Posted by Advice for someone who’s impatient

Grace (#139692)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2021-09-15 14:59:38
So I’ve been playing Lioden on and off for quite some time now yet I feel like I’ve accomplished nothing on here because I’m so impatient when it comes to saving stuff and not just outright breeding with the little items I have.

I love this game, I’m addicted to it and the breeding system and thus I immediately spend breeding items/gbs on breeding the moment I get them instead of saving and possibly putting them to better use in the future for projects or something.

It would be amazing to get a leopon or somethin’, but I’m so impatient with saving stuff I can’t get nowhere near getting that. I see so many people on here who have projects going, many high statted or amazing muts that have no problem saving stuff to continue their projects. For me though? Nah.

Muts I obsess over breeding are dwarves and pies, but again, like I said above, would love to some day get a leopon or heck, maybe even a tigon or lethal. I just can’t save enough stuff to even continue my goal with breeding as many dwarves as possible cus I’m obsessed with those little beans.

I’ve seem lions with high stats go for insane amounts of gb so I thought perhaps that would be one way I could climb up the ladder to containing a decent profit better to maybe someday continue a goal/project. So, I guess what I’m asking is—how do I not spend everything at once and what’s the best ways to earn gb and even sb?

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Reset (#67889)

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Posted on
2021-09-15 16:03:28

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Edited on 16/09/21 @ 04:38:35 by Charles Xavier ⨂ (#67889)

Myriad (#76)

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Posted on
2021-09-15 15:30:43
I don't think there's a magic answer unfortunately, it's mostly just down to being strict with yourself about saving what you intend to save, rather than spending, same as irl. I bury things and generally once buried I simply won't unbury them until I get to the point in the project or whatever that I needed them for. Personally I'm kind of overly neat/organised about things, so with currency I find it can help to bury in neat round numbers and then gradually increase as you go. So maybe you only have 5GB to bury at first, but then later you might be able to round that up to 10, and before you know it you've got bundles of 10, then 20, then 50, 100, 1000, the sky's the limit!

That said, a lot of the enjoyment of the game for most of us is mainly in getting on and playing it; there's no sense in saving up tons of stuff if you're never actually using it to play the game and have fun. If you're more of a spender than a saver in your playstyle for LD that doesn't matter the way I see it, as long as you're enjoying the game. There's no wrong way to play :)

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Grace (#139692)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2021-09-15 15:57:32
I have done bundles before with every ten gbs I got, I’ll try that again when I get ten gbs again xD
I do enjoy it, my problem just is I spend it all so my enjoyment only lasts for a bit. I have problems xD

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Mad Hyena (#29080)

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Posted on
2021-09-16 04:30:53
From my personal experience, taking on a challange really helps limit impulse spending!

I chose Hard Mode and it limits the lions I can buy/stud to greatly, thus, lowering the chance of momentarily temptation - cant buy a pretty lion because it has heritage, cant stud to a stud because it has heritage, etc. This way, I have managed to get out of just hoarding anything pretty I liked, and focus properly on projects I want most!

Good thing about challanges is that you can make up your very own challange, if none already present suit your fancy! Put down a list of challange rules for yourself, and follow them - getting a lion "fit" to the challange rules gives much more feeling of accomplishment!

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Reset (#67889)

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Posted on
2021-09-16 05:45:10

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Edited on 16/09/21 @ 05:45:32 by Charles Xavier ⨂ (#67889)

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