Posted by Solclan • Bios

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2017-04-16 21:42:32

Main Roleplay Thread



What are they called?

How old are they?

•Gender & Sex•
All gender identities are accepted.

All sexual/romantic orientations are accepted.

What rank are they?

Ex: Sumatran Tiger, Snow Leopard, Spotted Hyena, Black-Backed Jackal, etc.

Picture optional, paragraph or more of description needed.

•Positives and Negatives•
+ Advantages?
+ Advantages?
+ Advantages?
- Disadvantages?
- Disadvantages?

One paragraph or more

One paragraph or more

Family members, deceased or not

•Other Relationships•
Friends, enemies, crushes, etc.

•Theme Song•

What else?

•Security Questions•
What is one of the things that Rat introduced into Mudclan? ____________

Name the Leader and Deputy of Solclan. ____________

If someone asks a question that is not directly stated in any text, who do you direct them to? ____________

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Edited on 01/06/17 @ 06:00:19 by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227)

Wasabi (Double Clean
G2, 9M) (#112792)

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Posted on
2017-05-21 14:30:23
Brightpaw {Brighthope}

8 Moons

•Gender & Sex•



Tranvaal Lioness

-image removed by a moderator due to lack of proper crediting-

Goldish tan pelt, cub spots barely noticeable. Has one black side splash on each of her ears, which are really fluffy, provocative glare, bright cucumber-like green eyes. Her nose seems to be tan colored, but, if you close in, you shall notice it is a pure, cute pink, fairly thin and strong body, medium white whiskers.

•Positives and Negatives•
+ Fast
+ Sociable
+ Determined
- Jealous
- N/A

Brightpaw is usually energetic and determined, she tries to be as mature as she can, although, she can't promise it when it comes to her friends and crushes, she is really jealous and usually likes to receive much attention> Although, she is sociable and friendly. Thanks to her well-built body, Brightpaw runs even faster than a young cheetah, when mad, she races against others, to make her calm again.

She was originaly born outside Solclan, in middle of the savannah. Her parents, Solarshine and Ravenwhisker have had three cubs, Brightcub, Sablecub and Panthercub. Unfortunately, Panthercub was abused and killed by a unknown lion, although, Brightcub and Sablecub will never forget that scene, that scary, insane masculine face, and their sister being gulped down by a adult male. Afraid of the same happening to their remainning cubs, Solarshine and Ravenwhisker left them both by the borders of Solclan, the couple ran off, in search for that lion, and never came back, one moon later, Sablecub and Brightcub were spotted by the borders when fighting a badger, Sablecub killed the creature. They were accepted into the clan as apprentices.

Solarshine {Father} - Disappeared
Ravenwhisker {Mother} - Disappeared
Panthercub (Sister) - Abused/Killed by Unknown Lion
Sablepaw (Brother - Primal) - Open

•Other Relationships•
Open for: Best friend {1}, friend group {Three more cubs}, crushes {2}.

•Theme Song•
Attention - Charlie Puth


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Edited on 24/05/17 @ 12:46:08 by Shad (#16848)

KTKarma (#111295)

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Posted on
2017-05-25 11:04:06
Name: Dunekit

Age: 5 moons

Gender and sex: female

Orientation: straight

Rank: cub

Subspecies: azandica lion

Appearance: a dark sand colored cub with broad shoulders, amber eyes, and abnormally large paws. Her fur consists of a mottled pattern of various shades of tan. She's larger than most cubs her age allowing her to push her weight around if talking doesn't get the job done.

Positives and Negatives:
Skilled fighter (eventually)

While not stupid she doesn't always think of the consequences of her actions
She's incredibly ambitious and is desperate to be remembered even after she dies

Strong-willed and stubborn as a bull, Dunekit would rather chew her tail off than budge on somethings she made her mind up on. Despite this, she's fiercely loyal to her clan and would gladly die defending them. Her ambition often gets the best of her as she tries to be the best at everything she tries, despite often failing. Though she'd never admit it, she greatly wished there were other cubs for her to play with as she tends to be put behind more pressing tasks. This lonely streak has made her rather clingy. She'd gladly keep her mouth shut and not move for hours if it means someone would pay attention to her.

Dunekit was the result of a night of passion between a lioness and a rogue bachelor. Her mother, ashamed of her actions, abondoned the young cub at the border of Solclan hoping her daughter may have some chance of survival. If pressed Dunekit will speak about what little she remembers of her mother. However, this often leads to a bought of depression as Dunekit wonders if she wasn't good enough for her mother to keep her. Thanks to this, Dunekit is determined to do whatever she can to better herself for the clan and to never again not be good enough.

Family: tbd

Other relationships:
Open to all

Theme song: tbd

Other: Nope and Nope

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Edited on 26/05/17 @ 15:38:16 by KTKarma (#111295)

Arcan (#97595)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-05-26 18:26:09

Brazencub- Brazenpaw- Brazensong

12 Moons

•Gender & Sex•



African Lion

A young, pretty, petite lioness, what Brazenpaw lacks in size she makes up for in spunk. Her eyes are a dark, heartwarming gold, fringed withe peculiarly long lashes. Her fur is sleek and beautiful, the color leaning towards copper with shadowy undertones, though her underbelly is a creamy white. Brazenpaw's legs are long yet thick, and marred with dark brown spots that reach all the way up to the bottom of her shoulder. Her body is small and delicately built, with lean muscles still building their strength. Large paws that cause her to stumble sometimes carry her dainty figure, with a total weight of 200 pounds, she is still growing. She stands at 27 inches at the shoulder (2 feet), and has a body length of 50 inches (4 feet), including her tail.

•Positives and Negatives•
+ Bold
+ Smart
+ Speed
- Strength
- Inexperience

Brazenpaw is a boisterous and fun-loving she-cat, not afraid to stand up for herself or her friends. She will do anything in her power to make her loved ones happy, and enjoys making others laugh, especially if they're having a bad day. Not one to dwell on mistakes, she is a determined little thing, and trudges forward despite life may throw at her. It takes a lot to get her down, and even if she does get upset, she always hides it so that no one knows what's going on. Brazenpaw is like a ray of sunshine, lighting up everywhere she goes, even the grumpiest of cats find it hard to dislike her. She will help anyone in need, regardless of their species, and has a hard time understanding why the clan cats forced the canines to the edges of the territory. Definitely a little naive, the young fae sees the good in everybody. Protective and resilient, her friends look to her to solve problems and be the one that makes them happy.

Not much is known about the little lioness. She was found abandoned beyond the borders of Solclan, only a few days old, starving and dying quickly. The one who found her rushed the tiny cub to safety, but didn't stay long after that, choosing to leave the territory as quickly as possible. A kindly old lioness took her in after her last litter of cubs moved on to become apprentices, and raised her as best she could, soon finding that her adopted daughter was different than any she had come across before. From the moment she opened her eyes, Brazenpaw was a spitfire. Challenging cubs much bigger than herself, and even though she mostly lost the play fights that ensued, she never became a sore sport. She learned from her mistakes. The nursery lit up with her radiant light, and she could often be found snuggling newborn cubs while their mothers took a break. As she grew, she only became kinder, and offered to help elders and injured lions as best she could. Despite her nature, Brazenpaw refused to become a medicine cat, saying that she wanted to help protect the clan, not heal it after it was wounded. Today, she trains as hard as she can, never giving up.

Lilysmoke| Adopted Mother| Deceased

•Other Relationships•
Friends: Everyone
Crush: Open!
Enemies: Nobody

•Theme Song•
You Are My Sunshine- (Unknown Artist)


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⍟ chennie 🏜️
fulvous nrlc (#84624)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-05-26 20:47:01

"Fear is a feeling that most feel. My fear is you."

24 Moons

•Gender & Sex•



Transvaal Lion!

A white Traansvaal lioness, with a smaller, more built-for-speed type of body, and her coat shines in the sunlight. She has pearly white teeth, matching her coat color as well. Her paws are bigger than normal, used to keep their footing. She has a scar running down her muzzle from sparring. Her olive green eyes are like lanterns for those of her clan in the night. A little bite from her left hind leg is visible from all view points.

•Positives and Negatives•
+ Speed
+ Climbing
+ Agility
- Socializing
- Fighting
- Swimming

Sorrowwing has problems with both social life and her mind. She hates insults, but hates compliments. She will run away if to many of either are given, because praise is a disgrace to her. Her voice is high, and she's often heard singing in a tree at night. Her songs are painted with sorrow, like her name.

She's very quiet, and hates conversation. She loves to be alone, but her silence often gets her in the center of attention, her exact opposite need. But inside, there's a war going on, fighting whether to mangle her clanmates. She has fits of rage, and she's often out at the edge of the territory, killing baboons and other of similar type. But she always comes back with food, so what's the problem? Sorrowwing has problems with trusting, so don't expect her to trust you. If she does, she will stay out of your way, because she hates being talked to.

Warning - Violence, prostitution, etc.
Sorrowwing never had a full family. Her mother was often out with other males, and her father was the only kind parent she had, until he became angry. Saliva flung from his mouth, and he ripped apart an alligator in mere seconds. He lunged toward Sorrowwing, but she ran away before the beast that was once her kind, loving father. She escaped, but her once perfect life was ruined. She lived by killing Jerboas, but as she grew more and more, she needed caracal kits, cheetah kits, and baboons. She found Solclan because of one of her chases. She was immediately accepted in because of her knowledge of hunting and killing. She found her escape through singing, and has done that ever since. A bite has been visible from her leg, and she believes it's the cause of her fits of rage.

Snaketail - Mother - Love/Hate [Unknown]
Buffalohorns - Father - Love [Deceased - Rabies

•Other Relationships•
Open! PM me!

•Theme Song•
Dog Teeth - ???


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Edited on 30/05/17 @ 20:43:45 by Ouhsha [0/15 GB] (#84624)

LichBot (#113659)

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Posted on
2017-06-02 15:25:15
Eclipse, would prefer to keep that as part of his name if given a warrior name. Was named so for the contrast between the dark part of his mane and the rest of his body.

35 moons

•Gender & Sex•
Male and masculine identifying


Rogue, likely warrior when/if inducted into clan

Barbary lion

Eclipse is a large lion due to his species, with a large mane reaching across half his torso and hanging from his stomach. He has a golden body with the front of his mane closest to his head being a golden color as well, though the rest of his mane is unusually dark even for a barbary lion. His mane is thick and makes it seem as if his chin simply slopes down smoothly to his belly when viewed from the side due to its length. He has many smaller, not very noticeable scars on his body that would be typical for a lion living a rogue's life, as well as white specks of fur where past lesions have healed, though one scar on his hind leg is prominent. He has warm yellow, almost green eyes. His eyes typically show a friendly or kind mood, and he holds himself tall. If one were to look at him, he would appear to be a gentle giant. Eclipse is semi handsome, but makes up for the rest with plentiful charisma. He weighs 663 lbs, and stands tall.

•Positives and Negatives•
+ Charismatic
+ Bulky and large
+ Convincing liar
+ Ambitious
- Hubris
- Mediocre at stalking at best
- Cannot fit into smaller spaces and struggles to navigate cluttered areas
- Ambitious

Eclipse is a seemingly friendly lion, and presents a strong air of kindness. Contrary to how he appears, he is very self centered and conniving, often planning. He is a decent negotiator and strategist, but can and will slip up on his ability to think and keeping up his kindly appearance if he himself is offended or insulted. Despite his devious nature, some of the kindness he presents is true, and he typically is as friendly as he seems with those he's just met.
He is ambitious through and through, and once he sets his mind on a goal, very few things could make him stop pursuing it, and is prone to holding grudges.

Eclipse came from afar, where he was born and named Monitor. His mother and father were typical barbary lions, and if one were to see them, they would look very similar to their son. He was born in a litter of 3, and had one sister and one brother. As they grew, their parents began to speak and mingle with another pride more and more, and eventually came to an agreement of peace. His brother, Viper, proven to be a better fighter than him at the time, was chosen to be the next pride leader by his parents. Meanwhile, his sister, Mabuya, was sent to the other pride as a emissary and to help enforce their bond.

Bitter about his not being considered for leader or emissary, and thus being left out of meetings to discuss future leadership, expanding territories, and hunting and battle plans, he honed his abilities to lie, listen, and learn, before he eventually flew from both prides' territories. As he traveled, he knew he wanted power of some sort, or at the very least to be considered a crucial part of a pride, and changed his name. On his journey, either out of loneliness, pride, or something else, he became convinced he held more knowledge than others, which was true regarding some subjects, but a very irrational thought when regarding others. Upon hearing of the clans from fellow travelers,
he decided he would head for them, and join one with fellow lions out of hope that he could cement his role as someone important.

Crocodile- Father- Status Unknown
Boa- Mother- Status Unknown
Viper- Brother- Status Unknown
Mabuya- Sister- Status Unknown

•Other Relationships•

•Theme Song•
The Room Where It Happens from the Hamilton Soundtrack

He has an unusual accent that's mostly faded, but is still discernible when he speaks. His favorite prey actually tends to be smaller creatures that other lions may consider stringy or not worth eating. He is also very wrong in believing he knows more than any other creature, but if confronted about it with evidence, likely wouldn't admit it unless under threat of death.

•Security Questions•
What is one of the things that Rat introduced into Mudclan? Warrior names

Name the Leader and Deputy of Solclan. Eveningstar and Frostheart

If someone asks a question that is not directly stated in any text, who do you direct them to? InsertCleverNameHere or Potatolord

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Edited on 02/06/17 @ 20:28:05 by SkeleBot (#113659)

🥬 Kale 🥬 (#65142)

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Posted on
2017-06-02 20:21:37

3 years

•Gender & Sex•


None yet

Barbary lion

She is a melanistic lioness with ice blue eyes and a bobbed tail.

•Positives and Negatives•
+ Good hunter
+ Good fighter
+ Claws are used for balance
- A bit of a cluts
- Can't run well in rain

Harlow is a spunky and confident lioness. She is very sure of herself and knows she is different. Behind her confidence she is also a softy. She will help out where ever she can and is looking for a family and another lioness. She doesn't judge others because she knows what it's like to be different and an outcast.

Harlow comes from her old pride who were all killed. Her pride had been on a control site for generations testing the effect of radiation on lions. As you can see defects were put into play. One day the scientists decided to end the project due to unethical practices. Her mom knew that something was going to happen days before so she lunged at Harlow slashing her side deep enough that she would need medical attention. At this time she was still an adolescent and didn't know what was happening. The day that everything was going to end she was picked up by vets and placed on a truck. As they were leaving the scientists pulled at guns and began to shoot all of the lions. Her mother ran after the truck, but they got to her and shot her. The last thing she said to Harlow was, "I did this for you because I love yo..." and she died right there as the truck drove away. Harlow was taken to a veterinary hospital and treated and left to rest. After her recovery, the vets released her into the wild and she has been wandering the plains for a month all alone for a month now.


•Other Relationships•

•Theme Song•


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Edited on 02/06/17 @ 20:22:59 by 🐘Joy🐘 (#65142)

Arcan (#97595)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-06-03 17:48:05






48 Moons

•Gender & Sex•







African Lion


Named for the deep reddish-brown hue of his coat, Bronzeclaw's fur and mane are a bit darker than the average lion's. The thick, huge plume of hairs that grow around his neck are jet black starting at his shoulders, and fade to a light chocolate brown near his face. His eyes, which are a pale, soothing shade of yellow, are slanted towards the base of his ears. He has a longer, broader muzzle, with a square jaw and chin. Small scars pock mark his pelt, none too serious, the most prominent being a short one right across the bridge of his nose. His body is massive and muscular, with a lean frame and huge, round paws. His shoulders are wide, and he has a barrel chest along with thick, sturdy legs that hold his 550 pound frame without trouble.

•Positives and Negatives•

+ Powerful
+ Strategic
+ Broad-Minded
- Speed
- Stamina


With a nature attuned more towards hard thinking, the massive brute has a tendency to be over-analytical, though his strategic mind comes in handy when a battle comes around. Hard questions and seemingly impossible problems are nothing to him, and he usually solves them within hours, maybe minutes depending on the circumstances. A skilled warrior, Bronzeclaw's massive size gives him a certain air of quiet confidence that he wears proudly, yet he is not one to flaunt his power. The male is quite gentle compared to others when approaching or talking to someone, and is able to control his strength with great ease. With an open mind that he does not hide, his clan-mates know that he will not judge no matter what, and often they come to him in secret to confess to things that no one else can know. Bronzeclaw did not garner the respect of his clan without fighting for it, however, and over the years grew a level of trust that is, as of yet, unbreakable.


His parents were political creatures, with cunning minds and silver tongues, and he was born into that lifestyle. He and his siblings were respected and revered, so well-behaved that it was hard to describe them as cubs. Not a tuft of fur was out of place, and their pelts always shined, lest they disgrace their mighty guardians. Playing was out of the question, as was mingling with cubs of a lesser degree, as his parents put it. But Bronzecub never understood his family's ideals, choosing instead to weasel himself out of the nursery often enough to make friends. He was scolded and cuffed constantly, but that never deterred the determined tyke, for he didn't fear what his siblings did. Perhaps he would have if his father's viciousness had been apparent. It wasn't long before Bronzecub's antics became too much for the warrior obsessed with being perfect. One night, when his son was sleeping, Proudpelt kidnapped the tiny creature, stuffing his muzzle with moss to keep his screams muffled. Fighting back against the huge male was useless, as his little paws and weak body did nothing. Proudpelt carried his offspring all the way to the Mudclan border, dropping him unkindly to the ground. Not understanding what was happening, Bronzecub tried desperately to follow his father, but the warrior only turned on him. As small as he was, he was also quick, and his speed allowed him to dodge what would have been a fatal blow. His nose bleeding and heart pounding with fear, Bronzecub fled into the night, only concerned with getting away from the threat that had once been his beloved sire. Weeks passed with him wandering aimlessly around the territory, growing weaker and weaker as hunger set in. Meanwhile, back at camp, Proudpelt fed the rest of the clan a story of unimaginable heartbreak. He told everyone that Bronzecub had snuck away in the middle of the night, and that he had found the little cub's broken body not long after. They mourned his loss, but eventually everyone moved on. That was until he stumbled home, weary and malnourished, his eyes hollow with pain. It took moons to nurse him back to full health, and when he was ready, he told his story. Due to his testimony, Proudpelt was chased from Solclan territory, branded a traitor by all that knew him. Today, Bronzeclaw remembers his father's hatred for him, but still carries a hint of the background that he was raised in.


Heathercloud| Mother| Deceased
Proudpelt| Father| Unknown
Yarrowfur| Brother| (Adoptable- PM me!)
Palepaw| Brother| Deceased
Fallowcub| Sister| Deceased

•Other Relationships•

Friends: Open
Crush: Open, PM me!
Mate: Must develop
Enemies: Open

•Theme Song•

Amber Run- I Found



•Security Questions•

What is one of the things that Rat introduced into Mudclan? Warrior Names

Name the Leader and Deputy of Solclan. Eveningstar, Bronzeclaw

If someone asks a question that is not directly stated in any text, who do you direct them to? Insert or PotatoLord

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Edited on 03/06/17 @ 21:36:12 by Arcan (#97595)

WARREN [g1 ticked] (#88005)

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Posted on
2017-06-03 19:45:53

Image Source


Name Meaning
Sage: For her striking green eyes, the first feature her mother noticed when she was born..
Water: For her cunning way with words and seductive voice.

47 moons (~ 4yrs.)


Bisexual & Biromantic


Congo Lioness

Sagewater is an average sized Congo Lioness with a muscular silhouette. Her body is compact, yet lithe, which allows her to equally balance her strength with other attributes, such as speed. The lioness also has a deep beige pelt that blends nicely into her surroundings when hunting, although her energetic tail movements usually give her away. Littered gratuitously across her flanks are small scars, collected over the years from scuffles and mishaps durings hunts. The most striking feature Sagewater possesses is her bright green eyes, hence her warrior suffix- Sage.

Positives and Negatives
+ Charismatic.
+ Persuasive.
+ Physical speed.
- Violent tendencies.
- Hoards small animal bones & rocks.

Sagewater has a unique way with words, she’ll wind them through the ears of companions and enemies alike until she’s got them looking at things from her perspective. Her sultry, yet powerful, voice usually allows her to sway the mindset of others. If not, she may just speak for the pleasure of hearing her own voice.
Sagewater can also jump to conclusions at times, making her approach to situations more violent than need be. Of course, she always is courteous enough to apologize once she realizes her actions may have been unjust. She has a one-track mind when it comes to protecting her clan. Although she wishes no ill-will unto ShadeClan, RoseClan, or even MudClan the lioness deeply disapproves of mixing the bloodlines.
Sagewater has a strange quirk where she needs to collect strange items. Occasionally she holds onto unique bones from smaller kills or any malformed rock that catches her eye. With no place to hide her personal stash Sagewater lines her nest with these items and will most likely end up waking up with a mouse skull staring her in the face. One day… she will make a way to keep her toys without cluttering her nest with them. Perhaps on a necklace?

When Sagewater was born she was an uneasy, restless cub who never stopped wriggling and pawing at her mother’s stomach. Her mother, confused by this behavior couldn’t understand why her daughter wouldn’t just go to sleep and keep calm like a normal cub. She called the SolClan Medicine Cat, concerned that Sagewater may be sick or unhealthy. Due to this maternal fear, her mother refused to name her until she could be certain the small bundle of fur would survive. Although the Medicine Cat promised that it was normal for cubs to have an excess of energy Sagewater’s mother didn’t believe it. So, Sagewater went nameless, until the day she opened her eyes. Taking the sign of growth as a sign the cub was healthy her mother named her immediately. She didn’t even break eye contact with the little one as she whispered, "Sagecub. Sagecub, for your beautiful sage eyes my child."
Growing up Sagewater was a rambunctious ‘paw. She hunted constantly, always with a wild energy humming through her veins. She was regarded by the elders as a lioness who would never grow into her elegant skin. Yet, on a patrol many moons into her apprenticeship, Sagepaw wandered off. But, not for naught. She’d caught the scent of the Mud dogs (Now MudClan) and was intent of seeing why it was so deep into the heart of SolClan territory. Eventually she stumbled upon the gathering of hyenas, trailing in an unskilled manner after a heavily limping giraffe calf. The SolClan patrol caught up with Sagewater as she was approaching the dogs. Undeterred by the presence of her mentor Sagewater hissed out a slur at the canines who took their attention off of the easy prey to take notice of the felines. A fight seemed imminent, yet the usually energy that coursed through her veins at the thought of such a situation was absent. Instead, her bones seemed to thrum with a consuming chill that urged her to continue speaking on after her slur. She spoke again saying, Why are you on SolClan lands? Could you not land such an easy kill in The Mud? Look at this giraffe, he should have been dead hours ago and yet he still breathes. Could it be because you lack the skill, the strength or that you simple can’t make the kill? You’re nearly two miles inland on our hunting grounds, we’d be within our rights to shred you so finely the mice could use your flesh to line their nests. But I won’t. I cannot speak for my Clanmates, and although it would be a pointless fight they may still. However, I can see your bones through your sunken pelts, this infraction can’t be out of spite or competition, no. This is out of desperation is it not? You need this prey, the fresh-kill would feed your canine companions for moons to come. And I sympathize with you. I’d do the same in your position. Even though I’m not. I’m in control here, you’re in my home on my lands… and stalking what is now my prey. But, I can make a deal with you. I don’t particularly have a taste for blood right now, so what if we compromised. You’d still get to fill your stomachs and we’d get the prey that is rightfully ours. What if I were to suggest that I could show you how to take down a full grown giraffe with a single snap of your jaws? Would that interest you? I know it would feel you and your friends for eternity if you knew the proper skills. In return, however, you cannot take this giraffe for he is now the prey of SolClan. It sounds appealing, does it not, give up one meal in order to learn how to access an endless supply of them. Eagerly, the scavenging hyenas nodded in agreement. Moments later Sagewater was demonstrating a jugular technique followed by an abbreviated lesson on the importance of destroying the Achilles’ tendon. The hyenas dispersed towards The Mud and Sagewater sat calmly in front of her fresh-kill. The patrol approached her and another apprentice, just one moon out of the nursery, spoke up, ... It’s like you just drowned them with your words. When the patrol arrived in camp the news spread like wildfire and Sagewater was officially given her warrior name that night.

Mate: Currently None, OPEN
Siblings: OPEN

Theme Song
Shawn Mendes - There’s Nothing Holdin’ Me Back


Security Questions
What is one of the things that Rat introduced into Mudclan?
The Warrior naming system
Name the Leader and Deputy of Solclan.
Eveningstar & Frostheart
If someone asks a question that is not directly stated in any text, who do you direct them to?
Insert or Potato Lord

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Celtic (#97854)

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Posted on
2017-06-10 22:32:55


Image Source


Amberpaw| Amberdapple


13 Moons {1 year, 1 month}

•Gender & Sex•

Feminine| Female


Straight| Heterosexual




Masai Lion


Amberpaw is a thin, delicately built she-cat, her body tall and lean. There isn't much muscle to speak of, except for maybe in her shoulders and hips, where it is the most firm. Her dark eyes are large and almond shaped, with flecks of lighter gold surrounding the pupil and flaring outwards towards the edge of her iris. The lioness's hide is a soft and pale shade of sunshine, with darker copper rosettes flowing very faintly along the bottom of her stomach and the undersides of her legs. She is tall and dainty, with a slightly thin, pretty face with a full, broad muzzle. Amberpaw's elegant legs end in big paws that she has yet to grow into.

•Positives and Negatives•

+ Whip Smart
+ Agile
+ Quick
- Strength
- Dainty Figure


Amberpaw is a gentle, diplomatic she-cat, preferring to voice her opinions in a sophisticated, calm way. She refuses to get into heated arguments or unneeded physical altercations. Her views are firm and she can be somewhat opinionated, but is quite open-minded when it comes to most things, especially the other clans. They intrigue her greatly, and she would jump at the chance to study them in their natural settings, but she realizes that it will never happen. Despite her usually mild temperament, Amberpaw isn't afraid to protect others and fight, even though she believes that it's the last thing on the list. She understands war, but will protect peace at all costs. Her friends are dear to her, and they are extremely precious in her mind.


Amberpaw's parents were the typical brave, loving warriors, loyal to Solclan without fault. They protected their children with a fierceness that scared most everyone, not even the leader dared to mess with their spawn. But unfortunately a vicious scuffle with a trespassing rogue ended their lives. Her mother lived for a few days after the battle, gravely injured, cordoned off in the medicine cat's den until her passing. Amberpaw was young when it happened, and she remembers only good things about her sire and dam, and wishes desperately that they were still alive. Perhaps her gentle nature stemmed a little bit from that, and she has a slight trust issue when it comes to new arrivals.


Brackenpelt| Father| Deceased
Lightfoot| Mother| Deceased
Brownpaw {Brownleaf}| Sister| Alive {Adoptable, PM me!}
Fadedpaw {Fadedfeather}| Sister| Alive {Adoptable, PM me!}

•Other Relationships•

Crush: Open!

•Theme Song•



Brownpaw (leaf): A shy, passionate she-cat with darker fur and an underbelly that stands out from the rest of her pelt.
Fadedpaw (feather): A tough, abrasive she-cat that isn't afraid to protect everyone if she has to. Her pelt is light and creamy, with a more golden tone than her sisters.

•Security Questions•

What is one of the things that Rat introduced into Mudclan? Warrior Names

Name the Leader and Deputy of Solclan. Eveningstar & Bronzeclaw

If someone asks a question that is not directly stated in any text, who do you direct them to? InsertCleverNameHere or PotatoLord

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