Posted by Midnight Pride l OPEN l

Snini9 [Semi-
Hiatus-stressed] (#154479)

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Posted on
2018-09-02 22:40:13
Midnight Pride is a pride that lives in Africa with lions of many different colors and genetics. These Lions live on a government protected land and cannot be killed by humans, at least not legally. Poachers are rare, but do make it onto the land occasionally.

You can have as many lions that you own in this roleplay as you want.



Roles For Midnight Pride:
Leads the pride with his mate, the Queen. Makes all the important decisions and war movements. He may kick out of accept any lion or lioness into the pride.


Lead Queen:
Leads the pride with the king, she has all the same power as him. There will be 1 lead queen.

Sub Males:
helps the King and Lead Queen with anything, they're the males of the pride

Mfupa, Kondo, Tali, Caster, King,

Lead Hunter/Huntress:
Leads the hunting party that searches for prey and takes it down.

The Queen's are the second highest lionesses in the pride. They are respected and come in after the King and the Lead Queen and the heirs. They are normally the first to breed.

They are passionate for their talent in the healing touch. But when it comes to helping other lions they help. Unable to help their desire to heal. Healers are wise and full of faith, ready to help the pride in anyway they can.

Sanura, Mala, Sakura,

Members of the hunting party that catch the pride's meals.

Tamu, Thilva

Cub sitters:
Usually pregnant females or females that are nursing, they keep watch over the cubs

Lagniappe, Aliya

Young lions and lionesses training to become Hunters.

Judge, Kaz, Winter, Tamu

The youngsters of the pride

The old, very respected members of the pride.

males and females that dont have a pride or have chosen not to join one.
Silvermoon, Red, Rose, fire opal, reeva, creek

Remember these rules;
• Please be respectful at all times, if you have any problems please tell me and/or anyone I make admin of the RP.
• Do NOT kill of other people's characters or start fights without their permission.
• Do NOT force a romance onto any characters without the owner's permission.
• Any and all characters are allowed to have a crush, but please as the owner of the character. They might not like it.
• I encourage any and all drama in the RP. Though when it comes to natural disasters or things of the sort please inform me, and we will make a vote as a group.
(Please keep the drama in the RP, none of us want unnecessary fighting or fighting at all.)
• Gore, is fine, encouraged even. When it comes to sexual content, just fade to black or go to PM's. I don't want it in chat.
• No character is perfect, nor are the immortal/invincible.
• Keep swearing to a minimal.
• Have fun

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Edited on 30/11/19 @ 10:06:39 by Snini9 [demiurge frontal] (#154479)

RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-01-09 00:27:19
Phura just stood back in shock, everything was happening too fast for her to react. The sounds of snarls and growls filled her ears. She hated fighting and often tried to avoid it. When she was finally able to snap back into reality Judge and the lioness named Reeva had decided to leave. She let out a small sigh of relief before quickly padding towards Mifupa. She laid next to him, a friendly smile on her face. "You alright?" She asked knowing it was a stupid question but didn't know what else to do. She was relieved he was okay and that he didn't kill the lions.

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Mizuki's Main (#95941)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2020-01-09 00:46:01
"just tired and I need to rest a moment" Mifupa replied. "you ok? You seem a bit shaken?" Mifupa asked letting his caring nature show through the cracks. Mifupa took a moment to painfully stretch before attempting to clean his wounds. "Kondo how about you? You feeling ok?" Mifupa asked as he licked at his deeper wounds.

"I'm fine but I'm not letting you go off on your own next time, I'm keeping watch for hyenas they'll smell the blood and be on their way here, you know I'll be the one that has to explain to Sanura why you got injured" Kondo huffs.

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-01-09 01:14:36
Phura shook her head. "Don't worry about me, I'm not the one covered in blood." She chuckled softly before scooting a little closer. "I can help you clean some of those wounds. I know how sore a body can get after a fight." She said as she slowly sat up. Her eyes sparkled in admiration for the piebald male. She suddenly snapped out of her small trance when she heard Kondo speak. If had honestly forgotten the other lion was there. She cleared her throat softly as she took a step back finally sure like to know who she was to Mifupa. She felt her face start to grow warn. "About that Mifupa, I could have easily stayed and fought with you. I might not fighting but doesn't mean I know how. What if me and Kondo didn't arrive in time?" Her sweet tone was filled with more worried and anger as she stared right into Mifupa's eyes.

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Mizuki's Main (#95941)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2020-01-09 01:38:25
"Well I'd be dead but I would have made sure to take judge with me, I trusted you both to get back here in time and you did, I'm well aware that you are able to fight but I knew he wasn't alone and I didn't know how many lions were in the area, that's why I told you to go get help" Mifupa replied. "you would be faster than me" Mifupa added and returned to cleaning his wounds. Mifupa rolled on to his side with a tired huff, he didn't have the energy to waste cleaning himself and resting felt more important to him.

Kondo was worried about Mifupa's injuries. Kondo glanced back at him and Phura before returning back to watching for savangers Kondo looked up and watched a flock of Vultures in the sky. "Mifupa I'd hate to rush you but the vultures are going to give away our location to anything looking for food" Kondo said

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-01-09 02:10:39
Phura tail flicked with annoyance as she tried to think of something to say. She just gave a sigh and a small shake of her head. She walked over to him and began cleaning his wounds. "Don't fuss about it just rest. Last thing we need is the hyenas trailing us." She said trying to sound cold and annoyed but failed as her soft and sweet tone had returned. She stood over Mifupa and gently cleaned his wounds. After a couple of minutes she thought he was clean enough. The sound of distant whooping filled her ears. "Okay Mifupa, time to go." Once again her motherly side started to show as she gently nudged Mifupa to get him up. "Stupid thieving tick hides." She growled angrily as her eyes fell on Kondo. "Guess you are leading the way." She stated as she stood next to Mifupa in case he needed some support.

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Mizuki's Main (#95941)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2020-01-09 02:40:12
Mifupa pulled himself to his paws and tried to hold back any noises that would hint that he was still feeling painful. Mifupa let out a loud breath that seemed to be something between a sigh a growl. "yeah I'm moving" Mifupa mumbled and pushed himself to move faster than a walk. Mifupa followed Kondo and noticed Kondo had a few scratches but none were deep.

After a while they had come to a hill Kondo stopped at the crest of the hill and checked that they had lost the hyenas. Kondo looked at Mifupa with concern and then to Phura. "Phura, I think we are safe for now we should maybe let him rest awhile before continuing?" Kondo suggested. Kondo was slightly startled when Mifupa flopped down on to the dusty ground with out a word.

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Dream Catchers (#95572)

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Posted on
2020-01-09 06:46:06
Crowley + Fagara | 1 years, 5 months old + 2 years, 3 months| Male + Female | Rank: Loner | Bisexual (mostly into males)
Crowley and Fagara eventually came across a watering hole that was inside the pride territory, Fagara instantly rushed to the water as she bent down and drunk the cool water, Crowley walked next to her and crouched drinking the water too. After a bit the two walked to a sandy part of the watering hole and laid down next to each other. Fagara started grooming at Crowleys growing mane, in a mother type way. Crowley scowled but didn't fight it as he didn't want to upset her. He wants to keep her calm since she is heavily pregnant and thus why they are always stopping just so she can rest before moving forward.

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Snini9 [Semi-
Hiatus-stressed] (#154479)

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Posted on
2020-01-09 09:50:06
Tamu grunted in acknowledgement and continued pulling the carcass

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Dream Catchers (#95572)

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Posted on
2020-01-09 11:25:21
Ayako| 3 months old | Female | Rank: Cub | Straight
Ayako was in the camp, she was minding her own business as she trotted over to a patch of sand. She flopped down making sand dust flow with the thump, she then began to roll into the sand. She enjoyed to do this every day despite it does get her dirty, but with her pelt, you could hardly notice the sand dust on her pelt.

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Edited on 09/01/20 @ 14:35:21 by Dream Catchers (#95572)

RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-01-09 16:14:15
Phura stayed close to Mifupa after he had collapsed on to the floor. "Yeah I haven't heard them in a while." She said softly as she laid right up next to him and began grooming him again. She was always a motherly type of lioness even when she was younger. She was always taking care of someone. "Kondo do you think you can find some water and collect some? A think a nice drink might help him recover his strength faster." Phura didn't even look at Kondo as she looked over Mifupa's wounds. She wasn't a healer and knew there was very little she could do. She began to clean his more deeper wounds knowing that this was the best way to keep infection at bay untiI they got back to camp.
(((Sorry suffering from really bad writer's block.. that and I'm half asleep))

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Mizuki's Main (#95941)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2020-01-09 20:51:32
Tiki sighed in relief as they finally got it back to the dens. Tiki pulled his fang out of the carcass but wasn't really sure what to do with it. "I suppose we better go find Shujaa and Frith now" Tiki says.

Kondo wondered off to find some water. "he'll be fine but I won't be long" Kondo said before heading to the nearest source of water.

Mifupa was still awake and his tail thumped the ground in agitation. Mifupa was silent though because he was deep in thought about what he was going to say to Shujaa and Frith. Mifupa was pulled out of his thoughts by pain and didn't move. "I sorry I was thinking, where's Kondo?" Mifupa asked casually. "Let me know if you need to get at my other side" Mifupa yawned.

((I had art block for most of last year and it drove me up the wall, then I decided to go back and listen to some music that I hadn't heard in like ten years (back when I was pumping out creative stuff all the time) now I suddenly have the urge to draw again, with writing I usually go look back at my primary school writing make fun of it then realise how good an idea I had then try rewriting it and then after that I'm good idea after idea floods my mind, but it's different for everyone so that might not work and I probs should have sent a pm cause this is a lot))

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-01-09 22:49:15
Phura looked up at Mifupa and gave him a friendly smile. "He went to get some water for you." She said sweetly as she moved to get a better look at his wounds. The bleeding had stopped on all of them in which she gave a small sigh if relief. "Okay big boy now for the other side." She said trying to hide her excitement. She had always liked Mifupa since when they first arrived to the pride. She hid her feelings though, she didn't want to think about him rejecting her feelings. She would rather enjoy her moment with him tending his wounds. Not the circumstances she wanted when they were finally alone but at least it was just him and her. "So Mifupa so you were born in this pride right?" She asked trying to create small talk.

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Mizuki's Main (#95941)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2020-01-09 23:20:57
Mifupa rolled onto the opposite side so she could look at his wounds on that side. "well kind of, my mother was a pride lioness and my father was a loner who at the time couldn't be trusted by the king. I believe I was born in the territory but I can't be sure" Mifupa said quietly. There was a large patch of his mane that seemed to be wet if there was an injury his mane was hiding it. Mifupa didn't mind letting Phura tend to his injuries he enjoyed her company.

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Dream Catchers (#95572)

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Posted on
2020-01-09 23:40:37
Ayako| 3 months old | Female | Rank: Cub | Straight
Ayako stopped playing in the sand as she got up with her tiny legs she looked around, no one was paying much attention to her, she gave a small yip and started to skip out of the camp, the world can be a scary place for a cub but she liked the thrill and adventure. Ever since she opened her eyes and was able to walk and run she felt the need to explore and take the world at full strength despite being a dwarf. She looked d around the area as she turned back only to see that the camp was getting further from her.

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-01-10 00:34:19
Phura sniffed him and looked over. "Really my mother was a loner but my father belonged to a pride. I don't remember much of her. My father told me she had been bitten by a rapid lion and lost her mind. She had eaten my brother and was going to do me next but he saved me." She told him before going back to tending his wounds. She couldn't help but purr as she cleaned him. "You should really be more careful Mifupa." She said in a soft tone with a hint of concern in it. "I know your powerful but..." She cut herself off and gave looked at him her expression had worried written all over it. Without saying another word she pressed her nose against his mane feeling it wet. Immediately she began to clean the spot hoping that there wasn't a serious wound hiding in his mane.

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