Posted by Northern Pack

SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

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Posted on
2024-01-19 21:53:02
making this roleplay because why not and im bored
**please PM me about high ranks such as alpha/beta! **


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PREVIOUS ALPHAS - written by Lupa (#50745)

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Edited on 02/02/24 @ 22:09:06 by SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2024-01-29 20:17:12

Having watched the group of her fellow pack mates dig out Sylvain and some other strange male she had never seen before. She began to move closer to understand what was happening now but seeing as how everyone was acting more hostile to this other wolf she felt her ears pin to her head but she decided to follow similar to what Duvessa had done as had the rest of the pack, Shibaan would decide what would happen to this strange wolf and she would stay near the others but not so much to interfere. She stared intently at the wolf beside the beta as she kept her distance from Shibaan and the others.

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Lily (#435779)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2024-01-29 20:45:42

Jay wakes up from her nap immediately. She looks over to the unfamiliar wolf. She runs over to the pups and snarls at the unknown wolf. She huffs with hostility. She looks down at Daisy. Daisy acted like a older wolf. She turns back to the unfamiliar wolf and kinda shrinks down to the ground when she saw the unfamiliar wolf. He was to big for her size. No way could she take the wolf down.

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s (#310057)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2024-01-30 21:25:48
(sorry I haven't been posting lately and its small posts. I started focusing more on school lol)


He would be lying if he didn't say he was expecting a warmer welcome. Of course, he brought the dispersal with him so the hostility was anticipated. He could only hope Shibaan would understand why he couldn't leave him in the snow to die. He told Altair to stay put with only a look and prayed he would listen.

Although he had almost no strength, he lowered his head in submission as he walked towards Shibaan. "I couldn't leave him out there to die, not like Athena and Lupin. The memory is too sore, but I'll respect any decision you make."

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Lily (#435779)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2024-01-30 21:43:43

Daisy calms down a bit and looks at the wolf. He was going to die out there, in the blizzard like the other alphas. He huffs in annoyance. Jay was trying to protect them but the pups could handle themselves. He could handle them.


Jay looks at the wolf and sits up a bit. The other beta was right. The other wolf he brought in was going to die out there. She quietly sighs in relief. She wouldn’t have to fight if the alpha doesn’t want them to fight. She looks down at Daisy and back up at the alpha, waiting for directions.

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SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

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Posted on
2024-01-30 21:55:55

The white wolf stared at Slyvian. A low growl emitting from her throat as he groveled towards her. Her blue eyes glared at him. A flicker of joy burned in their depths. Her ears twitched at the mention of the deceased alphas. The hackles along her shoulders rose. She slowly looked up at the dispersal wolf. Slyvian was right. This wolf wouldn't live through this storm without shelter.

She watched the two. Hostility brewing in the air. She let out an angry growl, cutting off the silence. "Fine. He can stay." she said hesitantly. She was not fond of outsiders. Not one bit. Her muscles were tense, and they flexed underneath her thick fur. She just couldn't say no to Slyvian. As much as she was disappointed, she was pleased to see him. He was cold and weak, but nothing he couldn't sleep off.


He watched Slyvian step forward. His olive eyes spoke of pure worry. This white wolf was intimidating. He could tell she was female, by her scent. But that only made her scarier. His posture was tall however. He wouldn't grovel to pack wolves, it went against his own ego. Altair watched warily. His ears perked up as she spoke. His hopes rose high. He could stay! The dark male wagged his tail slowly. He could feel the rest of the pack's eyes burning into his hide. He knew how embarrassing he must appear. Wet, cold, and desperate. His pelt prickled with self-consciousness.

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Lupa (#50745)

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Posted on
2024-01-30 22:00:45

[ To say I'm ecstatic for your response is an understatement. Welcome back! ]


Straying silvered eyes were spectating the threatening displays made by the pups and juveniles, posturing themselves to appear intimidating and difficult prey. Her maw twitched, amusement threatening to break through the cool neutrality of her expression, so her eyes trailed back to the scene before her. 'I couldn't leave him out there to die, not like Athena and Lupin. The memory is too sore, but I'll respect any decision you make', Sylvain put himself to the mercy of Shibaan, his submission towards her absolute. Duvessa rose to her paws, bringing the poultice along with her. Not a singular herb would be wasted upon the dispersal without the blessing of their Alpha, but Sylvain was one of them, and Duvessa wasn't going to sit on her paws while he risked infection with each passing heartbeat. Sidling up to the Alpha and Beta, casting a look at Shibaan to show her intentions with the Beta, Duvessa placed the poultice-smeared rock next to the Beta's paws, leveling the male with a look that dared him to disagree with receiving medical treatment. 

"Paw, please, Sylvain." Duvessa asked simply, blatantly ignoring the moose in the den by the name of stranger dispersal, her singular concern placed first and foremost on the well-being of their second in command. Waiting for the male to offer her one of his injured paws, the she-wolf licked the poultice, dampening the paste that had begun to dry out in their wait. The future Alpha can enact her punishment and will upon the Beta, once the Caretaker has completed her duty. Her ears twitched towards the sound of an angry growl that emitted from Shibaan's jaws, clear frustration dripping from her words. 'Fine. He can stay.' Duvessa's gaze swayed toward her Alpha, lingering to see if any regret would flit across her piercing, ice-blue eyes, before she returned her focus to Sylvain.

Her attention didn't stray once to the dispersal, he could wait until she had cared for the male who had earned his place amongst the pack time and time again, and had earned the personal respect of Duvessa. Sylvain was family, and family always would come first.

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Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2024-01-30 22:01:57

Her ears twitched as she listened waiting for her opportunity to see if the wolves needed any type of healing, though she thought her fellow caretaker might be better suited for it. Shade loved her job but she knew Duvessa would be on the calmer side. The she wolf normally was and was very easy to talk to. Even Shade found herself speaking to Duvessa when she was upset or just needed someone to talk too. She stared at the new male quietly as she watched her other pack mates and Shibaan, She watched her for a moment before Turning her attention back to the beta and now back to Altair.She watched her fellow caretaker before following quietly behind her. “Anything I can do to help?” She asked Duvessa quietly.

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Edited on 30/01/24 @ 22:03:06 by Ash167 Queen of Raccoons (#137584)

Lily (#435779)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2024-01-30 22:02:14

Daisy calmly walks over to the wolf. “Follow me. I’ll show you where you sleep.” He says, hoping his voice didn’t come off as a growl. He turns around and sat near were the wolf slept. He quietly sighs. Why did he show the wolf were he slept. Why didn’t he leave it to the older wolfs.

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Wormnut (#451819)

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Posted on
2024-01-30 22:02:34

Tenn was shocked by Shibaan's response to letting the dispersal stay. The brown wolf kept staring at him with disapproval, but he wouldn't attack unless Shibaan ordered it so. Tenn turned his back to the entrance and sat down, but kept his eyes on Shibaan defensively. "Who knew you became such a softie Sylvain..." he mumbled under his breath. Tenn was a stranger welcomed into the pack, but he was a defenseless pup who couldn't hurt a fly, this was a grown wolf who they knew nothing about. He could kill them all while they slept, or kill the pups and claim to be alpha. Tenn laid down trying to relax, but it was impossible.

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The best snek (#274274)

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Posted on
2024-01-30 22:08:30

He let his tail wag, moving to welcome Sylvain back to the den, while pointedly ignoring the dispersal. It bothered him that the stranger would be allowed into the den with the pups, and he huffed in slight annoyance as Daisy tried to show the dispersal to a nest. "Daisy, get back to the other pups. We can't trust this mange-pelt not to try anything while the pack sleeps."

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Edited on 30/01/24 @ 22:37:32 by The best snek (#274274)

Lily (#435779)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2024-01-30 22:18:38

Daisy looks at Cedar with anger. “Then how about you show him where he sleeps! Your the older one. Take some responsibility for others! Not just yourself!” He snarls. He walks over to the pups and huffs with anger. He curls up into a ball in a corner.


Jay looks over to Daisy, surprised that he talked to the older wolf in that tone. She quietly lays down next to Daisy. She lays down at a distance, letting him come to anyone he wants. She looks over to Cedar. She looks back at Daisy.

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Lupa (#50745)

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Posted on
2024-01-30 22:35:46


Kind, liquid mercury eyes turned to Shade as she approached, affection blossoming in Duvessa's chest for the blue-eyed Caretaker. The two of them were relative in age, both seeing three cycles of the seasons in their short span of life, yet the darker she-wolf often sought the advice and guidance of her fellow wolf. Her eyes softened, a soft smile pulling at her maw as she blinked gently towards Shade, before twitching her eyes towards the dispersal, who she had yet learned the name of. 'Anything I can do to help?' The quietly spoken words reached Duvessa's ears, and she nodded her head, gratitude flaring in her silver eyes.

"Could you get another batch of marigold and chew it into a paste? I am sure our new friend would be thankful for some relief for his paws as well." Indicating with her muzzle towards the dispersal male, Duvessa returned her attention to Sylvain, patiently awaiting a paw to be presented to her. Patience was her strongest asset, the willingness to outlast any wolf that even uttered a word of dismissal, or any other attempts to rebuff her away from her duty. It didn't matter to her just how much they believed themselves to be perfectly fine without her help, if she believed there was something that she was needed for, she would set them with a piercing stare, and wait until they relented to her will. 

Her eyes darted to Cedar, the words reaching her eyes, and gratitude was once again offered openly to the Delta as he ushered the pups back to safety. Her gaze lingered on Hemera for a moment, who was hunkered down in the pup nest, a fixated glare offered to the dispersal, distrust glimmering in those dark brown eyes. She could empathize with the pup's standpoint, however, Shibaan had made her judgment, and until that mercy ran its course, Duvessa would treat the male with the civility offered to a guest.  

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Edited on 30/01/24 @ 22:36:44 by Lupa (#50745)

Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2024-01-30 22:45:04

She nodded offering Duvessa a smile as she began to trot her way towards the pile of marigold and she began chewing it just as she had said. She let her mind wander a little as she did so. Duvessa has a way with calming and soothing others that Shade didn’t quite have and she admired her a little for it. She couldn’t help but think about how patient Duvessa could be and how kind she was. She smiled a little at the thought of her fellow caretaker, she had grown quite found of her as they have worked together. She knew Duvessa was always someone you could rely on and she liked that about her. As she finished chewing the marigold into the paste she looked around for the male tilting her head a little as she did so awaiting her chance to speak to him.” I’m sure you’d like your paws to feel better.” She stated to Altair now more calmly

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SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

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Posted on
2024-01-30 22:45:27

He watches a wolf tend to Slyvian. She seems nice. He slightly envied the Beta. It would be a dream come true if his frostbitten paws could be tended to. He lowers his head as he hesitantly steps into the den. His pelt prickles with the feeling of being watched. As he walks, he leaves pawprints of blood. He lowered his ears, slightly embarrassed. His claws click on the cave floor, they seem to be obnoxiously loud for some reason.

His ears perk as a pup approaches. He doesn't follow the pup to the nest, but just nods in acknowledgement. He doesn't want these wolves thinking he's interested in pups. Altair's head snaps up as a male wolf barks something to the pup who had just spoken to him. A barely audible growl rumbles in the dispersal's throat as he hears the insult "mange-pelt". He was used to being called names, but he didn't appreciate it.

He looked up, the growl instantly stopping as a female wolf approached him. He hesitated. He nodded slowly, "That would be nice, thank you." he murmured. He avoided eye-contact, not wanting to instigate anything. He could tell most of these wolves were already on edge. No need to give them more reasons to dislike him.

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Edited on 30/01/24 @ 22:48:44 by SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

The best snek (#274274)

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Posted on
2024-01-30 22:48:05

When the pup growled a response, Cedar took a step back, surprised, before nipping the pup with a quick sharp bite. It wouldn't draw much blood, but it would sting for a while. He accepted Duvessa's gratitude, knowing that the moment Daisy yelped it would have likely vanished. The nerve of that pup! Running off into danger one moment, risking his littermates by forcing Rakan to chase him down, and the next moment telling Cedar to think of others before himself!? He had never wanted so dearly to leap for the pup, morals be damned.

Turning to the dispersal, he stood to his full height, looking coldly down his muzzle at the stranger. "We aren't cruel enough to leave you out to die, but you will have to obey our rules here." Cedar brought the dispersal with him back towards the entrance, indicating a rather simple nest, positioned next to the omegas. "You can move closer towards the entrance if you want, but don't try getting closer to the pups."

//I forgot to refresh the thread before I posted oops

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Edited on 30/01/24 @ 22:48:45 by The best snek (#274274)

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