Posted by [Aug] TOO MUCH FOOD!?
OatAlt (#290908)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-08-03 12:49:26
Hi! So I’ve been liking the event ok so far-
But like, it kinda feels sad how easy it is.

The whole concept of a drought month is that supposed to be that it’s hard, right??

It feels like the devs are like “hey, drought month, throwing you off this metaphorical cliff now!”
And then the cliff is like, a small hill, and there’s a very VERY safe safety net.

Like…ok, my hunts come back with nothing sure, but I get SO MUCH food in explore that even with my relatively big pride on both my main and alt, I have so much food in my hoard that it’s difficult to even get close to running out if I’m TRYING to!

Ooooo a thirst bar, you’re gonna be bad at battles n stuff- pardon my French but bullcrap! I skip most battles in explore anyway cause they don’t really give you much, and even if I attacked everyone I met in explore, it doesn’t really matter cause there’s SO MANY OPPORTUNITIES TO DRINK!!
it’s like, “nothing, nothing, water hole, burning lion, water hole, water hole, water hole, nothing, herbs, dead animal, Oo large rock!, water hole” LIKE CMON MAN XD

even the fires that you run into don’t really matter that much? Like they don’t take away that much thirst??!

And don’t get me STARTED on how the drought doesn’t affect your pride in the slightest.
They don’t get thirsty, and we already talked about how I have so much food that I’ll feed an entire crocodile to a dirty potato who’s on 1% hunger just cause It’s too much of a bother to skip them in the feeding drop-down menu, and there aren’t even like cub accidents/deaths related to fires?

There’s so much lore potential for lions, but like I feel dishonest making the drought really dramatic in my lore, if the gameplay makes it EASIER to survive?

It could be so cool to have toggle-able options for difficulty settings, like, some ideas I have are;

* cub deaths/accidents related to fires & stuff
* thirst bars for your entire pride
* a “water gathering” mechanic that’s similar to hunting, but the lions you send off bring home herbs that contain liquid, and leather pouches filled with water, etc.
* a small chance that lionesses/sub males/adols come back injured or with burn scars or even bring back their clan mates dead body, due to fires and or dying of thirst and or other things.
*harder to get food in explore
* consequences for drinking dirty or polluted water, and or eating rotten/burned meat from animals who died of wild fires, such as fertility loss, getting sick and being on a hunting/patrolling cooldown, etc.
* medicine/doctor lions, who can aid & cure sickness using specific & rare herbs,
* chances for your lions to do things related to the drought, based on their personality! Such as, maybe a good/kind lion could come back with another lion from saving them from burning, orrr one of your evil lions could try to steal food or water, or even try to kill other pride members so that they’ have something to eat, or so there’d be less mouths to feed or something.
* MORE + GOOD & + EVIL OPIONS IN EXPLLORE!! Like, I want to be able to try to save a burning lion /elephant! I want to be able to actually have a small chance at saving the starving lioness & cub! STUFF LIKE THAT!!
* small chance of king dying of fire or something! Maybe the chance increases if they’re thirst is high!
* thirst isn’t affected by time, but instead is affected by energy spent, and or heat, and stuff like that!
* higher risk element, higher rewards! Maybe there could be a special raffle lioness for all those who play the event on max difficulty!


if anyone has other ideas or opinions feel free to comment!

This suggestion has 8 supports and 36 NO supports.

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Terrinthia [G1] (#97101)

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Posted on
2022-08-03 13:50:32
I'm gonna say no support as a whole, but I did like several of the suggestions:

* cub deaths/accidents related to fires & stuff (a non-issue for protected cubs, adds a little more thematic danger)
* harder to get food in explore (I do agree that having MORE access to food through explore doesn't feel drought-y)
* more good & evil options in explore (I also want to try and help the burning lion haha)
* thirst isn’t affected by time, but instead is affected by energy spent, and or heat, and stuff like that (I think a middle ground would be nice, where there are more actions in explore that cause you to gain thirst in order to balance out all the existing water options)

These ones are a hard no:

* a small chance that lionesses/sub males/adols come back injured or with burn scars or even bring back their clan mates dead body, due to fires and or dying of thirst and or other things (Is there a way to protect lions 100% from dying, or would it be possible for me to completely lose, say, one of my leopons? Either way, too much of a hassle and I probably would skip the month in case I forgot to give everyone water one day or something)
* medicine/doctor lions, who can aid & cure sickness using specific & rare herbs (Too much like wolvden, and no point in introducing such a major game mechanic for one month)
* small chance of king dying of fire or something! Maybe the chance increases if their thirst is high (What happens then? Forced to reroll? Forced to choose an heir? If someone doesn't have one ready - and not everyone does - do they just lose their king they worked hard on/spent a lot of money on? I would immediately quit the game if I lost my king.)
* higher risk element, higher rewards! Maybe there could be a special raffle lioness for all those who play the event on max difficulty (Is a special lioness guaranteed for people playing on max difficulty, or are there gonna be chumps who play the stakes and still get nothing?)

Ultimately, a lot of players are very, very busy in real life. I personally have time to log on and hunt/patrol about 7-9 times a day and maybe use 2 energy bars on exploring on a good day. Any more than that and I get burnt out, so I would really hate having to dedicate time and resources to prevent my pride from exploding.

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Edited on 03/08/22 @ 13:50:50 by Terrinthia [G1 Dawn] (#97101)

di [side] (#132173)

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Posted on
2022-08-03 22:15:24
Yes, food is easy to get for ONCE. Why do people always want to tweak or remove something that helps players for once? Let us have this month, full of easy to get and excess foods. For the love of everything. It doesn't need to be reworked or removed. Many people enjoy this event, and I know it must be a relief for people with huge prides. Let's just... leave well enough alone?

Less water = more animals dying = more opportunity for our lions to snag free meals.

Too much food? SELL IT TO MONKEY BUSINESS. Make some PROFIT. Or donate it to the the tree or a guild you're in.

I don't support ANYTHING that would cause injury or harm or even death to my king or any pride members or cubs. Never ever. I and many people play for fun, not to be in fear of our pride dying on us cause of an event.

We don't need medicine/doctors. That's too similar to the herbalist in Wolvden, which I HATE. Can we all please STOP trying to turn Lioden into Wolvden? I dislike nearly every aspect of Wolvden. Let's please not change Lioden into it. u_u

Sure, I agree maybe the event needs more things to do, but that doesn't mean we need to add more difficulty to the event, either.

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Edited on 03/08/22 @ 22:38:30 by di (#126735)

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