Posted by A Dragon Rebellion RP

LuisaClaire (#198303)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-04-13 08:46:45
Within a city that runs on dragon, there is a stirring in the youth. They call themselves the Dragon Rebellion. While their parents are busy harvesting the dragons, the Rebellion in busy building a hidden, safe city for themselves and their dragons. Siblings eventually turn against siblings and children against their parents. The rebels are in danger by their own families, and their families in danger of them and their powerful dragons. The rebels have the responsibility of taking care of up to four dragons, these dragons and their riders will eventually bond. While the dragons are disappearing, the parents are beginning to notice their kids acting differently. Some children have disappeared entirely, only leaving behind a hastily scrawled note, or maybe nothing at all. Will the rebellion succeed in saving the dragons and rising up against their own families? Or will their city come crashing down around them?
- Normal RP rules
-You can have up to two characters (unless explicitly told otherwise by me)
-No rude name calling/fighting
-There can be fighting between kids in the rebellion and dragons, but keep it fair (there will obviously be fighting between families)
-Try to keep gorey stuff out or in very little detail
-Be nice please
-There CAN be romance between characters HOWEVER please keep explicit details to a minimum
-Have fun with it :)
-Only I can approve characters, please send me a message with your character sheet and then post it on the Character Sheets thread.
ROLES (There will be multiple of everything, you may request for roles when you message me)


Rebellions Kids:
-Hatchery Caretaker:

Dragon Harvester Family Members (Typically adults that harvest the dragons):
REBEL CITY - Currently a small area built into the mountains that has a dragon stable, fields (for vegetarian dragons), barns (for meat eating dragons), a smaller stable (for baby dragons), huts (for the rebels), and a giant cavern for the dragons to get saddled up in/fly around in, and a hospital style building for the injured dragons. The rebel city has very soft, lush green grass and is typically very warm, however there are cold pockets for the colder elemented dragons. The city is hidden in a large mountain overlooking the Harvester village, making raiding easier.

HARVESTER VILLAGE - The harvester village has a large dragon processing building, huts for the villagers, schools, fields for farming and a town square with shops. The village is rather dreary and very foggy. It is typically chilly and cloudy. It has a very boring aesthetic.




Side: (Rebel or Harvester)
Role: (Will be decided by me)
Backstory: (Try to make it as descriptive as you can)

Age: (Fully grown dragons are 1500+)
Power Description: (Elemental, venomous, no power, etc...)
Backstory: (Try to make it as descriptive as you can)

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Edited on 16/04/20 @ 09:02:11 by LuisaClaire (#198303)

OClean] (#196088)

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Posted on
2020-04-20 18:14:58
: he sat a little ways from the stream laying down in the grass, he seemed wary of the water:
* thank you......*

: after a few minutes of doing nothing:

* I really hope Faruq is okay.... last night was crazy...*

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Mira Mira (#183810)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-04-20 18:59:16
(Where should my thing start?)

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LuisaClaire (#198303)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-04-20 19:16:52
*you can start however, it would prolly be easiest if you were in the harvesters dragon keeping area lol*

Sparrow was napping, she was very tired from the day before.

Atlas woke up when she saw Faruq run out of the cave. She groaned as she got up. "Faruq what are you do- um... are you ok? I might have something." She said. Atlas didn't get very grossed out by stuff so it wasn't a huge deal to her. She held Faruqs short hair out of her face. "Better?" She asked gently.

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SkeletonArmies (#172031)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2020-04-20 19:29:08
Rage laid in a corner on his own, his wings spread at awkward angles. If one got close enough, they could hear him snoring quietly, a bubbling noise rolling from his belly and up his throat. Breighte was napping with Sparrow, purring quietly and glowing lightly in her sleep.

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OClean] (#196088)

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Posted on
2020-04-21 04:15:19
: Faruq put up a shaky thumbs up before hurling the rest of the contents of her stomach:

: Berhane refuses to get up, it hurt too much:

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OClean] (#196088)

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Posted on
2020-04-21 06:08:31
: After faruq was done emptying her guts she wiped her mouth with the back of her jacket sleeve, :
“Ew.... I smell like death.”

: she thought for a moment before smiling:

“Let’s wake everyone up, it’s bath time and I know the perfect spot.”

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LuisaClaire (#198303)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-04-21 07:52:20
Sparrow slipped out of the cave, only to get surprised by Atlas and Faruq. "Ooh um. You ok Faruq?" She asked, trying not to vomit herself.

Atlas smiled at Sparrow "She's a queasy one." She thought to herself. "Here, you sit there Faruq, I'll go get the others and you can lead us to the spot." She said to Faruq, gently pushing her towards a large rock.

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OClean] (#196088)

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Posted on
2020-04-21 07:56:38
: Faruq grudgingly sat down on the ground, and pointed to where she threw up with a sour expression:
“Apparently I bit someone’s finger off..... ugh I probably shouldn’t think about it”
: she said putting her head on her knees:

: Berhane sat up with a groan wincing as her stump throbbed with pain:

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LuisaClaire (#198303)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-04-21 08:05:37
Atlas walked into the cave, she noticed Berhane wasn't looking too good. "Hey Berhane? You want something for that?" She asked her gently, pulling out the same, nasty smelling and tasting herb she gave Nightshade. She rolled it in her hands, she was a bit more used to the smell so she wasn't surprised when the pungent smell hit her nose. She held it out to Berhane "There you go." She said.

Sparrows stomach turned, "Oh uh. Sorry about that." She said, trying not to gag when Faruq threw up again. "Doesn't Atlas have stuff for stomach issues or whatever?" She asked Faruq.

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OClean] (#196088)

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Posted on
2020-04-21 08:08:14
: she shrugged and flopped over on her side, her jacket was filthy is had blood dirt and leaves on it but it seemed that she refused to take it off and had it zipped all the way up:

: Berhane took the nasty herb and tried not to make a face when she ate it:

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LuisaClaire (#198303)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-04-21 08:13:05
Atlas walked back outside "Faruq, I think you should take off your jacket. I don't want you to get too hot. In case you get a fever." She instructed, "Besides we probably need to wash it anyways." She turned into what her mother had wanted her to be, a doctor. Atlas looked at Sparrow, "I need you to watch Berhane, I'm afraid that if she gets an infection she'll get a fever. And when dragons get fevers they tend to get a little off in the head." She told her. She turned her attention back to Faruq "We should get you washed off." She said.

Sparrow gladly hurried into the cave. She knelt down by Berhane, checking her temperature every now and then.

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OClean] (#196088)

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Posted on
2020-04-21 08:19:40
: Faruq stood up and put her fingers to her lips letting out a sharp whistle, a minute later Amir landed infront the cave. Faruq patted his muzzle:
“Let’s show them the Oasis. Think you can fly us there”

: Amir nodded and crouched for them to get on Faruq helping Atlas climb onto his back before getting on herself:

: Berhane had laid back down feeling much better, no fever thankfully:

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LuisaClaire (#198303)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-04-21 08:24:51
Atlas turned around to face Faruq on the dragon. "You didn't take your jacket off." She said, raising one eyebrow. She looked down and waved goodbye to Sparrow. "We'll be back soon!" She called.

Sparrow nodded and headed back inside the cave, she was watching over Breighte and Berhane. She would occasionally look over at Jasper and Spirit, checking on them. It was very quiet in the cave except for the soft breathing of everyone inside. Sparrow wasn't sure if she liked it.

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OClean] (#196088)

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Posted on
2020-04-21 08:30:27
: Berhane lifted and rested her head on Sparrows lap letting out a small chirp:

: Amir flew up and landed on a flat part of the mountain, it was a hot spring with a waterfall. He let them off before going and sitting in the warm water:

: Faruq smiled and unzipped her jacket, throwing it onto a rocky overhand right under the water fall, a natural clothes washer, she wore a white tank top that seemed just a tad too big for her so one strap fell off her shoulder. Her arm muscles were pronounced and toned her skin was an olive color she even had a tattoo on her left shoulder of a dragon head. she looked down at her muddy cargo pants and shrugged. The water in the spring was cloudy with minerals, if someone skinny dipped you wouldn’t see anything anyway:

“Here we are”

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Edited on 21/04/20 @ 08:38:39 by Tuki-SkullZ (#196088)

SkeletonArmies (#172031)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2020-04-21 08:47:58
Rage lifted his head and let out a big yawn. His thick tail slithered along the ground as he stood up and looked around. He growled as he went and approached Berhane and Sparrow, his sets of eyes now a lot more dull than they had been before when he was fighting. He stared down the human and silently snarled something. Of course, he didn't expect her to understand him. After all, he was a dragon and she was a human, but still he didn't quite understand why she was being so friendly to the dragons. Breighte moved over to Sparrow and curled up with a big ol yawn before falling asleep.

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