Posted by Eclipse's Pride Lands Character Sheets

River|WCU (#115059)

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Posted on
2017-11-24 23:48:35

Main Roleplay Thread


Fill this out please !! Rank list can be found on the main rp thread

Pride(Eclipse's or Ozul's)|
Rank Wanted|
Apperance |

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Edited on 08/03/18 @ 07:54:16 by River|WCU (#115059)

River|WCU (#115059)

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Posted on
2017-11-24 23:59:07
heres mine

3.4 years
strawberry tiger
Gleaming strawberry tigress with bright blue eyes that sparkle in the sun
to be determined in rp
to be determined in rp
leader of pride
wants litters of cubs

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Lilac (#120132)

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Posted on
2017-11-24 23:59:55
Hope this is the right place to post))

Name: Sköll
Age: 5 Years Old
Gender: Male
Species: White Lion
Rank: Sub Male
Appearance: Baby blue eyes, whitish cost and mane
Personality: Somewhat cocky, flirty
History: Killed his ex-mate
Mates: None at this point
Cubs: None
Family: We're killed by poaches
Other: Is a ladies man

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Edited on 25/11/17 @ 00:29:12 by Lilac - Santa Paws's Elf (#120132)

-active} (#111404)

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Posted on
2017-11-25 01:28:52


3.7 Y/O.



One of the 3 Queens possibly.

Like her breed suggests, Tiema has the features of both a lion and tiger, her body being massive, but slender and taller than the average lion and tiger. She is no joke but yet a beauty to behold. Tiema's fur gives her the appearance of a golden tiger at first, but the faint traces of lion in her blood do not allow her hybrid genetics justice, hence her strange coloration, Her coat is rather fluffy and gives her a lot of trouble when it comes to overheating, but is soft and well taken care of, minus the faint scars left on her from rough times not so long ago. Tiema has inherited her large green eyes from none other than her mother, the lion in her showing through that bit of obviousness and the way that they are merely shaped giving her up.

A fair creature indeed, Tiema does not give into her primal instincts, being born and bred in a zoo and in the close eye of humans. She has learned that not everything goes without punishment, hence her caring and quite cautious personality. Though she can, of course, show off her raw power through other methods, such as self-defense and hunting. So of course, do not underestimate this fair and just creature. Even though Tiema seems to be reserved and cautious of others, she somehow has gained the trait of being a small flirt. Complimenting others now and then out of boredom as though it was a game.

Tiema prefers to not speak of her past, whether it be good or bad memories that you ask her. She keeps things locked up tight and just can't help it but be secretive and insecure.

Has never gotten so close to someone that she has started a relationship with them.


After being born, Tiema was sold to a zoo which collected rare creatures. She never got to see parents or siblings.


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Edited on 25/11/17 @ 01:30:02 by Tenshi(WCU) (#111404)

fortmax (#91111)

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Posted on
2017-11-25 02:00:14
Name: Bubbles
Age: 7
Gender: Male
Species: Lion
Rank: Healer
Appearance: A small, pygmy dwarf lion, unlike anything you've ever seen before. (Like Gypsy the lion)
Personality: Cautious, paranoid, easily disturbed, guarded
History: Raised by humans as a pet after being stolen from the wild, Bubbles has never known the wilderness before. Bubbles was malnourished by the people that kept him, and so, he is not a Dwarf lion, but he never grew beyond the size of a cub, nor did he ever grow a mane, because he was so poorly treated.
Mates: None, but open to them.
Cubs: Infertile.
Family: None, but open to having them.
Other: He would love to have a partner, but he's so worried about actually getting one, that it scares people off.

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Edited on 25/11/17 @ 02:28:29 by fortmax (#91111)

Pumpkin (#77192)

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Posted on
2017-11-25 09:41:14
Name: Sable
Age 6 years
Gender: Female
Species: Jaguar
Rank: Hunter
Appearance: Sable stands around 2.5 feet and weighs 185 lbs. She has a mutation called melanism, making her completely black. She has dark copper eyes and overgrown claws.
Personality: Sable is a very aggressive jaguar, but she can be calm, just not gentle. She's always very tense and alert and rarely lets her guard down. She's not comfortable around so many others, but doesn't mind company.
History: Sable was breed by human breeders, but after that, they dumped her in the streets. She fared, only because a group of wild dogs found her, but as she got bigger, they forced her out. After that she was taken into a zoo, but soon escaped, not liking how the humans there would poke and prod at her.
Mates: None yet, but is open
Cubs: None
Family: She never got to know them.
Other: Has a soft spot for little ones

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Potato Queen (#127304)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2017-11-25 18:38:51
Name: Epsilon
Age: 3 years old
Gender: Male
Species: Lion
Rank: Hunter
Apperance : A smaller lion. Cream colored with black markings. His mane is black fading towards white. He has a blue bead hanging from his mane. His eyes are green with an orange highlight
Personality: Nervous and shy, but likes to joke around. Often falls over because he placed his paws wrong
History: He grew up in a nice pride, but they forced him out when he matured. That left him with a heavy fear of abandonment.
Mates: None
Cubs: None
Family: None
Other: For some reason, he really hates monkeys.

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Edited on 25/11/17 @ 18:40:26 by Alphabetti Spaghetti (#127304)

moon_star_pack (#126239)

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Posted on
2017-11-25 20:52:36
Name: Eclipse
Age: 3.4 years
Gender: Male
Species: Black Panther
Rank: King (if possible)
Appearance: 7db9f625ee48ee231d775cb28ab406f2--black-panther-tattoo-black-panther-cat.jpg
Personality: Kind, loyal, brave, daring, fierce, strong, energetic.
history: Eclipse's parents where born in a zoo, when they where released, he was born. He would always be play fighting with his dad, but one day he was a little to rough and accidentally killed him, Eclipse would never forgive himself for that, he had nightmares for moons. His mom died from a fight.
Mates: Open
Cubs: None
Family: Deceased

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Edited on 13/12/17 @ 16:23:13 by moon_star_pack (#126239)

NekoImouto (#113556)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2017-11-27 09:00:04
Name: Remeria Re-Meer-e-a
Age 2 years (Young baby XD)
Gender Female
Species Cheetah
Rank Queen
Apperance Shes an odd one it seems her spots arent black and her base isnt goldenish Her base is cherry blossom and spots are a light purple her eyes are dawn and she is just beautiful
Personality Shes very nice and reasonable tough she can be strict and mean at sometimes she is very patient so it takes alot to make her mad but when you do run for life although that wont work cause shesa cheetah so xD but he wont kill you no no no shes not that type she'll just punish you
History: She hates talking about it so like dont try
Mates: Hasnt even tried before
Cubs: n/a
Family You dont know she never tells anyone
Other n/a

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Edited on 27/11/17 @ 09:01:49 by NekoImouto [TMO] + {FF} [WCU] (#113556)

💰Green1Chaos (#32339)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-11-27 13:35:44
Name: Elizabeth
Age: 2/1/2 years old
Gender: Female
Species: Lion
Rank: dominate female
Apperance: Light Cream with spots on her face
Personality: firm gal, can be bossy when a hunt is at hand.
History: Unknown
Mates: available for one
Cubs: none
Family: Mom and dad were in charge for 10 years until they died of natural causes
Other: N/A

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Edited on 10/01/18 @ 21:30:49 by 💰Green1Chaos Lights (Off) (#32339)

arsenicCatnip (#2646)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-11-28 14:19:20
Name: Artemis
Age: 5
Gender: Female
Species: Cougar
Rank: Patroller
Appearance: Her fur is light, between a dusty brown and a silver grey. For her species and sex, she's relatively large, at seven feet from whiskers to tail tip, though almost all true big cats dwarf her.
Personality: Artemis has convinced herself all her life that she loves the company of others, and this belief leads her to seek out companionship, but in truth, solitude appeals to her mostly. She craves independence, quiet, and self-sufficiency, but is also calculating enough to know that strength and safety lie in numbers. Still, she remains introspective and thoughtful when not putting up her automatic, extroverted front.
History: Born into the pet trade, Artemis grew up in the home of a rich, reckless human, raised by hand from cubhood alongside a few other exotics. When she was around three, legal complications led to her being seized by authorities and transported to a zoo, which she promptly broke out of. Her initial idea was to seek out her old owner, who she had imprinted upon, but she quickly found that she much preferred living wild, teaching herself to hunt and survive on her own.
Mates: None.
Cubs: None.
Family: None currently.
Other: I accidentally posted this from my second account; my main is dreambiter (#126411),
and I'll be roleplaying from there!

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Edited on 28/11/17 @ 14:22:44 by arsenicCatnip (#2646)

gone. (#93524)

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Posted on
2017-11-28 18:37:03

Birth name: unknown
Secondary name: Kaka

12 moonrises

female hermaphrodite; will go by any term when referred to

unknown; assumed to be closest to the species "lion"

wanderer; most prominent in herbs but will not hesitate to hunt

lithe, sleek and thin-furred yet muscular body; shining black contrasted by dull pale tan on the top of the muzzle, covering the ears in full, spotting the brows, and the tip of the long thin tail that trails behind; amber pads and a glistening amber nose show beautifully, lastly having a dull darkened red at the muzzle tip and chin - much like the graceful beast's maw had been stained with the blood of recent feasting - and framing the bottom of the eyes; white eyes shine gorgeously bright - no pupil in sight, as if the creature had been born blind

Anxiety-ridden and even anti-social at times, this large feline hides in anything - such as burrows, caves, bushes, ect. - in the day, only coming out at night where any folk that she may live with at the time - as she's a wanderer, and doesn't like to stay at one place for long, but would rather live in a large group - and stay until very early in the morning, catching prey, searching for herbs and berries to snack on, perhaps even patrolling a piece of land or looking for more spots to hide in, before going back to hide again once the stirring of familiar folk begins. They like to stay busy, and also likes to keep things in her mouth at all times, as she hates confrontation and will give any excuse - no matter how pitiful - to not socialize, such as having her mouth to stuffed to speak at the moment. If successfully confronted when she's not busy, the least that will be spoken of her is one or two words before dashing away. Very rarely is she calm. She rarely shares unless she feels like it's needed. Many doesn't even know she exists due to her rarity of sighting, so it doesn't matter much.

Birthed as an only cub by two of her kind - in which belong to a tribe-like pride, where they stationed as hunter and huntress - her parents were simply to busy to really care for her. None of the cubs were really taken care of, anyway. Simply weaned and left to work like any other member. She wandered from territory one day, in which she came across a mutt of a lone dog named Crii, who took her in, needing companionship. Crii showed her the ways of life - of course, not only to pretty side of things, but also hardships and the ugliness of everything. Kaka picked up on the wandering lifestyle of Crii and took after him, also gaining his wariness and hesitation towards others. She spends her life wandering from place to place with Crii, who is now in his early days of 3-4 years.

N/A; the closet thing to one is Crii


Brother: Scream of the Raven
any other is unknown; may have a sister and more brothers

-Favorite snack = different types of berries

-Has strong feelings toward Crii and sees him as both a father, a brother, and more than just a pal

-Easily falls in love but can't bring herself to do anything about her current love interest

-Crii and Kaka has never fought, and will have large conversations in random bursts; they could talk forever but also appreciate calming, comfortable silence

-Apathy and empathy levels are randomized each day, excluding towards Crii

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Edited on 28/11/17 @ 18:38:11 by Mysty (#93524)

≧◠‿◠≦✌ (#83209)

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Posted on
2017-12-06 16:10:19
Name: Diego

Age:5 years


Species: Melanistic Jaguar

Rank:He will choose when he joins the pride. He arrived a few nights ago and is still getting used to his surroundings.

Appearance:Unlike the regular jaguar, Diego's coat looks as if it was dipped in tar. It is not completely black, but you couldn't tell from a distance. He is not as muscular as one of his kind should be, but he can stand his own. From the tip of his muzzle to the tip of his dark tail, he's is about 5.7 feet long. He stands at about 30 inches tall, and his tail is about 20 inches, the shortest of any big cat. Diego is strong, bulky, and bigger than the regular leopard. His claws are sharp and powerful, making him a great climber and swimmer, and his jaw can deliver a deathly bite.

Personality:Diego is shy and wary at first, for he is used to being caged alone. If he feels frightened or threatened, he will lash out and become aggressive. But once you get past his standoffish outer shell, he is quite affectionate and sweet. He is incredibly loyal and can become possessive of certain objects or areas. He is trustful and will defend those he cares for with his life.

History:Diego was taken from the wild as a cub and shipped to a small zoo in western Mexico, where he was kept alone and in a small, dingy enclosure. Becuase he was not allowed to grow and develop like his brothers and sisters did, his frame and stature are slightly smaller than they should be. He would usually hide up in the single tree inside of his enclosure as people ooh and ahhed at him, and would only come down when it was time to eat. Fortunately, the reinforcements of his enclosure were cheap and weak, granting him the ability to break out during the middle of the night. He spent a few days wandering around in the woods before he was found and taken to a local big cat rescue. The vets checked him out and kept him there for a little while, feeding him and bringing him back to health. After a month, he was flown out and released into the wild. Even with all of that human exposure, he remains deathly afraid of people.

Mates:None! (he might be gay)


Family:He was taken from then when he was young, so he doesn't know if they are dead or alive. Because he was taken at such a young age, he doesn't remember much about them.

Other:Diego likes to hang around in the treetops. He will often drag his dinner up into a tree to eat later. He knows some Spanish and when agitated, his language tends to switch. There is a bullet-hole in his lift ear from an accident, but he doesn't like to talk about it.

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Edited on 06/12/17 @ 16:12:48 by likenyah (#83209)

Ghoul Among Ghosts (#105136)

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Posted on
2017-12-06 16:43:16
Name: Zorren
Age: 2 years
Gender: Male

Species: Amur leopard mixed with Sumatran tiger.
Rank: Wanderer

Appearance: The base color of his pelt is a rustic gold. Dark grey, almost black stripes cover his paws and stop a few inches below his shoulders and hips. The rest of his body is coated with bronze spots of different sizes with only his head being bare. A fluffy 'mane' frames his face with a lighter tint that the rest of his fur. His underbelly is a dark beige as well as the faded stripes along his tail. His left eye is a bright amber and his right is a mahogany brown. His nose is a few shades darker than his right eye.
Zorren is larger than most purebred felidae in both height in length at 4.2 ft tall and 8 ft long from whisker to tail. Due to an overbite his fangs peek past his lips in a permanent snarl.

Personality: Zorren is territorial and aggressive. When he meets new cats he is usually hostile. He finds solace in solitude and doesn't not stay in one area for too long, since it reminds him of being trapped in his enclosure. With cubs as his weakness he is only calm, gentle, and protective when they are present.

History: Due to his hostility no one has ever been able to learn of his history.
Mates: None
Cubs: None
Family: Unknown

Other: Boop

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Edited on 10/01/18 @ 18:58:04 by Noxious Canidae (#105136)

Ryanna (#107615)

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Posted on
2017-12-09 17:00:59

Name: Aputi
Age: 3 months
Species: Snow Leopard
Rank: Cub
Appearance: 3124382.large.jpg
The source because lioden got grumpy
Personality: Skiddish, Shy, loving, and easily scared
History: aputi was born into a zoo, her mother rejecting her for her more bigger brother, they where transferred out of the zoo before the escape, she was too young to leave the zoos care and eventually escaped
Mates: None
Family: Mother, and brother both transferred to a different zoo
Adopted mother: River (@River|Poop me|WCU)
Adopted father: Eclipse (@moon_star_pack)
- Scared of being abandoned again
-extremely tiny

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Edited on 10/12/17 @ 10:57:04 by Ryanna (#107615)

Hecking Hecker (#100796)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-12-10 15:25:57
Name: Koa
Age: 1.5 years
Gender: Female
Species: Leopardess
Rank: Queen
Apperance: [link]
Personality: Grumpy
History: She'd been born into the circus, however was extremely uncooperative and was later transferred to a simple zoo. She'd liked it there - there were other leopards and lopardesses around that she could communicate with whenever she'd liked; cubs her age that she could play with... until she grew and became aggressive towards anything around her for an unknown reason. She was put into an enclosure away from humans and anything living and breathing, really. She'd been fed less and became more angry. She'd escaped soon after she was placed in the new containment area due to her just not liking the place as much. She said her goodbyes hurriedly, and had been living a pretty happy life in the little field that she'd found. She's still grumpy, though. Very grumpy.
Mates: None
Cubs: None
Family: Unknown?
Other: Just really angry at everyone.

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Edited on 10/12/17 @ 16:57:10 by Hecking Hecker [Givv BundL] (#100796)

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