Belongs to a n i k a's Pride
(View Former Prides)


" Clan Traveler "

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This lion is immortal! It will not age or get hungry.

Appearance Markings
Base White (Dark Brown Skin) Slot 1: White Mist (100%) Tier 1
Slot 2: Henna Brindle (100%) Tier 1
Slot 3: Ardor Feline (72%) Tier 3
Slot 4: Feline 8 Auburn (50%) Tier 5
Slot 5: Feline 3 Ebony (92%) Tier 5
Slot 6: Auburn Crackle (100%) Tier 5
Slot 7: Feline 5 Ebony (55%) Tier 5
Slot 8: Celestial Speckles (100%) Tier 3
Slot 9: Noctis Saddle (75%) Tier 1
Slot 10: Feline 9 Auburn (50%) Tier 5
Genetics Black Light Solid Common
Eyes Midnight
Mane Type Blade
Mane Color Ebony
Mutation None
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
Setting Sun

Body Paint: Easter Swirls
African Flower Ornaments [Rainbow]
Rugged Mane [Scoundrel]
Guernsey Lily [1]
Red Rail
Garland of Rebirth
Montane Charaxes
Fortnight Lily
Madagascan Blue Iguana
Wattle Pile
Red-Chested Owlet
Ocelot Gecko
Purple Starling
Tusk Extensions
Least Weasel
Blue Diadem Caterpillar [1]
Coffee Locust [1]
Giant Stick Insect [1]
Common Raven [1]
Serpent Fangs
Riverine Rabbit

[GE - Middle East] Bottle Tree
Lion Spirit
Keep within the clan and stick to the list provided on the clan thread! DO NOT SEND IN MAIN CHAT OR TO ANYONE NOT ON THE LIST

Tanga set out on a journey to explore as much of the lands of Lioden as possible. To stay safe, she's chosen a group of prides across the continent to travel to, giving her direction and purpose. She wants to collect as many stories as she can and maybe some friends along the way!


She is to stay in the clan and to help keep her in the clan there is a sign up for her. Do not send her through main chat, do not send her to just anyone in the clan, ONLY send her to the next person on the list after you!
You will be booted from the clan and blocked.
Follow the same principles that the clan rules layout. If you would like to add decor, feel free to! If you would like to keep a decor, then you need to swap it for one of equal or higher value! You will be removed from the clan if you take something off and do not replace it with a of value item.
This includes her base, markings, eyes, and skin! She was curated by everyone in the clan, and she should be kept that way. Her pose MAY be changed
Please send her on at least 1 hunt
Feel free to breed her, but if you do not want to keep the cubs, please send them to #89370 to raffle off to the clan members!
To keep her moving, do not keep for more than 3 DAYS, not rollovers. Make sure to shoot the next person on the list at least 1 day before Tanga needs to move to make sure they will be open to her. If they can not take her or have not rolled over in 2 days, send her to the next person on the list and message #89370 that the person needed to be skipped
Feel free to add on, adjust code, etc as you see fit but do not flat out delete anything from the bio!
It was voted on, do not change her name
If for any reason you know you will not be able to rollover or get her moved in time, you can feel free to just send her to #89370 at any time. You do not need to message first, just send her so she doesn't get stuck on your account.


Use these identifiers if you would like decor returned or traded. Please add any decors you put on her to the list
[FT] = Free To Trade [KL] = Keep on Lion
- Setting Sun (Added by 167190 [KL])

- Guernsey Lily (Added by 167190 [FT])
- Red Rail (Added by 167190 [FT])
African Flower Ornaments [Rainbow] (added by 179815[KL])
- Garland of Rebirth (added by Notarias 71602 [FT])
- [GE - Middle East] Bottle Tree (added by Notarias 71602 [FT])
- Body Paint: Easter Swirls [KL]
- Rugged Mane [Scoundrel] [KL] (Added by Hannbells #129483)
- Fortnight Lily [FT] (Added by Hannbells #129483)
- Red-Chested Owlet [FT] (Added by morii #212942)
- Purple Starling [KL] (Added by Beatrice #233008)
- Shrikes [FT] (Added by Beatrice #233008)
-tusk extensions [FT] (added by 230007)
-Lion spirit [KL] (added by 285391)
-common raven [FT] (added by 285391)
~ Riverine Rabbit [KL] (added by 306161)


Journey Across the Lands
The link to your page has been pre-coded, all you have to do is replace [ID#] with your ID# and put in your pride/king's name where it says. Be sure not to add any spaces in the code

Star Watcher's Pride
As Tanga stepped into the light one morning, the sun warming her fur, and a gentle breeze softly grazing the land, she knew it was time to start traveling. She had no fear, she would be with a trusted group, and she just couldn't wait to see the different prides and their customs. She was pleasantly surprised when the first pride she traveled to welcomed her with open arms, and invited her to join their hunts, meals, and even at the end of the day their tradition of watching the stars. She learned how to recognize several constellations and the stories behind them, as well as the useful information on how to find where you were based on the North Star. She was sad to leave the pride, but she also looked forward to ones she had yet to meet.

As she wandered into the next prides territory she was greeted by some early morning hunters, not wanting to make them rush back to their pride with her she offered to join the hunt and help them take food back to their family. The hunters agreed and in the end they caught two zebra to take back. The queen of their pride Raiu was very kind to her, and explained they get multiple travelevers through at a time. During her visit Tanga was allowed in the nursery to help the pregnant lionesses and help deliver a few cubs. She felt blessed to be included in the births and looked for ward to having her own cubs soon, although she wasn’t yet sure if she would keep them due to all her moving but she simply shook her head to clear the thoughts. That decision she would let trouble her a different day

Rustlebrush Pride
Tanga may have arrived at a time of trouble, but despite this, she was treated well. Perhaps it was her gentle mannerisms or her slightly awkward stumbling that charmed pridemembers, but whatever it was, it earned her a temporary place among the pride as a friend to many of the less distrustful lions. She was also quite popular among the cubs, thanks to her willingness to humor them and their silly antics. During her visit, many lions in the pride helped weave together decorations out of an assortment of flowers for her to wear, bumping heads with her when it came time to leave. The open road called to her, like many other travelers, and she had to continue on.

Tanga encountered a fiend when she was on her way to the next pride, it was a big mistake to travel during the night at this time of the year . Luckily King Justiciar was patrolling in that are and fought off the fiend in the nick of time. He invited her to stay in his pride until she was well rested and ready.
Decor added: wattle pile

Clair de Lune
Tanga appeared on the edges on Clair’s lands and was found by a beautiful male that looked like darkness was enveloping him from behind. She was a little taken aback by how stunning the pinkish lion was and might’ve even had a little crush. His voice was cold and dry as he asked what she was doing on his land. She looked at her paws in embarrassment and explained that she was a traveler and was pointed in this direction. The nameless male grunted and turned to lead her to the king. “Cmon then” he huffed “i’m Junipero by the way.” Tanga’s eyes lit up a little and she introduced herself.

King Kuburi
Tanga found herself wandering into a dark, lush forest. Feeling herself being watched as she gracefully made her way through the under brush. Hearing the rumble of water, she then felt the thirst. Following the sound she came across a large sparkling waterfall.
Wanting to quench her thirst, she bent down and began to lap up the cool, crystal clear water. When she felt a presence, looking up she saw two crystal blue ice shards pinning her to the spot. It wasn't a liveing lion...though it looked like one. The lioness smiled as she turned her head.

A sign to follow

Tanga knowing her home pride had chosen prides for her to stay in, knowing she should be safe. Turned to follow the strange being. As she followed, she noted how calm she felt...even as the forest seemed to curl around her. Surrounding her in a soft a d gentle embrace. The figure up ahead seemed to glide along the forest floor. "Who are you?..." Tanga questioned. However she didnt get a reply, not untill the figure halted upon a hill, and turned to face her. Behind the 'ghost' lioness another figure emerged. This was definitely a liveing lioness... Her eyes lit up like the starts themselves as the beauty smiled. "Welcome Tanga...Im Queen Kibwe. The spirt who have lead you here is our former Queen, my mother Her majesty Binah. I hope your journey here had been without trouble. Please come with me child, rest and recover..." Tanga bowed her head in thanks at both of them. "Thank you"

She strode after them. Deeper into the forest as the stars finally came out. They too welcomed her, whisps of blue lights darted around Tanga. Along with them voices and happy whispers. Tanga smiled...She cant wait to learn more about this pride and spend time with them, before she moved on


Swamp Spa Paradise
Leaving the forest filled with Whispers, Tanga found herself in a boggy landscape filled with steamy pools of water. The land appeared to be owned by a lion named Keralis. During her stay, she met several travelers who passed through. Some stayed longer than others, and some stayed for merely a month. Tanga sat with many of them, listening and sharing stories of adventures amongst each other. She refused partaking in the little 'invented aphrodisiac' that Keralis's spa girls offered more often than comfortably.

Staying longer than intended, Tanga finally decided it was time to end her visit and extended time of being groomed. Before she left, Tanga gained one last makeover and grooming session. Kohji, Keralis's apparent head Queen, offered to give Tanga a beautiful painting on her fur of swirls. She enjoyed the look along with her flowered adornments!

[11/25/2020] I kept her far too long, I'm so sorry!

Providence Pride
Tanga had a lovely time roaming through providence. She did not meet any pride members except for ᴏ́ʀғʜʟᴀɪᴛʜ, a large rosette tigon who encouraged her to stay to the west of the valley. Soon enough, the traveler moved on from her time in the valley due to a rather abrupt and... chilling encounter with a cavern full of lost captured lionesses. On her way out, she found peace in the Valley of Stars, and the Eternals granted her immortality for her to continue her journey.

The Pride of Burning Sands
Tanga wandered through dry, scrubby grasslands until she felt the winds whipping around her. She noticed the beginnings of a sandstorm, and figured she would not be going that way any time soon. So she skirted around, her paws carrying her through a dry canyon, the signs of a long-dry river clearly evident on the red stone. When she emerged from the canyon she was standing on a cliff overlooking a vast desert.

Turning, she saw a lioness sitting besides her and jumped, startled. The lioness was staring calmly out over the desert, her pale cream pelt seeming to blend in with the sand she was watching, the only difference was the smattering of white vitiligo across her back. Slowly, she turned to look at Tanga with a smile. "Hello there? You must be a traveler, are you not?" Without waiting for an answer, she continued. "My mother is a traveler. That's why I can speak the common tongue, because I wasn't brought back to this pride where my mother originally lived until I was over a year old. Come, let me show you to our home, it is quite a long walk."

Standing up, she gave the traveler a once over. "But, I don't think that'll bother you, will it?" She winked, turning away from the edge. Tanga followed in stunned silence. The trip through the desert seemed unusually short, and couldn't help but wonder if it was because of something this lioness was doing.

She received a warm welcome from the pride, swapping stories with the lioness who escorted her there, who she later learned went by Kindheart, and the other travelers who came through. The pride was surprisingly laidback, almost lazy seeming, except for the constant huntresses coming in and out, switching out and resting before taking the place of a lioness who would come back.

She helped the few elders alive weave together springy, flexible twigs into ball shapes, and it wasn't until later, when a couple of cubs and an adolescent brought some glowing fireflies that were held in an odd pouch that she learned they were for hanging up around the Oasis to light up the way. It was very tedious, but with a bit of patience, she managed to craft a couple, and then the cubs would carefully insert a couple of the bugs into the larger holes before they were sealed off.

On the night before the morning she'd leave, there was a festival of sorts. The herbalist, a sweet lioness named Quailshimmer, crafted a sort of concoction in a large, smooth, hollowed out rock. It was sweet, and the pride seemed to have the energy to stay up all night, even though she herself began to feel tired as the night went on.

The next morning, she went off, with some tearful goodbyes from some of the cubs. She went off feeling oddly refreshed despite staying up until nearly dawn. It wasn't until later, as the burning sand gave way to scrubby grass and the cacti to the occasional tree, that she noticed that a small owlet had taken up residence in her scruffy mane, a last souvenir from that pride.


Maliki’s Pride
Tanga had a long journey travelling to Maliki’s pride, she didn’t fancy doing much so she lazed around with the lionesses and help take care of the cubs. The cubs really loved Tanga and she was adopted as Auntie Tanga, Shadow especially took a liking to Auntie Tanga and was upset when she had to leave to carry on her journey.

Cledorite's Pride

/Oden I’s Pride



Tanga had been at her home pride for far too long now, and her paws had been beginning to itch to be back on the walking paths. Ever since she’d gained immortality in the Valley of the Stars, she had felt less rushed to travel. She had so much time. It was both soothing, and agonizing, knowing she would spend forever here. But it was an opportunity to be seized, so once again she left her homeland, seeking out the next pride in the group.

When she arrived, she was greeted by a calm king, who carried himself with a distinct sort of grace and dignity. His temper was well-maintained, and it was clear that he got along with others well with how diverse the personalities of his pride members were. She also noticed that he had a significant amount more cubs and adolescents than he did lionesses, but she quickly learned that this was in part due to how Atticus had a tendency to rescue cubs and adols, and that his ladies were hungry to have babies. But it did raise the issue of having too few broodmothers for the amount of small cubs, and the whole pride was often having to scramble to keep them all safe, and to gain territory before they grew up.

But it was a fun adventure, and the cubs got along with Tanga quite well. It reminded her of when she’d had cubs of her own, in a long time’s past, and of the many cubs she’d met and played with in other groups. It was fun, to once again meet new lions and see the world after her long break at home.

She liked how Rabsha allowed nursing mothers to stay at the den and raise their cubs, as opposed to having to go out and hunt after having given birth, even if it meant sometimes the hunters had to work a little harder. It was clear to her that this pride valued family, and time spent together.

She was given her own cave at the den, one the pride members called the “Traveler’s Nook”, and it was designated specifically as a place for Travelers to rest. Of course, she was welcome to join the rest of them if she wished, but with more cubs than she could count, she would admit she needed the space, at times.

On one particular morning, Tanga was mingling with the cubs in the nursery when a cub came up to her with wide eyes. “My mama says you’re a traveler, miss. What does that mean?”

Tanga smiled, and layed down close to the hazelnut cub, whose name she later learned was Hieroglyph. “It means I like to move from pride to pride, moving around the world and gaining memories and experiences.”

The cub’s little jaws gaped, and her amber eyes sparkled, “I wanna travel! When I’m big, can I travel like you?” she squeaked, hopping up and down. “I wanna travel in the future!”

Tanga chuckled, and watched Hieroglyph with delight, “You’d have to ask your king about that, little one, and your mother.”

While there, she also visited with and befriended three different fellow travelers--Peregrina, Static, and Galanthus. Their personalities were vastly different, Peregrina being a joyful, excited soul, Static being more warm and laid back, and meanwhile Galanthus was a bit cranky, and didn't take too kindly to the group. It turned out, her social skills were lacking, and she'd been forced out on her adventure, much unlike the others, who left of their own volition. But with Tanga's gravitational pull, the group bonded in their short time, over hunting, cubs, Static's interesting cub experience, and their love for the world.

Before she knew it, her time in Rabsha’s pride had grown to a close, and her paws were ready to carry her on to her next adventure. Maybe she would head back home, next, or she would stop at a new pride along the way. Either way, she enjoyed her outing.


Blackstar's Pride

Tanga was ushered up a thin path running up a mountain. Her guide was a melanistic lioness named Panther. "All our caves are up this way!" she said enthusiastically while pointing up the mountainside. "You'll get your own den specially designed for Travelers! Right now, there is only one other lioness in there. Her name is Peacock and she is super nice!" As Panther chattered, Tanga took in her surroundings. Birds twittered from the scraggly pine trees nearby and the sun shone. Light, fluffy clouds drifted lazily across the sky and in the distance, she could hear the laughter of happy cubs.

Soon, the pair reached the place Tanga would call home for the next few days. The cave was cozy and warm. Moss grew from the ceiling and soft furs covered the ledges where they would sleep. There was another lioness sitting primly on the floor with her tail curled over her paws. Her eyes were different. One eye was brown and the other was blue. Apon seeing Tanga, she stood up and said, "Welcome. My name is Peacock and while I'm also a fellow traveler, I have come to call this pride my Home Pride." Tanga stepped from the entrance and glanced around. A waterfall draped a corner of the cave with a curtain of mist.

"I see our visitor has arrived." A friendly voice said behind her. Tanga spun around with alarm. Behind her stood a tall golden lion with kind, black eyes. "Sorry. Did I startle you?" he asked. Tanga sheepishly smiled. "Sorta." she said truthfully. "I am Blackstar. The leader of this pride." he said. "I hope you really enjoy your stay." "I am enjoying it already." Tanga said excitedly. "I am so excited to stay with your pride. Thank you for having me."

Soon, a blur of fur rolled into the den. It popped apart and Tanga saw that they were 2 small cubs. One with cheetah markings and an interstellar. "Briar, Stella, you should know better." Blackstar admonished. But, Tanga could see that he was hiding a smile. "But we wanted to see the new traveler!" Stella whined. Blackstar laughed. Tanga leaned down so she could look into the young interstellar's blue eyes. "Hello." she said. Stella gazed adoringly into Tanga's midnight eyes.

Amberheart1353’s Pride
Tanga was warmly welcomed into this busy pride by an overexcited group of cubs. She purred as they climbed over her entire body and begged for stories of the other prides she had visited. When the time came for her to leave, she could still feel the warmth of their paws on her back- or was that a stowaway?

ღPride of MilleniumLandღ
After a long journey, Tanga reached the herd, which is located among the red hills. She was greeted by the king's family and made her home in the cave overlooking the waterhole. Throughout her stay, she was treated exceptionally and participated in various events. Tanga secretly hopes, that she made some new friends with her arrival.

Teranis' pride
[DATE RECEIVED] 2022-07-25
After a long journey, Tanga arrived at the pride of the infamous Smilus Teranis, After talking to him, she was taken to the dens to rest after her travels. She witnessed the king help out the interstellar lions Tefnut, Apollyon, Menhit and Apedemak. After a few days, right as the dreaded drought started she spent time with the pride thanking them for their hospitality and kindness. The submale Loki escorted her to the borders so she could go to the next pride.

[DATE LEFT] 2022-08-3

The southern Rebels

[DATE RECEIVED] 2022-08-3


Tanga wandered across the plains, she was told this particular group was a, well can be quite the unsavory group. She had heard a few tales of what the King Larksong had done. She was going to skip visiting with them but with drought she was desperate and heard they were doing pretty well with supplies. Surely it couldn’t be too bad, right?

Tanga wandered into the main den area and the sight before her made her freeze. A young russet colored male was standing over the body of who she presumed was the Wicked ruler Larksong. The russet male was sitting next to the body grooming himself. He had blood staining his muzzle and his eyes were still in slits. Tanga went to hightail it out of the lands when he spotted her, “Ah! Who must you be? From what I could tell Larks pride left him some time ago, so tell me what are you doing about these lands?” Tanga turned back to face the arrogant Tom. “I um, I’m tanga. I was sent here on my travels. I see that uh, you seem to be a bit- busy. I’ll just head to the next pride-“ The male strut over to her, “No no. The matter has been dealt with. I’m now the ruler of this Pride, not that any lionesses are still in this pride,” he growled. “That brute was too blindsided to see his submale was helping the lionesses escape his harsh rein to the neighboring pride.” Tanga eyed the new king wearily, “So your the king in these lands now, correct?” The male nodded, “Yes. I’m very sorry I realized I haven’t shared to you my name, I’m Kirmizi Kral. The name means Red crow, so if you prefer you can just call me Red.” Tanga nodded, “ah, alright.” The silence was quite strange as he walked her to the empty dens.

During her stay he had charmed a few females to join the pride. Tanga had tried befriending a few of them but all oh them were quite snarky. Well besides Mornin, she was pregnant with cubs and was always hanging around tanga. Tanga was the only lion who would humor her jokes and the two enjoyed each other’s company. Tanga wished she could stay for Mornins cubs to be born but she had other travels to continue. Plus Red was starting to show his brutality around the lands. Tanga wished Mornin well then began her trek to new lands.

[DATE LEFT] 2022-08-5

Donnie's (#306161) pride!
(Date arrived: 2022-11-28)

Tanga, after resting in unclaimed lands for a while, proudly walked into a deep rainforest. She felt eyes burning into her back, and yet whenever she looked there was no one there. She slowed her pace as a large male walked towards her, not looking very friendly. Tanga feeling familiar with hostile kings by now sat and waited. The large male slowed his pace and looked her over, his eyes looked like a gem. A slightly smaller female poked her head out from behind him, a rabbit mask sat tight over her face. "What are you doing on our lands, las?" the male growled.

Tanga looked from the pink male to the small rabbit female and then shrugged. "I'm the first traveling lioness, and I seek to stay here for a little." Hearing that the male seemed to calm down. The smaller one's fur lay flat now as well.

"Ah, we're fairly familiar with you guys, I'm Dustox'mind, and this is Deceit." Dustox'mind huffed, flicking his tail towards Deceit. "I'm just taking her out for training, our Liege Donnie wants her fully trained in every subject before she becomes Queen of his land." Something told Tanga that he was jealous of Deceit. He turned around and nodded, "well come on then, we better hurry back and find you a place to reside.

Dustox'mind hurried back to his camp, Tanga followed and Deceit had to hold a brisk trot to keep up. Not soon after they neared a large branch with hanging vines and stones coated with moss, it looked pretty. They walked toward a male who was sunbathing on a large boulder. Hearing their pawsteps he opened his eyes and sat up, yawning. "Who's this las?" asked the male, who had to be Donnie. Dustox'mind quickly explained and Donnie cut him short, "Ok ok, I get it, ill take her to her resting area."

Walking alongside Donnie he showed her to a small den dug in the ground. "I assure you it's stable," he huffed. After she got settled he padded off, back to sunbath probably. After fixing up her nest a shadow fell over her den, looking up the mask of a rabbit stared at her before whispering "Tanga, follow me, I want to show you something."

Getting up she followed Deceit into a thinned-out area, plants lay eaten and chewed, and Deceit slowly lowered herself down into a loafing position. Copying the actions Tanga sat and waited for a couple of minutes before asking "What are we waiting for?". Deceit shushed her as a couple of bunnies hopped out, and nibbled on the old leaves. Deceit made some weird gestures to one of the rabbits; it looked over at Tanga, back at Deceit and thumped its foot. Deceit huffed and nodded her head at it, "Lay your head down". Tanga did what she asked as the rabbit slowly hopped towards her, sniffed, then licked her nose. "That's Sparrow, he'll follow you along your travels, and when you need it he'll bring you back to me if you ever need anything."

(Date left: 2022-11-30) (Decor added: Riverine Rabbit)

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