Posted by Giving Tree Clean-Up Crew

Lalasa (#235)

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Posted on
2019-09-01 23:12:32

This is an official clan thread for the Giving Tree Clean-Up Crew Clan!

Lioden Giving Tree Clean-Up Crew


What is this clan for?

As of the creation of this post, there are 1010 male lion cubs in the giving tree. This is almost 10x the amount of female cubs there, and for good reason. While there are many uses for female cubs of all varieties, male cubs are generally limited to sex-changing and kingship. This means that for the average user, the standards for a male cub are much higher. Thus, a conundrum has been created. People want to get rid of the cubs so they abandon them at the tree. But nobody really wants to pick them up either, so they stay at the tree. I believe that this "landfill" of cubs will continue to grow unless we decide to do something ourselves as a concentrated group, for as far as I've noticed tree cubs do not get deleted.

Enter the Giving Tree Clean-Up Crew. This clan (created by yours truly) is dedicated to the purpose of sacrificing our daily tree slot to remove the unwanted cubs from the tree. By doing our part whenever we can, we will "clean" the tree and make it easier for people to drop actually good males for newbies and others to pick up and heir. To further this cause, those who wish to join me should follow two general principles.

Principles of the Janitorial Crew

1. As often as possible, members should strive to use their singular tree grab for a male cub or adol. What is done with these cubs is up to the player, as long as they are gone from the tree.

2. Members should refrain from worsening the problem at the tree and should actively choose not to drop male cubs unless they themselves would enjoy receiving them.

What are benefits of being part of the clan?

Technically, players could purposefully choose to help the tree on their own and do not "need" to join the clan to do so. However, this is likely a difficult choice to make as it is directly a near-daily sacrifice. To this end, I propose that if this clan gets enough members and a following, I myself will donate and also accept donations of nice-looking female cubs which will be raffled off to clan members with minimal entry fees to balance out the loss of all the potentially nice girls people could be grabbing. Clan members can also donate SB, items, and food to reward each other for taking on this mission. If we motivate each other, it will be easier and more fun to tidy the tree.

Let's help the tree together! Click here to join the crew!

Some of our users are tracking how busy the tree gets over time with trends. Click here if you'd like to help input data too!

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Edited on 08/05/20 @ 20:42:26 by Lalasa (#235)

Lalasa (#235)

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Posted on
2019-11-10 02:54:00

Raffle 44


Thanks a bunch to Jassy for this sweetheart in today's raffle! Besides the 100% Ebony Heavy Rosette, she also has 100% Sunset Crackle and Ebony Feline 6! Definitely a valuable, luxury lady!

Super lucky shorty2709 has taken this girl today!

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Edited on 11/11/19 @ 01:00:37 by Lalasa (#235)

Jassy Side
{G2ClnEbTrplRosPie} (#56649)

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Posted on
2019-11-10 08:26:34
I hope you guys like my girl!! Good luck everyone!!

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.:| CERES |:. (#180314)

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Posted on
2019-11-10 09:31:31
you know what
i havent entered before

enter me in.

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Gizzard (#125465)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-11-10 09:38:12
Good luck! and i love your girl Jassy!

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Lalasa (#235)

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Posted on
2019-11-10 15:06:59
@Necc Mom
Entering you, just remember to message my account next time as I collect the tickets there and I can't be guaranteed to see your posts here, lol.

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Lalasa (#235)

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Posted on
2019-11-11 01:08:16

Raffle 45

Finally another mutie! Thanks to Necc Mom for providing this one, this uber low fert with an equally small lineage will make a great breeder, especially for clean lines!

Nice draw for Bane (163092), who is taking this mutie girl home! Let us know if you get more floofer babies, eh?

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Edited on 11/11/19 @ 20:41:24 by Lalasa (#235)

gaz (#122919)

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Posted on
2019-11-11 05:29:02
i really love this clan and what we do but can we please turn down the spam of clan messages? i dont mean offense at all by this but i got seven of them over the weekend while i only got one from my other clans. maybe we can combine the winner announcements with links to the next raffle, or just announce raffles here?

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Lalasa (#235)

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Posted on
2019-11-11 05:56:19
I mean, part of the problem likely is the fact that I do a lot more raffles than normal.
I do agree I could cut back on some by combining winnings and new raffles together, but I don't always do one after the other either. Sometimes I just take a break. Anyway, I don't want to only announce the raffles here because some people might not check the forum thread very much, and because then there would be anything to directly reply to which will make it harder for me to instantly tell what is a ticket.

I have already cut out random announcements for the most part and restricted them to Discord. I'd say the only thing I could realistically do is reduce the amount of raffles from nearly every day, but then people that donated prizes will probably be disappointed at the slow rate they're being given away.

That's the sucky thing about my custom system, I guess. I can't edit messages in retrospect, and I'm not always going to start a new raffle after the previous one. When I'm busy, sometimes I might even wait a few days in a row to start anything. I'm not really sure what else you'd suggest me to do, besides completely overhauling systems other people seem to like.

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gaz (#122919)

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Posted on
2019-11-11 06:06:11
why would the people who donated be frustrated because of the slow rate??? as long as theyre going to a good home, id be happy. that doesnt make any sense. how about instead of messaging everyone of the winner, you can post the winner here and only send clan messages for raffles.

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Serenity (#187625)

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Posted on
2019-11-11 06:22:21
I honestly believe that, if the user didn’t have the want to just check a thread for a raffle, then we shouldn’t bother with them. I kinda agree with nova - some users donate to donate, not just see the items get raffle’d out. It’s perfectly fine to both post raffles and/or winners in this thread, because of the points me and nova have already used. And you can always change it back to this method, should we try this out and it causes problems.

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Lalasa (#235)

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Posted on
2019-11-11 06:25:36
Honestly, if a lion I donated is stuck on the clan leader's side for 2 weeks straight and now is old af, I'd get a little annoyed about it. I want to move them out, because I gotta roll over in order to do so and then they just sit there aging and being useless (and technically not mine). Also because my side really isn't all that big yet, and I get a lot of prizes at once, so eventually I'm gonna have to tell people to wait a really long time to even send anything over. I don't want a backlog where a donor has to wait half the month to see the lion go somewhere, tbh.

But, I can chop off the winner messages, I suppose. Those are mainly fluff to make the whole process seem more official and exciting, and I don't really have to do it. I do think the message count will always be abnormally high for a clan though, because I built my system around it and I do the raffles very often.

I do want to mention one thing though-- I've noticed many people that respond to my messages are people that have never posted here, so I have no way to verify if they even read this thread. The Discord is also very small so I can't do announcements there. I have to make do with Lioden's rather limited infrastructure for this.

EDIT: Gonna be real for a sec, I'd rather read and delete a message than have to dig through this thread for the new raffle and then compose my own message to ask to participate. I actually hate forum notifs way more and never check any thread anymore besides this one, and it's because I have to. The forum notifs from subscription are just as spammy and tell me less. I guess that might not be a shared opinion though.

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Edited on 11/11/19 @ 06:29:22 by Lalasa (#235)

gaz (#122919)

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Posted on
2019-11-11 06:27:07
you can perhaps raffle off more than one lion at a time

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Lalasa (#235)

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Posted on
2019-11-11 06:32:04
I could, but that will dramatically increase my workload and decrease attention per lion. I considered this and decided that the result will likely be a bunch of tiny raffles, which is actually what happened when Havoc asked me to debut three at once. All three were amazingly gorgeous, and they barely got any attention whatsoever. I also had way more work trying to tie the forum and pm responses together.

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shorty2709 (#43188)

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Posted on
2019-11-11 07:39:18
I dont mind all the clan messages yea there a lot of them but I like seeing who the winners are and knowing when new raffles are up as i dont check here often.

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Brí {Clean
Cinna Pie} (#178524)

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Posted on
2019-11-11 07:42:18
Imo it’s easy to ignore the clan messages if you so desire. It’s how the clan is run

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