Posted by Memento Mori: An Upcoming Hardmode Liolocke Old

Burned_Corpse (#240475)

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Posted on
2022-02-01 12:52:42

Burned's #Liolocke2022 Progress

Liolocke Discussion | > |
Please note that this is not a discussion thread, and is meant only as a place for me to track my progress. Please do not post here. There is a thread for Liolocke discussion located here. All credit for the LD version of this challenge goes to Lynx, though I've put my own spin on the rules.

TW: This Liolocke is themed on illness! As such, descriptions of illness, pain, and death will be used in order to describe my lions' agony, ESPECIALLY in my younger lions. If you are uncomfortable with these subjects, I suggest you do not proceed any further. The diseases used in this Liolocke are a work of fiction.

Please, do not message on this thread though you are free to dm me about liolocke it would be nice to have a few others to talk to about it! This thread exists so I can track my own progress in this Liolocke. Feel free to participate if you please, and I would love to see your progress too! Please excuse my bad spelling and gramma.

Welcome to Memento Mori (Meaning: Remember death/Remember you die) This challenge I am partaking on will last from 31st January 2022 3:15pm to 31st January 2023 3:15pm (Lioden Time, GMT would be 22:15) Once the Lioden clock strikes 3:15pm Lioden Time on 31st January 2023 my time with this challenge shall end. Within that time, I hope to have one of my kings on the Highest Statted Kings Leaderboard or at least one of my king's sons, Is this challenge possible in one year who knows.

The concept of Liolocke has intrigued me, and after taking a moment to think, I have decided to create one myself. Consider this Liolocke: Hard mode ;)

I have decided to create my liolocke based on
Viseria's Liolocke —
Kill or Be Killed —
Plagued With Fear —

The Lioden Nuzlocke, or Liolocke, is a Hard Mode game designed to make Lioden more challenging. The stakes are high, the rules are a little insane, and it's certainly a long-term challenge. The reward of achieving your goals, however, is more than worth the effort.

This post lists the rules of Liolocke, and the following posts in the thread will track my day-to-day progress through the challenge. I will try to be consistant and post everyday however their may be days with little to nothing needing to be posted though to make sure I complete the year I will post everyday so expect those days with little to nothing done to have a lot of lore instead.

The Normal goals are to Achieve worthwhile cubs that are direct descendants of my re-rolled king and NCLs. And Achieve consistent breeding that results in cubs with 300+ stats. Stat goal will increase with each new King.

For me my goal is other than to survive and thrive though I do want both of those things, is to get to my first king 1k stats, and with each king after him that goal will be upped, I hope to make it into the leaderboard with one of my kings if not then hopefully one of my king's children will, I want to show the world that even with little time you can get onto the most stat king's leaderboard and you don't need to breed with the most highest stat kings to do so.

the rules
Every challenge needs rules and so here are mine!
(Ones I made / tampered with myself will be marked with a ★!)

★ONE ⟶ I start the Liolocke with nothing. No currency, no items, no lions. However I did give my king an Primal MOD and an event scar, the scar is lore purposes only and I wanted to kick start this Liolocke with something.
● Any items not achieved from my own hard work from this challenge is and should stay burried.
● The Non-Liolocke lions which I will start the game with will be non-participatory in pride upkeep. They exist to be pretty. This won't be a problem for me as I kept none.
● The exception to the non-participation rule for the Non-Liolocke lions is that my lioness(es) will hunt to provide food for non-participators in the initial stages of the game, as there may not be enough Liolocke lions to sustain both themselves and the Non-Liolocke lions. Again won't be a problem for me as I have none pre liolocke lions.
● Any food gathered by Non-Liolocke lions in the initial stages of the game will be discarded once the Non-Liolocke lions have eaten. My king will not eat from it, nor will any Liolocke lions, nor will it be sold. Same as points above.
● Any event currency which I obtained in the past and rolls over into the Liolocke’s duration shall be treated as if it does not exist unless used to purchase an item for a Non-Liolocke lion. This account does not have any event currency on it as it is mostly already spent during the events though the small bit's that remain will be used to buy things during those months and then the items brought will be discarded into the tree where it belongs.

★TWO ⟶ I begin the Liolocke with 1 submale slots and a territory size of 3.
● Because this is not a new account and my territory has already been expanded, in order to ‘expand’ my territory I will have to battle a lion and win to gain territory this must be stated in my battle logs, If I lose a fight to a lion for territory I will lose 1 territory space and will not be allowed to fight for another territory slot till the next rollover.
● If I am lazy or really need to purchase a territory slot instantly I must deposit 250sb into the tree per slot I buy.
● Once I have ‘purchased’ or fought for territory up to my actual territory size, I will then proceed with expansions as per the usual game mechanics.
● Submale slots, frozen slots, and cave slots will be handled in the same fashion. Previously obtained slots will be ‘purchased’ by gifting the currency which will then enable me to use the slots. To purchase the remainding sub slot I have I must deposit 500sb into the tree to again access to it, after that all slots other than territory will work like usual game mechanics.
● Once I have ‘purchased’ slots up to my actual slot count, I will then proceed with expansions as per the usual game mechanics.
● Any territory, submale slots, frozen slots, or cave slots that are taken up by Non-Liolocke lions will be treated as if they do not exist.

★THREE ⟶ I do not purchase lions nor accept gifts from other players. I can accept gifts if it is from the monthly events. When it comes to Lions I may purchase NCLs and Chased NCLs and any herritageless lions from other players. I may only purchase any lions that do not fit into the catagory of Herritageless from other Liolocke Players however it must be stated in my daily logs as well as I must give lore to it otherwise I will be forced to kill them.
● All Liolocke lions will be claimed in Explore or bred. I may keep Non-Liolocke lions in a separate den. Don't have any non-liolocke lions. Other than what is mentioned above.
● I may purchase items from the monkey shop, but only if I am using currency I have earned during my Liolocke challenge.
● I will not transfer items, lions, or apps from my other account to this one. This includes currency.
● I may purchase applicators and decor from other players. All other items - food, toys, etc. - must be earned through Explore or purchased from the Monkey Shop.
● I will not accept gifts from other players, unless they are sent during the December event. If I am gifted, I will pay it forward to someone else unless it is herritageless lions.
● I may sell my own lions and cubs, but only "living" ones.
● I may sell my own items and food, but only if they were obtained during the Liolocke challenge.

★FOUR ⟶ All encounters in Explore will be handled realistically, and their results will be final.
● If my King is defeated in an Explore encounters 3 times, he will be injured and need to rest and will be forbidden from doing any tasks that use energy till next rollover, while I don't know my own strength I do know I need to rest. If I continue to explore and get defeated again then my king in such a weakened state can and will die.
● If my King has an available submale, the submale may instead take the blow and will thus be unable to patrol the rest of the day.
● If my King is defeated by an Elephant or Rhino, this will be considered a lethal defeat. A submale must take the killing blow if available. If no submale is available, my King will be killed and the game will be over.
● I may flee battles that I know I will lose. This does not count as a defeat but as a forfeit, and therefore does not result in the death of my king or a submale.

★FIVE ⟶ All hunts will be handled realistically and as if their results are final.
● Lionesses have 3 chances in their lifetime. If they fail to hunt three times, they will get chased. If 1+ lionesses complete a hunting quest, they will get an extra chance. Each lioness may only have a maximum of 5 chances at a time.
● Neck Scars — Rolling 0 - 50 results in instantaneous death; roll 51 - 100 to survive.
Torn fur, blinded eyes — Rolling 0 - 40 results in infection, and a chance at death. Rolling 41 - 100 ensures survival.
Face, Side, Cheek, Muzzle, Beaten Up, Nose Scratch, Long/Short scars on Right/Left Eye — Rolling 0 - 20 results in infection, and a chance at death. Rolling 31 - 100 ensures survival.
Hip, Shoulder, Nose Ridge, Back Scratch, Belly Scratch, Front/Hind Leg Right/Left scars — Rolling 0 - 10 results in infection, and a chance at death. Rolling 11 - 100 ensures survival.
Lions who get infected but survive will be forced to rest until the next rollover.
● Once a lion/lioness has an infection I will be rolling 0-49 they die from infection 50-100 they survive.

★SIX ⟶ Births
● The survival of my cub is determined at birth. I will roll a die for the following factors:
● Normal, everyday cub with a normal, everyday mother— Rolling 0 - 50 results in death. Rolling 51 - 100 ensures survival.
● Nurturing / Focused mother — Rolling 0 - 40 results in death. Rolling 41 - 100 ensures survival.
● Brutal / Sinister mother — Rolling 0 - 60 results in death. Rolling 61 - 100 ensures survival.
● Each mother may only have two cubs or less per litter. If three / four happen to survive, I will drive away the weakest cub(s).

SEVEN ⟶ Sparring/fighting other lions will be handled realistically.
● If I lose a spar/fight with another player's lion, this will result in my territory downsizing. It will need to be bought or fought for again.
● If I lose territory, I will need to chase the necessary number of cubs/lionesses to scale down to the appropriate size.

★EIGHT ⟶ Cubs and Adolescents lives.
● I may use stat items and toys that were obtained in accordance with Liolocke rules.
● Raising the cub's survival bar will only happen if I play with them. I am only limited to the Play / Tussle / Groom options, and I cannot use toys to further boost this.
● Cubs must be trained daily (if they are of age).
● Until they reach adolescents, cubs shall be named "(Mother name)'s Claw (Male) / Star (Female)"
●Upon becoming an adolescent, my cubs will gain their names! It will be a blend of their father and mother's names.
● Two adolescents may accompany a hunting party.
● If I have a coexisting submale and adolescent male, they must patrol together.
● If my adolescent male has bigger stats than my submale, they get a chance at a spar! This spar happens a month before the adolescent becomes two years old. These rolls will determine their fates:
0 - 50 — The submale wins, and the adolescent must leave the pride.
51 - 100 — The adolescent wins, and the submale must leave the pride

★NINE ⟶ Heirs must have been directly sired by my current King.
● Additionally, my King must sire all cubs in the pride. I will not use outside studs unless they are Liolocke King's or herritageless.
● I may reverse breed to a lioness in a different pride ONLY if that pride is participating in the Liolocke challenge or the lioness is herritageless. Typically, reverse breeding won't happen unless it's for lore purposes.
● Within the pride, lineage is tracked according to the mother. A King will not breed with his daughters nor with female litter mates. All other lionesses in the pride are considered unrelated.

★TEN ⟶ Breeding
● Lions will only have 2 chances at getting a successful pregnancy. If both chances fail, they may try again at next rollover.
● Pregnant mothers must be nested immediately.
● Inbreeding is frowned upon. Should I gain an inbred cub, their chance at death is greatly increased. If I roll a 0 - 75, the cub will perish.
● Inbred lions are infertile. I will not breed an inbred lion at all.
● I will NOT have a broodmother present in this locke. My cubs' survival is based on fate itself.

★ELETHEN ⟶ Illnesses
● Due to the setting of my Liolocke's lore, my adult lions are prone to falling ill. Before my lions' days begin, I will roll a die for the following factors:
Roll 0 - 25 — My lion(ess) is healthy! They can go on about their day.
Roll 26 - 50 — My lion(ess) has caught Meerkat's Cough. They can still hunt and patrol. However, as other lion(esses) are wary around their ill teammate, the ill lioness will have to hunt alone.
Roll 52 - 75 — My lion(ess) has caught Root Foot. Their feet are in too much pain to hunt or patrol. They must rest until the next rollover.
Roll 76 - 100 — My lioness has caught The Vulture's Embrace. This disease is known to cause excruciating pain, and has no known cure. My king will be forced to kill the lion(ess) in order to end their suffering.
● Adolescents have a chance at getting a special illness! However, their immunity is still fairly high due to their age! The above bullet's system follows through here. I will roll a die for the following factors:
● 0 - 50 — My adolescent is healthy!
● 51 - 75 — My adolescent has caught Sloth's Slumber. They are too lethargic to train today.
● 76 - 100 — My adolescent has caught a much more intense version of Sloth's Slumber, a new illness the pride has dubbed Gerenuk's Fall. This is an rare disease which prompts adolescents to die in their sleep.
● Pregnant lionesses are exempt from catching illnesses: an odd anomaly the king had noticed. As soon as they give birth, Pregnant lionesses will now be susceptible to illnesses. If a mother dies, any nursing cubs will be taken with her.
● Cubs are exempt from catching illnesses. Surprisingly, they are immune to these diseases! However, that doesn't mean cubs are invincible...
● Lionesses who were immediately caught in explore will be exempt from catching illnesses until the next rollover.

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Edited on 21/03/22 @ 15:57:15 by Burned_Corpse #Liolocke2022 (#240475)

Burned_Corpse (#240475)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-02-02 03:58:16


Feb 1st 2022

"Today is the day my pride finally starts, I am both excited and nervous for the future and what the next sunrise will bring" — Chocolate'Mane

✓ Level 1 ⟶ 7
✓ Stats 30 ⟶ 84
✓ Impression ⟶ Not Impressive
✓ Silver Beetles 0 ⟶ 781
✓ Territory 3 ⟶ 4
✓ Sub Slots 1

general updates
Sorry for the late reply but I feel asleep just before I was about to post this before the rollover but oh well to late now, There will be another log coming today for todays post later.

I mostly spent the whole day in explore as I had plenty of time to battle, I mostly just stuck to fighting instead of claiming as I wanted to get his stats up so I can grind to heart shells, and silver beetles, mainly cause I want to change my king's name as I have many regrets. I will be changing the territory the pride resides in and the lore being it very soon.

I'll be sorting out the rules over the next coming days.

illness rolls

pride status

pride updates, news and lore
I wandered around my territory for hours gathering things when I could, there where plenty of good looking lionesses out their however I was not in the right mental stat, I just wanted to fight and protect the little territory I currently had as I am starting to get used to it. For the next few weeks I will try to focus on building the pride however I would much prefer to explore and fight to gain a little more stronger and gather more materials before I take on lionesses.

pride stats
Submales 0
Lionesses 0
Cubs 0

Lioness Deaths 0

Cub Deaths 0

Lioness and Cub death totals includes: Chased, Killed, Left and Died

Battle Log
● 2/3 battles lost

● I have defeated the following today:
• x19 Lionesses
• x2 Rhodesian Ridgeback
• Serval
• Shady Poacher
• Hoarding Lion
• Boerboel Pack
• x2 Nice Guy (Lion)
• African Wild Dog
• Marabou Stork
• x2 Leopard
• Rhino
• x2 Elephant
• Lion (For Territory)

● I have lost against a Honey Badger and a Leopard.

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Edited on 02/02/22 @ 04:43:50 by Burned_Corpse (#240475)

Burned_Corpse (#240475)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-02-02 16:22:08


Feb 2nd 2022

✓ Level 7
✓ Stats 84 ⟶ 86
✓ Not Impressive ⟶ Average
✓ Silver Beetles 781 ⟶ 793
✓ Territory 4
✓ Sub Slots 1

general updates
Not much time today though I did a fair amount.

illness rolls

pride status
(Name, Hunting Chances, Illness)

(New) Demonic Night, 3/3, Healthy
(New) Exploding Marble, 3/3, Healthy
(New) Bloody Paradise, 3/3, Healthy
(New) Pink Sunrise, 3/3, Healthy

(All 4 pride members are chased lionesses that I brought)

Wanderers (Name, Illness, Why they are here and for how long)
(New) Creamy Tart, Healthy, Just passing through and staying here for a few months.
(New) Burnt Orange, Healthy, Just passing through and staying here for a few months.

pride updates, news and lore
I mostly again wandered my territory looking and gathering, there was not much to talk about on my territory so I flirted with some other prides lionesses and a few wandering lionesses.

- While passing a neighbouring pride's territory in the savannah when I saw a beautiful lioness as I passed by and decided to try my luck, and well I worked my charm. She said her name was Demonic Night an.. well interesting yet fitting name her eyes do look quite demonic looking with her darkish pelt. She was hesitant to join when I asked seeing as she was part of the pride neighbouring mine with the King not so kind to other males so I understood but I promised her a better life with always having a belly full of food and a safe place to have and watch her cubs grow which pushed her just over the edge enough to join me. I wonder what her other pride sisters names are?
- Not far behind Demonic Night was one of her pride sisters, it was clear something had caught her eyes, something about her caught my attention just like her pride sister. Her name was also... interesting to say the least... Exploding Marble Ok Come on their Pride's King must be literal with names though I can see why such a name would be fitting for the lioness with her pelt. I gave her an offer of joining my pride just like her sister she was less thrilled and willing to accept such a graceful offer than her fellow pride sister though after a long conversation she finally caved and accepted, I promised her I would sire her strong and healthy cubs she could be proud of and better protection better than any cubs of those her current king could sire and protect.
- After taking my two new lionesses back to my territory and home, I left them be to settle down and look around, telling them it was just about time for another patrol around the territory. After being gone for an hour or two I cam across a weak and starving lioness by the name of Pink Sunrise Wow such a good name... anyways she was begging for mercy as I came closer when she realised she was caught on my territory. I was less than impressed but was willing to hear her out on why I should not end her here and right now for tresspassing on my lands and why I should even think about allowing a weak lioness into my pride under my protection. She promised she was a great fighter and hunter, and it was unlike her to be in this weak condition, but the effects of January with less prey to go around left her starving and weaker than normal, she promised me she could give me strong cubs worthy to be calling my children and so I said she can join but under the condition she pulls her own weight and hunts for the pride, should she become useless or break her promise she will be exiled.
- Following not far behind was her sister Bloody Paradise Now that is a name and lady I can get along with, she just wanted to follow her sister and so I allowed her under the same conditions I allowed her sister to join.

-A few more hours passed by and I ran into two Lionesses by the names of Burnt Orange and Creamy Tart they where just passing by looking for a place to relax and stay for a few months before continuing on and I offered them a place as long if they where willing to do help around the pride which they accepted.

pride stats
Submales 0
Lionesses 4 (+2 wanders)
Cubs 0

Lioness Deaths 0

Cub Deaths 0

Lioness and Cub death totals includes: Chased, Killed, Left and Died

Battle Log
● 2/3 battles lost

● I have defeated the following today:
• x4 Lionesses
• x1 Rhino
• x1 Male Smilus

● I have lost against a two Leopards. Not bad though I should have defeated more but I did not have time.

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Burned_Corpse (#240475)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-02-04 05:59:17


Feb 3rd 2022

✓ Level 7
✓ Stats 86 ⟶ 88
✓ Average
✓ Silver Beetles 793 ⟶ 537
✓ Territory 4 ⟶ 6
✓ Sub Slots 1

general updates
Not much time today though I did a fair amount.

illness rolls
Demonic Night — 5 — Healthy!
Exploding Marble — 54 — RF
Bloody Paradise — 31 — MC
Pride Sunrise — 39 — MC

Creamy Tart — 39 — MC
Burnt Orange — 29 — MC

pride status
(Name, Hunting Chances, Illness)

Demonic Night, 3/3, Healthy
Exploding Marble, 3/3, RF
Bloody Paradise, 3/3, MC
Pink Sunrise, 3/3, MC

(All 4 pride members are chased lionesses that I brought)

Wanderers (Name, Illness, Why they are here and for how long)
Creamy Tart, MC, Just passing through and staying here for a few months.
Burnt Orange, MC, Just passing through and staying here for a few months.

pride updates, news and lore
- I was rudely woken by the sounds of my lionesses constantly hacking, with one of them struggling to even walk 20 steps clearly in a lot of pain, turns out Exploding Marble has Rabbit Foot While the rest of them including the two travellers caught Meerkat's Cough No wonder I could barely rest last night with the constant noise from my lionesses, it was driving me insane. Turns out the only lioness who was healthy was Demonic Night looks like she is avoiding her pride sisters I don't blame her, to be honest I think the only reason Demonic Night did not catch any illnesses is because either the plagues are scared of her I mean look it to her eyes she looks possessed, or she is has some type of anti-bodies to it. Hmm maybe she will be the one to give me a strong and healthy son to be my heir when the time is right.

-To give myself a rest I mostly spent the day patrolling my territory at least here is nice and quiet.

pride stats
Submales 0
Lionesses 4 (+2 wanders)
Cubs 0

Lioness Deaths 0

Cub Deaths 0

Lioness and Cub death totals includes: Chased, Killed, Left and Died

Battle Log
● 1/3 battles lost

● I have defeated the following today:
• x5 Lioness
• x2 Shady Poacher
• x2 Lion (+2 territory gained)

● I have lost against a Smug Leopard Male. Not bad for today.

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Edited on 04/02/22 @ 15:41:37 by Burned_Corpse #Liolocke2022 (#240475)

Burned_Corpse (#240475)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-02-04 15:56:14


Feb 4th 2022

✓ Level 7 ⟶ 8
✓ Stats 88 ⟶ 104
✓ Average ⟶ Somewhat Impressive
✓ Silver Beetles 537 ⟶ 1049
✓ Territory 6 ⟶ 9
✓ Sub Slots 1

general updates
Had much more time to explore today, I think I got a lot of things done today.

illness rolls
Demonic Night — 54 — RF
Exploding Marble — 54 — MC
Bloody Paradise — 0 — Healthy!
Pink Sunrise — 94 — VC

Creamy Tart — 67 — RF
Burnt Orange — 75 — RF

pride status
(Name, Hunting Chances, Illness)

Demonic Night, 3/3, RF
Exploding Marble, 1/3, MC
Bloody Paradise, 1/3, Healthy!
Pink Sunrise, 3/3, VC

(All 4 pride members are chased lionesses that I brought)

Wanderers (Name, Illness, Why they are here and for how long)
Creamy Tart, RF, Just passing through and staying here for a few months.
Burnt Orange, RF, Just passing through and staying here for a few months.

pride updates, news and lore
-Almost everyone within my pride has Rabbit Foot, I am guessing it is because of the bout of Meerkat's Cough they all got and the lack of rest because of the constant hacking, sadly even Demonic Night not rabbits foot though I am hardly surprised she barely got any rest.
-I was suddenly woken from my slumber because of sounds of screaming and cries of agony could be heard throughout the pride, I later came to find out it was coming from none other than Pink Sunrise she has caught Vulture's Embrace... while we have only known each other for a few months I grew quiet attached to her, but what must be done must be done. I slowly made my way towards Pink Sunrise her pride sisters looking on horrified knowing what I was going to do. As I unsheathed my claws, she was begging me, pleading for mercy... yet I had to do it, I had to end her suffering and so I killed her swiftly making sure she died a quick and painless death as possible. Once I saw the light from her eyes go I turned around to my pride and said "I will not allow my pride to carry on and suffer in agonizing pain for the rest of their lives Vulture's Embrace is a horrible plague I refuse to let anyone suffer should anyone get the horrible plague I am to be told instantly..." After a small quick meeting with my pride I morned the loss of Pink Sunrise alone quietly...

pride stats
Submales 0
Lionesses 4 (+2 wanders)
Cubs 0

Lioness Deaths 0

Cub Deaths 0

Lioness and Cub death totals includes: Chased, Killed, Left and Died

Battle Log
● 3/3 battles lost

● I have defeated the following today:
• x2 Nice Guy (Lion)
• x1 Bull Elephant
• x1 Smug Leopard
• x1 Elephant
• x9 Lioness
• x3 Lion (+3 territory gained)
• x1 Mandrill
• x1Black Panther
• x2 Rhino
• x1 Shady Poacher
• x1 Mating Lions

● I have lost against two Lionesses and a Male Simulis. Not bad today.

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Burned_Corpse (#240475)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-03-08 14:17:50


Feb 4th 2022 - Mar 7th 2022

✓ Level 8 ⟶
✓ Stats 104 ⟶
✓ Somewhat Impressive ⟶
✓ Silver Beetles 1049 ⟶
✓ Territory 9 ⟶
✓ Sub Slots 1

general updates
I was meant to post my update for February 5th but as you can see that did not end up happening in fact quite the opposite I ended up taking around a month break, I was meant to roll over before February ended but again as you can see that also did not happen. Well as a player March happens to be one of my least favorite event so I guess based on the day it is now gives be a little under a month to boost my king's level and stats up for the May event as well as gives me a chance to grind some stuff in april as well as stuff for future months to come, I swear when I attempt this again next year I will do better.

Unfortunately my log for Feb 5th and the illness rolls have sadly been lost so I will post everyone as healthy and keep anyone new who I got today and that previous day that was not posted will be kept as healthy I will still be writing anyone the death lore for anyone who has died. Since I have college tomorrow and at the time of writing this first two paragraphs it is 19:21 in the UK or Lioden time 12:13pm. I feel like not much is going to get done but we shall see.

No exploring was done sadly...
illness rolls
Demonic Night — Void Today Only — Healthy!
Exploding Marble — Void Today Only — Healthy!
Bloody Paradise — Killed for getting VE

Creamy Tart — Killed for getting VE
Burnt Orange — Killed for getting VE

pride status
(Name, Hunting Chances, Illness)

Demonic Night, 3/3, Healthy!
Exploding Marble, 1/3, Healthy!
Bloody Paradise, (From the lionesses in my pride I am assuming Bloody Paradise contracted VE on Feb 5th and has already been killed there is sadly no saving her now)
[NEW] Night Sky, Healthy!
[NEW] Iced Coffee, Healthy!

Wanderers (Name, Illness, Why they are here and for how long)

[NEW] Colourful Skies, 3/3, Healthy (Pregnant!)
[NEW] Purple Clouds, 3/3, Healthy
[NEW] Yellow Terracotta, 3/3, Healthy
Creamy Tart, (From the lionesses in my pride I am assuming Creamy Tart contracted VE on Feb 5th and has already been killed there is sadly no saving her now)
Burnt Orange, (From the lionesses in my pride I am assuming Burnt Orange contracted VE on Feb 5th and has already been killed there is sadly no saving her now)

pride updates, news and lore
While walking back to my Pride's camp I explain to the new pride members the rules, you provide use to my pride you may stay however long you want, such as you either hunt to help provide food to the hungry mouths in the pride that need to be fed, you look after any of the pride's young or you provide the pride with young I don't care what you do as long as your useful. The three seemed to understand and thought my request was reasonable. Over the next few days I became to find myself enjoying Colourful Skies company and may have developed some small form of feelings towards her, though it seems like she has also developed some form of feelings towards be. I have been spending more and more time with her, she has even sneaked onto my patrols many times this month I know she shouldn't but the patrols get 100 times more fun and interesting when she does, the other lioness seem to have become a little jealous of the amount of time I am spending with her specifically.. Demonic Night she seems to be the most vocal and frustrated by our closer bond, perhaps I should spend a few days with each of the other lionesses.

- My lionesses are scared they don't want to catch the plagues as much as I don't want the plagues anywhere near my pride, I can't see my pride fall and collapse just like my birth pride I need to be stronger.. I need to protect my pride just like my uncle protected mine. My most trustworthy and loyal lioness Demonic Night informed me that Bloody Paradise the other lioness in my pride as of just 3 lionesses as well as the two travellers Creamy Tart and Burnt Orange who joined the pride temporarily all had symptoms of Vultures Embrace according to Demonic Night the three were hesitant to come forward and where planning to run away far from the pride so they would not have to meet the same fate as the now deceased Pink Sunrise sadly what must be done has to be done no matter how horrible and painful it was to have to do to such loyal and loving lionesses but rules are rules and I Chocolatemane shall not bend those rules. I called the three plagued lionesses to attention I could sense the fear coming from them, It was obvious they were trying to hide their pain but I was not having it I swiftly put the three down. Why did they have to suffer the three would have birth such strong and healthy cubs some of those may even have been heir worthy but at last life is cruel I did what I had to do now life please end the killing I can't keep killing my pride and I can't bare to see them so scared and suffer for much longer.
- I found three beautiful lionesses traveling across my territory while I was nearing the end of my third patrol of the territory today, they told me there names where Colourful Skies, Purple Clouds and Yellow Terracotta the living being who named these must have been high on something but at last I must not complain they are still beautiful lionesses. I managed to convince the three to relax and rest with my pride for a month or a few as they all looked rather tired from traveling from wherever they came from, they agreed luckily.
- I happened to find two defenceless, tired and hungry adolescents while on patrol with one of my lionesses accompanying me, I was about to scare and chase the two off from my territory when Purple Clouds stopped me, she begged me as her mighty king to take the two weakend adolescents into the pride at least till they are stronger and old enough to fend for themselves I tried to argue with her but she was very persistent begging me to let them stay at least till they turned two years old then they could prove themselves worthy and useful to stay in the pride. I was not having any of this of course I am the king and I will not raise and look after cubs that I have not sired, Purple Clouds promised me if I allowed them to stay she would raise them as well as oversee their training to ensure they become strong hunters, I finally gave up and agreed to her promise but not without warning her should she fail to keep her part of the deal once they are adults all three will be chased. The two adolescents introduced themselves as Night Sky and Iced Coffee I was still far from happy about this, more mouths to feed as well as more defenceless lions to protect.

pride stats
Submales 0
Lionesses 4 (+3 wanders)
Adolescents 2
Cubs 0

Lioness Deaths 2 (+2 wanders)
Adolescent Deaths 0
Cub Deaths 0

Lioness, Adolescent Cub death totals includes: Chased, Killed, Left and Died

Battle Log
● 0/3 battles lost
- I didn't do any exploring that day sadly.
● I have defeated the following today:
• x1
• x1
• x1
• x1
• x1
• x1
• x1
• x1
• x1
• x1

● I have lost against nothing.

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Burned_Corpse (#240475)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-03-08 14:58:00


Mar 8th 2022

"Constantly surrounded my illness I do not know how much I can take, luckily I was not forced to kill someone today" - Chocolate'mane
✓ Level 8
✓ Stats 104 ⟶ 109
✓ Somewhat Impressive
✓ Silver Beetles 1049 ⟶ 497
✓ Territory 9 ⟶ 10
✓ Sub Slots 1

general updates
Not much was done today though there was enough done to defeat a few things, I have the day off college tomorrow so I should have the time to get a lot more done.

illness rolls
Demonic Night — 59 — RF
Exploding Marble — 45 — MC
Night Sky — 55 — SS
Iced Coffee — 35 — Healthy!

Purple Clouds — 58 — RF
Yellow Terracotta — 72 — RF

pride status
(Name, Hunting Chances, Illness)

Demonic Night, 3/3, RF
Exploding Marble, 1/3, MC
Night Sky, SS
Iced Coffee, Healthy!

Wanderers (Name, Illness, Why they are here and for how long)

Colourful Skies, 3/3, ,Healthy! (Pregnant!)
Purple Clouds, 3/3, RF
Yellow Terracotta, 3/3, RF

pride updates, news and lore
- Lately I have been patrolling more and more as of late for a few reasons, yes sure the main reason being I have seen an increased amount of poachers near my pride's territory and I have a pride to keep safe and protect but also I needed to get away for a while from most of the pride as majority has Rabbit Foot
- One of the adolescents that I took in a little while ago has caught Sloths Slumber I knew I should not have brung in the two teens well it's too late for that now I guess, Purple Clouds could not even train the teens as they had also have Rabbit Foot now my only healthy lioness is taking the only healthy teen out hunting.. Purple Clouds better up keep there part of the deal otherwise I will be forced to upheld mine, I will drive all three of them out once the Adolescents turn to adults if they are not worthy enough.

pride stats
Submales 0
Lionesses 4 (+3 wanders)
Adolescents 2
Cubs 0

Lioness Deaths 2 (+2 wanders)
Adolescent Deaths 0
Cub Deaths 0

Lioness, Adolescent Cub death totals includes: Chased, Killed, Left and Died

Battle Log
● 1/3 battles lost

● I have defeated the following today:
• x1 Jeep
• x4 Lioness
• x1 Lion (+1 territory)
• x1 Poacher
• x1
• x1
• x1
• x1
• x1
• x1

● I have lost against a lioness, Not Bad..

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Burned_Corpse (#240475)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-03-21 15:56:37
I am still participating in this years Liolocke however I have made a new log and will be doing something much easier maybe for 2023 i'll attempt this specific challenge again.

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