Posted by Humanoid rp

Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2023-07-15 21:54:25

Main Roleplay Thread


Edit this post to list your character sheet form.

Backstory (optional)
Love interest if any-

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Edited on 15/07/23 @ 22:37:42 by Ash167 Queen of Raccoons (#137584)

Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2023-07-15 22:37:26
Name: Ash Richardson

Gender: Female


Species: Kitsunes

Appearance: Her fox is white with long dark red tail.When she is a human her hair is also white with dark red ends .She is skinny normally wears dark clothing and has light blue eyes and often wears multiple rings and has a few ear piercings and a few scars from fights.She also has tattoos from when she lived with all of the other Kitsunes and she doesn't like to look at them or talk about them. Although her appernece is mostly human she has her little white fox ears that stick out on her head. She has nine tails in her kitsune form but only has one in her human form

Backstory: She has always be quite alone.Never really had friends.She lives on her own never really knowing what happened to her parents.She has learned to use her powers over the years as she beagn to study them more.

Personality: she tends to keep to herself.She is rather shy and won't talk that much to people she has a crush on.She can be rather secretive for fear of being left because of those.secrets.She gets quite anxious and jumpy.She really has no self love so she tends to be jealous of others

Sexuality: Bisexual

Love Interest: Seine

Powers: Shapeshifting is the big one it's kind foxs and fox or dog like creatures.
Lightening: she isnt very powerful using this but can summon big bolts of lightening. manifestation in the dreams of others:she can enter peoples dreams.That being said this involves lots of practice.and it can sometimes happen unintentionally and she doesn't like to do this for reasons that will be in weaknesses (this may change as.I.finish this up tomorrow I have to go to bed)

Weakness: When she is shapeshifting bigger animals take more power.This can using way to much power and her not being able to like function anymore.With lightening there is a chance she can hit a friend or even herself.As for manifestation in the dreams of others this requires lots of practice, that being said she can be trapped in the persons dream if the person is attacked in their sleep or she attacked in or outside the dream.Or if anything goes wrong she can be stuck in there forever.When she is shifting into a animal it is very easy to kill her because she is in her weakest state there.

Favorite food:
Good at:
Theme song:

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Edited on 10/08/23 @ 19:55:26 by Ash167 Queen of Raccoons (#137584)

murderthistle |
they/it/any (#230278)

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Posted on
2023-07-16 21:43:51
Name- Rosso

Age- 18

Gender- Male

Sexuality- Homosexual


*You can't see the rest of his legs in the image, but they are similar to a bird of prey's, and he is around 7'5. He also wears a strange green eye amulet (not shown)
Art belongs to me.

Personality- To anyone considered 'inhuman' Rosso is always calm and protective, ready and waiting with talons reaching to snuff out any threat. He can have quite a dry sense of humor and gets attached to people easily. He hates humans with a passion. He does not trust them, not one bit, and would like to see them all dead beneath his claws. This mindset has been carried over from his experience in his own world. Overall he's quite nice, except for his insistence that humans are evil.

Species- Wither Demon (my original species)

Powers- As his species name suggests, Rosso is capable of using magic to 'wither' anything alive he touches. This magic is like an infection and can rot away flesh and travel through the body slowly until the victim dies. It is incredibly painful. However, to use this efficiently he needs a steady supply of food. Thus, the humans deny him the fuel he needs to use it properly, only giving him enough that he stays alive, but weakened. He knows this and despises them all the more for it. He also has his teeth and claws, and general largeness.

Weaknesses- His wings are his number one weakness. Fragile and sensitive, easily taken advantage of. He's incredibly protective of them, never letting anyone get close lest they lose an eye. Due to the fact he was born in the equivalent of hell, he's quite water averse, and the sensation of it is deeply disturbing and can send him into a panic. It's also toxic if he ingests it.

Backstory- Torn from his world just as he was starting to finally make a difference in his war, and thrust into another realm just as unforgiving, just as plagued by the blight that is humanity. Only this time, there are no hybrids. No one recognizable, no fur or tails or wings in sight. Just a sea of the banes of his existence. He had no time to adjust before he was taken. Not without significant casualties on their side, of course. He didn't want to go wherever they were taking him, he needed to find a way back to his world, to his purpose. He couldn't even feel the comforting presence of the ancient being bound to him by his amulet. He was alone and surrounded by the very creatures he fought so hard to get rid of.

They told him they wanted to help, to find out where he came from. It was so, so hard to believe, when there were shackles around his wrists made of something stronger than iron. He didn't let his guard down as he was shipped off to a facility. There he met other non-humans. Some trusted that the human government was looking out for them, but the demon knew better. He made up his mind to protect the other non-humans just as he had in his world, while also looking for his way back to his haunting.

Love interest if any- Kaven

Other- I decided to use the canon Rosso from my stories! He's a bit angrier and doesn't like humans :))

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Edited on 26/07/23 @ 16:19:00 by murderthistle | they/it/any (#230278)

Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2023-07-16 22:46:41
Name: Shade Flynn

Gender: male

Age: 18

Species: hippogriff

Appearance: he is about 6'3 and wears dark colored hoodies and jeans, he usually wears Converse, his hair is like a nice shade of black not completely black but close to it. His eyes are light blue he does have wings that he can retract and hide, he also has almost feather soft hair and has his tail which is almost looks like a horses tail, while he cant perfect his appearance entirely one thing he was able to master was keeping his hands and feet from turning into the bird talons and horse hooves of his hippogriff, although it happens sometimes when is gets nervous or too angry (he looks pretty ridiculous and will normally laugh when it happens)

Backstory: Shade grew up knowing he did not want to be like his parents who tended to be snarky, rude and rather annoying people who would fight all the time

Personality: he much like his hippogriff does not like to be disrespected, he is kind however and probably won't hurt you, although he can come off as award when he likes you and itll be pretty obvious, he is that type of guy who awkwardly makes bad dad jokes

Sexuality: Bisexual (leans more towards men)

Love Interest/Crush: Græ

Powers: he can fly quite fast, he has very good hearing and would like to keep it that way

Weakness: he cannot swim, and if he should get caught in a current his wings have a tendency to drag him under and cause her to drown. Really high pitched noises hurt his head and ears which can lead to him being deaf, he can obviously be killed just like a normal human can

Favorite food:
Good at:
Theme song:

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Edited on 10/08/23 @ 19:55:46 by Ash167 Queen of Raccoons (#137584)

Scorpioness (#225561)

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Posted on
2023-07-17 13:44:49
Name- Genesis
Age- roughly 26 years in human years
Gender- male
Sexuality- gay demisexual
Appearance- In his human form Genesis is averge height, attractive young man with feminine features and slim figure. He posseses wild, yet elegant kind of beauty, that could make any human woman jealous, his phoenix shaped eyes are red with subtle pink contour framing the pupil, pale face with single beauty mark under his eye framed by crimson red hair that reaches just below his knees.

Image not mine I made it on this picrew by edhelsen

Personality- Genesis bears aura of a scholar, he quite calm in comparison with the rest of his kind and he's great strategionist. While he's not a social butterfly, he is able to calmly talk about serious thing and can defend his own opinion. Genesis wont say it but he is actually caring to the point of self-sacrifising.
Species- Royal Phoenix
Powers- * full fire control and immunity,
* shapeshifting (phoenix and humanoid),
* rising from ashes (basically self-resurrection)
* can change into purely elemental form he much stronger, faster and his fire can melt almost anything, he is immune to arctic temperatures and poison, he can change into this form regardless if he is in his original phoenix form or human form,
Weakness- *rising from ashes (in good conditions regeneration takes minimum few months to return to adult form, the exact moment when phoenix resurrects they can’t defend themselves, in worst case scenario phoenix can reincarnate thousand years later after their death),
* While Genesis is in his purely elemental form he cannot heal and burns energy very quickly
* when very agitated he can dangerously rise the temperature of the room/surroundings,
Backstory (optional)
Love interest if any- open
* Genesis does some watchmaking as a hobby, so he has some knowledge on mechanism and clockwork, it also means that he has very precise hand-eye relfexes
* He is current phoenix king

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Edited on 29/07/23 @ 09:29:26 by Scorpioness (#225561)

💙🩵 Rainstorm
(ask pros) 🩵💙 (#293518)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-07-22 15:44:51
Name- Seine
Age- 24
Gender- Female
Sexuality- Bi
Appearance- A 6'1, beautiful woman with silver-blonde hair that is waist length. She has one ice blue eye, and one super pale green eye.
Personality- very calm and clever. Is very kind and sweet, especially to those she cares about. But she can be very powerful when angry.
Species- Nephalem
Powers- Average Nephalem powers. Can shape-shift from human to nephalem form.
Weakness- Only boiling water can kill her.
Backstory (optional)- none.
Love interest if any- None yet! Please pm.
Other- n/a

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💙🩵 Rainstorm
(ask pros) 🩵💙 (#293518)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-07-22 19:05:08
Name- Græ (pronounced "Gray"
Age- 23
Gender- Male
Sexuality- Gayyyy
Appearance- (will add) Tall, humanoid wolf usually with a hoodie on. Grey in colour with jade green eyes.
Personality- Usually quite happy, joking around with his friends, but he is insecure deep down about how loyal his friends are.
Species- Humanoid Wolf
Powers- None, really. Although he does have heightened senses, as wolves do.
Weakness- Can't have Mexican food XD. Bad digestive system. Horrible curse.
Backstory (optional): After his mother gave birth, they noticed how Græ was fairly... odd looking. She abandoned him in the city, leaving him to fend for himself.
Love interest if any- Græde?
Other- none!

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Edited on 30/07/23 @ 09:49:17 by 🧡💛🤍🩷💖Rainstorm (Xhe/Xher) (#293518)

᥅ꪖꫀꪶꪗꪀ (#411935)

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Posted on
2023-07-22 20:29:18

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Edited on 13/08/23 @ 17:02:37 by ♤♡◇♧Ace♧◇♡♤ (#411935)

Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2023-07-23 12:10:16
Name: Quinn Salazar (demon name: Akuma Japanese for demon)
Gender: male

Age: 19

Species: Demon

Appearance: he stands at about 6’1 he has dark brown hair and his eyes are a deep dark blue. He has lots of bracelets and necklaces. He usually wears a hoodie. He can hide his wings which are a redish black leather feel , he can hide his horns as well, which are the same color as his wings

Backstory: he doesn't talk about it

Personality: he can seem harsh at times but is quite sweet, he is quite and reserved keeping his distance from big groups, he does have a tendency to be very kind to those he likes

Sexuality: Bisexual

Love Interest: Kaeru

Powers: Shapeshifting, and Pyrokinesis (manipulation of fire)

Weakness: holy water, exorcism, Iron anything, holy fire, silver

Siblings: none/open

Relationships: he has some demon "friends" one being named Maya

Favorite food:
Good at:
Theme song:

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Edited on 13/08/23 @ 13:58:07 by Ash167 Queen of Raccoons (#137584)

᥅ꪖꫀꪶꪗꪀ (#411935)

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Posted on
2023-07-25 15:47:45

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Edited on 13/08/23 @ 17:02:52 by ♤♡◇♧Ace♧◇♡♤ (#411935)

Thefallenstar (#444090)

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Posted on
2023-07-26 18:42:29
Name- Luna Silverwood
Sexuality-pansexual (leans more towards girls)
Personality-Luna is mysterious cold introverted has major trust issues very bitter and angry but once she trusts you or it's a little kid she will be kind caring goofy sweet and willing to make them smile when they are upset
Species-a beautiful leucistic deet
Powers- can shapeshift into a deer, make plants grow and has good hearing
Weakness-she can only grow a plant if she has something that can turn into a plant (so a seed, a rose, etc)
Backstory (optional)
Love interest if any-none (lmk in ooc)
Other-blind in one eye

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Edited on 28/07/23 @ 08:21:21 by Thefallenstar (#444090)

Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2023-07-27 19:27:25
Name: Keruberosu Fawn goes by Keru

Gender: female

Age: 19

Species: A Cerberus type creature more like a hellhoud is basically a demon just different type

Appearance: she is 5'6 and has long red hair. She has deep red eye and a icey blue eye as well. She tends to dress in black hoodies, jeans, Converse or vans. She doss wear some rings !s well, she has her reddish black hellhound/Cerberus ears as well

Backstory: Hmmm she'd rather not say but it results in her stutter

Personality: she quiet, she can be kind to who she wants and when she wants. She tends to not go to large groups.

Sexuality: bi

Love Interest: Luna

Powers: super strength, and speed and also Shapeshifting

Weakness: like Quinn, Silver anything, holy water and fire she can be harmed by other things but those are the main like you will die almost immediately Weakness

Siblings: Quinn

Favorite food:
Good at:
Theme song:

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Edited on 10/08/23 @ 19:56:46 by Ash167 Queen of Raccoons (#137584)

💙🩵 Rainstorm
(ask pros) 🩵💙 (#293518)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-07-27 19:34:54
Name- Naymira
Age- 22
Gender- Female
Sexuality- Kinda fluid, but mostly straight. Although will date girls
Appearance- Changes, obviously, but usually returns to a tall, red haired girl with pale skin and freckles. Blue eyes.
Personality- Just super grumpy. However, she is really sweet to the people she loves.
Species- Shapeshifter
Powers- Can shapeshift lol
Weakness- NONE MUA HA HA
Backstory (optional) Doesn't like to talk about it.
Love interest if any- Pm!
Other- fishhhhhhhhhhhhh

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Edited on 30/07/23 @ 18:19:06 by 🧡💛🤍🩷💖Rainstorm (Xhe/Xher) (#293518)

murderthistle |
they/it/any (#230278)

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Posted on
2023-07-27 20:23:27
Name- Eyes In Absolute Darkness More commonly known as "Eyes".


Gender- Non-binary (It/its)

Sexuality- [UNKNOWN]


*I will be adding a better image later.
Art belongs to me.

Personality- Bewildering and strange, speaking in riddles and dialects lost to time. Eyes is generally benevolent, if not oblivious to the struggles of regular beings. It reacts the way a child would when it learns something new, even if that something is unpleasant (such as the sensation of pain). The angel can appear uncaring when another is in strife, but it does not mean any harm. As an aspect of the universe given sentience, being among living people is something it has to get used to.

Species- Angel

Powers- Due to being far from where it is meant to be, Eyes is left at a fraction of its power. Where once it could tear spirits from their vessels, now it can only create an aura of strong unease, and merely tug pitifully at the strings that hold people's souls to their flesh. Of course, the meat it wears is miniscule compared to its true form, but it finds that it is trapped in the furred and feathered body. When concentrating, it can become incorporeal and float around through things in the same manner as a ghost. It can also heal itself very quickly and tear off and reattach limbs.

Weaknesses- We shall see

Backstory- It doesn't remember. No one does.

Love interest if any- a

Other- aaa

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Edited on 27/07/23 @ 20:33:09 by murderthistle | they/it/any (#230278)

᥅ꪖꫀꪶꪗꪀ (#411935)

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Posted on
2023-07-28 12:08:43

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Edited on 13/08/23 @ 17:04:11 by ♤♡◇♧Ace♧◇♡♤ (#411935)

<~Dawn~> (#442568)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-07-28 21:07:01
Name- Calypso

Age- 783 years, HOWEVER, her mind and body are 18

Gender- female

Sexuality- straight and questioning

Appearance- she is unusually tall at 5’9 in human form; in humanoid wolf form she is 6’3, in wolf form she remains 6’3 at the shoulder. She has long black hair with streaks of dark green. She is light skinned with a navy blue crescent moon on her forehead with symbols of matching color trailing down her neck, back, and arms. She has trauma scars on her thighs, throat, and limbs, she also has self harm scars on her forearms and wrists. She has heterochromia, one eye being blue and the other green. She usually wears tie - dye t-shirts and shorts, her knife sheath on her left side. Along with several ear piercings, rings, and a bracelet very special to her. When in human form she always has atleast ears and a tail. When in wolf form her fur’s main color is black, with light grey underbelly, legs, bottom jaw to neck, and tail tip. Grey is in between the black and light grey. She also has weird little splotches of greyish green (looks like moss).

Personality- usually calm and a little bit bold. She can sometimes be off-the-wall crazy. In dire situations she is brave but also rash. If someone is rude to her or if she is in a bad mood she is very grumpy, shouty and will growl a lot. If someone is plain mean to her other than close friends, she; depending on the circumstances, will go full berserk, yelling, clawing, biting, and causing problems. She hates it when her trauma is mentioned and will shut down.

Species- Humanoid Dire Wolf

Powers- She is strong , agile and fast and can change forms at will. She has powerful nature magic. She can speak to animals. She owns a magic knife. She is skilled in hand- to hand combat and is an assassin.

Weakness- Her magic is not easy to control and sometimes messes up. She is also very stubborn and despises being told what to do.

Backstory (optional) As a pup she was severely mistreated, abused, and traumatized. She hates being touched in any way and only wears baggy clothes. If anyone asks her about her trauma she immediately shuts down. She managed to escape at 347 years old (9) and has fended for herself ever since, learning how to be an assassin.

Love interest if any- none

Other- loves making things. Has a large collection of pinned insects. Has ADHD

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Edited on 02/08/23 @ 13:22:26 by Dawn (#442568)

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