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No pomegranates!!!! (#123201)

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2019-11-03 16:54:55

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No pomegranates!!!! (#123201)

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2019-11-03 16:55:08
Name: Omar

Age: 19 y/o

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Grade: College Sophomore

Appearance: Omar is a tall young man standing at about 6'2. His skin is dark, which is something he feels insecure about occasionally. He has short cut poofy black hair, which he tries to take great care of as he is very proud of it. His eyes are a deep dark brown that sparkle in the sunlight. Often Omar is seen wearing jeans, a shirt that's either grey, black, or pale blue, and a hoodie or sweatshirt of some kind. His backpack is the same one he's had since he was 17 and is just solid color black.

Transportation: A white bicycle he recently bought.

Personality: Omar is a relatively quiet boy. He's introverted and typically wont speak to you unless you've spoken to him. He's shy, but often he'll be quite friendly (although not talkative) with anyone who talks to him. He loves a good joke and isn't afraid to make them whenever he has a chance. Once you get to know him a bit more, you'll find a dude who loves to goof around. However, as much as he loves messing about, he usually prefers to stay in and chill with some Netflix or a good book. He's an animal lover, and he hopes to one day be able to buy a small dog, preferably to him one of those cute little ones. Although Oscar can be a rather pleasant dude to hang out around, he has long since struggled with depression and ptsd. When something happens that reminds him of the traumatizing even he experienced, he'll often try to block off everyone he knows from his life. And even though he might want help, he finds it very difficult to except. When he's experiencing a depressive episode, he'll often do the same thing and although it always happens when a traumatic memory is brought back to life, it happens randomly sometimes too. One day you might see Oscar and he's his usual happy self, and the next day he might not even have shown up to class because he was too depressed to get out of bed.

History: Omar grew up in Louisiana, New Orleans, raised by his mom and dad who never had much money. That didn't really bother Omar too much ever though, and his life went pretty smoothing up until his teens. When he was 16 he got his first job working at the local restaurant, and all seemed well at first. That was until one day everything changed for Omar. About a year and a half after Omar started working there, some unhinged and probably high dude who had beef with the owner of the place came bursting in the restaurant. He had a gun and just started shooting, demanding for the owner. Everyone was screaming and screaming and screaming. It was so loud with all the screaming, crying, and gunshots. Omar was frozen for a split moment, but then he turned and raced into the kitchen where he hoped he to hide. That same moment he began to run he felt something hit his back, a bullet. He kept going though, and made it to the kitchen. He leaned against a wall, gasping for breath well he bled. Eventually the paramedics and the cops showed up. He was taken to the hospital where the bullet was removed and he was fixed up. He survived. But many others didn't, which is something he often thinks about guiltily still. This is not a story Omar talks about, even to former co-workers who went through the same thing. It scares him still, and sometimes he feels he'll never get over it.

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No pomegranates!!!! (#123201)

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2019-11-03 16:55:54
Name: Fadingkit (past), Fadingpaw (past), Fadingfur (past), Fadingstar (current)

Age: 60 moons

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Clan: GaleClan

Rank: Leader

Appearance (photo or description): Fadingstar is a tall cat with black fur that fades to silver on the lower-half of his body, and like most other cats in the area his fur is thick and smooth. Years of training and working has led him to have quite a strong build. His eyes are a deep, dark, amber, and they constantly seem to be baring into your soul. Countless battles have caused his once smooth fur to become dotted with scars. There aren't many unusual features to the tom

Personality: A stoic tom he is as he often holds back from showing any of his emotions. If he does display emotion, it's usually in the form of disappointment or quiet anger. He tries to stay professional, and does his best to keep his composure at all times. Fadingstar is quite the stubborn tom, once he makes up his mind about something it's very rare that he'll change it. He's usually a little unpleasant to be around, as conversations are hardly ever able to go anywhere since his favorite and most used response is just "mhm". He doesn't allow many to get close to him, but if you do manage to do so then you'll find a loyal friend. He'd give up most anything for his friends, however there are very few if any that he feels he can confide in. Fadingstar prefers to keep things to himself and has no problem hiding emotion from those who love him. He's very devoted to his clan and would do almost anything for the clan as a whole, but worrying about individual cats and not a good skill of his.

Family: Silverpelt (mother/deceased), Darkface (Father/deceased), Speckledtail (Sister/alive/adoptable)
closest friends.

Speckledtail: The tom considers his sister to be one of his closest friends.

History: Fadingstar had a pretty easy life. He was born into and grew up in GaleClan, and although they were never close, his parents were good to him and he always had quite a good relationship with his sister. Both his parents died young, his father dying after an unfortunate encounter with a bear, and his mother from a bad case of Greencough.

Other: Sorry to anyone reading this, I know it's horribly written I wrote this after getting home from an unusually difficult cross country race.

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No pomegranates!!!! (#123201)

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Posted on
2019-11-03 16:56:19
Name: Sunshine (past), Amberpaw (present)

Age: 9 moons

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual (usually likes girls)

Clan: StormClan

Rank: Apprentice

Appearance (photo or description): Amberpaw is a small she cat with sparkling bright blue eyes and fur that has white stripes covering her long golden fur. She does her best to keep her fur smooth with lots of grooming, and as a result it's usually soft and neat. Although her tail is not the absolute fluffiest, it is definitely unusually fluffy. Her paws look a bit too big for her tiny body, but she makes them work somehow.

Personality: She's a very bouncy and energetic young cat, and is always trying to be kind to everyone. She appreciates a good joke, however she's not the best at telling them and will often hold back from telling one as they're usually either dark or not good. She very deeply cares about others feelings, and at the slightest hint of her having hurt someone she'll be all over that cat with apologies, expressing her guilt. It's annoying to most casts when she does this as no one likes to be smothered with apologies. She doesn't really have a sense of when to stop talking and will talk for hours on end if given the chance. Amberpaw is one who listen to others quite readily, and she will always gladly help those who need to be helped. She's very enthusiastic about training to be a warrior, however she does not like the idea of hurting other cats. She desperately wants to prove herself to her clan and protect it as well, but sometimes she doubts if she'll be able to preform well in a real battle when it comes down to injuring another cat to win.

Family: Fox (Mother/alive/adoptable) Cricket (Father/unknown) Blaze (Brother/alive/adoptable) Lilac (sister/alive/adoptable)

Relationships: Open to any! She could probably use an adoptive parent or a good friend though. Maybe a romantic relation ship as well? Although she is pretty young to already have that.

History: Amberpaw was born outside of either of the clan's territory and was originally named Sunshine. Her father had long since abandoned Sunshine's mother, leaving the broken-heart she-cat to take care of three kits by herself. Fox really did try in the beginning, she wasn't a bad cat, she just didn't know how to take care of kits. She was quite young herself, and prey wasn't exactly easy to find and catch on your own. Eventually, when Sunshine and her siblings were about 4 months old she finally gave up. Fox gathered her kits and left them on the doorstep of a two-leg house, a day Sunshine would never forget. Fox could only hope the two-legs would be good to her kits. She said goodbye to the three kittens one last time and then left them there, ordering them to stay and giving them an empty promise that she would return. The two-legs must have heard the noise outside their den, as it wasn't long before two exhausted looking two-legs opened the door. The kittens didn't know what to do, they had never seen these strange creatures before and had no clue if they were harmless or not. However, none of them wanted to move as their mother had instructed them to stay. And besides, the hairless creatures didn't look dangerous. They weren't even attacking them, just seemingly arguing with each other. Sunshine and her siblings had begun to ignore them, when suddenly they leaned over and reached for them. Immediately, they all tried to scramble away, but the two-legs had caught them. Well, all of them except Lilac. Lilac managed to run away, and as soon as Sunshine and her brother were trapped inside the two-leg's big den, one ran outside to try and catch the young kit. When they returned though, there was no Lilac with it. The last time Sunshine saw her sister, she was running away, and all she could do was hope she'd be OK. The next two months were hard for Sunshine. They were well fed and taken care of, but the two-leg kits were absolutely horrible. Constantly Sunshine and Blaze were being harassed and it was just unbearable for them. Sunshine also could not stand being locked up inside for so long. She wanted to be able to run again, to play in the grass again, and practice her hunting moves too. But none of that was possible when she was locked up in a two-leg den. Blaze though, he began to grow found of the house. He even became friendly with the adult two-legs. While Blaze was beginning to settle down, Sunshine was getting more and more restless to leave. Finally, her window of opportunity came (quite literally) when one of the two legs left a window open. The two-legs were still in the same room, and she had no clue where Blaze was. She knew this could quite possibly be her only chance to escape for a long time, so without saying goodbye to Blaze she took it. Sunshine heard yelps of protests from the two-legs as soon as she leaped out the window, but it was too late for them to catch her now. It wasn't long before she had to slow down and walk, but that didn't matter since the two-legs were far behind her. And that was the beginning of a long, and painful walk. She was unable to hunt for food since she didn't really know how. Eventually after three days of wandering she found on StormClan territory, exhausted and starving. She was taken in by the clan, fed, and cleaned up. Once she told her story of what happened to her, she was allowed to stay until she was healthy enough to leave or she could live in StormClan and train as a warrior. Now, Amberpaw is an apprentice and has been living with the clan for a few moons now. She knows a few warriors don't like how she was once a loner and then a kittypet, but she's trying to be the best apprentice she can be now and is hoping to one day prove her worth to her clan.

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No pomegranates!!!! (#123201)

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Posted on
2019-11-03 16:57:18
Name: Splashkit (past), Splashpaw (past), Splashwing (current)

Age: 29 moons

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual (Mostly he likes females cats but there is an occasional male)

Clan: GaleClan

Rank: Warrior

Appearance (photo or description): Dapplewing is a thin, relatively short furred calico cat. He has a snow white underbelly with orange and black markings on his upper body. He has black furred tufts on his ears which are quite small. His paws are far more small than his pride would ever let him acknowledge, and his tail is thing a sleek. Scars from previous battles with StormClan are scattered across Dapplewing's body and face, one lying just above his pale green eyes.

Personality: Dapplewing is a very independent young tom. He prefers to do things his way and will usually try to do so. However, when someone challenges him on his ideas he will quite often back down and listen. He has seems like a chill cat who usually doesn't care what anyone else does as long as it doesn't affect him, but his has a sense of humor that can sometimes be offensive to some. He tries to be polite with others, but quite soon into conversations he'll start to make jokes. He doesn't really have much enthusiasm for things, and if you're just meeting him, Dapplewing might come off as boring and aloof. However, once you spend a little time with the tom, you might find him to be less boring and more of a disrespectful jokester. When a loved one has a problem in their life, he does try to help them out, but often he's not much help as he's not usually any good in serious situations.

Riversight (Mother/alive/adoptable) Oakfire (father/alive/adoptable) Fernstem (sister/alive/adoptable)


History: Dapplewing was born and raiesd in GaleClan.

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No pomegranates!!!! (#123201)

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Posted on
2019-11-03 16:59:28
"If you stay calm, you can do anything."

Name: Lionflight

Past names: Lionkit, Lionpaw

Current name: Lionflight

Future Names: Lionstar (if he lives long enough)

Gender: Male

Age: 39 moons

Rank: Deputy

Desired Rank: Content

Sexuality: Homosexual

Personality: Lionflight is a quiet and reserved cat around those who aren't close to him. He keeps his cool, and pride is something very important to him. He's serious, and he takes his position as deputy to heart. He would do anything for his clan, even at the cost of his life. He is loyal to his leader above all else, and even if he thought what the leader of DappleClan was doing was wrong, he would support them anyways. He doesn't let it show when he's mad, but if you have humored him you may see the tom smile. If you somehow manage to get close to this introverted ginger tom, you'll find a cat who loves to make jokes (cheesy as they might be) and loves cuddling. He's quite talkative to his friends and family, and very protective of them as well.

History (optional): Born and raised in DappleClan.

Kin: Father: Grasseyes (Alive/adoptable)

Mother: Littleleap (Alive/adoptable)

Sister: Violetsky (Alive/adoptable)

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No pomegranates!!!! (#123201)

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Posted on
2019-11-03 17:00:27
"If you don't love at all then you can't get hurt."

Name: Riverflash

Past names: Riverkit, Riverpaw

Current name: Riverflash

Future Name: None

Gender: Female

Age: 28 moons

Rank: Warrior

Desired Rank: Deputy or Leader

Sexuality: Pan (tends to like females more)

Personality: Riverflash is a very standoffish and easily p*ssed off she-cat. She used to be a kinder cat, but she's turned into a walking bomb waiting to explode. She often spends time alone, not really talking to anyone. It's hard to get to know the blue eyed cat as she'll insult you if you try to talk to her and do her best to get you away. she thinks everyone who talks to her just feels bad for her, or is trying to figure out a way to make fun of her behind her back. She's loyal to her clan as a whole, but not to any cat in particular. If somehow someone was to get close to her, they would find the cat she used to be, kind, awkward and supportive.

History (optional): Riverflash was born into a loving family who supported her no matter what. She became an apprentice and became best friends with a cat named Hazelpaw. The two eventually grew feelings for eachother and ended up becoming mates when they were warriors. When her parents had a second litter, Riverflash and Hazelmist helped to raise the kits, each happily spending time with them. Riverflash was probably one of the most happy and energetic cats in the clan when she had Hazelmist, but when Hazelmist and RiverFlash were taking a walk together in the forest one day, they were attacked by a fox. They managed to drive the fox off together, but Hazelmist was injured severely. Hazelmist lost her life that day, while Riverflash was left with scars all over her back. The worst scars though were not the ones on the outside, they were the ones on the inside. Riverflash quickly became short-tempered and angry at everyone, lost in a cloud of depression and grief. It's been 10 moons since her mate died, but Riverflash is still not herself.


Mother: Shiningpelt (alive/adoptable)

Father: Shellclaw (Alive/adoptable)

Sisters (1st litter): Meadowsong,(alive/adoptable) Birdflight(alive/adoptable)

Sisters (2nd litter): Featherpaw(alive/adoptable)

Brothers (2nd litter): Bonepaw(alive/adoptable)

Mate: Hazelmist (formerly/deceased)

Crush: Open

Kits: None

Other: If she ever has a crush on someone she'll probably be extra snappy one moment and the next all sweet lol.

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No pomegranates!!!! (#123201)

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Posted on
2019-11-03 17:01:17
"I'm here if you need me."

Name: Twistedpaw

Past names: Twistedkit

Current name: Twistedpaw

Future Name: Twistedfoot

Gender: Male

Age: 11 moons

Rank: Apprentice

Desired Rank: Warrior

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Twistedpaw is a very outgoing and seemingly happy cat. The young tom and his cheerful demeanor is fun to be around. He's always trying to talk to someone, and butting into conversations where he doesn't belong. Friendship is something he values very deeply, so he tries to make friends with most everyone but he has only a few friends he considers his close friends. He can be a flirt at times, though not often. He likes to make jokes about his twisted paw, and when he makes them he really is just joking around, but really he feels insecure about it. He comes off as a confident cat who doesn't care what others think, but he's really quite self-conscious. Sometimes he wishes he could tell someone about his insecurity, but he doesn't want others to think he's a whiny kitten.

History (optional): He was born into DappleClan with a twisted right paw, causing him to be slower than the average cat.


Mother: Allie (Alive/adoptable/former kittypet)

Father: Darkmuzzle (Alive/adoptable)

Mate: Open

Crush: Open

Kits: None

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No pomegranates!!!! (#123201)

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Posted on
2019-11-03 17:02:08
"They say that I am the sick boy, easy to say when you don't take the risk, boy."

Name: Breezepaw

Past names: Breezekit

Current name: Breezepaw

Future Name: Breezeflight

Gender: Male

Age: 10 moons

Rank: Apprentice

Desired Rank: Warrior

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Breezepaw loves to take risks and just break the rules. Rules in his mind are just in the way of fun. Everyone thought he'd grow out of his mischief as he got older, but that didn't happen. Although he is a bit politer as time passed by. He doesn't care about the consequences of his actions, because although he'll most likely be punished whatever he has done in his mind was worth it. Messing around and good-intentioned teasing is pretty much his thing. He makes friends easily and loves a good occasional flirt.

History (optional): Breezepaw was born and raised into DappleClan.


Mother: Brightwing (alive/adoptable)

Father: Blazeheart (alive/adoptable)

Sister: Palethorn (alive/adoptable)

Brother: Sandpaw (alive/adoptable)

Mate: Open

Crush: Open

Kits: None yet

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No pomegranates!!!! (#123201)

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Posted on
2019-11-03 17:08:28
"And they thought me broken that my tongue was coated lead. But I just couldn’t make my words make sense to them. If you only listen with your ears... I can’t get in."

Name: Hope

Gender: Female

Age: 9 moons

Rank: Knight apprentice

Sexuality: Pansexual

Gemstone and Cut: Topaz with emerald cut

Family: Mother: Fade (alive)

Father: Spike (deceased)

Brother: Cloud (alive/adoptable)

Mate: Open

Kits: None

Other Significant Relationships: None/Open

History:(At the very least 5-6 sentences) Hope was born into The kingdom to her mother, Fade. Fade and her mate loved each other and their daughter and son, and did their best to raise them. As a kit, Hope didn’t talk much. She was shy and reserved, and though she wanted more friends besides her brother, she didn’t have the courage to go and make them. Fade and Spike were disappointed at this, but not deeply so. The family was content and happy with their life, and it didn’t matter whether their daughter was quiet or not.

They were happy at least, until the day Spike died. It was a stormy day, and he probably shouldn’t have been hunting so close to the stream, but he had. He wanted to bring something fresh home for his kits, but he never returned. It is unsure how exactly he died, but it can be assumed that he slipped and fell into the stream, the water at the moment being to strong for him to escape, or hen having hit his head and fell in already dead. His body was washed away by the water and never found.

After this incident, Fade was heartbroken. She spent so many sleepless nights wondering where he was and if he could possibly still be alive. She missed him dearly, and the sadness tugging at her heart was to much for the young she-cat to bear. Fade ignored her kits from then on, and most everyone else in the kingdom as well. She figured that if she didn’t let herself love another cat she wouldn’t be hurt like that again. Her kits were deeply crushed by this, her daughter Hope especially. Hope became more quiet than ever, until she finally stopped talking all together. It’s a struggle now for most cats to understand her and what she wants to say, and now her brother is one of the few cats who is ever able to understand her.

Hope had always known in her heart that she wanted to be a Knight someday, despite her shyness and low self-esteem. And only a quarter moon after her father’s death she accomplished the dream of becoming a Knight apprentice, and every day since she hopes to impress her mother and prove herself to the clan.

Personality:(At the very least 5-6 sentences) Hope is a very shy she-cat who tends to keep more to herself. She is mute, but her thoughts are not quiet and she is always thinking about something. She is very anxious about most everything, but she tries her best despite her worries. She is eager to prove herself to everyone. Her trust is usually hard to earn under most circumstances, but once you do you have a friend for life. When Hope sees you as a friend, one may find a slightly more humorous cat who is more willing to goof around. She is also more happy and less shy when around her friends.

Strengths: stalking, tree climbing, running, anything involving agility, smart, cautious

Weaknesses: Skittish, hydrophobic, mute, over thinker, distrustful of others, clingy

Likes: Heights, nighttime, her clan, rabbits, hunting, training

Dislikes: Failure, rude cats, rejection, swimming, storms, the cold, fish

Appearance: Hope is a generally averaged sized She-cat whose fur is more on the fluffy side than the short side. She has pale green eyes that are slightly rounded. And a pink nose. Her ears are slightly pointed on the top of her round head. Her fur color is a mixture of white, ginger, brown, and black. She has a small black tail that lavks fluff unlike the rest of her.

Fur Color: Mainly White with patches of black, brown, and ginger.

Eye Color: Green

Other Features: None

Theme Song: The mute

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No pomegranates!!!! (#123201)

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Posted on
2019-11-10 09:37:52
"And they thought me broken that my tongue was coated lead. But I just couldn’t make my words make sense to them. If you only listen with your ears... I can’t get in."

Name: Quietpaw (formerly Dappledkit)

Gender: Female

Age: 9 moons

Clan: WindClan

Rank: Apprentice

Sexuality: Pansexual

Disabilities: (by choice) Mute

Element: Air

Unlocked Skills:
Gust, Windrunner

Mastery Skill:

Mother: Goldenflight (alive/adoptable)
Father: Spikefur (deceased)
Brother: Cloudpaw (alive/adoptable)

Crush: Open

Mate: Too young

Kits: None

Pre-rp Relationships:
Goldenflight - Her relationship with her mother has never been all that good, however she still hopes that one day Goldenflight will begin to love her and be proud of her.
Cloudpaw - She sees her brother as a friend although they are certainly not the closest pair.

History: Quietpaw was born to Goldenflight, a queen of WindClan who was once known for her compassion. Goldenflight and her mate loved each other, and they deeply cared for their daughter and son. Although, it had not been Goldenflight's idea to have kits but her mate's. She had been a little reluctant at first, but she decided eventually that if it would make Spikefur happy she would be happy too.
As a kit, Quietpaw didn’t talk much, nor did she interact much with others. She was shy and reserved, and though she wanted more friends besides her brother, she didn’t have the courage to go and make them. Instead of trying to talk with new cats Quietpaw would prefer to cuddle up next to her father and maybe have a little chat with him. Goldenflight and Spikefur were disappointed by this, but not terribly so. After all, Spikefur had been a quiet young tom himself. The family was content and happy with their life at that time, everything seemed to be working out smoothly for them.
They were happy at least, until the day Spikefur died. All he wanted to do was bring some fresh food home for his kits, something that he had hunted himself. But Spikefur never returned. A patrol found his body the next day, fox scent all over it. His family was informed, and the body of the once vibrant tom was buried under the cold dirt.
After this incident, Goldenflight was heartbroken. She missed him dearly, and the sadness tugging at her heart was too much for the young she-cat to bear. Goldenflight ignored her kits from then on, and most everyone else in the clan as well. She figured that if she didn’t let herself love another cat she wouldn’t be hurt like that again. Of course she had a right to be heartbroken, but most cats would move on eventually. Goldenflight however, stayed cold. Her kits were deeply crushed by this, her daughter Dappledkit especially. Dappledkit became more quiet than ever, until she finally stopped talking all together. It’s a struggle now for most cats to understand her and what she wants to say, and now her brother is one of the few cats who is ever able to guess what she's trying to communicate.
Dappledkit had always known in her heart that she wanted to be a warrior someday, despite her shyness and low self-esteem. And only a quarter moon after her father’s death she accomplished her dream of becoming a warrior apprentice. She was renamed Quietpaw on the day of her ceremony, but she didn't mind. She actually quite liked the name. Every day since she was apprenticed Quietpaw tries to impress her mother and prove herself to the clan.

Personality: Quietpaw is a very shy she-cat who tends to keep more to herself. She is mute, but her thoughts are not quiet and she is always thinking about something. Constantly the young calico contemplates many things having to do with politics between the clans, StarClan's abilities, but mostly what others think of her. If someone looks at her weirdly, she might begin to worry they hate her. Or if she thinks she hears her name in conversation, even without hearing the full conversation, she'll assume that she's being spoken badly of. Quietpaw is very anxious about pretty much everything, but she tries her best despite her worries. She is eager to prove herself to everyone, but especially her mother. She has a hard time trusting others, and typically when cats will try to talk to her she'll just assume they're pitying her. However, if you manage to befriend the young apprentice, she'll cling to you and never let go. When Quietpaw sees you as a friend, one may find a slightly more humorous cat who is more willing to goof around. Although she doesn't express her humor through jokes since she's a mute, most cats are usually able to catch on when she's silently teasing them.

Appearance: Quietpaw is a soft-furred cat with an average sized body and and a slim build. Her calico fur is mainly light with gentle cream and grey splotches marking her pelt. Upon her fluffy face rest her nose which is a delicate pink. She has calm, pale green eyes that gleam with inquisition. Her ears, one cream and one grey, are quite thin and slightly pointed. Her tail is fluffy and lacks any white except for at the very tip.
Reference photo: Hitchcock, Kristen. “Dilute Calico – A Truly Ethereal Cat Coloring.” Thehappycatsite,

Citation: Hitchcock, Kristen. “Dilute Calico – A Truly Ethereal Cat Coloring.” Thehappycatsite,

Fur Color: Mainly White with patches of grey, brown, and cream.

Eye Color: Green

Other Features: None

Theme Song: The mute

Other: Originally made her when sometime between the ages of 12-14 (the prime of my edginess) so excuse any extreme eDgE. I have kind of made her a lil less edgy (originally her mom killed the dad and cloudpaw for some reason o.o?) so 'tis a bit better now. Also, if someone wants to adopt the mom, I feel like patching up their relationship would be good for Quietpaw, and if someone wants to adopt Cloudpaw I think it'd be cool for them to get a lil closer. Also, I believe a crush/another good friend would be great for my lil chil.
Lemme know if you see any grammar/spelling mistakes in here so I can fix 'em. I don't usually reread applications lol.

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Edited on 10/11/19 @ 13:59:53 by No pomegranates!!!! (#123201)

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