Posted by Clocher University RP *CLOSED*

Nomo Bones (#52957)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2023-11-09 16:00:15
Closed to new members. sorry. DM me if you might be interested ^^

Outline : Freshmen starting college on old haunted university with a hidden sorted past. Legend goes soon after the university was built, a student and professor leapt off the bell tower together after their affair was discovered and they both were facing dire consequences. Rumors have been made over the years that she'd been pushed in anger of ruining his life and in regret the professor ended his messy life then and there; his wife was furious, he was losing his career, he had nothing left. The Greek houses do crazy events to hype up and scare the students every year, it's hard to keep track of what's truth and what's hype anymore. But there's more to this mystery... may the ghosts come forth and elaborate on what's really going on here. "Hell Week" ending with one large seance by the bell tower. It ends up going awry, they improperly close out the ritual and let something loose on campus. Students start thinking the sudden freaky things going on around campus as some sort of extended pranks. It gets worse and worse until a student is reported as being hospitalized for unexplainable injuries. Whatever is free is getting stronger and more violent, it's up to someone to figure out what's going on before it claims a life.

Welcome to Clocher University!
As a welcome to the University, enjoy our simple pamphlet to walk you through your first steps into your new bright future! First and foremost a little bit about the campus. Settled into our gorgeous east coast hills and forest, the campus has stood at the crest of the nearby walkable town for over 100 years. It has as much culture as it does history! Our on-campus Greek Life is very involved and are the forerunners in holding the traditions and spirit of the University!
Find out more through our handy online guide or download the student app for up to date events and more ways to connect!

Hi thank you for reading! We want to remain respectful to ensure everyone enjoys themselves! Just some basic rules!
-No bullying, no racism, no homophobia
-No controlling other peoples characters
-No fighting in or out of RP (unless rp calls for it plot wise)
-NSFW 18+ activities such as violence, sex and or drug use will need to be DM'd instead of posted in the forum

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Edited on 18/11/23 @ 11:34:05 by Dande (#52957)

Nomo Bones (#52957)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2023-11-21 20:34:32
Jax swallowed hard, feeling a little unsure but nodded. He took slow, deep breathes as he grounded himself trying to open himself up to her route of communication. He stared into the diary, his eyes glazing over as he felt himself feel her presence all around him. ``He suddenly was no longer in the room but back on university's grounds. It was a warm spring day, the scent of flowers filled the air. He saw Dr. Campbell sitting on a garden bench near the quad, all the trees much smaller and fully green. He walked over and joined him, noticing he was wearing an old dress, was thin, was a woman! He'd been put behind her eyes, witnessing a memory? He leaned forward kissing Dr. Campbell sweetly. So... they had been in love? His head begun to hurt as the scene spun around whisking him to the same bench, only in what looked like modern day campus he was more familiar with. He sat on the bench feeling the Drs' absence and a deep pain in the pit of his (her?) stomach. He suddenly got up and moved directly east of the bench heading directly into the forest, past deep weeds and roots. He walked over to what appeared to be an overgrown old stone well and looked into the watery depths down below. He hovered in the moment, gazing into the reflection trying to see himself before he felt his head spin sharply again.``

And like that he was back in the museum on the couch next to Zak, never having moved at all. Hearing him whisper into his ear, his own blood ran cold. He squeezed his hand, it too being cold. "I... I think I know where it is..." he replied softly, his voice and his hand starting to shake. He didn't understand how he was able to do what he just did and that scared him.

The rest of the room found the whole thing amusing and begun to poke more fun at the event. Trying to provoke her, telling bad rumors and other things. The curators tried their best to settle them back down, or else they'd stop the tour all together.

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Mantis Shrimp (#265201)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2023-11-21 21:03:48
"what did you see baby boy tell me everything remember you're safe here with me I'll protect you" he said smiling softly holding jax's hands and rubbing his thumbs on the back on his hands. "I know it has something to do with Elizabeth I could feel her presence here too and not just those phoney quija board crap I saw the magnet they used to move it......" he said sticking his tongue out trying to cheer him up when all of a sudden it was like time froze and only Jax and Zak could move. Zaks eyes rolled back and a female voice came out of Zak "you have to find what I hid in that well it's y'all's only hope in stopping him I believe in you and Zak trust in each other and y'all will succeed, you can see into the past through visions and can sense the spirits while Zak can control dark magic and can read and speak any language he can also see and control the spirits like you" the voice stopped and time resumed like nothing happened

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Nomo Bones (#52957)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2023-11-21 21:32:23
Jax turned to face Zak about to tell him what he'd seen before freezing, seeing that everything else around them stopped moving. Looking back hearing the voice, he gasped seeing Zak's eyes rolling back to just his whites. Hearing the smooth feminine unearthly voice echo out from him... Once she stopped and time resumed around him. Jax couldn't stop staring into Zak's face unsure if he'd been aware of what just happened to him. Grabbing his hand he quickly pulled him out of the room away from the phony crap anyway. His hand sweaty and clammy as his mind kept racing. He couldn't wait to tell him what he'd seen but wanted to be far away from anyone else right now.

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Mantis Shrimp (#265201)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2023-11-21 21:43:40
"what's wrong babe don't you want to continue the tour? I thought you loved the tour I'm sorry for ruining it for you" he said sighing and looking sad as he was pulled out of the room and into the museums rotunda. Looking around waiting to see what Jax would say back to him to his questions. He smiled softly kissing his forehead and cheek "did I do something wrong if so I didn't mean to im sorry"

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Nomo Bones (#52957)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2023-11-21 21:48:21
Jax looked up to him worriedly, "oh my gosh! no! I'm sorry!" He wrapped his arms around him and returned a gentle kiss. "No I'm sorry. I just... did you... did you even feel that?" he asked before deciding to start from the beginning. Telling him about what he saw, with the well, and what She'd said through him. "And t-that's why I suddenly got up to leave. I just.... had to get out of there." he bit at his bottom lip nervously. "This is all just exciting and scary!" he chuckled nervously and tried to remind himself he was safe here and with Zak. At least the demon wasn't making an appearance, they were contained to the school grounds it seemed.

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Mantis Shrimp (#265201)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2023-11-21 21:58:41
"that's creepy but really cool baby boy I didn't know I could do that babe" he said smiling softly and kissed all over jax's forehead and belly as he picked him up and carried him like a baby "do you want to head back to the hotel or go see more of the town? Either way it's ok and I'll do anything you want handsome anything for you " he said smiling and kissed his neck sucking on his neck

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Nomo Bones (#52957)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2023-11-21 22:47:46
Jax blushed and leaned into him. "n-neither did I...." he giggled being swooped up again. Curling into him he thought a moment, "I want to get back to our room and just relax." He smiled and sighed suddenly feeling the excitement of the day catch up to him. He grasped onto his strong pecs and held tightly into his shirt, loving the attention, and feeling like he really needed it right now. He was just so glad he wasn't going through this alone, Zak had a prowess too.

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Mantis Shrimp (#265201)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2023-11-22 05:16:49
"ok baby boy first things first we have to find a way out of here silly" he said walking around the rotunda looking for the door but with no lights and a new moon outside it was almost impossible to see 2 feet in front of his face. He finally found the door after what felt like hours and started to walk down the empty streets full of street lights illuminateing their path back to the hotel. They reached hotel and walked into the elevator and rode it all the way to the top where they got off and went to their room. "You've been a really good boy today for daddy I'm so proud of you good job" he said softly whispering in his ear before nibbling on his ear lobe. Zak sat down his handsome boyfriend before crawling into bed with him and rubbing his belly and back

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Nomo Bones (#52957)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2023-11-22 05:24:00
Good morning lol I'm up a tad early 😂 how are you and your poor GF doing?)

Jax smiled happily heading back with his love, instead enjoying the little bit of darkness and illuminated old lamp posts. Getting back in he blushed and smiled big up at Zak, wrapping his arms around him. "y-yeah?~" he moaned out softly as his ear lobe was nibbled. He arched into his warm, soft touches.

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Mantis Shrimp (#265201)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2023-11-22 05:35:24
(I'm ok but her meds aren't as strong as we thought and with the cold weather coming in isn't making it any better)

"Yes of course baby boy I'm so proud of you, what did you learn today in the museum, we talked about a lot in there so pick one or two things to tell me about to make sure you were listening and learning." He said smiling as he cuddled Jax tighter and gave him Eskimo kisses (nose kisses) and pressed their foreheads together loving their warmth right now.

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Nomo Bones (#52957)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2023-11-22 05:42:07
Oof that stinks :/ poor thing! I hope she's able to recover quickly!))

Jax gave a little chuckle and thought about his answer carefully, "Ermmm. alright lets see.... I remember the caiman specimen... not a baby alligator." He smiled big up at him and gently leaned back into the kisses, gently laying kisses along his jaw and neck where he could. "And secondly.... hmmm" He pondered wanting to give it some thought. "I learned you're a cutie patootie who needs so show me your animal crossing collection. We can have a whole cute little date on your island." He blushed and squeezed around him, breathing in his scent.

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Mantis Shrimp (#265201)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2023-11-22 06:08:51
"Good job baby boy I'm so proud of you, you got both correct now we can't have that date right now silly since it's in my dorm but we can continue cuddling here and embracing each other and love the warmth we are giving off" he said giggling softly before pulling jax closer and laid jaxs head onto his chest letting him hear his heartbeat and breathing letting him know that he is safe and to help ground him after the ghost tour "that ghost tour was kinda lame in my opinion everything was fake except for the diary maybe but didn't you see it age back in time when it was brought into the light that has to be some sort of gimmick they used to make it look real" he said still not remembering or realizing that he spoke as Elizabeth Manson earlier that night

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Nomo Bones (#52957)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2023-11-22 06:15:30
Jax giggled and nodded cuddling in closer to him, closing his eyes and just gently breathing, feeling oddly calmed having him lay there listening to his heartbeat. "Oh my gosh right?" He laughed a little remembering the really bad cake-smeared doll. Then remembering the way Zak's eyes rolled back and he was used as a puppet, stuck in time for Elizabeth to speak through him. He lowered his eyes not wanting to think about it anymore. Right now all that mattered was he was safe, alone, with Zak. He gently stroked his hair humming contently to himself, trying to keep his mind occupied elsewhere.

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Mantis Shrimp (#265201)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2023-11-22 07:16:29
"how about a little game baby boy to help pass the time together?" He said smiling softly as he rubbed his back and played with his hair. "How about we play truth or dare baby boy? You go first" he said smiling softly as he continued to wrap his arms tighter around Jax and tickled him all over and kissed his belly trying to cheer him up and occupy his mind trying to make him forget about the ghost tour

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Nomo Bones (#52957)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2023-11-22 07:23:14
Having gotten lost in his thoughts regardless of his best efforts, the words Elizabeth spoke still clung to him. Looking back up to him, hearing him speak again, Jax nodded and shyly thought. "Erm.... okay. Truth?" He asked softly feeling a little lame for picking the safe option, but he was so caught off guard, but relieved for the game to focus his mind back into their lovely evening.

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