Posted by Midnight Pride l OPEN l

Snini9 [Semi-
Hiatus-stressed] (#154479)

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Posted on
2018-09-02 22:40:13
Midnight Pride is a pride that lives in Africa with lions of many different colors and genetics. These Lions live on a government protected land and cannot be killed by humans, at least not legally. Poachers are rare, but do make it onto the land occasionally.

You can have as many lions that you own in this roleplay as you want.



Roles For Midnight Pride:
Leads the pride with his mate, the Queen. Makes all the important decisions and war movements. He may kick out of accept any lion or lioness into the pride.


Lead Queen:
Leads the pride with the king, she has all the same power as him. There will be 1 lead queen.

Sub Males:
helps the King and Lead Queen with anything, they're the males of the pride

Mfupa, Kondo, Tali, Caster, King,

Lead Hunter/Huntress:
Leads the hunting party that searches for prey and takes it down.

The Queen's are the second highest lionesses in the pride. They are respected and come in after the King and the Lead Queen and the heirs. They are normally the first to breed.

They are passionate for their talent in the healing touch. But when it comes to helping other lions they help. Unable to help their desire to heal. Healers are wise and full of faith, ready to help the pride in anyway they can.

Sanura, Mala, Sakura,

Members of the hunting party that catch the pride's meals.

Tamu, Thilva

Cub sitters:
Usually pregnant females or females that are nursing, they keep watch over the cubs

Lagniappe, Aliya

Young lions and lionesses training to become Hunters.

Judge, Kaz, Winter, Tamu

The youngsters of the pride

The old, very respected members of the pride.

males and females that dont have a pride or have chosen not to join one.
Silvermoon, Red, Rose, fire opal, reeva, creek

Remember these rules;
• Please be respectful at all times, if you have any problems please tell me and/or anyone I make admin of the RP.
• Do NOT kill of other people's characters or start fights without their permission.
• Do NOT force a romance onto any characters without the owner's permission.
• Any and all characters are allowed to have a crush, but please as the owner of the character. They might not like it.
• I encourage any and all drama in the RP. Though when it comes to natural disasters or things of the sort please inform me, and we will make a vote as a group.
(Please keep the drama in the RP, none of us want unnecessary fighting or fighting at all.)
• Gore, is fine, encouraged even. When it comes to sexual content, just fade to black or go to PM's. I don't want it in chat.
• No character is perfect, nor are the immortal/invincible.
• Keep swearing to a minimal.
• Have fun

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Edited on 30/11/19 @ 10:06:39 by Snini9 [demiurge frontal] (#154479)

clouds (#126311)

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Posted on
2020-01-18 07:53:58

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Edited on 18/01/20 @ 09:33:26 by clouds (#126311)

Dream Catchers (#95572)

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Posted on
2020-01-18 08:35:12
Crowley | 1 years, 5 months old | Male | Rank: Loner | Bisexual (mostly into males)
Crowley sat by Fagara as she breaths, he always looked around and makes sure no predator is near. His ears went back as Fagara bellows. He wishes she would keep it down but knows it can't be helped. After a few minutes he started hearing cackles and whoops in the distance and they was getting closer and closer. "Oh no... Hyenas" he wasn't new to hyenas and this wasn't his first time coming face to face with hyenas. His father had him fight and kill what his father brought. He was able to withstand 3 hyenas at once but if there was more than that he could be defeated. Three is all he can fully handle, he can kill 2 but the third he can chase off. He stood up and let a low growl for them to stay clear, but to no avail, the hyenas laughed and he can now see them clearly, there was 4 all together. "Grreeeeattt" he muttered. He turned back to Fagara and knew he must protect her at all costs.

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Edited on 18/01/20 @ 10:13:13 by Dream Catchers (#95572)

clouds (#126311)

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Posted on
2020-01-18 18:44:20
Nova - Healer

Nova padded out of her den, shaking out her pelt. She nodded to her pride mates , giving Lakita a warning glance about her injured leg.
“Careful” she said, flicking her tail with impatience. She continued her walk, deciding she needed to go collect herbs
The dry grass cracked under novas feet, her sunset like base and black patches standing out against the brown setting. She stopped in her tracks, raising her head to smell the area. A gust of wind brought her the scent of hyenas , her eyes widening as she thought of the loners that were out in the open.
“Oh no” she growled, quickening her pace and following the scent. Peering around a bush, Nova stayed quiet, watching the loner protect the pregnant lioness. Shaking her head, she waited for his next move.

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Dream Catchers (#95572)

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Posted on
2020-01-18 20:46:08
Crowley | 1 years, 5 months old | Male | Rank: Loner | Bisexual (mostly into males)
The hyenas chuckled and moved closer and closer, Crowley swatted them fiercely and they moved back a step. They began to fully attack attempting to get past the adolescent to go to the lioness. Crowley fought them back, making sure none is getting past him, even when one did stray he moved to it ignoring the others who are biting and tugging at him. He manages to push them back further from Fagara. He clawed and bit at them then he jumps and gets on one of the hyenas back as he dug his nails in the side and dragged it down to the side as he bit the neck digging his fangs deep inside the neck, the hyena bellowed in the pain while the others try to fight him off. He jumped off the one and swivled under it and bit down at the neck and grabbed a fatal artery, he pulled down and the hyena collapsed. He was getting tired but kept pushing as he made it clear he was gonna be their problem and not that lioness. His tiredness showed as the three hyenas crackle and whoop louder, they continued to attack, he pushed forward and manages to fend of the rest, he chases them away, he was all bloody, it was a mix of his blood and the hyenas.

Crowley knew his wounds were deep but he turned around walking back to the lioness, his vision began to blur and then he collapsed.

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Dream Catchers (#95572)

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Posted on
2020-01-18 20:48:09
Fagara | 2 years, 3 months old | Female | Rank: Loner | Bisexual | Pregnant
Fagara heard Crowley fight off the hyenas but while he did she had birthed already, she licked at the cub "my little Colby" she watched as the cub nurses. She heard a collapse, she couldnt turn due to the nursing cub. "Crowley?" She called out but she didn't hear a response

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Edited on 18/01/20 @ 20:51:09 by Dream Catchers (#95572)

clouds (#126311)

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Posted on
2020-01-18 20:53:32

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Edited on 19/01/20 @ 09:01:41 by clouds (#126311)

Snini9 [Semi-
Hiatus-stressed] (#154479)

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Posted on
2020-01-18 21:27:05
Shush chuckled before turning his attention back to Frith.”sure.” He said, nodding.”I guess we must.” He said with a playfully exasperated sigh

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Dream Catchers (#95572)

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Posted on
2020-01-18 23:41:29
(Clouds she already gave birth lmao. During the whole fight, she birthed XD

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Mizuki's Main (#95941)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-01-19 01:22:18
"uh what should I do with my fang? I pulled it out of the carcass but I didn't know what to do with it so I kinda just left it there" Tiki asks.

Frith looked at Tamu. "lead the way show me to your kill so I can be a proud mother" Frith says with a smile and a purr. Frith looked at Tiki when he mentioned his fang.

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clouds (#126311)

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Posted on
2020-01-19 09:03:02
(my bad lol, Nova will just help Crowley)

Nova jumped as crowley fell, pressing cobwebs into his wounds to stop the bleeding. She did not have all of her medicines, so she made a mental note to get some.
"Wake up you!" she growled, applying pressure until the bleeding stopped. She looked back at the lioness, a new cub in her paws. Nova let out a little smile, then went back to treating Crowley. She grabbed some nearby sticks and splinted his leg, unable to tell if anything was broke, though she thought he was fine. Positioning him, she rested his head up slightly, and waited, for that was all she could do at the moment.

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Dream Catchers (#95572)

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Posted on
2020-01-19 09:44:59
Fagara | 2 years, 3 months old | Female | Rank: Loner | Bisexual | Pregnant
Fagara nestled her cub under her paws so she can turn around. As she did reposition herself she saw a lioness by the fallen adolescent. Her eyes widened "Crowley!" She almost thought he was dead since it truly did look like that, with deep fresh wounds given too him.

Crowley | 1 years, 5 months old | Male | Rank: Loner | Bisexual (mostly into males)
Crowley did not wake, he did loose way too much blood during the fight as hyenas are a tough competition to battle because they go by numbers. His breathing was slow but he would live. Some wounds proved to be deep, some minor too and his front left shoulder ended up dislocated because one of the hyenas did charge at the shoulder, a trick he never seen a hyena do. He would be out for awhile due to the amount of blood he did lose.

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clouds (#126311)

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Posted on
2020-01-19 09:55:07
Nova - Healer

Nova looked over Crowley more closely, noticing his dislocated shoulder. She got close and popped it back into place, knowing he would only feel it when he woke up. She switched out his cobwebs, noticing some of the more shallow wounds had started to close up, but the deeper ones were still losing blood. She pressed again until the blood has subsided, the new cobwebs starting to soak. Nova realized she was very busy with her work, and slowly turned around to face the lioness, who was nestling her cub.
"Hello" Nova meowed, dipping her head to the lioness. "Crowley will be okay, he is just knocked out right now." Nova nodded towards the lioness.
"Have you named him yet?" she questioned, slowly stepping closer

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Dream Catchers (#95572)

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Posted on
2020-01-19 10:02:36
Fagara | 2 years, 3 months old | Female | Rank: Loner | Bisexual | Pregnant
Fagara glared at the lioness, but seemed she was helping him so she eased up some but let a low snarl for her to not step any closer. She then spoke "Yea.. His name is Colby"

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clouds (#126311)

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Posted on
2020-01-19 10:43:39
Nova - Healer

"Colby" she meowed, smiling. "What a beautiful name." She noted that the lioness was uncomfortable, so she sat down, obviously meaning no harm.
"I am Nova, the healer in my pride" she meowed, flicking her tail. "Technically, I could be exiled for this, but I am a healer, and we heal."

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Dream Catchers (#95572)

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Posted on
2020-01-19 11:57:24
Fagara | 2 years, 3 months old | Female | Rank: Loner | Bisexual | Pregnant
Fagara looked down "well thanks for helping, however I do not wish for u to risk yourself for loners" she looked at Nova and had a semi- worried face.

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