flattened his ears and tail. He was embarrassed to admit that their alpha sometimes gave him a fearful chill, but still respected him. He spoke truth as he commented about the hunting, hopefully Lakota would be back soon to give a more reliable heads up for them. With a light snort at Zorro, his commands to Alasdair to round him up were useless as he usually just followed the other patrol wolf around.



✦ Female ✦ 2y 3m ✦ Hunter
✦ Camp/outside camp
✦ Mentions: {Directly} Hagan, all those by Peace Tree

A shameful bow was given from her as she padded back to camp, only holding a mere squirrel. It took a few minutes to reach Hagan and the others with her unimpressive kill, setting it down by the tree, shaking her pelt and letting out a sigh. "Not much is around right now. It was still raining heavy when I was out- maybe now that the drizzle is nearly gone there will be more activity buzzing." She said with a sorrowful voice, not being able to escape the rumbling feeling in her stomach causing her to cramp from hunger.



✦ Female ✦ 4y 10m ✦ Beta
✦ Peace Tree
✦ Mentions: {Directly} Hagan, Aelwen, Lakota, Seba,

She respectively bowed quickly to Hagan as he trotted back to camp, sitting on her flank pleased as others were responding to her call by grouping together. Her dark voice emitted a light growl, a slight habit before she spoke to gain attention towards herself. "Goodmorning, Aelwen." She said in a more flat tone, but she made sure to be more soft towards her packmate. As Lakota showed back up with a squirrel, she flicked her ear in disappointment. "Perhaps we'll try again. Lakota, you, Seba, and Aelwen," she said, glancing back to the female she had just spoken to, "can accompany me for another hunt. Hopefully we can come across something bigger to feed the whole pack." She stated, pricking her ears.

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Edited on 15/06/17 @ 12:07:06 by 🌻roseistance🌻 (#58710)

shadowqueen (#77712)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-06-15 16:51:31

Karma | Female | Amani Tribe Patrol Dog | Direct Mentions: Wyakin, Jagger, Terra | Indirect Mentions:
The instinctual need to make herself look dominant surges beneath the red-and-tan pelt of the doberman, and Karma bites her tongue, silently cursing herself for her tail which would of sprung up upon standing. In order to fit in the hierarchy she'd need to understand her place, beneath most of the gathered canines. Cold, focused eyes scan the small crowd around the Moon Pond, sizing each one up in case it comes down to a fight, be it a spar over ranks or a small scuffle about food.
Attention drawn, Karma looks over at the newly arrived dog; Matching a name to a face Karma decides this dog is Terra. She licks her muzzle in order to hide the unpleasant curl in her lip, it takes no more than a few seconds for her to smooth it out and regain control. Finding her name listed by Wyakin Karma slowly climbs to her paws, giving each long limb an individual shake. Once ready she looks to Jagger, the Beta, hoping her not quite relaxed but not so tensed she's going to attack stance will satisfy the higher up. Dare he attempt to reinforce his authority her fangs are ready to snap. She'd never actually try to injure him - unless it came down to a spar, of course - but it doesn't mean she can't snap at his nose in a way to say "I know my place, I respect yours and you should respect mine".
Nostrils flare to inhale the scents carried on the air as the Patrol Dog continues to focus her attention on the Beta and half on her fellow Patrol Dogs. "Ready when you are," Karma grunts, glancing around the Moon Pond once again, just in case there's anything needing to be brought to attention. Once satisfied with the appearance of untouched peace Karma takes a step forward, a touch of impatience sparking in her chest; she'd like to be off, chasing away Motomo scum.

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Edited on 15/06/17 @ 16:52:55 by Shadow King (#77712)

🔵 Saturn [lion
skulls] (#38235)

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Posted on
2017-06-15 17:54:38


| Heimdall • male • 4 yrs, 2 mns • Beta • Location: Camp • Mentions: Jax, Wyakin, Ace, Moriti, Archie, Wood |

At the female dalmation's greeting, Heimdall gave another tiny nod. "Morning," he uttered politely, his hetero-chromatic gaze lingering on Jax for a moment before he turned to look at Wyakin. The Kahuna seemed ready to give out orders for the day. Heimdall shuffled a little closer, his ears perking up as the kangal began to speak. The malamute mix was to take out a hunting patrol. Once his orders were given, the brown dog stood and gave the Kahuna a nod of affirmation to show that he understood his task. He then proceeded to leave the gathering, giving a small, apologetic glance at Jax as he passed, as she wasn't assigned to any patrols.

Heimdall entered the clearing once more, looking around for the dogs that were supposed to be assigned to his patrol. He remembered that he had seen Ace a short while before, but he didn't know where the rest of the dogs were. "Ace, Moriti, Wood, Archie!" he called in a gruff voice. "It's time for patrol!"


| Alasdair • male • 3 yrs, 7 mns • Patrol wolf • Location: Camp • Mentions: Matsi, Zorro, Nawia, Nash |

Alasdair stayed silent as the other beta, Zorro, approached. The dark-furred male kept his golden eyes respectfully on the male's forelegs. As he was assigned his patrol, he glanced between Nawia and Zorro as they spoke, but he kept his main attention on the red wolf. "Yes, sir," Alasdair replied, glancing up at the beta to see before turning to Matsi. He didn't need any "rounding up," as the beta put it. Nash, however, could've been a different story. Alasdair hadn't seen his fellow patrol wolf all day. "You think Nash is still asleep?" the dark male asked Matsi quietly.

With a flick of the ear displaying his curiosity, Alasdair turned and padded over to the dens. He poked his head inside, but his eyes didn't have time to adjust before he called out, "Nash, patrol!" He would've woken up anyone still left inside, he was sure of it.

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