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No pomegranates!!!! (#123201)

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Posted on
2019-11-02 17:46:56

Main Roleplay Thread


Two clans have called a forest in North America their home for many, many generations. They pride themselves with being able to withstand the cold and harsh winters. However, this year has been strange. Leaf-bare does not usually arrive until later in the year, but it came early this year and surprised everyone. The air is more bitter, dry, and cold than ever before, and the snow is more heavy than it has been for decades. It's starting to seem like the snow will never go away, and the two clans are despairing. They were already not getting along, but now with the amount of prey in the area diminishing they're practically at war. However, as the weather only continues to get worse and possibly never gets better, they might have to work together and leave their home or find a way to make this place work.


-You must have at least four sentences.
-No Mary sues/power playing!!!
-No character limit, but make sure you can keep up with all of your characters.
-1 HP per person in each clan.
-Fade to black for mature content.
-Swearing is OK, but don't do it too much. Try to use warrior cat curse words more than our own swearing if you can.
-No unrealistically colored cats.
-No overthrowing/killing/causing serious harm to other people's characters without discussing this first.
-This is an LGBTQ+ friendly place! Yes we all know that trans cats probably can't exist in the wild, but hardly anything about warriors is realistic as it is so just let it be.
-Drama is encouraged IC but let's keep it civil OOC please.
-RP will start once there are enough people.

Warrior code

-Defend your Clan, even with your life. You may have friendships with cats from other Clans, but your loyalty must remain to your Clan, as one day you may meet them in battle.
-Refrain from hunting or trespassing on another Clan's territory.
-Elders, queens, and kits must be fed before apprentices and warriors. If any warrior or apprentice is sick or injured, they may eat while the elders, queens, and kits are eating.
-A kit must be at least six moons old to become an apprentice.
-The deputy will become Clan leader when the leader dies, retires, or is exiled.
-If one clan requests the other to meet for a gathering at gathering place, the other clan must comply and attend. These gatherings do not need to occur regularly.
-No warrior can neglect a kit in pain or danger, even if the kit is from a different Clan.
-The word of the Clan leader is law.
-It is advised to not kill in battle (and considered quite un-honorable to take another's life), however no punishment will be taken if one does so.
-A warrior rejects the life of a kittypet, loner, or rogue.

OOC chat

Ranks An * =HP


*Leader: Fadingstar
*Deputy: Starlingclaw
*Medicine Cats (there can be 2): Swallowtail
*Medicine Cat Apprentices (there can be 2):
Warriors: Dapplewing, Frostpool,

Total amount of characters in GaleClan: 5


*Leader: Lightningstar
*Deputy: Kingpool
*Medicine Cats (there can be 2):
*Medicine Cat Apprentices (there can be 2):
Warriors: Quailfrost, Cloudmist, Rippleshine
Apprentices: Amberpaw (Mentor: N/A), Kingpaw, Juniperpaw
Queens: Oceaneyes
Kits: Wavekit, Owlkit

Total amount of characters in StormClan: 12

Current Weather: N/A, rp not started.

Appearance (photo or description):

For those of you using photos, I recommend citing it using the MLA format so you're not plagiarizing or anything. It's polite to whoever posted to image to not just, ya know, take their photo and use it.

It's getting cold.

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Edited on 17/11/19 @ 21:21:35 by No pomegranates!!!! (#123201)

No pomegranates!!!! (#123201)

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Posted on
2019-11-03 15:16:29
Name: Fadingkit (past), Fadingpaw (past), Fadingfur (past), Fadingstar (current)

Age: 60 moons

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Clan: GaleClan

Rank: Leader

Appearance (photo or description): Fadingstar is a tall cat with black fur that fades to silver on the lower-half of his body, and like most other cats in the area his fur is thick and smooth. Years of training and working has led him to have quite a strong build. His eyes are a deep, dark, amber, and they constantly seem to be baring into your soul. Countless battles have caused his once smooth fur to become dotted with scars. There aren't many unusual features to the tom

Personality: A stoic tom he is as he often holds back from showing any of his emotions. If he does display emotion, it's usually in the form of disappointment or quiet anger. He tries to stay professional, and does his best to keep his composure at all times. Fadingstar is quite the stubborn tom, once he makes up his mind about something it's very rare that he'll change it. He's usually a little unpleasant to be around, as conversations are hardly ever able to go anywhere since his favorite and most used response is just "mhm". He doesn't allow many to get close to him, but if you do manage to do so then you'll find a loyal friend. He'd give up most anything for his friends, however there are very few if any that he feels he can confide in. Fadingstar prefers to keep things to himself and has no problem hiding emotion from those who love him. He's very devoted to his clan and would do almost anything for the clan as a whole, but worrying about individual cats and not a good skill of his.

Family: Silverpelt (mother/deceased), Darkface (Father/deceased), Speckledtail (Sister/alive/adoptable)
closest friends.

Speckledtail: The tom considers his sister to be one of his closest friends.

History: Fadingstar had a pretty easy life. He was born into and grew up in GaleClan, and although they were never close, his parents were good to him and he always had quite a good relationship with his sister. Both his parents died young, his father dying after an unfortunate encounter with a bear, and his mother from a bad case of Greencough.

Other: Sorry to anyone reading this, I know it's horribly written I wrote this after getting home from an unusually difficult cross country race.


Name: Sunshine (past), Amberpaw (present)

Age: 9 moons

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual (usually likes girls)

Clan: StormClan

Rank: Apprentice

Appearance (photo or description): Amberpaw is a small she cat with sparkling bright blue eyes and fur that has white stripes covering her long golden fur. She does her best to keep her fur smooth with lots of grooming, and as a result it's usually soft and neat. Although her tail is not the absolute fluffiest, it is definitely unusually fluffy. Her paws look a bit too big for her tiny body, but she makes them work somehow.

Personality: She's a very bouncy and energetic young cat, and is always trying to be kind to everyone. She appreciates a good joke, however she's not the best at telling them and will often hold back from telling one as they're usually either dark or not good. She very deeply cares about others feelings, and at the slightest hint of her having hurt someone she'll be all over that cat with apologies, expressing her guilt. It's annoying to most casts when she does this as no one likes to be smothered with apologies. She doesn't really have a sense of when to stop talking and will talk for hours on end if given the chance. Amberpaw is one who listen to others quite readily, and she will always gladly help those who need to be helped. She's very enthusiastic about training to be a warrior, however she does not like the idea of hurting other cats. She desperately wants to prove herself to her clan and protect it as well, but sometimes she doubts if she'll be able to preform well in a real battle when it comes down to injuring another cat to win.

Family: Fox (Mother/alive/adoptable) Cricket (Father/unknown) Blaze (Brother/alive/adoptable) Lilac (sister/alive/adoptable)

Relationships: Open to any! She could probably use an adoptive parent or a good friend though. Maybe a romantic relation ship as well? Although she is pretty young to already have that.

History: Amberpaw was born outside of either of the clan's territory and was originally named Sunshine. Her father had long since abandoned Sunshine's mother, leaving the broken-heart she-cat to take care of three kits by herself. Fox really did try in the beginning, she wasn't a bad cat, she just didn't know how to take care of kits. She was quite young herself, and prey wasn't exactly easy to find and catch on your own. Eventually, when Sunshine and her siblings were about 4 months old she finally gave up. Fox gathered her kits and left them on the doorstep of a two-leg house, a day Sunshine would never forget. Fox could only hope the two-legs would be good to her kits. She said goodbye to the three kittens one last time and then left them there, ordering them to stay and giving them an empty promise that she would return. The two-legs must have heard the noise outside their den, as it wasn't long before two exhausted looking two-legs opened the door. The kittens didn't know what to do, they had never seen these strange creatures before and had no clue if they were harmless or not. However, none of them wanted to move as their mother had instructed them to stay. And besides, the hairless creatures didn't look dangerous. They weren't even attacking them, just seemingly arguing with each other. Sunshine and her siblings had begun to ignore them, when suddenly they leaned over and reached for them. Immediately, they all tried to scramble away, but the two-legs had caught them. Well, all of them except Lilac. Lilac managed to run away, and as soon as Sunshine and her brother were trapped inside the two-leg's big den, one ran outside to try and catch the young kit. When they returned though, there was no Lilac with it. The last time Sunshine saw her sister, she was running away, and all she could do was hope she'd be OK. The next two months were hard for Sunshine. They were well fed and taken care of, but the two-leg kits were absolutely horrible. Constantly Sunshine and Blaze were being harassed and it was just unbearable for them. Sunshine also could not stand being locked up inside for so long. She wanted to be able to run again, to play in the grass again, and practice her hunting moves too. But none of that was possible when she was locked up in a two-leg den. Blaze though, he began to grow found of the house. He even became friendly with the adult two-legs. While Blaze was beginning to settle down, Sunshine was getting more and more restless to leave. Finally, her window of opportunity came (quite literally) when one of the two legs left a window open. The two-legs were still in the same room, and she had no clue where Blaze was. She knew this could quite possibly be her only chance to escape for a long time, so without saying goodbye to Blaze she took it. Sunshine heard yelps of protests from the two-legs as soon as she leaped out the window, but it was too late for them to catch her now. It wasn't long before she had to slow down and walk, but that didn't matter since the two-legs were far behind her. And that was the beginning of a long, and painful walk. She was unable to hunt for food since she didn't really know how. Eventually after three days of wandering she found on StormClan territory, exhausted and starving. She was taken in by the clan, fed, and cleaned up. Once she told her story of what happened to her, she was allowed to stay until she was healthy enough to leave or she could live in StormClan and train as a warrior. Now, Amberpaw is an apprentice and has been living with the clan for a few moons now. She knows a few warriors don't like how she was once a loner and then a kittypet, but she's trying to be the best apprentice she can be now and is hoping to one day prove her worth to her clan.


Name: Dapplekit (past), Dapplepaw (past), Dapplewing (current)

Age: 29 moons

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual (Mostly he likes females cats but there is an occasional male)

Clan: GaleClan

Rank: Warrior

Appearance (photo or description): Dapplewing is a thin, relatively short furred calico cat. He has a snow white underbelly with orange and black markings on his upper body. He has black furred tufts on his ears which are quite small. His paws are far more small than his pride would ever let him acknowledge, and his tail is thing a sleek. Scars from previous battles with StormClan are scattered across Dapplewing's body and face, one lying just above his pale green eyes.

Personality: Dapplewing is a very independent young tom. He prefers to do things his way and will usually try to do so. However, when someone challenges him on his ideas he will quite often back down and listen. He has seems like a chill cat who usually doesn't care what anyone else does as long as it doesn't affect him, but his has a sense of humor that can sometimes be offensive to some. He tries to be polite with others, but quite soon into conversations he'll start to make jokes. He doesn't really have much enthusiasm for things, and if you're just meeting him, Dapplewing might come off as boring and aloof. However, once you spend a little time with the tom, you might find him to be less boring and more of a disrespectful jokester. When a loved one has a problem in their life, he does try to help them out, but often he's not much help as he's not usually any good in serious situations.

Riversight (Mother/alive/adoptable) Oakfire (father/alive/adoptable) Fernstem (sister/alive/adoptable)


History: Dapplewing was born and raised in GaleClan.

Other: again, sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes I promise I'll fix those eventually lol.


Name: Oceankit (past), Oceanpaw (past), Oceaneyes (current)

Age: 18 moons

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Clan: StormClan

Rank: Queen

Quote: I'm begging you, don't go. I'm begging you, please stay. Tell me what I gotta change and I'll do it for you.From:

Appearance (photo or description): She's an elegant she-cat with silky silver and dark grey striped fur. She has a slight build, which differs from most of the other cats who have a stronger build. Her grey stripes lessen and thin out further down her legs, and the paws attached to the she-cat's them are small and delicate. Her dark grey ears rest upon a a silver head with few stripes and fluffy cheeks. Oceaneyes's most noticeable feature however, are her eyes, a pool of deep ocean blue orbs that rest upon her face.

Personality: Much like her appearance, Oceaneyes seems like quite a delicate cat. Although she's a grown cat now her feelings are still very easily hurt. When she was a kit and even a little bit too far into her apprenticeship, she would often break down when someone hurt her feelings. Now, she'll usually just become a little more quiet and silently hurt inside, but she won't break down. Soft-spoken and sensitive to other's feelings, if she feels as though someone has been made even slightly uncomfortable or upset she will be quick to attempt to make things better. Often times Oceaneyes will go out of her way to help others even at the expense of her own well being. Occasionally, her habits of trying to help others gets in the way of her being able to be spend time with her family, but she usually doesn't realize this. Oceaneyes is definitely a mothering kind of cat and fawns over kits, and is more than willing to play with and talk to any little ones.

Heatherleap (mother/alive/adoptable), Littlenose (father/alive/adoptable), Darkfang (brother/alive/adoptable) Gale (loner/alive/adoptable) Owlkit (son/alive), Wavekit (son/alive)

Her relationships with her parents and brother are not that strong.
Owlkit - She loves all her kits to death, however she wishes Owlkit would be more outgoing and less nervous all the time.
Wavekit - She loves Wavekit dearly and would do anything for him, although she sometimes worries that he'll wander too far away someday and get hurt.

History: Oceaneyes was born into StormClan eagerly awaiting to become a warrior and a queen someday. However, Oceaneyes was never the strongest nor the fastest cat and although she managed to become a warrior somehow she never did too well in battles or brought much home from hunting. She had always been too timid and weak to really preform well, and when her parents realized this they were very disappointed. However, they still loved her but perhaps they didn't show it so much anymore.
Unbeknownst to everyone, throughout most of Oceaneyes's apprenticeship and some of her time as a warrior she had met and began seeing a loner daily. When she was just about 9 moons old, the young she cat had wandered out alone to practice hunting by herself, as she had been experiencing great feelings of embarrassment and shame on her hunting skills. However, on her hunt she ran into the loner. He had been upwind of her and out of sight, so when he jumped at her whilst chasing a mouse she was utterly confused and surprised and perhaps a little scared. At first Oceaneyes tried to be brave and demand the young tom leave her clan's territory, but he noticed she was quivering with fear. The tom introduced himself as Gale, and attempted to be friendly with her. After assuring her he meant no harm, Gale was able to spark a conversation between the two of them. It wasn't long before Oceaneyes fell head over heels for the charming tom only just after a few minutes of conversation.
The two began meeting in secret everyday, becoming closer and closer. Everything seemed to be going okay just fine for Oceaneyes, she might not have been the best warrior but she had a mate who she could count on. However, one day a few moons after earning her warrior name she noticed her belly was getting noticeably bigger. She can quite painfully and easily remember that moment the medicine cat called her in for a check-up since most everyone had noticed that Oceaneyes was quite unusually tired and moody. The medicine cat confirmed the young she-cat's fears, she was indeed pregnant. Oceaneyes was quite a young cat to be having kits, and she had wanted to be able to live her life as a warrior a little bit longer and convince Gale to join the clan before this, but when she got the news she knew that wouldn't happen. If the father was anyone but Gale she would have been able to enjoy the news a little bit, but Gale was a loner. And not only that but a loner who was clearly not eager to settle down and have kits. Often he would miss their time together or leave early to go venture out. Or he'd be gone for days exploring and doing StarClan knows what.
Reluctantly, Oceaneyes forced herself to wait for her mate at their usual meeting spot that night. Unsurprisingly, he was late. Gale was cool and sweet as usual that night when he finally arrived. He cuddled up next to Oceaneyes and began chatting to her. Eventually after the tom questioned her about being so quiet, he realized the silver she-cat looked solemn. He proceeded to ask her why, so Oceaneyes explained. Predictably, Gale was unhappy. He had a fit, blaming the pregnancy on Oceaneyes. The two argued, which eventually resulted with a very angry Gale running away from his mate. Oceaneyes watched, sadness overwhelming her as she cried for him to return, but he just kept running, and running, and running. He ran away from her and that was the last the she-cat saw of the young tom who stole her heart.

Other: If anyone wants to have a kitten as her's let me know! Also, the clan probably doesn't know for sure the father of her kits is a loner, so feel free to have your characters speculate about who might the father be.


Name: Owlkit (WIP)

Age: 3 moons

Gender: male

Sexuality: Too young/questioning

Clan: StormClan

Rank: Kit

Appearance (photo or description): Owlkit takes after his mother in the sense that he is pretty small. Everything about Owlkit is small, from is head, right down to his tiny little paws. His fur isn't thick, but it isn't that short either. His pelt is a soft color brown with black tabby stripes lacing his body and almost completely covering his tail. The young tom's fur of course still has its kitten fluff and softness which is quite useful when it gets cold. His eyes match those of his father and are a pale olive green.

Personality: Unlike most young kits, Owlkit is quite the nervous cat. He fears getting in trouble for almost anything, even simple things that might not get him in trouble. However, with a little encouragement he will sometimes take a risk and do something dangerous or mischievous. Most of the time when it comes to socializing, Owlkit does not do very well. He's usually too shy to say much or anything, and when he does say something he stutters quite a bit. If you do somehow manage to befriend the young kitten, you'll discover that he can be quite friendly. He tells jokes occasionally, he can be pretty good at talking with others, and if you're very close to him he'll probably be comfortable enough around you to tease you. His personality is still developing as he's still pretty young and it will probably change the older he gets.

Oceaneyes (mother/alive), Gale (Father/alive/adoptable), Heatherleap (grandmother/alive/adoptable), Littlenose (grandfather/alive/adoptable), Darkfang (uncle/alive/adoptable)

Oceaneyes - He definitely loves is mother deeply, and will often curl up against her side when he doesn't want to interact with other cats too much.
Wavekit - His brother and his friend, he definitely cares for the tom and clings to him like a leech.

History: He was born into the clan, and often wonders about his father. He has never asked about him, but he believes that he must be dead or where else would he be?

Other: This lil boi will definitely have some issues when he grows up.
Also, if you notice any grammar/spelling/consistency mistakes anywhere let me know because I decided I don't really feel like going through my characters's descriptions.

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Edited on 08/11/19 @ 18:00:51 by No pomegranates!!!! (#123201)

🌵 SpicyKale 🌴 (#184461)

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Posted on
2019-11-03 18:01:24
Name: Swallow’Tail
Age: 14 moons

Gender: Female

Clan: Gale’clan

Rank: Medicine cat

Appearance (photo or description): Swallow is a furry dark-grey cat, striked and speckled with white. Her paws are all lighter grey, as if she’s wearing socks. Being so furry she’s well protected from the cold, but it can also make life difficult for her, especially in spring. Swallow’tail got her name from a small split that always seems to be in her fur at the end of her tail. Her muzzle is pushed into her face a bit more then usual cats and her eyes are a soft milky blue, she’s often thought to be blind but only can’t see very well.

Personality: A big grump, she’s overly serious but cares a lot about her clan and any cats she deals with, even if she doesn’t always show it.

Family: Mother and father deceased, has one sister in the clan but they don’t get along well.

Relationships: Swallow dearly wants an apprentice but won’t ask for one. She’s a bit isolated being the medicine cat and all but she won’t go out of her way to change anything.

History: Swallow’s mother died birthing her in the cold leaf-fall when she was born. She had just taken a short stroll, trying to walk off the pains of pregnancy when she realised she was to kit. It was too late, and she gave birth out on the damp icy ground of leaves on that cold morning. When the first born, swallow’s brother came out, he fell onto the cold damp leaves mewling, but there was no one to lift him up while his mother was kitting, alas, he died right there. Next out was sparrow’s sister, she was a healthy kit and her mother, in slightly less pain and not wanting her to end up like the first kit, picked her up and started licking. But there was another kit yet to arrive, and this kit put up a fight. Just as swallow’s father arrived, who at the time was named Sun’star, the queen felt a terrible pain and realised there was yet another kit to come. Finally when the kit was out, swallow’s mother put her head down on the leaves and ran far away to starclan, dead. Sun’star was horrified, but he licked the kits likewise, he wouldn’t allow anymore deaths, not here, not now. After the two kits were licked clean he took them all back to camp to be taken in by another queen. Swallow’s sister always hated her, claiming she killed their mother.

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Edited on 04/11/19 @ 18:39:44 by SpicyKale (#184461)

Delinquent (#95362)

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Posted on
2019-11-04 06:48:21

"𝙿𝚞𝚜𝚑 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚏, 𝚋𝚎𝚌𝚊𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚗𝚘 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚎𝚕𝚜𝚎 𝚒𝚜 𝚐𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚘 𝚍𝚘 𝚒𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚢𝚘𝚞."


74 Moons





Lightningstar is large for a she-cat, mostly due to the sheer amount of fur on her body. Her pelt is a beautiful silver, brindled with dark onyx stripes, and her chest is splashed a pristine white. She has long, elegant whiskers, and a small, peach coloured nose. Lightningstar's round eyes are a vibrant mint green, adding to her refreshing appearance. She smells like lavender and freshly fallen rain.

She is unusually unblemished for the supposed leader of Stormclan, with the majority of her body being free from injury or scarring. Despite being able to hold her own in a fight, Lightningstar prefers to settle her battles verbally, and she has the silver-tongue to prove it. However, the tip of her tail is permanently kinked, due to being constantly swatted at and bitten by small kits.

Lightingstar is an extremely motherly cat, kind and sympathetic like any good leader should be. She is exceptionally knowledgeable, and an excellent teacher, so her advice is very highly regarded. Though very smothering to younger cats, she employs a form of tough love to any teen troublemakers in the clan.

Despite her approachable appearance, Lightningstar isn't as friendly as she appears to be. Any threat to her clan is swiftly and precisely eliminated, without any hesitance or remorse on her part. Though she does feel a slight guilt for disposing of these dangers, especially when they're just young warriors, she knows in her heart that it must be done to protect her clan.

Beetlebrook - Father
Sootstep - Mother
Adderjaw - Brother

Adderjaw - Positive Relationship

To Be Written!

Image Credit:

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Edited on 06/11/19 @ 08:59:36 by Meori (#95362)

P!nk (#146066)

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Posted on
2019-11-06 17:07:20
Name: Frostpool
Age: 28 moons
Gender: She-cat
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Clan: GaleClan
Rank: Warrior
Standing a couple of inches shorter than the average cat Frostpool is a rather chunky white she-cat with silver lynx points. Her coat is plush and long, and her eyes are a pale, expressive blue.

Frostpool is a bold and affectionate she-cat with a strong will, and an even stronger personality. Having been a lovable cuddle bug ever since she was kit, she really has no regard for others personal space, in the physical sense anyway. She’s always been sociable, and also curious, usually being the first to check out anything-or anyone-the others would dub as ‘sketchy,’ for shy just doesn’t seem to be a concept she can grasp, and as such, she is often drawn to those who would rather spend their time alone. Frostpool can be extremely persuasive, and charming when she wants to be, but she can also be manipulative and vicious while wearing a sweet smile, but don't worry, that's only if she hates the ground you walk on.
Now Frostpool can be impulsive and stubborn, and if you make her really mad, she's quick to attack, but she doesn't hold grudges, and as quick as she is to resort to violence, she's just as quick to apologize and put the whole thing behind her, though the other party usually isn’t so forgiving.
You're probably thinking this means Frostpool has a quick temper, but that isn’t necessarily so. She actually has more patience than many give her credit for. She just doesn’t like to wait if there is no need to.
Furthermore, Frostpool does not believe in keeping things buried inside her, so you will never misunderstand this she-cat because she will always tell you exactly how she's feeling, or what she thinks of you, or a situation. Obviously this particular trait has a few more 'downs' than it does 'ups' but some might appreciate her for her straightforwardness. And despite everything, Frostpool is loyal to the core and will always have a shoulder to lean on or an open ear if you just need to vent. She’ll try to cheer you if you’re down, and will openly confront those who hurt you.
Being confident in herself and her abilities, Frostpool can be unwavering when she puts her mind to something, and if you give her a task, she will stick to it. Her determination to get a job done is rock solid, and she will never give up until she succeeds in whatever she set out to do, or until she is forced to stop.

Heathertail {mother-(adoptable)npc senior warrior}
Redleap {father -(adoptable)npc senior warrior}
Grassclaw {brother -(adoptable)npc warrior}

Born and raised in GaleClan, Frostpool's early life was a bit of a struggle from the beginning. She's always loved to eat, consuming way more in one sitting then her brother, so she's always been a little on the chubby side.
No one saw a problem with her weight as a kit though, no one except her mother anyway, who was as slender and as pretty as could be and just as vain. Her father loved and doted on his kits, and she and her brother were always close. Her chunkiness and love of food however, would only become a hindrance as an apprentice. Being smaller than most, the extra weight often made training somewhat difficult, despite her being willing to learn, and an apt pupil. There was also the teasing from denmates to deal with, and the brief time when her brother was embarrassed to be around her because of her weight. She never let herself be bullied however, and gave as good as she got despite being an atrocious fighter. When she finally became a warrior, a few moons after her brother, she was very proud of herself for making it, as were her father and brother. Her mother....well, Frostpool knows her mother loves her deep down, it’s just hidden somewhere behind the disgust that shows unchecked in her sparkling green eyes
She has a slow metabolism, that makes it very difficult for her to loose weight.

Name: Wavekit(current) >> Wavepaw >>> Wavewhisker
Age: 3 moons
Gender: Tom
Sexuality: To be decided
Clan: StormClan
Rank: Kit
Handsome silver grey ticked tabby tom with a white chest and muzzle. He also has one white sock on his right hind foot. His coat is soft and short in length, and his eyes are a deep green. He's rather small now, but oversized paws show that he will get quite large as he grows.

Rather quiet by nature and oftentimes lost in his own little world, Wavekit is considered a bit of a dreamer. He’s easily distracted and intensely curious about everything, which often leads to him wandering off. Apart from this he is also fiercely possessive over what he claims as his, and very physical in expressing himself, both when he’s angry and when he’s happy, and of course when he’s feeling cuddly.
This wayward little male does have a bit of an ego, and can be made to do just about anything with enough flattery and praise. He also has a great sense of humor, and a budding sense of justice. He likes to stick up for the underdog, especially when he feels like a situation or treatment is unfair, and he’ll stand by his friends no matter what, like a silent wall of support. He can be very stubborn and bull headed in that aspect, and he doesn't always like to admit when he’s wrong, so he tries very hard not to be. This quite often leads to him to over analyzing everything.

Oceaneyes {mother-(No pomegranates!!!!)Queen}
Gale {father-(adoptable)Loner}
Owlkit {brother-(No pomegranates!!!!)Kit}
Heatherleap {grandmother-(adoptable)npc}
Littlenose {grandfather-(adoptable)npc}
Darkfang {uncle-(adoptable)npc warrior}
Oceaneyes - [the air he breaths(positive)]
Owlkit - [partner in crime(positive)]

Born and being raised in StormClan, he doesn't know who his father is, nor that he's only half Clan. Although he would very much like to know, he cannot stand the look of heartache that comes into his mother's eyes whenever its brought up.

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Edited on 08/11/19 @ 08:01:09 by 𝒮ƙ¥ (#146066)

🐲Vance | Clean
Interstellar (#180871)

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Posted on
2019-11-06 17:54:10
(Hey, I hope this is still open! :) )

48 Moons
Appearance (photo or description):
Quailfrost is a large, silver and black cat with long, bushy fur. His markings resemble that of a Maine Coon's, with the characteristic M-like marking on his forehead. His eyes are a striking deep orange. Quailfrost is quite a bulky warrior, and he has seen battle once or twice already, resulting in a few scars. He has a deep scar on his right ear, resulting from a deep cut he suffered during battle.
He is generally very quiet, reserving his words for when they are needed. Despite seeming a bit intimidating at times, he is truly a kind individual, more willing to lend a hand (er, paw) when it's needed. Despite this, he knows when he needs to be stern and assertive, and he isn't afraid to make a comment on something he doesn't agree with.
He has a soft spot for younger cats, especially apprentices, and wants one of his own at one point. However, he doesn't seem to have any incredibly close friendships - he seems to know everyone on a certain level, but prefers to keep to himself when he has the chance to do so. He is a skilled warrior and strategist, but one thing he is not good at is hunting. He tends to be a bit clumsy at times, hindering his ability to hunt as well as other warriors.
Mother and father are both deceased.
His sister, Snowpaw, was killed in battle at a very young age. However, he has a brother named Blossomtail. They aren't very close, but they are on good terms with one another.
None, at the moment. Open to one in the future.
Quailfrost's mother died when she gave birth to him and his two siblings - his father was a constant presence in his life, teaching him several skills when he was a kit before he became an apprentice. His father was killed in battle shortly after he gained his warrior name, and shortly after that, his sister, Snowpaw, was killed in yet another battle. Quailfrost was known for being an excellent fighter from the moment he became an apprentice, but he was often teased for his clumsiness and his poor hunting skills. This caused him to have very little interest in interacting with other cats his age, and that seemed to carry on into adulthood - he generally prefers to be alone. He does, however, seemed to have formed a habit of visiting kits and telling them battle stories.

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Edited on 06/11/19 @ 17:54:53 by 🐲Jamie( Sapela Primal) (#180871)

hoarder (#184208)

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Posted on
2019-11-08 19:32:42

25 moons






Kingpaw is a happy-go-lucky but snarky sometimes, he is very caring and loving. He is a quirky male who enjoys rolling around in snow no matter what the standard is.




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Edited on 10/11/19 @ 14:22:56 by King Loser (#184208)

☆ juno ☆ (#189074)

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Posted on
2019-11-09 00:31:08
Name: Rippleshine
Age: 23 moons
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Clan: Stormclan
Rank: Warrior
Appearance (photo or description): [Moderator Edit]
Personality: Rippleshine is a very smart female, she is a clever trickster, with her looks she can easily fool anyone. She takes advantage of being a female against males. although she isn't very confident in her self image herself, She appreciates everyone else and loves everyone. She is a very flirtatious female, but can also be motherly to young kits, and apprentices.
Family: Half of her family is deceased (However if you'd like to apply for a sibling or some such, feel free)
Relationships: N/A (Feel free to form some!)
History: This young one lost her eye to blindness, no one knows how, as she can't remember herself.

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Edited on 17/11/19 @ 15:21:30 by a Moderator

oceanstar254 (#187315)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-11-09 13:03:00
Name: Juniperpaw
Age: 6 moons
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Clan: Storm Clan
Rank: Apprentice
Appearance (photo or description):
“6 Month Old Female Cat.” Www.123rf.Com, Stock Photos,
Personality: Juniper is a sweet and caring little girl. She is daring and very outgoing. She can be a little stubborn when she truly wants something but she is determined and hardworking as well. Juniper can be a little bit of a trouble maker as she loves to explore and get out of the camp to find new things. She means well of course but she can not help it when it comes to finding and discovering new things. She is loyal to her friends and her clan and if it comes down to fighting she refuses to give up until she wins or has little to no choice but to stop. Her daring and stubborn side often gets her into a ton of trouble at times.
Relationships: N/A
History: Juniperpaw was born and raised in Stormclan. She was smaller than her brother but often tried to out-compete him. She wanted to prove that she could handle anything that came her way. Of course, she had her times where she struggled to prove herself. But she refused to give up. She dreams of being a deputy someday.

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Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2019-11-09 18:38:22

"History is written by the victors."


86 moons





Starlingclaw is lithe, lean, and solid muscle. Surprisingly, despite his rather violent tendencies, Starlingclaw does not bear many scars. The most prominent is one creeping down his rib cage, where the hair grew back white. It is mottled and more of a roan color, but still clearly visible. His amber eyes are the most stunning feature about this rather dark ordinary cat. They glow a deep amber and are often hooded, giving him an air of absolute certainty. His pelt is a solid black, relatively unmarred save his few scars, and the beginnings of grey hair from age. His right ear is slightly notched, and his whiskers reflect light wherever he goes.

His tail is long and always carried aloft, his paws silent and compact, his claws meticulously kept at a certain length. Some might find them to be dull, but he has a preference. He likes them sharp enough to puncture flesh, but dull enough to rip as opposed to slice. If someone works hard enough to end up on his bad side, they deserve the pain. He keeps his coat very clean, and after a battle he's quick to lick the blood away. He's a good sized cat, weighing in at about ten pounds of pure muscle. He's quite long as well, about twenty inches without his tail.

His coat is glistening, healthy, and short haired. He soft, but he rarely allows others to touch him unless he's attacking them in battle. His canines are white and contrast sharply against the pink of his maw and the black of his coat. His walk is long and sloping, his run quick and effortless, however he rarely runs.

Put simply, Starlingclaw is quite the asshole. He's pretentious, proud, stubborn, arrogant, and has a little bit of a god complex. But he's also passionate, courageous, indisputably loyal, and a fierce fighter. He's entirely devoted to his cats. He'd fight for and with them until his last breath, and everything he does, he does for them. He does not openly express his feelings, save anger and hatred, but few of his cats doubt his devotion to them. They have his entire soul, and that, he gladly gives. He's far from a pacifist, encouraging his cats to stand up for themselves and use their resources to the fullest. Thanks to a manipulate cat in his past, Starlingclaw does not take orders well, feeling much more comfortable giving them instead.

Starlingclaw is an experienced deputy, and he fought for his position tooth and nail. He walks with a swagger, tail held high, head head low. He's extremely proud, but the way he carries himself is that of a cat who fights to live, and lives to fight. He's kind to his cats, and although he pushes them he always rewards them. He's not one to openly give praise, instead giving gruff encouragement. He's very involved in apprentice training, and the most elite warriors are often his closest friends. Starlingclaw has morals, no matter how... questionable... and he sticks to them like glue. When he was young his morals were the only constant in his world, and he keeps them closer than he keeps his friends.

Starlingclaw has what might be called street smarts, and he's quite cunning in the face of danger and battle, but he is no diplomat. He's far from eloquent, and not one to compromise. Whatever needs to be solved can be solved with a fight. He rarely encourages brawling among his own cats, and the punishment for this is severe. Despite his seeming devil- may- care demeanor, Starlingclaw is very strict. He struggles to understand why anyone would break the rules, especially if they're clearly defined. He can't stand rebels, and he despises loners. His stature and scars demand respect, and he expects it. Should the due amount not be delivered, something not quite so pleasant may be in the near future.

None living

Open for lovers, past or present apprentices, and friends

Starlingclaw was born to a raggedy mother in a litter of five. They were part of a band of wandering rogues, brutal, selfish, and run by fear. The leader, his father, was old, and ruled by spite and hatred. Starlingclaw grew up in an every-cat-for-themselves environment, and often struggles letting go of this mindset, even now. Resources were scarce for such a small band, and once weaned the kittens often had to fight for food. Starlingclaw was driven, starving, and had a slight edge in size against his siblings. He won almost every time, and he saw the pride in his old father's eyes every time he clawed his way toward victory. He relished that feeling, and as he grew he poured every ounce of his drive and stubborn determination into brawling. He fought his littermates, when they could no longer stand him he moved up to the warriors, and finally, his father. He submitted to his father out of respect, but it was enough for the old cat to dethrone his old deputy and anoint Starlingclaw his new second-in-command.

The decrypt old cat was unable to lead any military movements, only issue orders from his old tree stump. So the job of general and selfless military leader fell to Starlingclaw. While his father groomed him as a formidable, belligerent foe, the black cat claimed territory, neutralized threats, and kept all his cats alive. He grew stronger under their admiration and respect, never leading through fear. As he gained years of experience and successful battles, his father sent them out on what Starlingclaw deemed a suicide mission. To kill a coyote that had been passively praying on the group. Against his gut feeling, the black general lead his troops into battle. He lost three cats that day, and his eyes were forced open to reality. His father did not care for his son, he cared only for the protection he gave him. Starlingclaw led ragged troops back to camp, bid goodbye to his mother, and rallied his forces to overthrow the ancient king. He left among the chaos. Starlingclaw's thirst for vengeance is strong, but he did not want such cold, filthy blood upon his claws.

He was on his own for just over a month before he found Galeclan, taking out small prey and training mercilessly every day. They graciously took him in as a warrior, where he proved his skill in numerous fighting fields. He clambered up the ladder, leaving behind a few apprentices on the way, and came to rest upon the deputy rung. His past aches, but he does not let it hinder him. Tendrils of it still cling to him, in his curious accent and occasional mistake in terminology, as well as the wave of aggression he feels if he believes vengeance is due, and a powerful tide of melancholy every time he sees a cat that resembles one from his old family. However, Starlingclaw had stepped out of the dark shadow cast by his manipulative father, and has every intention of staying there.

Blood on my Name: The Brother's Bright

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owlz.•* | g1
ice x3rosette (#166099)

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Posted on
2019-11-16 13:32:21
Name: Silvermoon (Formerly: Silverkit, Silverpaw).

Age: 50 Moons

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Rank: Warrior

Clan: GaleClan

Appearance: (Will have to upload the link when not on mobile.) Silvermoon is a slender she-cat who is of the typical slim build of a warrior that favours agility over brutal strength. With wide, yellow eyes that are usually fluttered flirtatiously and delicate features, she appears cutesy. On her lower chest fur is the clear, dark grey marking of a crescent moon. The reason for her suffix existing in the first place. Being slightly more thin-furred than her Clanmates, the only thickening on her fur is a slightly long curl of fur that arches delicately over her face yet somehow doesn’t hide her features at all.

Image Source: (my art on my DA)

Personality: Charming and disarming, Silvermoon can be described as a natural flirt. Her outward confidence isn’t lacking in any respect and she understands her strengths and her limits as a warrior. Despite coming off as arrogant, though, not unlikeable; Silvermoon is inwardly deeply insecure about her position in the Clan. After forming no close bonds with anyone at a young age she lacks in close friends. Silvermoon has no problem addressing her so-Called ‘feelings’. Though, if a cat were to know her better, they would understand how she finds it difficult to express herself and projects confidence as she doesn’t want to let anyone down. Some would argue that this is due to the influence of her parents.

Mother: Goldglare. (Alive, NPC.)
Father: Echobounce. (Deceased.)
Siblings: None.
Tail-Twined: None. (Open!)
Mentor: Heathermask. (Deceased.)
Apprentice(s): None. (Yet!)
Mate: None.

History: Ah, Silvermoon. Where to start?
How about the night when Goldglare carried Silvermoon, only three moons old, out of the camp and abandoned her for two nights? The queen pretended that the kit was curled up in the nursery with her. But little did ConlisClan know the truth. That Goldglare was already testing her young daughters instincts, testing whether the kit would survive or not.
And survive she did, but that didn’t mean that Goldglare stopped testing Silvermoon.
Goldglare even had a paw in who would mentor her kit, handpickinging Heathermask, a naturally brilliant yet violent tomcat who took pleasure in pushing Silvermoon too far. Though few, if any cats noticed her returning to camp, limping after her training sessions with the tom.
Even Echobounce, her father, remained mute and stoic on the topic of her treatment. The scarred tom had been mute for years after Goldglares treatment of him. And couldn’t break his silence to even defend his daughter. But this led to Silvermoon believing that Echobounce encouraged her mothers violent and disturbed training sessions, as well as Heathermasks own brutal behaviour. It was only after the discovery of Echobounces body that Silvermoon realised he was never on Goldglares side. But his death was deemed as mysterious. But Silvermoon knew that Goldglare had influence over the medicine cat at the time and persuaded them to lie for her.
It was only until Silvermoon became a warrior did she finally learn to push the bad influences away. But it came at a cost.
Goldglare approached the warrior after her vigil and instructed her to get close with the medicine cat. Goldglare explained that Silvermoons warrior abilities fell short in her eyes and that instead, Goldglare would replace the current medicine cat with Silvermoon by force. But only after Silvermoon learned the ways of becoming a medicine cat. Disgusted, but not surprised, Silvermoon went to the medicine cat, who lied for Silvermoon when Goldglare turned up ‘badly injured’ and then, like an excellent friend, the medicine cat failed to treat Goldglares wounds properly, leading to the cruel she-cat being forced into early retirement. Where she belongs.

Silvermoon’s Voice:
Theme Song:

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Edited on 24/11/19 @ 14:26:48 by nev (0/10 GB) (#166099)

Echo_Reaper (#176772)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-11-17 19:43:17
Name: cloudmist
Age: 40 moons
Gender: female
Sexuality: bi
Clan: storm clain
Rank: warrior
Personality: somewhat shy, she normally keeps to herself but can be very nice to others. She will always jump to a kits defence and can be easy irritated.
Family: she never knew her mother due to her dieing wile giving birth. When she was a moon old her father left with her siblings, she doesn't have a good memory of them.
Relationships: has very little friends
Mate: none but she's open to other cats
Kits: none
History: cloudmist was born on a stormy night, she was the last born out if three kits. Her mother died while giving birth to her. Her father thought of her as a bad omen and a mistake. After a moon her father left with her siblings. She grew up to become a warrior . When she was an apprentice she was a quick learner and enjoyed hunting. When it comes to hunting she is very fast because of her small size, and she can fight well. She learned to use her small size when fighting.
Appearance: white with silver tabby markings

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Edited on 19/11/19 @ 11:07:48 by Rubys jewl (#176772)

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