Posted by Warrior cats: Clans Divided

Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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2020-04-09 16:00:17

Warrior cats: Clans Divided
Shadows of cats flashed in the moonlight, and just up ahead was a body of a cat on the border of Thunderclan and Windclan.

It's been three years since the battle with the dark forest. But a new darkness is lurking in the shadows and new rouge clan but they seem off as if the dark forest is inside them they are dividing up the clans making them act as though Tigerstar never died. One cat from each clan has a special power, and it is their job to try and change the fate for the clans.

*No canon characters
*be kind
* only warrior cat language
* Realistic fur and eye color
* Ask before being someone's mate
*Have fun

Medicine cat: Fallingleaf- A Black shecat with a small white patch on her chest with light hazel eyes
Warriors :

Wind Clan
Leader: Willowstar- A black and brown she cat with green eyes and a scar over her muzzle
Medicine cat:
Warriors :

River Clan
Medicine cat:
Warriors :

Medicine cat:
Warriors :
Shadowpaw- A creamy tom with a light black face and bright blue eyes

Medicine cat:
Warriors :

Warriors : Darkshadow- A black she-cat with blue and grey eyes

Patch- A Calico tom with bright blazing green eyes wearing a blue color
Sassy- A pure white molly pregnant kittypet with bright pink color with a silver bell
Will add more

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Edited on 09/04/20 @ 16:53:14 by Silly hyena ❤ (#128112)

Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2020-04-09 17:12:18

Who the clans areWind Clan- Wind Clan cats live on the open moor, they are very fast and hunt mainly rabbits and hares. They are small and wiry. Coats are usually grey or brown due to the fact they will use the tall grass as camo, they also don't sleep in dens. They are fiercely loyal and tough but they can also be nervous and quick to flee, due to lack of cover on the moor.

Shadowclan- Shadow clan cats live in the marshland and the pine forest. These cats are normally darker and they hunt more at night and use the shadows in battle. They hunt reptiles and rats food scares here. They are known to be proud, loyal, defensive, and slightly arrogant.

Thunderclan- Thunderclan cats live in the woods these cats eat mice, voles, and squirrels. They are a peaceful clan but looked down upon because they take in loners and kittypets but they are fierce and loyal in battle. The Clan's main prey are mice, voles, squirrels, and the occasional rabbit, as well as birds such as starlings, magpies, wood pigeons, blackbirds, and thrushes. They have excellent stalking techniques, creeping across the forest floor. They have the sense to keep upwind of their prey in the thick bushes.These cats are noted to be especially strong. They are the only Clan to bunch their hindquarters before leaping to catch their prey.

Riverclan- Riverclan cats love to swim, they eat mainly fish. Meaning that they also live near lakes or streams.RiverClan is a group of cats that live in a part of the forest that is primarily wetland, or shores of lakes, rivers, and streams.RiverClan cats are known for their amazing skill at fishing and love for the water. They also love beautiful things and are known to collect rocks, shells, and feathers to decorate their dens. They eat mainly fish, but they also eat water voles, shrews, and mice. They are contented, sleek, well-fed cats with well-groomed fur. They are known to be clever and graceful but are perceived outside their Clan as being stubborn and lazy. Their long fur and glossy coats are an asset while swimming. RiverClan cats dislike adding birds to their fresh-kill pile. Sometimes other Clan cats call them "fish-faces", or "fish-breath".They are quite strong swimmers and move through the water as if they are part of it. Their lightning reflexes help them scoop fish from the bank.

Skyclan-The modern SkyClan is a Clan of cats with strongly built hind legs which allow them to jump great heights or distances inherited from their ancestors, ancient SkyClan. They have rough, hard gray pads which help them to jump and walk long distances on hard, rough surfaces without breaking skin, which makes them infected.[11] This feature allows them to climb and hunt in the trees, hence the name SkyClan.These are very powerful cats, who are a bit like ThunderClan, eating mainly squirrels, mice, voles, and many kinds of birds.

Starclan- Where the good cats from all the clans go once they die, now not every believes in them but they are real.

Dark forest- The dark forset are for cats who kill others without reason. They are evil and hated by most.

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2020-04-09 17:15:18

Defintions Newleaf-spring
Greenleaf -summer
Leaf-fall - autumn or fall.
Leaf-bare - winter( tough on the clans)
Moon - The time between one full moon and the next, spanning about 29 days, or a month.
Moonhigh - about midnight.
Moonrise - The time when the moon rises.
Half-moon - About two weeks, half a month.
Quarter-moon - About a week.
Sunhigh - noon.
Sunrise - One day in cat time
Distances Fox-length -approximately a yard.
Kittenstep or kitstep - approximately an inch or a half inch.
Tail-length - approximately a foot.
Rabbit hop or rabbit length - About a foot and a half away.
Mouse-length - About two or three inches.
Pawstep - roughly six inches.
Tree-length - around 40 to 50 feet.
Bee-brain - A similar exclamation to "bees in your brain".
Crowfood - A (harsh) insult comparing the recipient to rotting prey animals (as in I'll turn you into
Drypaw - A cat that dislikes getting wet, usually used in RiverClan.
Featherbrain - A term used by WindClan cats, equivalent to mouse-brain
Fishface, fishfur or fish-breath - An insult used against RiverClan warriors,
Flea-brain - A (friendly, yet harsh) insult. Severity of the insult is almost always decided by tone.
Fox-dung - A (harsh) insult comparing the recipient to fox feces. Also used as an exclamation.
Fox-hearted - An insult meaning cruel, cold-hearted, or evil
Frog-dung - Same as fox-dung, except it's often used in RiverClan.
Furball - A (friendly, yet harsh) insult. Severity of the insult is almost always decided by tone.
Fuzz-brain - A (friendly, but harsh) insult. Severity of the insult is almost always decided by tone. Used in The Sun Trail by Gray Wing when Jagged Peak leaves the mountain cave.
Great StarClan! - An exclamation used to signify extreme surprise or anger. Similar to Oh my god! in usage and to the fact that they both have mention of a higher force.
Hare-brain - Similar to mouse-brain.
Hare-dung - Used as an exclamation, similar to "mouse-dung". Somewhat like "Darn it!"
When hedgehogs will fly - An exclamation style statement that shows disbelief that a certain event will likely occur (as in That will happen when hedgehogs fly), used in many variations.
How in Silverpelt? - An exclamation used meaning "How in the world?" Used in The Sight.[90]
I don't give a mousetail/They wouldn't give a mousetail - An exclamation meaning that the cat does not care. Another variation is I would ____ for a couple of mousetails meaning that they are willing to do the inserted action for no real reward. Can also mean that a cat would be stingy enough not to share a mousetail.[91]
Make dirt - to use the bathroom, or the dirtplace in warrior terms.
May StarClan light your path friendly term used to tell others they wish them well.
May the Sun warm your back and the fish leap into your paws- A blessing used in RiverClan used to wish good dreams or, in some instances, to say farewell to a dead cat.
May you find good hunting, swift running, and shelter when you sleep- An ancient farewell used by all the Clans, to say goodbye to loved ones on their way to StarClan
Minnow-brain - An insult that is friendly but harsh. A RiverClan version of mouse-brain. ouse-brain - A (friendly yet harsh) insult. Severity of the insult is almost always decided by tone.[99]
Mouse-dung - A (somewhat harsh) insult comparing the recipient to mouse feces. Also used as an exclamation (as in Mouse-dung! That can't be right!)
Mouse-hearted - An insult that describes one who is cowardly
Mousefodder - An insult describing that the cat is worthless or a kittypet.
(Only) StarClan knows (what) - Sometimes used to answer a question that is impossible to answer.
caredy-mouse! - A similar expression to scaredy-cat, referring to a cat easily frightened.
Smart-ears - a friendly insult.
Snake-tongue - An insult meaning cold or unfair; similar to "fox-hearted" or "snake-hearted" Used by Shadowclan
Toad-brain - similar to mouse-brainhat in StarClan's name?- A exclamation similar to "What on earth?" or "What in the world?
That's a load of badger droppings - A harsh exclamation saying that something is nonsense
Thistles and thorns - Used to describe bad luck (as in: Thistles and thorns! I blew it!)
Thundercat - Used by ShadowClan to describe a ThunderClan cat.
You fight/hunt like a kittypet! - An expression used to insult or tease a cat who fights/hunts poorly.
Who made dirt in his/her fresh kill/nest?- A phrase to describe a cranky or suddenly moody cat,
Would've made mousemeat out of you! - To badly injure, rip to shreds. Similar to mousedust.
Frog-dirt and Fish-guts - Used in RiverClan, has the same meaning as thistles and thorns,
Rabbit-chasers - A less harsh insult used in ShadowClan to describe WindClan.
Who ruffled their fur?- A similar way of saying "who got under their skin?"
Rabbit-brain- An insult that is friendly but harsh. used from wind clan
Bat-blind- an insult to a cat's eyesight, similar to the phrase "as blind as a bat". U

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Edited on 09/04/20 @ 17:28:40 by Silly hyena ❤ (#128112)

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