Posted by Markings - Confused

Anni (#302720)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-07-17 00:51:55
I was looking through a bunch of markings on Lioden wiki at 3AM per usual, and then decided that I wanted to make a custom lioness. I found a lot of the marking options vastly limited, and then did some exploring and 80% of marking colors/designs I can't even figure out how to get?

1. Under the color 'Almond', you can add markings such as 'Almond Frosting' or 'Almond Brindle', but then it seems like there's no way to get markings of that same color like 'Almond Indri' or 'Almond Inverted Zebra'. Why is that? I checked monkey business, and I didn't even see a craftable item. I thought maybe it was a tier 4 or 5 item, but then again, I have no idea how to achieve tier 4 or 5 markings or this item in particular.

2. Again with 'Arctic' markings. I can't even find an option to craft them. I see that the event markings for July 'Sunset' and 'Sunrise' aren't craftable either, so would it be correct to assume that they are applicators ONLY available during July through the event? Then again, 'Almond' doesn't seem like a monthly event item, so how is it possible that certain markings are locked from that color?

3. In Monkey Business, 'Kimanjano Mottled Vents' is an option, but it is NOT an option to purchase/craft any of the other Kimanjano markings. The rest are randomized selection from the Gorilla Enclave, I think. Are various markings and marking tiers/colors scattered across different shops and places?

4. If there is a limit on markings tier 1-3 ONLY on lion customization, how would it be possible to even create a desirable/ cool lion? Is it even possible?

5. How valuable are event bases/markings? I assume after July ends, and if you waited a few months, they would become highly desirable, more so for the Sunset/Sunrise applicators?

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vermax [frozen] (#55441)

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Posted on
2022-07-17 15:16:07
Clean breeding means avoiding the most common stat king studs from back in the day: Moby Dick, Keyser Soze, HOT HOT TATER TOT, Boombah, The Savannah Prince, Meliodas, Indra and Slush (the last two are still rolling fairly regularly). These lions were very prolific had a RIDICULOUS amount of cubs, so thanks to that, their descendants are insanely common at this point. Any lion with ANY of those kings in their heritage tree would be considered dirty lions. A clean lion is one that is not related to any of those stat kings.

A lot of people say that inbred = dirty. This is not true. Inbred means that a lion has the inbreeding notice on the bottom of its heritage page. A non-inbred/not inbred lion is one that does NOT have this message. The confusion comes in because most of the dirty stat kings WERE also inbred. Once a lion is dirty or inbred, you can't get rid of it from its heritage, so if you like the idea of creating your own lines and avoiding inbreeding, clean breeding is 100% the way to go. It's a lot easier to avoid inbreeding if you avoid the dirty stat kings. It IS more of a challenge, but I personally find it to be a good challenge. Ignore anyone who says dirty = inbred. I highly recommend putting the list I typed above in your LD journal so you can reference it until you get more familiar with the names. And you will. If you look on the Leaderboards, you'll find that the vast majority of kings are related to Indra and other dirty kings because they had great stats.

One final note: Lions that are both clean and not inbred are often called "Squeaky Clean." Usually Squeaky Clean lions are also low gen, but they do not HAVE to be. They simply must not be dirty or inbred!

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Menara [G1 Uneven] (#174252)

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Posted on
2022-07-17 00:57:34
Hello! Most things you asked can be answered by the Lioden markings wiki page here. There it elaborates on tiers and where they originate. You cannot apply certain markings such as Event, Applicator, Breed Only, RMA Excluse, or Hybrid varieties in the customizer. It only hosts custom & common markings from my knowledge.

As for your last question, the event bases/markings are in the cheapest during the event month and into the next month; depending on demand for the specific item it can take a while; but they always go up as they become less easily available and cheap; though the speed and rate of this depends on demand which is quite relative to the item. EX: Divine app. Special base and a combo factor, usually has good demand every year, Heavenly app. Not so much demand as it is not a very popular breeding base group.

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Edited on 17/07/22 @ 00:58:07 by Silas [Main] (#174252)

Shadow (Main) (#73284)

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Posted on
2022-07-17 01:07:49
Lets answer your question.

1. Almond is applicated using the Oasis marking Applicator. This applicator allows you to place any Tier 0 and Tier 1 markings.

2. Arctic markings are applied using the Applicator Arctic Crevasse. This will give you 1/4 markings. This can only be gotten through trading with other players or purchasing during the December Event.

3. Yes. There is a section of the wiki that explains how to get each of the different applicators. Found Here

4. The only markings that will be found on the Custom Lioness creator are Tier 0 and Tier 1 markings. The other Tiers are special. Those markings can only be obtained in the way it says on the wiki.

5. This really depends on the market. The bases are sought after but most players pay more for the actually original lions (the Event Raffle Girls) as they are Heritageless. This allows for low gen heritages to happen if breed to the correct lion.

There are a few more places you can look on the wiki. Below the Tier explanations, there is an area you can click to take you to each of the Tiers and what markings there are. Kinda like how i linked the Applicator Markings. I will go ahead and link the others as well.

Custom Markings which include Tier 0 and Tier 1
Event Markings which Include Tier 3 markings
Newly Claimed Lioness Markings which Include Tier 0 and Tier 3 markings
Special Markings which Include Tier 2, Tier 4 and Tier 5 markings

Now there is an item that does allow you to have a Chance to get any of these items and that is called Random Marking Applicators though this item will never allow you to get Tier 5 - Hybrid/Restricted markings.
Another item which can help you get some different marking is the Total Shuffle (which randomly gives you new markings for the same amount you have on the lion you used it on). This also will never give you Tier 5 markings.

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Shadow (Main) (#73284)

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Posted on
2022-07-17 15:13:32
Yes, you would need to look at the heritage. But don't just stop at the first or second page. Some times it can go way back in a heritage. Though there are some players that state that they consider a lion clean if the first and second page has no inbreeding. Me personally, i go all the way back as far as possible. I will see if my friend can come in and let you know more about this topic.

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Nameko (Ebony RLC) (#214773)

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Posted on
2022-07-18 00:55:13
Yes, it should. Could I perhaps take a look at her to confirm for you?

Edit - Whoops, just saw that Hyena helped you on another thread!

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Edited on 18/07/22 @ 00:57:04 by 🌠 Lady Luck [Full Sky] (#214773)

vermax [frozen] (#55441)

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Posted on
2022-07-18 00:57:11
That means the lion is inbred. Whether or not the lion is dirty depends on the identity of the lions in her heritage tree. Are there any of the kings whose names I mentioned before in her heritage? If yes, she is dirty. If no, she is clean, but inbred.

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Anni (#302720)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-07-17 00:58:32
Awesome!! TYSM, I appreciate the help<333

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Menara [G1 Uneven] (#174252)

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Posted on
2022-07-17 00:58:53
Not a problem! Feel free to DM me if I missed anything ^^

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Anni (#302720)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-07-17 11:47:57
Thank you, it's much clearer now. I really appreciate the help! I'll be looking at all of the links you provided me, thank you again<333

If you don't mind me asking, why are heritageless/low heritage lions so sought after?

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Shadow (Main) (#73284)

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Posted on
2022-07-17 12:23:35
Heritageless and low gen lions are harder to inbred. Starting after Generation 2, you can accidently inbred. Which has no in game effect.

"It's just a personal choice they made to not want their king to have dirty and/or inbred offspring. There isn't any gameplay mechanic behind it at all, it's all just personal choice.

For me, I don't mind if people stud dirty lionesses to my king, but I don't keep dirty lionesses and/or cubs in my pride. Nothing wrong with it either way, but I've found that clean lions do sell better in the TC and clean studs are typically more popular. There are always exceptions, as a pretty lion is a pretty lion!" This is in the words of a friend of mine. Vermax. Which had one of the highest stat Heritageless Kings before retiring to a G2 Primal Ferus king.

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Anni (#302720)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-07-18 00:36:53
Thank you so much. I appreciate all the help<33

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Nameko (Ebony RLC) (#214773)

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Posted on
2022-07-18 00:52:33

Clean-breeding is just a personal preference. For instance, I breed clean, but that does not give me any advantage mutation-wise or anything for my lions.

And yes, you'd have to look into the heritage of the lion to check if it's clean or not

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Anni (#302720)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-07-18 00:54:01
Thank you! When I check heritage for one of my lionesses that a friend gave me, her page does not say 'one instance of possible inbreeding'. However, when I check one of her parents page, it does. Does this mean my lion is 'dirty'?

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Anni (#302720)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-07-18 01:02:47
Awesome, ty everyone for the help!! This community has been really amazing and welcoming and I really appreciate everyone who takes the time to read through all my questions and answer them with thought.

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Anni (#302720)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-07-17 14:13:29
Got it. So a 'Dirty' Lion is a lion that has been inbred, and a 'Clean' lion is a lion that has not been. From my understanding being inbred or not has no effect on gameplay, but it's just a personal preference? How can you tell if a lion is dirty? Wouldn't you have to look at heritage?

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