Posted by Spiderverse RP- The Spidey Satellite![SHEETS]

💗NinjaFeline (#230484)

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Posted on
2023-07-08 16:13:46

Main Roleplay Thread


Quick things to note about Sheets:

-Please don't be like way above the normal spider power level! Spidersonas are obviously pretty big in terms of power, just please don't go overboard!!

-You are allowed to have more info than we have on this sheet! This was just the basic info that I thought was needed.

-DM me if you have any questions!


SpiderSona Sheet
Character Description(Or Picture!):
Original Earth:
Spidersona Name:
Superpower Abilities:
Suit Description(or picture!):

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Edited on 15/11/23 @ 12:31:06 by ♥️🧡🤍🩷💗NinjaFeline (#230484)

ĐɆ₵ł₱ⱧɆⱤ (#357758)

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Posted on
2023-11-15 09:39:43
SpiderSona Sheet
Name: Kaique Barbosa
Age: 39
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Personality: Brooding, grumpy, short-temper, fatherly when needed
Likes: Artworks of any kind, spicy foods, nature
Dislikes: Conversations, large groups, winter
Character Description(Or Picture!):
Original Earth: Earth-408
Spidersona Name: Goliath/Spiderman 3034
Superpower Abilities: Kai’s abilities are simple, he does not contain the average abilities that most spider-men do. For starters, the spikes on his suit detach from his body to be used as projectiles. It’s the equivalent of a tarantula kicking its hairs as a defense. Kai also has retractable talons on his hands and feet, boots are designed specifically so they can retract. He can smell, hear, see, and taste better than an average human; also being able to see in the dark as well. His venom comes from his fangs only, but in small doses causes hallucinogenic effects, higher doses can be lethal. Kaique has a spidey-sense but is delayed, and can’t naturally climb walls so he tends to rely on his claws for grappling. His webs are a bright electric green just like his venom, but much like the hairs on a Goliath birdeater are barbed, much like those of prison barbs.
Suit Description(or picture!):
Backstory: (Warning: LONG!) In the year 3034, Earth-408 Kaique Barbosa grew up in the city of Rio de Janeiro, now known as Rio de York due to the continents now being closer to one another and thus made Brazil a part of NATO.
When he was at the young age of 20 he had a son with his wife Marcia; their boy was named Raja and in current time recently turned 19. Kaique is now shy of 39 years old.

Kaique was a pretty-freshly made Spider-man, although it being the future it wasn’t too futuristic due to so much pollution and global warming. A few years in the past, Kai recently invested into the military and thus became a part of an experiment. DNA-splicing. Scientists GMO’d a Goliath bird eater spider, causing it to have glowing venom and bright colors. Test subjects within the military were to consume the venom sacs of these gmo spiders in hopes their DNA would mutate to be half man, half spider. Every test failed, causing some to get violently ill and even die all together. Kaique was the first successful trial; his DNA mutated as they wanted, giving him talons that could retract, fangs that dripped a bright green venom, and a second pair of eyes along with all senses being majorly improved. A man that was 50% human, and 50% spider.

He was given a suit created by scientists to adapt with his new abilities; the only shame is that it greatly reduced his patience. Nonetheless his family loved him, and he made sure to always take care of them. Overseas an enemy country was at war- Kai gladly used himself to advantage, easily making him one of the best soldiers. Scientists were still trying to figure out why he of all people accepted the venom when no one else could.

They never would find the answer though; Once things in the war looked as if it all worked iut, the newly formed enemy dropped a bomb that totaled the entire city. Kaique had the dread overflowing him, his son recently had a child young like his father did. He warned his family, Marcia and Raja believed him completely. Raja trusted his dad more than anyone, the next morning he entrusted Kaique to take his granddaughter out for a small walk. To show her the ropes of their culture and just how beautiful Rio really was. Kai reluctantly took her, kissed his wife goodbye and did so— But then there was an explosion when he was far. Returning to the town now in complete ruin, no bodies were able to be found because of the blast.

Devastated, Kaique only had his baby granddaughter left; who was still too young to eat solid foods and required special needs. He desperately tried to keep her healthy, from the market with items that were not destroyed. His efforts would fail however..The poor girl still got ill, Kai was forced to just hold her until she passed away in her sleep.

He gave her the best burial he could, utterly heartbroken. He was alone, no one left other than the silence and wildlife.
Kaique wandered the streets in sorrow, hoping that someone would be found and alive; it never happened though. The one time he DID see other humans, was when enemy troops came to take supplies.

Scientists failed to realize one thing about Kaique’s DNA: an animalistic side of the spider would take over at random intervals like a phase. There was no cure or remedy for the behavior, Kaique would just have to deal with it. The troops were there at the wrong place at the wrong time, Goliath spiders being ambush predators..Kai killed all of them, barbed webbing, and using venom that melted the insides of prey, either that or the internal bleeding killed them first. But he refused to eat them no matter what instincts screamed at him. He’d rather starve than to eat another man.

That was his canon event. Which leads to now, Kai eventually being projected to the multiverse. But after all he IS still human, and can easily get hurt if he is not careful.

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💗NinjaFeline (#230484)

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Posted on
2023-11-17 01:01:17


Basic Information:

Physical Appearance:


Valerie as Soundweaver:

Suit Information:

Backstory(Warning: Long!):

html layout by mouse (#387619). I edited it to fit Soundweaver better :)

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Edited on 22/11/23 @ 16:32:55 by ♥️🧡🤍🩷💗NinjaFeline (#230484)

Bay_Cat_108 (#272711)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2023-11-22 09:50:04
Name: Anders Hagen
Age: 16
Gender: AFAB
Pronouns: They/He
Personality: Anders is happy-go-lucky, always focusing on the positive rather than the negative. They're always ready to lend a helping hand, and always prepared for an adventure. He's very naive though, and frequently gets taken advantage of. They're also very reckless, often jumping into trouble head-first.
Likes: Water, swimming, MCR, the color teal, horse-back riding
Dislikes: Crowds, heights, flying
Character Description(Or Picture!): Anders is a thin teenager with fair skin and obsidian eyes. Their wavy hair is red and cut into a layered wolfcut. They have freckles on their face and shoulders, and a slitted eyebrow. He wears a short sleeve black MCR shirt with a red flannel tied around their waist and checkered cargo pants. Hanging from the belt loops are several silver chains.
Original Earth: Earth- 169
Spidersona Name: Diver
Superpower Abilities: Regeneration, Efficient Swimmer, Long Jumper
Suit Description(or picture!): Diver's suit is teal with dark green hues on their back, legs, and arms
Backstory: WIP

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Edited on 22/11/23 @ 18:04:49 by Bay_Cat_108 (#272711)

Mantis Shrimp (#265201)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-11-28 08:56:54
Name: Asher Hawkins
Age: 19
Gender: Male
occupation: he works at an exotic vet clinic
Pronouns: He/Him They/Them
Personality: Generous, Loyal, Impersonal, Can't say no, Light-hearted, Gracious, Organised, rule follower, Considerate smart, constant state of tiredness MEGA nerd
Likes: nature, art, heights, and animals
Dislikes: fire, small spaces, and crowds
Character Description(Or Picture!): 6'2 muscular teen with medium-length white wavy hair with black peppered throughout. scars on his knuckles and a scar on his eyebrow
Original Earth: Earth- 2398
Spidersona Name: Trapper
Superpower Abilities: the usual Spiderman powers and he has paralytic venom in his claws and he has slight camouflage abilities and infrared vision
Suit Description(or picture!): his suit is black and brown with a faux fur collar to give him that "trapper" feeling he has vials on his legs used for capturing blood samples for testing whether they be from the villains or other spiders to help improve the suits or help reverse the villain's powers/changes (like turning lizard back human, sandman human, etc...)
Backstory: From a young age Asher loved being out in nature and climbing trees on his farmland in West Texas. He grew up going on mission trips all around the world visiting science buildings helping build up the cities again and helping the local wildlife on one of his latest trips to the Middle East he got the chance to see a spider research center that was experimenting on Trap door spiders. He walked around the building and got stuck in the DNA splicing room where his DNA was combined with a trapdoor spider's DNA. When he returned to the States he discovered his powers and was so confused at first and was found out by a local villain in his universe and was kidnapped and held in a dark small space. He broke out and took on the trapper persona as he started to do DNA testing on himself to try and figure out how to make the perfect suit for himself and how to stop the villains.

(im still working on it but i think this is good so far lol)

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Edited on 28/11/23 @ 10:34:58 by Modern Cowboy (#265201)

Firework (#423950)

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Posted on
2023-12-01 23:40:16
Name: Shenji 339611

Age: 17

Gender: cis male

Pronouns: he/him

Personality: well, ig you'll find out, I suck at explaining them.

Likes: sweets, fluffy spiders, no homework, weekends, fun.

Dislikes: homework, those loooong and booooring lectures, cakes, (might upset a few peeps) cats.

Character Description(Or Picture!): at first glance, Shenji is a total alien. His ears are rabbit alike which has quite many piercings on them, 4 eyes overall, he has a flat nose (that some people think looks like some Avatar's), pale greyish skin and pink longish hair (totaly natural!). sharp teeth, but anything else, he's totaly human like. That's how many of his planet beings are looking like. 5'11/6ft
Original planet: 6969. He is not from earth, but that earth has a spooderman too. Just in some other Earth-like planet in that universe has a spidersona.

Spidersona Name: Jump!

Superpower Abilities: long distance jumping, can't generate silk but his costume is made for short distance gliding. Nightvision, and camouflage. Sometimes uses few additional weapons. Much faster than a normal being.

Suit Description(or picture!): iridescent all over from head to toes. He has double space for eyes and his hair is showing from the top of his mask. His costume has self opening fly suit (wing suit).

Backstory: imma make this as short as possible, he was on a field trip to another planet, Earth. He walked away from course and thought that a little colorful, supersmall spider behind a nuclear plant, was a candy earthers had, so ate it. It all happened when he vas 13. When back home, he didn't feel any symptoms until age 16, and he started finding put his powers.
Additional stuff: his whole planet is colorful af. Everything same as earth (animals, trees, civilization, etc.), but grass is blue, sun is pink, trees, hell, are gay and always ready for pridemonth.

Spider that bit him: peacock spider

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Edited on 07/01/24 @ 10:37:36 by 𝙱𝚊𝚜𝚒𝚌 𝚖𝚢𝚝𝚑 (#423950)

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