Posted by [Jun] storyline: The ability to choose app reward

Red 🍁[FROZEN] (#116241)

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Posted on
2020-06-20 04:12:58

Upon completing the storyline, have the ablity to receive one of the following applicators of your choice, depending on who you side with during Chapter 3, regardless of what year of release they are:




For example:

Siding with the deity Bast will let you pick upon finishing the storyline a Bast related applicator:


Arguments in favour:

•Due to the fact that each year's apps are related to one combo base, it's reasonable that some may want to focus on a specific combo (Sphinx, Rose Gold, Gilded), especially if it's hard to breed and the apps themselves aren't cheap.
•The ability to choose an app means that the current year's new base apps will be rare therefore more expensive.
•Because some people breed-specific colour group, shade and gradients they may want an app that satisfies those criteria (e.i, breeding project)

This suggestion has 84 supports and 5 NO supports.

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Edited on 07/08/20 @ 16:13:48 by a Moderator

la leyenda (#226412)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2021-01-19 07:25:37
y e s. please. I absolutely support. As a new player, it'd be great to get some of the old rewards too.

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