Posted by Midnight Pride l OPEN l

Snini9 [Semi-
Hiatus-stressed] (#154479)

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Posted on
2018-09-02 22:40:13
Midnight Pride is a pride that lives in Africa with lions of many different colors and genetics. These Lions live on a government protected land and cannot be killed by humans, at least not legally. Poachers are rare, but do make it onto the land occasionally.

You can have as many lions that you own in this roleplay as you want.



Roles For Midnight Pride:
Leads the pride with his mate, the Queen. Makes all the important decisions and war movements. He may kick out of accept any lion or lioness into the pride.


Lead Queen:
Leads the pride with the king, she has all the same power as him. There will be 1 lead queen.

Sub Males:
helps the King and Lead Queen with anything, they're the males of the pride

Mfupa, Kondo, Tali, Caster, King,

Lead Hunter/Huntress:
Leads the hunting party that searches for prey and takes it down.

The Queen's are the second highest lionesses in the pride. They are respected and come in after the King and the Lead Queen and the heirs. They are normally the first to breed.

They are passionate for their talent in the healing touch. But when it comes to helping other lions they help. Unable to help their desire to heal. Healers are wise and full of faith, ready to help the pride in anyway they can.

Sanura, Mala, Sakura,

Members of the hunting party that catch the pride's meals.

Tamu, Thilva

Cub sitters:
Usually pregnant females or females that are nursing, they keep watch over the cubs

Lagniappe, Aliya

Young lions and lionesses training to become Hunters.

Judge, Kaz, Winter, Tamu

The youngsters of the pride

The old, very respected members of the pride.

males and females that dont have a pride or have chosen not to join one.
Silvermoon, Red, Rose, fire opal, reeva, creek

Remember these rules;
• Please be respectful at all times, if you have any problems please tell me and/or anyone I make admin of the RP.
• Do NOT kill of other people's characters or start fights without their permission.
• Do NOT force a romance onto any characters without the owner's permission.
• Any and all characters are allowed to have a crush, but please as the owner of the character. They might not like it.
• I encourage any and all drama in the RP. Though when it comes to natural disasters or things of the sort please inform me, and we will make a vote as a group.
(Please keep the drama in the RP, none of us want unnecessary fighting or fighting at all.)
• Gore, is fine, encouraged even. When it comes to sexual content, just fade to black or go to PM's. I don't want it in chat.
• No character is perfect, nor are the immortal/invincible.
• Keep swearing to a minimal.
• Have fun

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Edited on 30/11/19 @ 10:06:39 by Snini9 [demiurge frontal] (#154479)

Mizuki's Main (#95941)

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Posted on
2019-05-28 04:39:54
Frith purred and started to drift off to sleep. Frith was proud of the small family they had made. Judge was curled up asleep on Frith's front paws.

Kazuya looked at Tamu and had a grateful look on his face. "Thank you for standing up for me" Kazuya purred to his sister.

Jez yawned loudly and huffed in slight annoyance, the reason was unclear. Jez turned around and began to have a sneezing fit. Jez desperately began trying to stop it.

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Snini9 [Semi-
Hiatus-stressed] (#154479)

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Posted on
2019-05-28 07:11:16
Shujaa smiled and fell asleep, his breathing evening out

"Your welcome" Tamu said to Kazuya."Judge is mean" she added"and was being mean to you"

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Mizuki's Main (#95941)

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Posted on
2019-05-28 07:25:04
"Judge is strong and I'm not that is why he picks on me and pushes me around, maybe he just wants to make me stronger or maybe he actually doesn't like me" Kazuya replied. "One day we will grow up and things might change" Kazuya added.

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Snini9 [Semi-
Hiatus-stressed] (#154479)

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Posted on
2019-05-28 07:31:56
Maybe" Tamu agreed."ill protect you tho, at least until your strong" she said

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Mizuki's Main (#95941)

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Posted on
2019-05-28 07:48:24
"Thank you" Kazuya purrs. Kazuya smiles at Tamu. "I'll repay you when we are older" Kazuya says with determination clear in his voice.

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Snini9 [Semi-
Hiatus-stressed] (#154479)

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Posted on
2019-05-28 07:50:17
Tamu smiled."you don't have to. " she said

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Mizuki's Main (#95941)

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Posted on
2019-05-29 04:11:00
"I want to return the kindness and you are family so I will always be there to help you out and protect you I'd do the same for anyone in the family" Kazuya replied.

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Snini9 [Semi-
Hiatus-stressed] (#154479)

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Posted on
2019-05-29 07:07:34
Tamu nods."ok" she said with a smile as she fell asleep

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Mizuki's Main (#95941)

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Posted on
2019-05-29 20:03:01
Kazuya watched quietly as his siblings and parents slept before eventually carefully padding off to the entrance. Kazuya sat down at the den entrance and watched the camp from his position. Kazuya spotted some movement near by but ignored it thinking it was one of the pride members.

Nyxi had just returned from a hunt and dropped what she had caught at the food pile, she turned to face Shujaa's den just in time to see something snatch Kazuya from the den entrance. Nyxi rushed towards Shujaa's den after hearing Kazuya cry out but when she reached it both Kazuya and what ever took him where gone. Nyxi roared angrily and charged off in the direction she saw them go.

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Snini9 [Semi-
Hiatus-stressed] (#154479)

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Posted on
2019-05-29 20:15:23
Shujaa got up quickly at Kazuya's cry. He ran out of the den and took off after Nyxi, catching up with her easily

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Mizuki's Main (#95941)

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Posted on
2019-05-30 01:28:12
Nyxi smiled and looked at Shujaa. "You're still fast Shujaa?" Nyxi joked. Nyxi sped up and looked ahead she could make out the distant shape of a lion. "well he seems to be slowing" Nyxi growled.

Tabari ran as fast as he could the cub he had taken hadn't stopped crying since he'd taken it from the safety of its den and pride. Tabari knew the pride lions were after him but thats what he wanted. Tabari couldn't speak and this was the only way his cubs would get the help they needed he just hoped these lions were nice after all he would never hurt the cub he took, he just didn't have a mean bone in his body.

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Snini9 [Semi-
Hiatus-stressed] (#154479)

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Posted on
2019-05-30 06:22:30
Shujaa grinned."I'm not that fat that I can't keep up" he said, passing Nyxi slightly.

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Mizuki's Main (#95941)

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Posted on
2019-05-30 07:35:12
"oh so it is a competition now is it?" Nyxi teases. "last time I checked lionesses are faster than lions" Nyxi added. Nyxi sped up but suddenly stopped. "Wait Shujaa stop for a moment I thought I heard something up ahead" Nyxi said in a now very serious tone.

Tabari cursed himself he'd brought an innocent cub into a Hyena ambush. Tabari stood protectively over Sanura and Kazuya while both of his sons stood on either side of him. Tabari huffed and looked at his sons, they couldn't fight they could barely stand after all they hadn't eaten in a couple of days. Sanura was barely holding on to life thats why Tabari had nabbed Kazuya and tried to get the pride members to follow him. Tabari nudged them and motioned for them to grab a cub, his sons knew better than to argue and each grabbed a cub. Tabari distracted the Hyena's and launched an attack on the Hyena's and the Adolescents made a run for it barely managing to make it past the hyenas. Tabari fought hard against the hyena's and hoped his kids could escape. Tabari hadn't noticed two hyena's break off from the group and go after his cubs.

Kondo and Hasani had run back towards Shujaa and Nyxi. It didn't take long for the two adolescents to bump into Nyxi and Shujaa.

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Snini9 [Semi-
Hiatus-stressed] (#154479)

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Posted on
2019-05-30 07:57:34
Shujaa watched the adolescents, his eyes scanning around for Kazuya out of panic. "Hello" he said to the adolescents."can we help you?" He asked

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Mizuki's Main (#95941)

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Posted on
2019-05-30 08:20:17
"Uh...I think this cub belongs to you mister?" Hasani said as he placed Kazuya at Shujaa's paws. "Hasani! didn't father take the cub so we could get help for Sanura?" Kondo growled quietly as Sanura dangled from his mouth and let out a weak cry. "Shut up! we don't need help!" Hasani huffs.

Nyxi had circled around behind the adolescents and quickly pinned Hasani. "Hey, never treat your siblings like that! brat where is your father?" Nyxi hissed. Nyxi watched with a small smile as the arrogant adolescent struggled to wriggle out from under her. Nyxi froze as the familiar sounds of a hyena could be heard from behind her. "Oh great exactly what I wanted" Nyxi growled and let Hasani go.

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