Posted by The Eclipse Tribe & The Forest Tribe (werewolf

Orphan Tears (#442418)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2024-02-29 18:54:22

This is a werewolf pack/tribe RP btw!

The Eclipse Tribe and Forest Tribe lived very close together. They both disliked each other a lot and would often start wars with each other over disagreements.




• Hate the character not the person
• No homophobic transphobia or any other problematic thing
• no god modding! Aka don't speak for ppls characters.
•No 18+ scenes. Make it fade to black. Or do your esex somewhere else☠️
• Don't be a Mary Sue
• Ask perms before killing a character or taking a limb😭
• you don't gotta have realistic eye colors or hair colors lol
• at least 3-4 paragraphs. Unless your totally stuck. But please try to type more then one sentence.

• Like I said above you do not gotta have realistic eye colors or hair colors.
• your wolf form is pretty much as big as a bear☠️ alphas are usually bigger.
• your a furry in your human form. JK but you do got wolf ears and a wolf tail. You can hide them though if you'd like.
• You can have as many characters as you'd like though don't make 20 or smth😭


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Edited on 11/04/24 @ 11:22:56 by Orphan Tears (#442418)

Orphan Tears (#442418)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2024-02-29 21:23:57

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Megaeraa (#453144)

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Posted on
2024-02-29 22:00:01
(( OOC: It’s 12 AM for me so I’m just gonna reply early in the morning tomorrow.
Good night, or evening/morning! ))

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👻 Kaiju 👻 (#97108)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2024-02-29 22:53:54
\\ if there's no problems w/ it, I'll be joining :p but it's also 2am here so probs will only answer further by te morning

Dario breathed in deep, expanding his thorax almost unnoticeably as his diaphragm, strong as it was, worked around the control Dario had on his lean and small human body to keep it as optimally still as possible. Unconsciously, the werewolf let a quiet break of one, then two seconds, before the arrow between his right hand's fingers was released. As it snapped forward and flew, Dario could feel the breath he held be pulled alongside it. Immediately, his mind began the same unconscious counting as before– but now, in thirds. One third, then... there. Just before the second third. The distinctive sound of flesh giving way to shrapnel. Dario sighed once more, this time allowing himself to make sound, and began traversing the foliage towarda his prey. He hated this part of hunting while in his human form; the fact he had to walk about even after the prey was caught in order to collect his spoils. He couldn't just let himsef hunt as a wolf every time, however, lest he grows complacent with the compound bow.

A few moments of walking around low branches and compact bushes, however, Dario could finally get his hands on the spoils for now: a big, albeit skinny, hare. As he turned the animal in his hands and gently removed his arrow from the soft skin between its face and front legs, Dario briefly wondered what to do next – wether he should return to camp, or not...

Suddenly, his ears jittered atop his head multiple times; slowly, he noticed the faint sound of running water, and remembered in a glint that he shoul be near the river, actually. This made his next choices easy enough. Dario took the hare by the scruff of it's neck, and padded towards the body of water, thinking it could serve for a nice refreshment and, depending on the location and water speed at that point, maybe even a snack.

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Ash167 (side) Queen
of Raccoon (#145972)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2024-02-29 23:10:20
(OOC: I hope you don’t mind I’m joining all your rps lol I love to rp! I’ve saved this so I can post a character sheet tomorrow!)

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Edited on 01/03/24 @ 06:20:43 by Ash167 Queen of Raccoons (#137584)

Orphan Tears (#442418)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2024-02-29 23:19:52
Nolan sighed while picking the heavy up out of the wasn't heavy but right now his hands were really cold so it was kinda hard to grab.his ears twitched slightly as he heard someone approaching and his eyes darted twords the direction he heard the sound.

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Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2024-03-01 07:49:13
Shade was trotting in the Forest tribe territory her ears perking up. Today she was determined to catch something, anything really. She wanted to feel like she had been helpful in some sort of way. Being an omega wasn’t easy, most of not all of the packmates would be so mean to her. The smaller wolf would normally give them sassy or attitude when they were mean, unless they were the Beta or Alpha, then she would keep her jaws shut for fear of being removed from the pack. Though the medic was usually nice. So that was something someone was nice to her at least. The delta? Hmm she hadn’t thought about him, never really talked to him. Was he nice? “Well have to think about if he is nice to me, he could be nice to the others but not me.” She stated quietly having a nice conversation with herself though she realized this would get her nowhere with the hunting so she sighed and stopped to take a break under a tree. She licked her paws a little a nervous habit of hers. Perhaps she would talk to the delta today, see how nice he was. If she determined he wasn’t nice at all well then great she knew to avoid him. “Perhaps I can help the medic with something today, be of use for her. I’m sure she can use some help.” She stated out loud still having that conversation with herself. She strived to be helpful, she was an omega. No important role, no one someone would look up too. So it was the least she could do was provide any help she could to the pack.

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Edited on 01/03/24 @ 07:49:31 by Ash167 Queen of Raccoons (#137584)

Ivy (#291155)

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Posted on
2024-03-01 10:26:32
Growing plants when you lived in a relatively snowy area wasn't for the weak. That was what Adonis had learnt many years ago. You had to be seriously dedicated to not letting your plants die, and it was like having a patient who needed around the clock care. Thankfully, his years of being a medic had taught him patience - a true virtue.

In front of the pack, Adonis had to be a steady source of comfort; someone that could be turned to when they were hurt. It was fair, after all, who would trust one with their wounds if they were a ball of anxiety? Perhaps he wore the title too tightly, admittedly a bit stiff at times. But presenting himself as calm an collected all the time, when he occasionally wanted to rip out his hair, was a bit hard.

But here? In the little greenhouse he'd constructed? Here, he could be whatever he wanted. His little safe haven from the world. He spent much of his time between here and the medical center; having built said greenhouse in the back, close enough where his ears would prick it someone came in needing help or called for him. But right now there was no one. So right now, he was taking the time to read a book on plants, mulling over which one he might try his hand at planting next.


Trudging through the forest Joshua walked, humming an absent minded tune as he followed dutifully after his younger sister. Despite his relaxed posture, he watched the girl with a sharp, attentive gaze - ears twitching at every sound. They weren't very far from the village; infact he could see it in the distance.

Eventually Mackenzie stops, surveying the area with a thoughtful frown. Her hazel eyed gaze flits around, eventually settling on some flowers growing in a patch.

"We can use those?" She asks, pointing a finger at them with the same intensity one would a criminal.

"Yup." Joshua's hand sneaks out, ruffling her hair. Before she can screech in protest, he carries quickly on. "How many are there?"

Mackenzie looks at them, then back at him with an expression that suggests she thinks he's an idiot. "Three."

"And what if each flower had four petals?" Joshua ignores the look; hes used to it. "How many would that be?" He watches her brow furrow, and then looking at the petals.

"Twelve." The seven year old huffs, almost rolling her eyes indignantly. "I know how to count."

"You sure do sunshine." He holds back from ruffling her hair again. "Now. You can pick one okay? Let's leave the rest for other people to have too. Right?"

"Uh huh." Mackenzie agrees, studying all the plants before picking the one she likes best, plucking it from the ground.

(Interaction is open it anyone's interested!)

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Megaeraa (#453144)

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Posted on
2024-03-01 12:00:19
₊˚.༄ Cordelia-Bay . . .

Talented fingers swiftly worked across a bloody arm, wrapping it in bandages and ignoring the several curses and whimpers and flinches that would’ve distracted anyone who wasn’t used to it, but after several years of training and studying under other medics, she had become a master at her craft. Her thick, brown hair was pulled back into a braid, bangs stuck to her forehead with sweat– and her sweet, comforting voice muttered a small “sorry,” every time she noticed a look of discomfort or pain upon her patient’s face.

The boy– a hunter for their tribe, not much younger than her— had sustained a major injury along his arm after getting caught in a trap while out catching game for their tribe. A rookie mistake, not being able to sense such an obvious lure– a dead rabbit above a pile of leaves, anyone could have sensed it with enough expertise, but he was still young and naive. In-fact, there was a reason behind his track into the trap.

“What happened?,” the she-wolf said, trying to make small talk in order to help distract the boy from all the pain he felt. There was a minute of silence, besides the boy’s groans and wolf-like, hushed, hollers in pain– until he finally caved in. “Well, t-there was Dafni.,” Cordelia-Bay couldn’t help but giggle and roll her eyes at the mention of Dafni– the huntress-warrior of the forest tribe who was as efficient at her job as she was fiery and fierce.

“I see,” she said with a smile, hands moving towards the tray beside her– where all her tools lay. Out of the several shiny and non-shiny objects alike, she settled upon the small needle and thread. “I’m about to stitch you back up– it’ll hurt, okay? Just keep telling me about her– tell me some more about Dafni. What do you like so much about her?,” as she asked her questions, she slowly yet skillfully unwrapped the bloody bandages from his arm, unfazed by the large gash that was hidden beneath.

With a small sigh, she leaned over, thread and needle in hand, before she got to work, listening as the hunter spoke of his girl troubles. “Well, she’s strong for one. She’s got this look in her eyes when she’s hunting— it’s, it’s hypnotizing. ,” man, was he whipped. She gave a nod of her head, and she would’ve given a light-hearted laugh if it wasn’t for her sheer concentration. Well, she was all done, anyway. “Done.,” she said, exhaling a large sigh as she got up. “But don’t move. I still need to clean it and re-wrap it.,” she stepped up, dusting off her hands as she turned into her wolf form.

Taking one last look behind herself, she made for a nearby lake out in the woods, bucket in her mouth as she swiftly made her way. However, her trek was interrupted by an omega-wolf nearby. Her ear flickered at the scent of a familiar wolf, and she turned her head as she walked. It was odd to find people near the medic-den at this time of the day, and she quickly realized who it was: Shade.

Her tail wagged, but first, she ran into the woods, finding the source of water she had been looking for, taking slow steps in order to ensure no water would be spilled. By the time she returned, the she-wolf was still there, and Cordelia-Bay walked towards her with a smile, bucket still in her mouth. She let it down, tail swaying from side to side as she stood near Shade. “Shade,” she said, motioning towards her the den. “I could use some help, you know.,” she was well aware of how much Shade wanted to help out around the tribe, and could use an extra hand.
“I’m just cleaning up his wounds for now, some hunter hurt himself trying to impress Dafni, again.,” she laughed, picking up the water with her mouth once more. “If you’re interested, you know where to find me!,” after that, she walked off toward the den, preparing to once again work on her patient.

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Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2024-03-01 12:12:40
Shade perked her ears hearing her name being called, her mood obviously improved when she heard Cordelia-Bay. Her tail wagged as she heard the situation and couldn't help but chuckle a little bit at the hunter attempting to impress Dafni."Who was it this time Cordelia?" she asked in an amused tone as she approached the den. She was always more than happy to help Cordelia-Bay, she even enjoyed the amusing situations some of the members found themselves in to end up in the medic's den. Her tail continued to wag behind her a little as she now had something to do, someone to help around the pack and it made her happy. She never understood some of the hunters need to try to impress not even just Dafni but anyone they were remotely interested in. This was probably because at the moment she hadn't been interested in any of her packmates to begin with and she seriously doubted they were interested in her. Shade was always curious about why the hunters felt the need to do this. Was it an attempt to show off and potentially be in a relationship with the one they were trying to impress? That was probably it. She secretly judged those who injured themselves trying to show off, she found it foolish and unnecessary. She figured if you were going to show off at least know you won't hurt yourself trying to do it.

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Orphan Tears (#442418)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2024-03-01 13:14:55
(I updated some information on the Eclipse tribe)

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Orphan Tears (#442418)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2024-03-01 13:17:40

Nolan sighed, thinking it was just a animal he decided to head back to camp with the water. He picked up the Bucket and carried it the best he could without trying to drop it since right now his hands were really cold. When he finally got there he put the large bucket of water inside of a big container.

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👻 Kaiju 👻 (#97108)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2024-03-01 13:19:36
Dario kept his steps soft and his mood just as light, mind rolling around the idea that it would be good to clean himself and keep things fresh when hunting. As he fiddled with his bow's string across his chest, Dario's feet slowly reached softer ground and the noises made by the water's current slowly turned louder and louder in his ears; which was, in a way, just as anxiety inducing as it was calming. As it was, other noises would surely become muffled, and his tittering ears could only do so much for him and his hearing. Instead, it was another of his five senses that alerted him– his sense of smell. Faint, and carried swiftly away by the wind's change in direction, was a worrisome tinge: that of a wolf. An unknown wolf.

The blond man furrowed his brows. He knew how the river was a touchy subject, in regards to territory, as it was the exact thing dividing both Eclipse and Forest tribe. As such, it should be normal enough to find pack members from both, too, but... Well. Dario couldn't say it was something good, per say, either. Rivalry between the tribes resulted in its fair share of scuffs at the territory border; be it because involved wolves were actually protecting their lands or because they simply assumed the lands needed protecting, and unnecessarily escalated things further.

As much as he was loyal to the Forest tribe, given the origin of his parents, Dario was very leniant on other wolves livelihoods as well; and as such, never saw real reason to engage first with his pack's neighbors. Dario was driven mostly by logic, too, and it was a pretty easy connection that if both parties simply minded their own business, there would be less people wounded– but he understood not all wolves thinked alike, and, were he to face someone particularly unfriendly, he needed to be prepared to act. So, all in all, he wasn't particularly interested in the smell that danced around in waves alongside the wind. It, by itself, didn't need to change his plans... but he was still wary of how the owner of that smell felt in return.

Dario thought about investigating in his wolf form but, were he to need his bow, the form-changing would be a hindrance. Instead, then, the man turned to walking on all fours for the last 10 meters up to the riverbank, where he would be hidden from the other wolf's sight behind the riparian forest's foliage. From there, Dario did his best to examine the were and to access for any possible dangers; they seemed young, and, although tall, not necessarily "fighting inclined" per se. They seemed aware of Dario, too, from the way his ears jittered and his eyes scanned the woods from where Dario had come. It was interesting, in a way; and as such, Dario planted himself firmly behind the thick bushes and waited to see what the wolf would do next.

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Orphan Tears (#442418)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2024-03-01 13:25:35
Nolan sighed remembering he still had to go back to the river to hunt some fish. He grabbed the supplies he needed and headed back down to the river. He kneeled down by the waters when he suddenly smelt a scent of another wolf... They weren't familiar though he didn't wanna act without need, as he still tried to avoid any conflicts with any other wolf.

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👻 Kaiju 👻 (#97108)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2024-03-01 14:11:04
Dario raised an eyebrow as he watched the other's hunting equipment. While it was fine enough, he always wondered about the neighboring tribe's lack of bows. For someone such as himself, whose entire formation revolved around the weapon, it was quite the sad sight... but he digressed. In the end, the both of them planned on using the river's fauna, and simply waiting it out seemed counterintuitive. It was best, too, that they shared close space, than for Dario to move elsewhere in the riverbank and lose sight of what the other ever did. Were the other amicable enough to not cause a ruckus over catching fish, this would be the best way to deal with the situation.

Decided, the blond man slowly took his bow off from where it hugged his midriff and took it into his left hand. With his right, he took a single arrow from his quiver, pressing it against his palm with three fingers and using the remaining forefinger and thumb to pinch the neck of the hare carcass, lest he leave it behind to feed someone other than him – or, well, his pack. Dario extended both hands upwards, showing his position in foliage before his body began standing up so as to not startle the other wolf as well as send a hopefully peaceful message about his intentions.

Dario stepped out into the riverbank slowly, hands still held up, before he pointed to the water with the tip of his arrow.

"I'm here to hunt," he started, louder than normal to be heard from the other side and above the water's noise. Then, arms relaxing down and motioning once to where the other sat, Dario added, "just like you."

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Orphan Tears (#442418)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2024-03-01 15:13:46
(forgot to mention I updated some information on the Eclipses tribe and now they make really good spears☠️😭)

Noah's eyes widened slightly, but quickly relaxed at hearing the others words. He nodded his head softly before taking a spear that was next to him. He never had any opinions on the forest tribe as he was a simple loner before and wasn't in the Eclipse tribe for long. He wasn't one to hold grudges but he knew he should still be careful around the other tribe.

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