Posted by Quests vanish upon rollover...
Spirit (#234210)

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Posted on
2022-10-16 03:10:34
At this point I am... not happy. I do my hardest best to gain reputation, but it is WELL past tenth of October. I know I started late, but quests have been vanishing upon rollover. I am not an active player. I try to be active, but it doesn't always work.
And listen I really like this game but stuff has just not been working out for me.
This time I had to gain a hundred karma. So I think 'I'm never gonna make it, but that's okay, I'll do it tomorrow and today, and then take another quest.''
Unfortunately for me, rollover happened before I could finally sit down and play. Fine, fine, I'll just save my energy boost for the next quest. Lo and behold, I have already gained a total of 50 karma at this point. And I got a Vulture Egg for rolling over. So I think ''Great, I can really save my energy boost then, beacause that'll boost me to a total of seventy!'' So I use the egg, go to the event to see my total karma gain and the quest is just... gone. I am NOT happy already so I take another quest...
Gain a hundred karma. I already used my egg. I spend ALL day doing that yesterday in explore.
I just... don't see how I can complete the story line in time when I don't even have ten reputation yet. Why do quests expire? I know I've seen some users around say that events are meant to be hard, but that this is TOO hard and I think they're right honestly. I can never finish a single story line because there's always ONE thing I have to do in said event that I just can't do no matter how hard I try.
I could really use some tips and tricks, but honestly I don't see how I can make it. The daily quests with the snake don't vanish on rollover, the last event I did also did not make the quests vanish on rollover... This is the first time I've seen it happen and I knew they vanish on rollover without allowing me to complete them, but due to the other events and quests and stuff I just forgot and stupidly used my egg.
I'm just feeling very overwhelmed I guess and I really want to get into stories but I know I'm not good at the game (I admit that I'm just terrible at it I have no idea what I'm doing but I'm always open to learning) and I really want to get into the storyline but I can never actually do anything so I keep missing the stories because I always, without fail get stuck.
And as a final note, I do not mean to drag stuff down. I really, really like this game and I love the devs. I know they work super hard to bring us updates and content. This is NOT mean to them, I know they try their hardest to balance things. I know that, and I really respect all the work they do. I do NOT mean to blame them. I am fully aware I may just not be good enough at the game to play in stories. It's just not fun for me anymore to keep not being able to do certain things in the game because the main reason I play (aside from cubs cuz they're cute and beetles cuz they're fun) is for the story, and I can never finish any story.
So yeah I guess advice would be nice.
Thanks in advance and sorry for this post. If you got this far, thank you for reading anyways and I hope you have a wonderful day.

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Unnamed_Raven (#243915)

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Posted on
2022-10-16 04:28:00
It’s not meant to be that hard… you could just buy a lot of vulture eggs and save up? Idk, I usually complete them within a hour or so…

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Spirit (#234210)

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Posted on
2022-10-16 05:27:48
I respect you greatly xD. Yeah I've been having trouble with this game for as long as I remember. I was planning on saving Vulture Eggs, but seeing as my quest was to gain Karma, I used it, only to find out it was gone and I used it for nothing, only to THEN find out I could've used it for the next quest :') I guess it is just a set back. But yeah I'm struggling xD. But I do acknowledge that it's not as hard for other people; I'm just a terrible player. And that's no joke; I don't know in the slightest what I'm doing lol.

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Unnamed_Raven (#243915)

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Posted on
2022-10-16 05:49:47
Hmm, I’m sorry I don’t know how to help ;-;

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Spirit (#234210)

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Posted on
2022-10-16 05:55:36
It's okay, dont'worry :) Thanks for the replies tho :D

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Tsaari (#37874)

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Posted on
2022-10-16 06:09:29
Hello! As I understand it, the 100 karma quest is mostly meant to be done after you finish getting to 10 reputation. After that you gain the event "boost" that can give you like +15 karma, +50exp, or +1 demonic scale per fight if you bless the enemy
(and the equivalent if you sided with hell).

I just skipped the +100 karma quest until 10 rep. Hopefully this helped ^^

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Edited on 16/10/22 @ 06:10:44 by Tsaari (#37874)

Spirit (#234210)

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Posted on
2022-10-16 06:45:22
Thank you for reply, it still keeps showing up and I don't have that reputation. I indeed managed to swap it because i read there weren't actually a lot of quest pools to choose from before the reputation (thank you wiki) so I just think I will use my BB to swap stuff. Like I said, I play for the story, if I can get stuff that's nice, if not then not. But yeah I'm going for Heaven stuff more than something else I think. Anyways I'm rambling on.
TLDR: Thank you so much, I will swap to easier quests :) And I'm gonna HAVE to remember that little handy trick!!

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Tsaari (#37874)

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Posted on
2022-10-16 07:02:18
Yeah, the way to 10 reputation is annoying, but once you get it, it gets a much easier. So just swap for the easier one until then! Glad to help ^^<3

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Spirit (#234210)

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Posted on
2022-10-16 07:45:22
Thank you so much! It means a lot. I think just about two more daily quests and I'll be there. I just hope I can then finish the story without any setbacks LOL. Thanks again ^^

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🍡Pinenut - G2
Pearl RLC (#191227)

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Posted on
2022-10-16 07:48:27
you can send lions to the nature reserve for +5 karma each, so if you reserved 20 lions, you can get to +100 karma pretty fast, you can buy fodder lions from the tc or even claim ncls to mass reserve!

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Spirit (#234210)

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Posted on
2022-10-16 07:50:11
Ooooh that is *very* handy! Thank you for the great tip ^^ Unfortunately my territory is not that big right now, but it's definitely something to keep in mind :D Thank you so much, it means a lot!!

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