Posted by | Azure Dragon Stables | Dragon&Human RP |

(95/3600 SB) (#119398)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-03-30 10:16:40
Humans have discovered dragons. As humans found more and more use for dragons and their magic, speed, flight, strength, and other important uses, it became imperative to train them. The governments have been secretly building a dragon riding school. The most promising youth, the strongest, the smartest, the magical, all have been taken to the School. The stables and caves are off limits to unbonded humans, but once bonded, the students will receive a special key to enter their unique dragon's lair.

The school will assign the dragons and roommates, but the students will learn to ride dragons and train them- but survival is in the process, without being scorched, eaten, or failed out of classes. Can the humans prove they are worthy of riding these dangerous, majestic dragons? Or will they be wiped out, just like the others? (As a sidenote, no random killings, please ask the person in private and send me a PM for permission.)

The grim headmistress opens the gilded oak doors, creaking with age, gesturing into the academy. The hall is grand and regal, impossibly large, built to hold behemoths, making you feel small and insignificant. The headmistress hands you a key, and points to your room. In a serious tone, the tells you your room number and floor. As soon as you step inside, the door shuts with a low boom, muffled by the thick carpet.
(If you are a dragon, this takes place outside, and she walks with you to your cave.)

Regular RP and chat rules.
Up to three characters, unless given explicit permission by the floofster.

No religious posts, unless it ties into a draconic religion (Think D&D, Bahamut for example.)

No name calling.

Be nice.

You may fight, but give people a chance to fight back.

Say 'Emerald' to prove you read the rules.

Only I can accept or deny your Characters, please send me a PM with your application.

You may request a dragon tribe from a fandom, but please try to keep it within the general parameters of elements, forces of nature, or from different cultures.

You don't have to use the assigned OC form.








Aegis (Air Elemental)

Dunecutter (Rattlesnake; ie. venom)

Morke (Shadow)

Thunder( Storm)

Fang (Hypnosis)



History teacher:

Science teacher:

Dragoncare teacher:

Math teacher:

Dragonriding teacher:

Art's 'N Crafts Teacher:

Forgery advisor:

Battle training:
The Dorms- Students will be separated into five different dorms, and that will be where they sleep, study, read, write, and sometimes eat. The Caves/Stables- This is where the dragons will be kept, fed, given water, and sleep. Each dragon gets to choose a cave or stable best suited for their needs. For example, an aquatic dragon would get to pick from underwater grottoes, submerged caves, or even a lake, as size permits. They will be kept in separated areas, just in case of draconic tempers, and in the back of the caves, there is a path that leads to an open meadow for hunting or flying. The areas are protected by an invulnerable magic shield, so no escaping please.

The Dining Room- This is where the students will have breakfast, lunch, and dinner- and also midday snacks. This room is always open for use.

The Library- Where students can find books and scrolls, or blank scrolls and pens, pencils, and ink and quills. Writing and reading room otherwise.

Classrooms- Where math, history, science, and dragon care lessons can be taken. Lectures will also be given here, and detention also.

Main Hall- Where large assemblies can be kept, it is also where you first walk in when you come through the front doors of the school.


Click the FORMS for the OOC chat



Age: (please think in terms of veeery long life. for example. anything below a hundred is juvenile, and size increases with age.)


Power Description. (Optional to tie into the physical description or aura.) :


Aura: Your presence, the hue of aura surrounding yourself that hints or outright informs others of magical presence.

Physical Description: Think colors, size, horn shape, wing variety, etc.

Special Description: Anything that is extra, like having more than four legs, or more than two wings (or an absence of wings), any special accessories, etc.







Weapon of choice:

Dragon preference (optional):

Magic Powers or Enhanced Features:


Character Sheets

View and Post Character Sheets

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Edited on 13/04/20 @ 07:34:57 by Lavendar/Lavvie (Dragon Girl) (#119398)

(95/3600 SB) (#119398)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-03-30 10:23:26
Aegis-1600 yrs old- Female- Air Elemental

Aegis shook herself, spreading her wings, the feathers ruffled. Sitting down, smoothing her opalescent feathers, following the light blue swirls across her body with her eyes, distracted. She blinked, batting her four blue eyes sleepily. She was waiting for her new playmates, but they were taking too long! Circling in her cave, she looked up at the crystals and pretty stones hanging from the cavern's top. Sighing happily, she circled, sinking into her feather-lined nest, plush with hides and feathers drawn from her pelt. She would sleep until another came, and then she would pounce on them! She chuckled, kneading her nest with velvety paws, drifting off to dreams of pouncing and flight, a smile across her muzzle.

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Edited on 30/03/20 @ 10:23:48 by Dragon Girl (#119398)

(95/3600 SB) (#119398)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-03-31 14:44:21
maan, this thing is dead
edit: Maybe not

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Edited on 07/04/20 @ 12:14:22 by Lavendar/Lavvie (Dragon Girl) (#119398)

LuisaClaire (#198303)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-04-07 13:11:34
Ravyn-16 yrs old-Female
Ravyn looks around the grand room the Headmistress put her in. She looks down at the small gold key in her hand, there is lettering engraved into it. The lettering is tiny and impossible to read. Ravyn shrugs it off and walks over to her room. After she unlocks the room she steps inside. The tall walls covered in drapes make her feel small. Her bags have already been delivered so she just has to unpack. She starts with her biggest case which includes all of her clothes. Then her her toothbrush and hairbrush. After Ravyn finishes unpacking she lays down on the floor and stares off into space. She drifts off into a fitful sleep, dreaming about what was to come.

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(95/3600 SB) (#119398)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-04-07 13:14:50
Aegis-1600 yrs old- Female- Air Elemental

Perking her fluffy ears, Aegis woke with a start. There was someone here! Bounding out of her den joyfully, she giggled. Time for fun! Snapping out her feathery wings, tensing her haunches with a little wiggle, she leaped up into the air, flapping both pairs of wings as fast as she could, propelling herself to the new human's room. Suddenly, a big ole head pops up behind the window. "Hrooo!" Eyes gleaming, Aegis was reaaaally excited. It was a new person! Looking inside, she saw that the human was asleep. No time for sleep, time for gaaames! Pawing at the window, Aegis tilted her head curiously.

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Edited on 07/04/20 @ 13:15:44 by Lavendar/Lavvie (Dragon Girl) (#119398)

LuisaClaire (#198303)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-04-07 14:15:11
Ravyn-16 yrs old-Female

Ravyn is woken up by a tapping at the window. She groggily opens her eyes and realizes that she slept on the floor the whole night "Oh no...." She sits up and walks over to the window. She finds herself looking into four blue eyes. That woke her up. She opens the window slowly and scratches at the dragons soft ears "Hiii, what's your name sweetie?" She is startled to hear a knock at the door. "Give me five minutes." She yells back irritated "Goodness. Don't they give you any time around here?" She says to no one. She looks back at the window and sees that the dragon is still there. "You gotta go for a little bit, ok? I have to go talk to the lady that runs this place." She shoos the dragon away "Come back later though! I heard it can get lonely here."

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(95/3600 SB) (#119398)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-04-07 14:20:49
Aegis-1600 yrs old-Female- Air Elemental
Gurgling with happiness from scratches, the dragon sighs. "Aeeeeeegyus!" Crooning her name, excited as can be, the dragon squirms slightly, still flapping her wings. Hearing the knock at the door and seeing the girls expression, Aegis reluctantly flies away towards her cave, leaving a single, soft, opalescent feather.

Headmistress Delgada -N/A-Female
Knocking at the door raptly, the headmistress stood at the door, back as straight as a pin, a glaring expression permanently on her stern face, lined with the years. A tight bun at the back of her head, a string of pearls around her neck, and a respectable, crisp a-line skirt, black heels, grey blouse, and blazer giving her the air of a woman in charge. "Ravyn."

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LuisaClaire (#198303)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-04-07 14:29:50

Ravyn grabs the feather and sets it on her dresser. She rushes over to the door and opens it, forcing a smile. "Hello Headmistress. I apologize for keeping you waiting." Ravyns hair is sloppily pulled up into a ponytail and she is wearing a baggy sweatshirt, covering her broad shoulders. She can feel the Headmistresses harsh glare looking her up and down. Ravyn shrugs it off. It reminded her of how her mom and dad used to look at her. She follows the Headmistress down a long hallway with tall walls and paintings of past Headmasters and the occasional Headmistress. She lets out a soft laugh when she saw Headmistress Delgadas portrait. That earned her yet another brutal glare.

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(95/3600 SB) (#119398)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-04-08 04:50:23
Headmistress Delgada-N/A- Female

Opening the heavy oak door to her office, revealing a crackling fire and a small golden dragon nestled within. The decor was minimal, all of it matching Delgada's personality, useful and neat, to the point of intimidation. Sweeping an arm gracefully, the headmistress pointed to a chair, a hard, wooden thing. "Sit." Walking behind her black desk, a slim silver laptop perched on top, she sat in a very similar chair. "Welcome, Ravyn. As you are well aware by your visitor this morning, this is a school for dragons, as well as humans. Be courteous, be respectful, and above all, don't be annoying to either humans or dragons. It's not a good thing to be on the bad side of a dragon unbonded. They are still very wild. Clicking her fingers, the small golden dragon uncoiled from the fire reluctantly, padding up to the headmistress. Turning it's small, molten head, the dragon looked up with dark red eyes, opening it's small maw. "Welcome. I am Galadrial, heart-fires with the Delgada." Nodding, the dragon flew up to the headmistress's shoulder, perching regally. The headmistress nodded, and the door swung open. "That is all."

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2020-04-08 08:18:26
Nightshade-1000 years old- female- Storm

The dark blue dragon soared over the clouds, her two sets of wings dipping in and out of the fluffy white cloud. Letting out a purr she turned her head to the sided and looked at the blinding sun, growling she let her powers take over her body. The bright lightning swarmed around her body, diving down to the ground in stables, spread all four of her wings she watched the light fade from her body. tucking her wings she looked around and let out a clicking sound

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LuisaClaire (#198303)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-04-08 08:28:08
Ravyn gives Headmistress Delgada a small smile before hurrying back to her dorm room. Once Ravyn arrives she looks around her room. She was much too tired to look around much last night and now it seemed much bigger. To her right there was the large walk-in closet that she had stuffed her clothes in last night. "I probably need to take care of that." Ravyn said to herself after looking at the mess inside. Beside the closet, there was a big comfy looking bed. It had lots of fancy looking pillows. In fact... the whole room looked fancy. There was a large desk with a laptop that Ravyn had brought with her on it. Then there was the stack of pictures Ravyn had brought from her house. They mostly just consisted of her two cats and dog that she had to leave at home. She missed them greatly but the rules prohibited any animals other than the mystical creatures that were on campus. She started thinking about the rather small, gold dragon that had almost copied the Headmistresses every move. What was its name again? Oh yes, Galadrial. That would've been a cool picture to take. Ravyn sat in the middle of her giant bed and wondered when breakfast started. She was getting rather hungry.

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(95/3600 SB) (#119398)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-04-08 12:02:47
Aegis-1600-Female- Air Elemental
A snuffle at Ravyn's window, Aegis peeked her head up hopefully. She had been waiting on the ledge, and she just heard the door open again. Telepathically broadcasting, she announced her presence to Ravyn. "Fun times?????" Suddenly, her ears perked, shooting straight up. "Bye bye hooman!" Flinging herself off of the ledge, she flapped her wings with all of her might, bugling at the foreign presence in her territory. Hurtling across the sky, she spied a Storm dragon, lashing bolts across the sky. Trumpeting with glee, eyes sparkling, the dragoness introduced herself, a proud roar communicating all. "I am called AEGIS. My hearts cry to know who you are, foreign one. Who are you, and what demesne are you hailed from? This is my sky, as of now, yet you dart across? Are you perhaps here to soar with another, to form hearts-bond?" Chuffing, the opalescent, gleaming dragoness flew alongside the inky Storm dragoness, twirling around and cartwheeling across the sky, effortless as breathing. A powerful wind current swirled around her, boosting her speed, twisting clouds to shreds, making her feathers go every which way.

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Edited on 08/04/20 @ 12:15:30 by Lavendar/Lavvie (Dragon Girl) (#119398)

LuisaClaire (#198303)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-04-08 12:24:55
Turning around quickly Ravyn saw the familiar face of Aegis. "You're back! Hi pretty girl." Beyond Aegis' head she saw a bright flash that disappeared as soon as she saw it. "What was that?" She wondered outloud "Is that one of your friends?" Ravyn hurried over to her closet and slipped on her jacket. She gestured at Aegis to meet her at the stables. She wanted to meet the cause of the bright flash of light. She hurried down the steps, almost tripping. She pushed past the heavy doors and ran outside. The lush green grass tickled her bare feet "Oh boy. I forgot shoes." She looked up and saw Aegis. Ravyn hadn't realized how big she was before. She felt very small, even for her height. The stables weren't that far away so she could walk. She walked towards them with Aegis bounding along beside her, making Ravyn laugh. A clicking sound came from the stables, making Ravyn even more intrigued. The closer they got, the louder the clicking sounds became.

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(95/3600 SB) (#119398)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-04-08 12:32:28
Seeing the human, Aegis dove back down, arriving at Ravyn's side with a graceful step, light as a feather, even as large as she was. Crooning softly, the dragon rubbed her cheek against Ravyn, completely covering her in feathers. Seeing that the human's eyes were useless in the dark, she raised her wings, opening her muzzle, and produced a large cone of blue flames, lighting the morning. Sighing, Aegis saw that the human was trying to follow the Storm dragoness. A melodious voice, similar to the tinkling of bells sounded, deep within her. "Come. You see." Bobbing, the dragoness's mouth suddenly opened, very close to Ravyn. Before the human could even squeal, Aegis gently grabbed her by the shirt, leaped back into the sky, and dropped her, sending her plummeting down. Swooping down to catch her in velvety paws, she cushioned the air so the human wouldn't break its fragile bones. Grinning, displaying sharp, sabre-like teeth, Aegis flew high up, chasing the Storm dragoness as fast as she could, soon overtaking her.

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(95/3600 SB) (#119398)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-04-08 12:37:46
Sheltering the human in her paws, she felt an odd attachment to her. She was so little! Eventually, she stashed the human in her pouch. (Aegis has a marsupial -like pouch, as air elementals give birth to live young that cannot fly yet) There, now it'd be safe. Extending a tendril of thought to her, she gave a warm greeting.

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LuisaClaire (#198303)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-04-08 12:48:37
Ravyn felt a warmth throughout her body as Aegis greeted her. In her safe little space Ravyn felt attached to Aegis in a way she hadn't before. "Is this a bond?" She asked the dragon, Aegis purred and Ravyn had her answer. She saw a light on in the large academy and guessed that it was her room. As they flew along faster it seemed to get colder, light rain started to pour down and Ravyn snuggled deeper into the pouch. "Are we almost there?" She asked Aegis as they flew farther away from the academy.

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