Posted by *~Tales of Magic~*

!.RogueSlayer..! (#279247)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2023-01-06 02:01:10

Main Roleplay Thread






love interest~:




( My main character I'll use is:)

Name~: Lightning

Gender~: male

Sexuality~: Pan

Species~: deer wolf

Love interest~:

Appearance~: A All Black Wolf with Blueish fire Coming from Along his back and antlers ( Looking a bit more deer than wolf )

Personality~: He is Mostly kind and Gentle Beast but, He could Be a bit protective Over his friend or things.

Powers~: Fire bending

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Edited on 08/01/23 @ 01:26:07 by !.RogueSlayer..! (#279247)

!.RogueSlayer..! (#279247)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2023-01-23 03:53:06
Name~: Soul

Gender~: Female

Sexuality~: unlabeled

Species~: SpiritCat ( A Made Up Species )

love interest~: N/A

Appearance~: A Small All White Cat With Short Fur and Light Pale Blue Eyes. She Haves Long Grey Horns that are Able to Light Up and Glow. She Haves Large Wings Kind of similar to Bat wings.

Personality~: A Quiet Cat Who Is Very Clever and observant.

Powers~: Flight and intangibility

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FancyFork (#391201)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-01-26 13:32:55
Name~: Trinket

Gender~: Female

Sexuality~: ??

Species~: Golden Cat (or Pharoah Cat) -Made up species-

love interest~: N/A

Appearance~: She has sleek, soft fur dappled with brown cheetah-like patterns. Her pelt is a bright golden colour decorated with stolen golden artefacts and trinkets. She has slender legs and a long tail that ends in a brown tip. Her eyes are a bright yellow mixed with grey flecks in the centre. Trinket has pink skin and is very tall, around the size of your average deer. On her back there are two white feathery wings that are almost translucent, yet are very large and powerful.

Personality~: Despite her friendly appearance, she can often be a bit snarky and stubborn. Most of the time she is nice, but it takes her a while to get used to new people, even longer if they have any shiny things that catches her interest. She is confident, yet doesn't always stay loyal to others, and most relationships end up with her stealing their stuff and leaving.

Powers~: Flight+ Blinding light+ speed+ Invisibility (almost. she covers herself with her wings and that makes her invisible)

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Edited on 27/01/23 @ 11:01:37 by FancyFork she/her (#391201)

FancyFork (#391201)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-01-29 17:21:15
Name~: Rhubarb

Gender~: Female

Sexuality~: Idk

Species~: Shroomling

love interest~: N/A

Appearance~: She has a dark red pelt and a grassy-coloured mushroom and some moss on her back. same anatomy as all the other shroomlings. Her eyes are a vibrant orange and she has a large palm leaf stuck into her hat, it looks cool, very cool, actually, but it doesn't seem to have any point other than that.

Personality~: She is caring and gentle, putting others before herself. She loves herbs and healing, and is social yet can be snappy when tired.

Powers~: Smoke screen+ Poison spores+ healing aura+ Invisibility

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o● (#256148)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-01-29 18:14:20
Name: Prince

Age: 9

Gender/Pronouns: Male | He/Him

Species: Friesian Horse

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: For reference this is what he looks like: Click Here {This is not my Image and is provided by}
He wears this tack: Click Here. {This is not my Image and is provided by}

{Please not I do NOT own these images or the rights to them.}

Personality: He is pretty calm. He can be excited easily. He is very protective of Jade.

Powers: N/A

Note: Jade is his owner.

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Edited on 02/02/23 @ 13:43:29 by ●o☆❁Sara❁☆o● (#256148)

P4RAD0X | G2 |
SK3LETAL (#307178)

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Posted on
2023-01-30 08:20:57
Name~: Sphinx

Gender~: female she/her

Sexuality~: lesbian

Species~ : A spirit of a black cat with white/blue stripes around her body.

love interest~: N/a

Appearance~: something like a ghost cat :3

Personality~: Very talkative, supportive to her friends. Nice in general.

Powers~: Telekinesis ( can float ) turn her normal cat body into a spirit. She also knows when somethiing is wrong and can turn herself into a larger version of her.

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Edited on 15/03/23 @ 02:18:43 by Southern {Colourbomb Smilus ] (#307178)

J3llyfish (#212292)

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Posted on
2023-02-08 19:45:55
Name~: Kota

Gender~: I dunno yet

Sexuality~: unlabeled

Species~: sea Lindwurm (Semi-aquatic)

love interest~: N/A

Appearance~: A 10 foot tall lindwurm who can camouflage, blending in to their surroundings easily, although from their size they could also be easily touched and found. Their actual colors are vibrant blue scaled, they start as a deep blue in their back and becomes a lighter light blue up to their belly. They have hints of green along their scales. When camouflaged, their eyes appear a lifeless white (They usually close their eyes when camouflaged, anyways) but in their original form, it is a mango yellow. They have muscular but lean arms.

Personality~: Kota is calm and careful, usually not interacting with others incase they're a threat or later become her food. Other then that, she is friendly and protective over the few friends and allies she has, offering rides and protection.

Powers~: Digs through almost everything, can create powerful waves. Camouflage. Can create powerful blasts on land and water.

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Edited on 09/02/23 @ 14:33:01 by J3llyfish(PM me the word melon (#212292)

!.RogueSlayer..! (#279247)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2023-02-10 17:57:22
Name~: Raven

Gender~: Male

Sexuality~: Idk

Species~: Winged tiger

love interest~: None

Appearance~: A large Black looking Tiger with Blue Stripes on him that are able to glow making him Showtimes look like a walking Nightlight. he was Blue eyes that are Very dark. he haves a Kind of Mohawk Running for his head to his back.

Personality~: Generally he is kind but he's not afraid to show If He's annoyed. He is Very Clever and knows alot about the valley. Raven is tries his best to do whatever he is asked of unless He Really Doesn't like the Person or thing. He Seems to not care about what others say about him but deep down he really Dose .

Powers~: Flight, Shadow manipulate( Could Turn shadows into things lol), Healing

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FancyFork (#391201)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-02-11 10:10:58
Name~: Mothball

Gender~: Male

Sexuality~: Bi

Species~: Moth dragon

love interest~: N/A

Appearance~: He is a rather small dragon-like creature with large wings and a poofy tail that cuts into two at the tip. He has a poofy neck mane and two antennae on his head that he uses to sense emotions and danger. His paws are soft and cat-like, and his body is a blue-ish grey colour whilst his neck and head are lighter, and his antennae are a dark blue. The tip of his tail is a light blueish, followed by a dark blue and dark splotches scattered across his two tails. His front paws are more cat like and soft, whilst his back are more stubbed. He has pink skin and toe beans on all his paws.

Personality~: He's very friendly and outgoing, can be overly social and excitable. Mothball is cheerful and has a green aura, meaning he is happy and speaks his mind most times. Moth seeks to please everybody, and often puts others before himself. He is good at keeping secrets, and understands human emotions quite well, almost like a therapy dog. He loves affection, but will not seek it as a reward.

Powers~: Strength, absorb (absorbs negative emotions and loud sounds.), and nightlight (lights up his antennae to be a soft blue colour)

Theme songs:
no time for toxic people- Imagine dragons

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Edited on 11/02/23 @ 12:05:03 by Pm me with 'melon' (FancyFork) (#391201)

o● (#256148)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-02-12 14:52:26
Name: Nora (It means Light)

Gender/Pronouns: Female| She/Her

Species: Lioness (Main Form) | Shapeshifter

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: A tall female lioness, around 3' 5", she mostly uses this form. Nora is an older lioness. Nora has large wings when in many forms, including lioness form. - [Without Wings] and [With Wings]

Personality: She is very aggressive at times. She also is calm when needed. Nora is very caring for young cubs.

Powers: Shapeshifting, Elemental manipulation, Flight, and Telepathy.

Note: Nora is blind in some forms.

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Edited on 12/02/23 @ 15:14:10 by ●o☆❁Sara❁☆o● (#256148)

FancyFork (#391201)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-02-16 12:57:03
Name~: Omen

Gender~: Male

Sexuality~: None

Species~: Griffin

love interest~: N/A

Appearance~: He is large, 16 ft at the shoulder and 19ft at the head, and has mostly black feathers covering his body. The feather tips on his wings are a bright glowing purple, and his wingspan is roughly 30 ft beginning on his back and ending near the end. His tail is checkered black and white and has a feathery point at its end that is useful for balance. His front feet are clawed and his back are paws similar to a lion's. He has a black underbelly and a masked face with two purple eyes and a red eye in the centre of the mask. On his head there are feathery tufts and two large ram horns that curl down and spiral up near the sides of his head. The mask he wears is a solid white and has a stone-like texture, and is almost owl-like in shape. His mouth is full of jagged, sharp teeth in three rows, and most of the time he had his head lowered, since he is mostly an owl-like griffin. Omen has a very thick black mane that is very regal and well-groomed, and his body shines unnaturally like oil.

Personality~: Omen is manipulative and cunning, often using his abilities for his own amusement. There are times when he can be helpful, but only to gain what he needs and leave after. He is more neutral, not necessarily evil, but definitely not good. He is stubborn, and will never admit he is wrong even if he knows he is. Omen prefers to be left alone, but when he warms up to others he can be chaotic and destructive.

Powers~: Shapeshifting+Illusions+Mind controlling/reading

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Edited on 16/02/23 @ 12:57:42 by FancyFork (#391201)

༽つShOwErThOuGhTs (#380556)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-02-23 06:02:45
Name~: Danu

Gender~: Female

Sexuality~: lesbian

Species~: Akhal Teke with a sharp horn + huge wings made of air| Goddess danu

Simp for~: Nyx

Appearance~: when in human form: she is a bit larger than your average human with flowering white deer antlers she has bright red hair the same eyes as when a horse and very pale skin, a flowing robe of watery blue silk, and sliver She wears a silver of spirals on her head that flowers sometimes bloom from. when a horse: She is pure white with huge wings bigger than that of the biggest peryton her wings are made of air mist and fog she also has a very sharp horn like a unicorn but it flowers like her antlers and is very very sharp and is also as long as a ruler(would be the equivalent as putting a pencil on your forehead due to her size), her eyes are the purest green with darker green shapes around the edges that look like mountains. When she uses her powers her entire body becomes almost see-through. She is around 60 hands at the shoulder and around 75 at the tip of the ears. Her mane and tail fade into a pale light green and is long and flowy leaving a mythological feeling to her. She matches the breed standard almost to the point excluding her size and mane/tail length.

Personality~: may vary through rp but she is usually kind and calm

goddess features: beneficent, nurturing mother goddess, and another being the strong, malevolent side of the warrior goddess

Powers~: She can control/create anything naturally occurring, heal any wounds with some effects for the major ones, disperse into fog, see many different futures(like clearsight from wof), go into anything naturally occurring, and camouflage. She can also change into a horse form or human like form

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Edited on 31/05/23 @ 07:15:42 by Deception (#380556)

J3llyfish (#212292)

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Posted on
2023-02-27 16:42:31
Hatari looked over to Jade. "Nyx got mad I told her she wasn't in the herd."

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o● (#256148)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-02-27 16:43:50

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Edited on 27/02/23 @ 16:44:17 by ●o☆❁Sara❁☆o● (#256148)

VibeyKing (Dm Me
Berry) (#275675)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-03-10 09:52:46
Name: Mellie

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Lesbian

Species: Pegasus

Appearance: Currently, Mellie is a black pegasis foal with white splotches on her back and face. She has purple eyes and a black mane, as well as black wings. As a foal, she is two feet tall with very knobbly and unstable legs. As an adult, she is about 10 feet tall with a sleek body. Her tail and mane are mid-length and her hair is very soft.

Personality: Very friendly and bubbly, always a light and happy being

Powers: Flight, healing, immense strength in dangerous situations.

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♡~Lachi~♡ (#222393)

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Posted on
2023-03-14 18:53:51
Name~ Crimson

Gender~ Male


Species: Kitsune

Appearance~ Crimson has a thick fur coat as white as snow which eventually starts to fade from pure white to a dark red at the tip of his nine long tails, as well as the tip of his ears, He is rather a quite slim individual with bright golden eyes that shine as bright as a star when it's dark outside.

Personality~ Most of the time Crimson prefers to keep to himself and observe others around him, He is not an individual who will try to attack everyone that crosses his path but on the other hand, he will instead try and get away from them before there's any aggression, He doesn't open up so easily to new individuals and will be a simple observer the majority of the time.

Powers~ Shapeshifting and the ability to control kitsune Fox-Fire by swaying his tails from side to side rapidly.

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Edited on 14/03/23 @ 18:54:29 by - Lachimolala - (#222393)

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