Posted by Aetherclan (Warrior Cats RP)

Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-07-27 17:39:20
We have a discord!

Welcome to Aetherclan. Before you start, make sure you've signed up and read the rules!
Here's the Out of Character thread: Clicky!
This RP takes place by the lake territory.

Current Event: Check here!


A long long time ago, long before any of the elders were born, there lived five great Clans in harmony. Thunderclan, the Clan of fierce, and brave warriors, their heads as thick as the forests they hunt. Riverclan, the Clan of clever, and strong warriors, their minds as swift as the rivers they swim. Shadowclan, the Clan of cunning, and wily warriors, their hearts as dark as the shadows they were born out of. Windclan, the Clan of fast, and swift warriors, their loyalty as fragile as the rabbits they hunt. And finally, there was Skyclan. Skyclan, the Clan of determined, and agile warriors, their heads as strong as the oaks you climb. Their minds as sharp as the finest warrior's claws. Their hearts as pure as Starclan itself. And their loyalty as fierce as the fire that burns within.
These five Clans lived peacefully together, controlled by the very warrior code that keeps us safe today. But one day, twolegs decided to destroy Skyclan's home. Skyclan's leader pleaded with the other Clans to take them in, help them survive. But the other leaders' hearts were as cold a winter night. They refused Skyclan, saying that twolegs destroying their home was a sign from Starclan that there should only be four Clans in the forest, just as there were four great oaks in the heart of their shared territory. Skyclan was driven out that night. Our ancestors traveled for moons and moons on end. Many died along the way. Many got lost, and many gave up hope.
One day, an ancient medicine cat got a vision from Starclan. They saw the perfect place for our Clan to settle down and live. Overjoyed by their vision, the medicine cat ran to the leader and told him of the wondrous vision. Skyclan regained it's hope and pushed through all the challenges Starclan had laid out. More moons passed, but Skyclan finally arrived. Waiting for them, at the shore of the lake, sat a kittypet. She had deep, amber eyes, and fur softer than a moon old kit. Now before you start criticising the kittypet for being so far away from her twolegs, know that she is the reason we can live here today. Starclan had sent her to welcome our ancestors, help them recover from their dangerous journey. Her name, was Aether. By the time our Clan had recovered, the old medicine cat had died, and the leader asked Aether to become the new medicine cat. She already had a talent for healing, and her compassion was more than they had ever experienced in their old home. She accepted, and took on a new name to honour the Clan's way.
After a while of living by the lake, the small group of cats took in loners and other kittypets. Our Clan grew, and eventually it seemed insulting to our ancestors to call ourselves Skyclan. Aether, now Featherhope, passed away before the ancient leader could decide on a name, so he named us Aetherclan to honour her memory.
We still tell of the ancient times when Skyclan was still used, in honour of our ancestors who bore the proud name. But we use Aetherclan to show respect, and honour the medicine cat that saved our Clan.

NPC list: Check them out!


Admin: Sedrik
Admin: Ash [WCU]
Admin: Lightqueen
Moderator: Tokyo (Mostly on Discord)

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Name - Age - Rank - Health - Whereabouts - Mentions:

Starkit - 1 moon - Kit - Healthy - Camp - Mentions: Stick-chan

This is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen

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Edited on 21/09/19 @ 15:41:20 by Sedrik (Clean) (#117962)

The skrunkly (#125714)

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Posted on
2019-01-26 10:48:35
Name - Icestream Age - 24moons Rank - warrior Health good - Whereabouts -clan Mentions: the kits
Hearing the patrols, she wiggled out of her spot and ran over to owlflight, paws bouncing at the prospect of a good hunt. She was also glad she wasn't found! She waited as the other patrol members gathered

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Megatron (#126927)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2019-01-26 11:09:36
Owlflight || 32 Moons || Deputy || Healthy || Temp. Camp || Mentions: Fernstar, Icestream, Maplepaw, Lostsoul.

Owlflight stood with a nod of respect to his leader, stretching his massive frame with a pop from his spine. He sighed in relief, that had been bothering him for days and now it was finally gone. He licked at a scar on his shoulder before shaking out his dark pelt, thick and long as it was. Prone to gathering dirt. He waited, glancing around and licking over his maw. He looked at Icestream for a moment and waited for the other two, especially his apprentice. Lostsoul...well. He'd see whoever they were, and see if they were capable of hunting.

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◇ Kitan [G1
Solaris] ◇ (#130811)

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Posted on
2019-01-26 11:37:38
Stormwhisper 26 moons Warrior Healthy Camp entrance mentions Wrentail Venus Blazeshadow

Padding over to the second hunting patrol she nodded at Wrentail that she was ready and looked for the newcomer Venus whi she had not formerly met yet. She figured they would get to know her soon enough. She just hoped Venus didnt scare any prey. Looking around she tried looking for Blazeshadow , but had not yet spotted the orange warrior.

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Poison (#25603)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-01-26 13:27:23
Maplepaw - 10 moons - Apprentice - Healthy - Temp camp - Mentions: Fernstar, Stonekit, Owlflight, Icestream, Lostsoul, open

With a frown, Maplepaw stops playing and focuses on Fernstar when the meeting starts. She's disappointed when she realizes she can't finish the game with everyone, but hey! She gets to spend some more time with her mentor! Maybe she'll train a bit while she's hunting with the patrol. The burnt orange apprentice smiles apologetically to Stonekit. "I'm sorry Stonekit. Looks like I have to go. I'll see you right after I come back, okay?"

The tabby pads over to Owlflight's gathering patrol. "Hello Owlflight," she greets her mentor. She nods once to Icestream and Lostsoul before turning her spring green eyes to the deputy again. "How much prey do you think we'll find?"

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2019-01-26 14:47:15

Cypresspaw|6 Moons Old|Med. Cat App.|Healthy|Mentions Directly: Stonekit, Ravenkit, OPEN|Mentions Indirectly: Cherrykit, Maplepaw, All|Location: Camp

Cypresspaw was on the trail of one of the other 'rogues', but paused in his steps, as Fernstar's voice could be heard over the cats. His ear twitched, as the newcomers were introduced and patrols were sent out. Too bad, looked like they could not continue to play. Walking over to the kits that where caught, he gave them a smile. "Stonekit, Ravenkit why don't you two search for Cherrykit", the medicine cat apprentice said, nodding to them. This would probably keep the kits busy of a bit. He needed his head too Maplepaw, as the young she-cat passed him.
The young tom's eyes followed his clanmates, as they gathered for their patrols. He sometimes envied them, here he was stuck in camp. Maybe he could join the border patrol and look for some herbs? Cypresspaw let out a sigh and closed his eyes. It was nice to be in a clan, still sometimes his position as med. cat apprentice could be quite boring. The young tom clicked his tongue, what did he want? Did he actually want his clan mates to be sick or injured? Shaking his head, he tried to clear it. His fur stood on end, as a cold gust of wind hit him. Looking up, he wondered if it would snow. Then again, there was drought, so maybe not. Once the two young toms found Charrykit, they should probably go into one of the den's, to stay warm. Maybe he could take them into the apprentice den? There should be no one in there and that would give the kits a new thing to explore.

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Edited on 26/01/19 @ 14:51:10 by 🌸LightQueen🌊Galaxy❄️ (#59203)

Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-01-26 19:14:04

Ravenkit - 4 Moons - Kit - Healthy - Temp Camp - Mentions: Fernstar(ID), Maplepaw, Stonekit, Cherrykit, Cypresspaw, Open!

Ravenkit purred with amusement as Stonekit dodged him and started pacing around the circle while looking for other rogues. It was not the biggest space, but at least he tried. He was surprised to see Maplepaw join them and curled his tail to show respect as she approached. "Wow, they found even you?" He asked, glancing around quickly. "Then it won't be long until they find the rest!" He concluded, a little disappointed. Luckily, before anyone could win or lose the game, Fernstar called a meeting, and he quickly turned his attention to the leader. He puffed his chest out as she bragged about them, and convinced himself that the praise was mostly about himself. Once the meeting was over, he looked to Cypresspaw as he came over to them. "Don't worry, Stonekit and I are the best hunters in the forest! We'll find Cherrykit before you can say Starclan!" He promised, shooting off from the circle.

The mostly dark brown tom ran to the nursery, stopping there to take in the scents. He, of course, was not trained, so was unable to distinguish between all the scents. They just mingled together into a confusing single scent. He huffed and let his light green eyes travel across camp for any spot where a cat had not emerged from. It could be that Cherrykit had already come out of hiding, and he had just not discovered her yet, but that would change. Determination fuelling him, and a sense of adventure, he ran to the edges of camp where the grass was the longest. "Cherrykiiiiit~ Come out come out wherever you are~!"

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Edited on 26/01/19 @ 19:15:05 by Dionysus(Clean Ice Svelte) (#117962)

Elska (#140306)

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Posted on
2019-01-26 19:24:17
Cherrykit - 3 moons - Kit - Healthy - Temp Camp - Mentions: Fernstar(ID), Stonekit, Ravenkit, Open!

Cherrykit slowly moved from her hiding spot as the game started. She wasn't sure if she was actually allowed to move but it would make her harder to find! Just as she started to inch closer to try and help her fellow 'rouges' that were trapped in the circle Fernstar called a clan meeting. Awwwwwwh, she watched from a clump of grass as most of the group's members went off to preform their duties. Did that mean the game was over? She wasn't sure.

Just then she heard Ravenkit's voice call out to her. Ha! So the game wasn't over! She gave an excited wiggle, her eyes narrowing. Ravenkit and Stonekit would have to search all over camp to find her! She was the stealth master! She had snuck out of camp once! And snuck away from her twolegs! She had this in the bag, and maybe she could play some tricks if they didn't see her... As soon as Stonekit or Ravenkit were close enough Cherrykit would pounce and surprise them with a fearsome growl. All she had to do was wait.

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Katqueen310 (#159397)

Nice Guy
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Posted on
2019-01-27 08:01:49
Lostsoul - 13 moons - Loner - Healthy - Camp - Mentions: Owlflight Wrentail
Indirect: Maplepaw Icestream

Lostsoul jumped from her tree and landed expertly when she had heard Fernstar speaking. Her eyes sparkled as she stared at the beautiful she-cat. She purred with excitement whenshe heard she was going on a hunting patrol, with Maplepaw no less! She started padding over to the group to momentarily get stopped by one of the warriors from the game, Wrentail. She nodded her head to their question and let out a purr. As soon as they padded away she continued to the hunting patrol she was assigned to. She gave a nod to Icestream and Maplepaw as they had met before. She padded up to the leader of this patrol and introduced herself. "Hello I am Lostsoul, you must be Owlflight. Pleasure to meet you." Lostsoul let out with a purr.

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Edited on 27/01/19 @ 08:10:59 by Katqueen310 (#159397)

Megatron (#126927)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2019-01-28 12:39:46
Owlflight || 32 Moons || Deputy || Healthy || Temp. Camp || Mentions: Maplepaw, Lostsoul (Directly.) Hunting party.

Owlflight hummed and stood patiently, waiting for everyone to come to him. Once Maplepaw came, he gave a low, rumbling activation noise and greeted her. "The area is plentiful. I'm sure you'll find something you can hunt well within the day." He rumbled, before flicking an ear and fixing molten eyes on the newcomer. Lostsoul. " this is the rogue we've taken in." Large orange eyes, one scarred looked her over briefly. "I trust you know how to hunt already." He massive tom meowed, before turning and beginning to head off.

"Come. We have work to do."

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Poison (#25603)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-01-30 14:56:02
Maplepaw - 10 moons - Apprentice - Healthy - Territory - Mentions: Owlflight, Lostsoul, Icestream, open

Maplepaw nods at Owlflight's answer to her question and she follows the deputy out of camp into the territory. The air seems chillier outside of camp, so Maplepaw's long thick fluffs up to keep her warm. The large framed apprentice pads softly, scenting the air for prey. Not too long afterward, the tabby finds a rabbit, but with one wrong step, the rabbit is gone. Maplepaw grunts then takes a deep breath and starts scenting again. They have plenty of time. She'll catch something eventually.

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The skrunkly (#125714)

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Posted on
2019-01-30 15:05:00

|Name - Icestream| Age - 24moons| Rank - warrior| Health good -| Whereabouts -forest| Mentions: none|
Creeping forwards silently, she faced her black side toward the creature so she could blend in better. Holding her breath she waited till it wasn't facing her and pounced. It let out a squeal and went limp. It was a quite fat vole.

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-02-01 03:35:37

Ravenkit - 4 Moons - Kit - Healthy - Temp Camp - Mentions: Stonekit, Cherrykit, Open!

Ravenkit kept wandering close to the long grass, his ears perked and his mouth gaping as he tried to pick out Cherrykit's scent. Being no professional, he could detect a hint of her amongst the other cats, but was unable to track it. He frowned a little, angry that he could not track her like a warrior could. "Cherrykiiiiiiiit~! Stonekit and I will find you! We're the best at playing games!" He exclaimed, flicking his tail as he walked along the long grass. He kept his mouth open as he walked. He paused suddenly when he was close to the kit he was searching for. He could tell the scent was stronger there. However, he could not see her. Maybe she was hiding in the grass! But perhaps his realisation was too late.

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Snowkit (#23944)

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Posted on
2019-02-01 05:28:54
Stonekit-4moons-kit-healthy-tempcamp-mentions; Maplepaw, Ravenkit, Cherrylit

Stonekit stopped himself from dashing out of the circle when the meeting was started, he thought the leader's voice had been another rouge come to get them. He sighed, listening to the words of the leader. He deflated a bit when they said Maplepaw had to go out, but swiftly hid it so Maplepaw wouldn't see.
"Its okay, in a few moons ill go out and hunt with you!" He meowed swiftly. He watched her pad away, letting the happy front fall a little bit, frowning. His attention was regained when it was suggested that he and Ravenkit should seek now. "Yeah, i bet we find her supper fast!" He bounded away immediately to search for her.

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-02-01 09:35:58

February has come! And it is now time for that anticipated roll call. If you have not replied since December, your character will be removed. You may reply to the RP before replying to the roll call. I can see the time you submitted your roll call so don't try to cheat by replying to the roll call then the RP.
Good luck everyone! The roll call ends 8. February at 2 PM GMT+1

Roll Call!

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Skymoare | G4 Triple
Ros (#151482)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-02-01 13:18:43
Blazeshadow- 29 moons- Warrior- Healthy- Temp Camp- Mentions: Wrentail, Fernstar, Owlflight

As Blazeshadow neared camp, he heard Fernstar call his name for hunting patrols. He rushed into camp just as Owlflight lead his patrol out of camp. Blazeshadow nodded a greeting as he hurried past. He quickly dropped off his previous catch, his rabbit, before hurrying over to where Wrentail and the rest of the party waited. "I'm here," Blazeshadow growled. He had always preferred to hunt alone, but now he was in a hunting party, Blazeshadow didn't like it at all. "Let's get this over with," He mumbled to himself.

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