Posted by The Creatures of Cambridge City II Roleplay II OPE

✧Kassi✧ G2 Penta
Dawn Daedal (#187224)

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Posted on
2020-07-16 21:54:50
"Warning: Any relatives, friends or even people you see in the street- if you notice any animal-like behavior, report them to the COCHFI immediately."

This message replayed over and over in Iva's mind. It was all she could think of. Warning, warning. They were warning the people of Cambridge City about her- about all the other residents of the COCHFI, the 'Creatures of Cambridge Holding Facility and Institute'.

Iva clutched her feet, rocking back and forth as flashes from the screen before her blinded her and clouded her mind. No! Iva shook her head, covering her ears with her bleeding hands. She wouldn't give up. She wouldn't give in. For Livvy, for Alec. For all those who were also going through this torture, this HELL.

"Patient 402 is not responding well to the brain training." A woman in a long white coat spoke in a chilling voice. "Turn up the volume."

"Doctor, are you sure? Any louder and it might kill her- her brain could implode, which would cause major damage and a very high chance of death--"

"Do. It." The woman sneered, her eyes narrowing under her shaded glasses. "This is an order, trainee."

The trainee gulped but nodded, her hand hovering over the switch to turn the volume up as she watch Iva from the security camera. She cranked the switch to maximum.

Iva screamed, her mouth opening wide as gigantic fangs grew from her teeth, pushing out her old ones. She seemed to double in size, her clothes ripping and tearing as fur grew over her body, a long, winding tail emerging from her just as two furry ears spring from her head.

"What?! No! This shouldn't be happening--" The women's eyes widened in fear as the monster stalked over and stared right into the security camera.

Iva was no longer herself. She had given into the beast. She had fully accepted and become....

A Creature of Cambridge City.



1. No killing other people's characters without consent.
2. Do not be rude to one another. Hate the character, not the player.
3. Follow the rules of Lioden and be respectful.
4. No swearing out of character. Swearing in-character is okay if it fits the setting and/or the character's personality.
5. Follow all these rules (obviously, lol)
6. Have fun!




1. Cat creature
2. Wolf creature
3. Lion creature
4. Bird creature
5. Dog creature (smaller than wolves but can be just as powerful)
6. Rat creature
7. Snake creature
8. Tiger creature

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Edited on 16/07/20 @ 21:55:58 by xXKestrelflightXx (#187224)

✧Kassi✧ G2 Penta
Dawn Daedal (#187224)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2020-07-16 21:54:57
Description of Creatures:

There are four levels to fully giving into a creature, something every infected person does eventually.

The first step is you may feel very itchy everywhere. Extreme cases may include lots of fur or feather-like hair growing on your arms, legs and back.

The second step is the infected will begin to grow a distaste for human food. They may also want for raw meat of begin killing smaller animals at random.

The third step is that at night, as long as moonlight reaches their skin, they will transform into a half human half creature. (Imagine werewolves)

The fourth and final step will be that the person fully gives into the creature inside them, becoming a creature full-time. They may lose their memories and become dark and cruel, having an overpowering bloodlust.

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Edited on 16/07/20 @ 22:00:47 by xXKestrelflightXx (#187224)

✧Kassi✧ G2 Penta
Dawn Daedal (#187224)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2020-07-16 21:55:03



- 0/3


- 0/5

Regular humans (may be related to or friends of creature characters):

-0/ Unlimited

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Edited on 16/07/20 @ 22:02:23 by xXKestrelflightXx (#187224)

✧Kassi✧ G2 Penta
Dawn Daedal (#187224)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2020-07-16 21:55:18


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