Posted by Private Forums for Clans

Otohime (#133183)

Dreamboat of Ladies
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-06-15 18:55:09
This may be difficult, but it is possible, as it is a common component in many games. This wound up kind of long, so please bear with me.

What I'm suggesting:
Each clan could have a private forum seperate from the main Lioden forums, accessable only by clan members and game moderators, through the clan page. This forum would allow for clan admins to create topics for their clan to use in a fairly "private" setting.

Why I'm suggesting this:
With every clan using the Clans & Families forum for both advertising and individual discussion threads, the forum is kind of a mess. Threads get buried quickly and often the only way to find a clan's thread is to go to the clan's page and hope an admin linked it. (Which many forget to do.) Since everyone is having to go to the clan page to find what they're looking for anyway; having a link to "individual" forums wouldn't be an issue there. (I use quotations here because from a coding stand point they're probably not individual, they just seem like it because these forums are hidden/inaccessable to non clan members)

Furthermore, it's become common for clans to use off-site chat features such as Discord in order to have some privacy and because trying to manage a discussion in the current thread chaos is a pain. Lioden can't moderate these off-site chats to ensure safety or enforce any game rules, either. Using these off-site chat's isn't a huge deal in itself. It's just that the current state of clan threads is disorganized.

When I first joined I honestly found the Clans feature to be interesting, but ultimately underwhealming. Because it's difficult for clan members to find each other and have discussions, much of the social benefits of clans is lost. "Private forums" could help.

How it would work:
The current "View Thread" area would be replaced or have the addition of a "View Clan Forum" link. This would take members to a sort of mini forum where clan admins could post topics for information and discussions. This would give the clans a place to gather and create multiple topics in an organized manner. Non-members would get a message or page saying "You must join the clan to view this."
I feel this would help make clans a bit more relevant by providing an individualized sense of community to each one.

As it stands, clans are mostly a vanity feature and people primarily join clans because the idea sounds interesting or they want clan hoard benefits. But if each clan had a designated place for discussions, clans would have a new dimention and social benefit.

What are the benefits?
Aside from helping clans stay organized and providing a better enviornment for social interaction- this could get more players interacting in general. For example- how many players have anxiety disorder but maybe enjoy a topic such as writing or role playing? Or even just asking questions in general. Maybe they wouldn't feel comfortable participating in a post where all of Lioden could see, but would participate more in a smaller forum. Since moderators could still see what's going on in these forums, they could still deal with any incidents of bullying or "rip-offs"; whereas they can't help much if a clan is using a medium like Discord. This forum format would give players more options in case someone isn't comfortable using an off-site feature.

If you've been on other games with this feature, you probably know what I'm describing here. If not, I hope this makes sense, as I can't post photo examples right now.

This suggestion has 259 supports and 8 NO supports.

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Edited on 15/06/18 @ 19:38:44 by Otohime (#133183)

Mochi (rolling
fridays) (#164216)

Aztec Knight
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-05-14 16:05:10
Okay yall obviously the mods could see the forums

Huge support! Its so annoying to be chatting in a clan and people just come in and sell stuff, or try to take the free stuff etc

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kittenlily 🐈 (#50738)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-07-13 18:08:24
sound wonderful! maybe a lot of mod work, but no more than some of the new features they've implemented over the past year, and the pros definitely outweigh the cons!

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