Posted by Solclan • RP Thread

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2017-04-16 21:42:32


A Warriors Roleplay
Mods: InserCleverNameHere and Potato Lord

For centuries, three clans of big cats have dominated these lands: Solclan, full of powerful and highly dominant lions; Shadeclan, the secretive clan of tigers; Roseclan, a collection of leopards, jaguars, and cats of similar stature. Without human influence, the three clans have grown to large sizes and thrived, learning to coexist within their own borders and, by extension, becoming more social than their non-clan cousins. But they are not alone. For nearly as long as the cats have survived here, they have shared the island with a group of canines¹. Having been proven the weakest and by far the least dominant, the canines were driven into "The Mud," a small swamp on the far-east coast.



A pride of lions headed by [NAME], [DESCRIPTION]. The clan occupies a hot, arid plain of savannah dotted with caves both underground and on the surface where they make their home. The hunters find hearty meals in the numerous gazelle, impala, giraffe, antelope, and zebra that roam the plains. Unlike normal lion prides, more than one male is allowed and they may love any lioness they choose.



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Edited on 07/05/17 @ 08:16:50 by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227)

King Dice (#82222)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2017-05-28 21:25:43
Nightpaw tilted his head. He wasn't quite sure what the Clans had against the MudClanners but he went along with it. When he warrior made the odd imitation of a hyena, Nightpaw jumped in front of the "patient" his lips parted in a growl as his claws flexed. "Get out of here!" He snarled, trying to appear as threatening as a young apprentice could.

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Century Salvation
☪ INACTIVE (#77658)

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Posted on
2017-05-28 21:34:39


Lilystream | Female | Camp | Warrior | 31 Moons | Mentions: Frostheart [Minor] Fawnstep, Sorrowwing [Direct]

The younger feline settled herself comfortably next to the male, her long, darkly tufted tail curling nearly over her adequately sized paws, she faced him with a positive facial expression, returning his friendly smile with one of her own. "I'm doing quite well myself, thank you for asking." At the voice of another, the cream hued felidae turned her head faintly to glimpse the location of the voice's owner. It was Sorrowwing, who had distanced herself a bit. Lilystream allowed Fawnstep to answer their fellow warrior's question and thoroughly encouraged his invitation. "Yes, that would be nice," She agreed, blinking slowly and affirmatively towards the pale lioness. Lilystream was bothered by little, especially when it came to her clan-mates and always made room for interaction between them. Of course, with Frostheart at heel sometimes that particular task could be a little difficult but every now and again when she managed to squeeze through his awares she always found the end result to be worth while.

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Edited on 29/05/17 @ 19:19:26 by Century Salvation ☪ (#77658)

ɴᴏʀᴛʜᴇʀɴ (#74490)

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Posted on
2017-05-29 19:08:01

♚ E V E N I N G S T A R ♚
Male | 72 Moons | Transvaal Lion | SolClan Leader
Mentions: Open for Interaction.

A thin veil of dust enveloped the sizable male as he entered the campground, outstretched fore-paws disturbing the earth beneath him. Clamped firmly in his jaws was the thin corpse of an impala, lifeless but still heavy in his grip. Unfortunately his prized possession wasn't going to feed as many mouths as he'd like; the carcass revealed signs of starvation, but he knew by now it would do him no good to be picky. Without so much as a desiring huff of it's still-warm flesh, Eveningstar abandoned the prey on the kill pile and turned away. He could not be concerned with feeding himself just yet.

Angling around to head back around, he jumped up on a series of rough stone that made up a series of steps to his lair. The platform above provided him with a convenient view of the happenings below, and the great white lion tucked his haunches beneath him as he scoured the campground with observant eyes. It didn't take long for him to catch sight of his deputy crouched low on the other side of the prey pile from which he just came from, and his pupils narrowed rather irritably. He wanted patrols organized and planned before he helped himself to breakfast. Choosing to keep his jaw fastened shut and avoid giving anyone a hard time, he averted his eyes and allowed them to fall on the happenings of his clan.

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Arcan (#97595)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-05-29 21:18:33
Brazenpaw| 12 Moons| Female African Lion| Apprentice| Mentions: Open

Soft dry grass moved gently beneath broad paws, tickling the soft skin and making the lioness's toes twitch. A pale sky stretched out before her, brightening slowly as the sun streaked fire across the hues of blue. The smell of ripe baobab fruit wafted on the wind, bringing with it small leaves from the shedding trees that danced along in the currents. Nearby, the faded calls of a zebra heard echoed through the air, their scent tantalizing. But now was not the time for hunting. The smooth rock that she rested on had begun to warm with the rays of sunlight finally breaking through the clouds, heating her golden fur gradually, unfortunately causing her favorite resting place to become slightly uncomfortable. Soon the day's heat would be too much for a stationery creature to take. Brazenpaw had woken up earlier than any of her clan-mates to come to this spot. The sunrise was much too beautiful to miss. Humming as she moved, the young fae left her perch and trotted towards camp, her ears picking up the telltale sounds of bustling lions. Bright golden eyes alight with life shone as she entered, catching sight of some of her fellow apprentices as she did so. It was hard not to look at her, her presence was immediately noticeable, as the air somehow got lighter. Her sleek bronze fur mottled with darker spots blazed in the brightness, each strand illuminated like a flame. Creamy underfur rippled in the gentle breeze, the soft hairs full and well-kept. Brazenpaw's dainty body was easily carried forward by large, round paws, currently taking her in the direction of the fresh-kill pile.

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KTKarma (#111295)

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Posted on
2017-05-30 06:42:04
Dunkit|Female||5 Moons||Azandica||Cub||Location: Camp||Mentions: Eveningstar (indirectly)

Dunekit watched as the massive male dragged the impala back into camp and into the pile. She glanced down at her meager prize, half crushed beneath her paws. Should she add it to the pile? Sure, it was small and nothing more than a snack to someone her size, but didn't every little bit count? Shuffling her paws anxiously, her gaze darted across camp. With a deep breath she picked up the limp lizard in her jaws and scampered over to the pile, abandoning her prize in the mass of fresh kill.

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⍟ chennie 🏜️
g5 olive nrlc (#84624)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-05-30 10:34:51
Sorrowwing||Female||24 Moons||Transvaal||Warrior||Camp||Mentions: [Direct] Fawnstep, Lilystream, [Indirect]

Sorrowwing nodded and scooted over closer nervously, trying to hide not wanting to be in this situation. She was constantly trying to stay out of the public's eyes, for her fear of being judged was too great. She kept her tail close to her side as she smiled awkwardly. "Thanks." She looked to the right then to the left and spoke quietly. "Do you two think The Mud's hyena-leader is insane? She calls herself Ratstar. She copied our ancient ways. I am afraid of hyenas, with their little beady eyes and malicious laughter. They make me cower like a mouse."

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Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2017-06-01 01:08:32

| Dawnflower |
Female • 60 Moons • Masai Lion • Warrior
Location: Outside Camp • Mentions: {Directly} Nightpaw

Sheathing her claws, Dawnflower reached out with a paw to knock Nightpaw aside. Should the blow land, it would contain just enough force to unbalance the cub rather than harm him, as the warrior had no desire to treat the apprentice roughly. She hoped he would be quick enough to slip around her paws. If he should fail to escape the hit she would not hold it against him. He had no prior training after all, and this exercise was merely meant to gauge his natural instincts.


| Fawnstep |
Male • 72 Moons • Transvaal Lion • Warrior
Location: Camp • Mentions: {Directly} Lilystream, Sorrowwing / {Indirectly} Eveningstar, Fennelpaw, Ratstar

Fawnstep smiled kindly at Sorrowwing as she inched closer, hoping to put the wary lioness at ease. He was an observant lion, one who took note of even the smallest of details. Frostheart’s determination to guard his sister from the presence of other males for example. Some assumed him controlling, whispering behind his back of how he never allowed Lilystream to converse with any lion solo. Fawnstep had seen the mistrust in his eyes however, the kind that came from being treated poorly. Perhaps not an excuse to police his sister’s relationships, but Fawnstep hoped someday Frostheart’s fears would be eased and Lilystream granted more personal freedom. Sorrowwing’s case was a bit more peculiar, the lioness ordinarily did not seek out conversation, keeping to herself, and had a predisposition for violence.

Fawnstep had once caught her tearing a baboon limb from limb with such ferocity it made him feel ill. The sight had been disturbing enough his brother was informed of the incident and he kept his son well away from the troubled female, but now that she was making an effort to bond with her Clanmates he put some of his misgivings about Sorrowwing aside for the time being. He was surprised to hear she feared Ratstar, assuming the savage lioness was afraid of nothing and no one. “No, as a matter of fact, I think she is likely very intelligent," he murmured, dread twisting his heart as he recalled the sight of poor Wildpaw’s mangled corpse. “Insanity would be far easier to deal with than a clever mind.” He gazed at Lilystream, curious for her own opinion.

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Edited on 01/06/17 @ 01:11:03 by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)

⍟ chennie 🏜️
g5 olive nrlc (#84624)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-06-01 07:49:07
Sorrowwing||Female||24 Moons||Transvaal||Warrior||Camp||Mentions: [Direct] Fawnstep, Lilystream, [Indirect]

Sorrowwing listened in peace. But inside she was deciding if she should make up an excuse. "More like a coward..." She muttered. "She may be sharper than the average stone, but why kill an apprentice? How did she even get to Wildpaw?" She said loudly. "Wait. She killed him because he's the future of us. How far is The Mud?" Perhaps I'll go there when I am angry. If I can kill a zebra, maybe I can kill a few hyenas. "Have any of you had hyena for food?" Her eyes, which showed little interest at all times, were laughing. Then she started chuckling like a hyena.

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King Dice (#82222)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2017-06-01 08:15:25
Nightpaw ∞ Male ∞ 6 moons ∞ Apprentice ∞ Outside Camp ∞ Mentions: Dawnflower ∞ Open to interactions

Nightpaw jumped back, narrowly avoiding the paw swipe. He growled again and leapt forward, pretending to bite at her front paws. He flicked his tail as he heard voices come from camp, he stepped forward straining to hear. "Dawnflower, do you think Solclan will attack the other clans?" He asked not intentionally avoiding the training, but he was rather curious.

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Century Salvation
☪ INACTIVE (#77658)

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Posted on
2017-06-01 11:22:48


Lilystream | Female | Camp | Warrior | 31 Moons | Mentions: Canines/MudClan [Minor] Fawnstep, Sorrowwing [Direct]

She listened as Fawnstep and Sorrowwing conversed, discussing their opinions on the matter of MudClan. She stifled a faint shiver that urged it's way up her spine at the mention of the canines, not willing to let the vulnerability be known. Lilystream could feel her pelt crawl with a million invisible insects as Fawnstep turned his attention to her expectantly. The fair lass did not return his gaze, but instead allowed her hazelnut brown irises to drift to their other clan-mates, observing their actions with no real interest as she thought of an acceptable answer. "Whether she is deranged or not doesn't really matter. While insanity in some ways might be easier to deal with like you said Fawnstep, madness is just as dangerous and unpredictable as intelligence. So they must be treated to the same degree." Lilystream glanced back towards the two felines with a shy twitched to her whiskers but her expression remain neutral and open. Her attention was instantly drawn to Sorrowwing however at the female's questions and there was a faint second where Lilystream simply stared at the lioness in bewilderment. "I haven't and I wouldn't dream of having it. Not when our stomachs can be filled with prey in our own territory." The thought of eating the canines made her stomach turn, eating anything outside of their own natural diet would have to be the result of desperation, for her at least. Why eat animals that smelled like crowfood when you had whole meals grazing and getting round on lush grasses just miles away? Seemed silly.

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Arcan (#97595)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-06-01 18:30:25

Brazenpaw| 12 Moons| Female African Lion| Apprentice| Mentions: Open for Interaction. Fennelpaw, Lizardtail, Grasspaw, Buzzardpaw [Indirectly] Sorrowwing [Directly]

Warm brown eyes settled on the rather large gathering of apprentices that surrounded Lizardtail. It seemed that they were all going out on some kind of journey, and the idea had her stopping in her tracks. As the only female apprentice, there weren't really many lionesses her age that she could talk to, and she longed for friendship. Her only choice was to see if they would accept her company. Not one to dwell on the idea of embarrassment, Brazenpaw searched the camp for her mentor, spotting the lioness chatting with a couple of the other warriors. Tilting her head in surprise, the pretty she-cat made her way over to them, just in time to catch the chilling impersonation of a Hyena's laugh. Though she knew they were extremely dangerous, she couldn't help but feel sorry for the dogs, trapped on the edges of society and forced to survive in the most awful environment. As she approached, Lilystream's wise words reached her ears, and Brazenpaw's mind mulled it over the entire time.

"Sorrowwing," Her voice gently interrupted the conversation, the tone slightly regretful, "Would it be alright if I joined Lizardtail and the other apprentices?" Even though the young tom already had his hands full with the rowdy males, Brazenpaw couldn't help but want to be included. Besides, she was a social lioness, and liked to make friends. Unless Sorrowwing had other plans for them today, she couldn't think of a problem that wouldn't allow her to go.

(Sorry, I can't think of anything else for her to do, if someone would like to interact with her instead feel free to)

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Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2017-06-03 01:18:03

| Dawnflower |
Female • 60 Moons • Masai Lion • Warrior
Location: Outside Camp • Mentions: {Directly} Nightpaw / {Indirectly} Eveningstar

A sound as close to a purr a lion could emit rumbled in Dawnflower’s throat as Nightpaw leaped back just in time to avoid her lashing paws before slinking forward to nip at her. “Very good,” she praised. “You might be a medicine lion apprentice, but I see you learn quick. Now I’ll show you how to-” She paused, noticing Nightpaw had grown distracted, and fell silent, listening as voices drifted from the camp. The subsequent question caught her a bit off-guard, but she recovered quickly. “No, not unless we have no other choice. Eveningstar is a fair and sensible lion. He wouldn’t attack the other Clans without reason,” she answered, her voice laced with admiration for their noble leader. “Why do you ask? Are you worried about an invasion?”


| Fawnstep |
Male • 72 Moons • Transvaal Lion • Warrior
Location: Camp • Mentions: {Directly} Lilystream, Sorrowwing / {Indirectly} Ratstar, Brazenpaw

“Cowardice isn’t quite what I’d call her actions, more like...calculated,” he mumbled grimly, expression sorrowful when faced with another reminder of Wildpaw’s murder. The foolhardy adolescent had been his apprentice, always wandering off on his own for an adventure and taking advantage of Fawnstep’s grief for his deceased mate so he could slip out of camp unnoticed. His misery had only grown when he found the lad’s torn body, knowing with full certainty he had been a poor mentor to him. If he had been more vigilant and involved, the young male would still be alive. He was sure of that. “She’s proven she won’t hesitate to kill. Not even our young... It takes a cold heart to end the life of the innocent, and a twisted mind. Perhaps you are right Lilystream.” His mind drifted as the lionesses continued to converse, missing the approach of Brazenpaw entirely as well as the talk concerning the consumption of hyena flesh.

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Edited on 03/06/17 @ 01:18:25 by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)

King Dice (#82222)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2017-06-03 12:03:13
Nightpaw ∞ Male ∞ 6 moons ∞ Apprentice ∞ Outside Camp ∞ Mentions: Dawnflower ∞ Open to interactions

"Without Palefur here, I'm just worried is all. What if Starclan doesn't let me be a full medicine lion without them?" He asked flicking his tail. "I know a bit, but what of the rest?" He looked down at his paws, his heart slowly slipping from being in the training session. He was just worried, that he couldn't be what the Clan needed him to be.

//Mobile restrictive//

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Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2017-06-03 12:25:21

| Dawnflower |
Female • 60 Moons • Masai Lion • Warrior
Location: Outside Camp • Mentions: {Directly} Nightpaw / {Indirectly} Palefur, Eveningstar

Dawnflower sat beside the worried apprentice as an act of solace. If she had a full tail it would likely be draped over the young male's shoulders, but as is the appendage was less than half the length of the average tail, lacking a tuft at the end and clearly the result of an amputation. She couldn't claim she didn't share Nightpaw's concerns. He was far too young to become a fully fledged medicine lion, but Palefur's disappearance might leave the youngster no choice other than to graduate early. "I'm sure he'll turn up," she replied gently. "If not, you won't be alone in this. StarClan will guide you, and we can seek assistance from the other medicine cats to help you. I might not be a medicine lion, but I will always be here for you as well." Rising to her paws, Dawnflower caught a glimpse of Eveningstar's pale pelt moving amongst the other lions. It was time he was informed of Palefur's absence. "Let's head back inside for now. You should get something to eat."

((I assume, since we're attempting to wrap things up in each Clan, a bit of 1x1 isn't out of the question for now. Just wanted to wrap this particular interaction up before the time-skip.))

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King Dice (#82222)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2017-06-03 13:37:07
//Yeah man I can't wait for tonight I'm so excited! sad that I'm mobile restrictive. We can kinda fade out here and just say that Dawn and Night just went to camp and ate, and are waiting for the announcement of the call//

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