Posted by The Five Fallen oaks (ANIMAL RP)

🎩Fancy fork [11
days BDAY] 🍴 (#427147)

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Posted on
2023-12-16 15:43:51
A fantasy-based roleplay where animals are the main characters. ALL species welcome as characters, even ones that you made yourself!

Milennia before the downfall of the oaks, there were four noble clans. Feather(clan), Talon(clan), Flipper(clan) and Web(clan). Oh, I can hear you say. I thought you said there were five oaks? wouldn't there be five clans to match?
There were five clans. just only four were.. noble. The last clan had not been seen in years, but we knew they still existed somewhere. they damaged everything they touch, like pests.
The last clan were called "Locust(clan)". The members of Locust were thieves and savage beings, they killed everything that moved, and resulted in the downfall of many clans before them. The Locust leave marks, a burnt claw etching of a locust wing is forever imprinted on every single tree, stone and den that happens to be in a victim territory.
Luckily, the Locusts are extinct now. Or so the clans had thought.

The oaks were ripped, though there was no scent in the area. Something, or somebody, had destroyed the very five things that allowed each clan to be connected by the plants and have the forest provided for.
Everything fell into panic quite quickly and clans were seperated, creatures grouped up with their loved ones and became violent towards any member of a clan other than their own.

That was years ago. It hasn't got any better.
The creatures remain in their small groups, though some have formed into secluded tribes. It is hard to seek food now, and every morsel is valuable. Nobody has seen the Locust since the Chaos, and everyone hopes it to stay that way - if the locust came back, they would kill the remaining animals that were already weakened by the lack of food.

-brought to you by FancyFork-

Feather (clan)
This clan mainly consists of avian-based creatures that reside in the treetops. Feather was the most neutral, and most of the members still remain neutral to this day. some descendants of the original members have now become wanderers or loners, seeking a different life.

Talon (clan)
Talon were known for their strength and lack for mercy. They were brutal in their attacks and their stubborness nearly killed them off, as many members refused to accept help from other tribes after the Chaos. Talon mainly consists of large and/or canine animals. they live in caves and/or underground
(10 talon members)

Flipper (clan)
Flipper were very sociable and known for their ability to easily settle disputes between the clans. They were very skilled swimmers, and have the biggest population out of the main four. Flipper mainly consists of any aquatic animals.
(20 flipper members )

Web (clan)
Web were silent ambush predators who lived in caves and/or underground. They never really interacted much with the clans and keep to themselves. there are a few Web tribes scattered over the forest, but not many. Web are known for being relatively passive, but can violently kill you if you agitate them. This clan mostly consisted of small or insectoid animals, and they weave "webs" out of plant pulps and basically anything they can find.
(Only 10 web characters)

Locust (clan)
Locust seemed to be a mindless hoard, but they have much more purpose. Kind of. Locust banded up originally to become the most powerful, not the most feared. Nobody has seen them in years and its beginning to be doubted if they still exist.
(only 5 people allowed to be a Locust member)


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Edited on 11/01/24 @ 16:13:05 by Fancy fork (#427147)

May (#439283)

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Posted on
2024-01-28 13:08:04
(Thank you!
I'm doing good)

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🎩Fancy fork [11
days BDAY] 🍴 (#427147)

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Posted on
2024-01-28 18:24:35
(reposting+changing a lil because pagesss)


He gave a soft, unsure growl and brought his head back, looking at the upset kit warily. The skulker quietly lay his head on the ground near the kit, his dilated pupils fixed on it. what was he supposed to do? it was frustratingly loud. He saw little options other then just silencing it, but he wasn't going to do that. this was a child. How long would Minerva be? Rusty dug his claws subtly into the firm soil, watching where Minerva had left from just a moment ago.

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SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

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Posted on
2024-01-28 18:28:42

The kit continued crying out. Her ears were laid back against her head as she threw a fit. Her tail lashed behind her. Her eyes were shut as she continued her tantrum. “MAMA!” She cried out loudly. She sounded as if she was being tortured.

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🎩Fancy fork [11
days BDAY] 🍴 (#427147)

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Posted on
2024-01-28 18:38:37

He stared at the kit, his ears lowering at the sound. half the forest would hear them by now. The skulker huffed, beginning to have second thoughts on agreeing to watch the kit. Rusty carefully picked them up by the scruff, hoping she quietened or atleast was distracted for a moment. he had barely any experience with kits, what was he supposed to do?

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SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

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Posted on
2024-01-28 19:09:50

The kit stopped crying as the skulker lifted her. She looked around, confused. She had almost never been held like this. She wanted to be held in Rusty's arms, not by her scruff! She opened her mouth with another loud cry. She thrashed in the skulker's hold, wanting to be held right. She let out an almost, ear-splitting cry. Her body squirmed around.

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🐯Finch_Dane🥔 (#276751)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2024-01-28 21:37:18
(Hello, I wanted to ask if it were possible for me to join this? I have an OC I use for almost everything, a bobcat, but idk which clan would be best for him to be in due to his species.)

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May (#439283)

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Posted on
2024-01-28 21:51:58
(WAIT I MISSED PAGE 100!! :( )

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May (#439283)

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Posted on
2024-01-28 21:52:33
(And I'm sure you can join if you wanted but check with fork to make sure)

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🐯Finch_Dane🥔 (#276751)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2024-01-28 21:54:33
(Seems they're offline for now, so I guess I'll wait till they're back lol

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Dragon404 (#461657)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2024-01-28 22:10:13
Hello! I'd like to join in, what clan would a skunk fit into?

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🎩Fancy fork [11
days BDAY] 🍴 (#427147)

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Posted on
2024-01-29 03:34:45
(Both can join!
No idea what a skunk would fit, maybe talon?)


He brought his head back in surprise and almost dropped the kit, the fur on his neck bristling as she cried out again. The skulker gave a quiet hiss, not sure what to do. He could copy what Minerva did, but one of his arms were broken and that wouldn't help him.

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Edited on 29/01/24 @ 03:34:58 by Fancy fork [Cutlery] (#427147)

SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

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Posted on
2024-01-29 07:06:24
poor rusty, freaking out ))


The kit squirmed more, her cries still dragging on. Her stomach rumbled, and her head spun with sleepiness. She went quiet for a second, as her eyes drooped and she yawned quickly. The skulker kit looked at Rusty, her big eyes were watery with tears. Her body shook after all the hysterical crying.

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🎩Fancy fork [11
days BDAY] 🍴 (#427147)

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Posted on
2024-01-29 07:17:44
(I don't blame him)


He stopped and watched the kit. was she tired? needed something? What to do with a tired kit, he had no idea. The skulker put her down slowly, near one of the tree roots. That would be safe, hopefully. There'd be danger that could've been lured here. He could still hear the ringing in his ears after how loud the crying was.

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SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

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Posted on
2024-01-29 07:22:04

The skulker kit looked around in confusion. A tree? She looked up at the male. She outstretched her claws towards him, and opened and closed them. She didn't want to be with a tree! She huffed. This guy clearly hasn't had any kits. Her tail swished impatiently over the forest floor. Her eyes glazed over again, and her ears fell back as she prepared to cry if he didn't pick her up.

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Edited on 29/01/24 @ 07:22:15 by SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

🎩Fancy fork [11
days BDAY] 🍴 (#427147)

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Posted on
2024-01-29 07:29:48
(internally panicking)


'What?' The skulker growled softly with mild annoyance, though he was mainly just confused. He lowers his ears back and considers his options. He couldn't pick up the kit, his arm was broken. And he couldn't just leave - however much he wanted to. Who would willingly have a child and deal with them like this? Rusty lifts his head onto one of the higher tree roots, sitting up but trying not to wake up Birdy.

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