Members Online

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Colubridae playing TheHorseUpdate
Player ID: 485708
Level: 5
Territory: 3
Ciat playing Carnage
Player ID: 285306
Level: 13
Territory: 58
Ajax 🩸 playing King of Thieves
Player ID: 226800
Level: 18
Territory: 100
Tin robot playing Cabu
Player ID: 168734
Level: 19
Territory: 40
Lilysnape playing O b s c u r e
Player ID: 92961
Level: 6
Territory: 80
Stone playing Raghallaigh IV
Player ID: 29950
Level: 22
Territory: 40
🐉 UnlikelyHaku 🐉 playing Shouki no Kami
Player ID: 53031
Level: 22
Territory: 62
Fromage Petite playing 𝐾ℎ𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑢
Player ID: 380063
Level: 1
Territory: 12
Yumi blast playing Nightclub
Player ID: 344875
Level: 13
Territory: 19
T💀DD 🌈 playing 🌙Ghoul of Shadows🌙
Player ID: 183190
Level: 19
Territory: 50
Sovenas playing Valghtsrghtagir
Player ID: 130146
Level: 24
Territory: 60
Rin ~ LPC playing Muganga
Player ID: 21176
Level: 5
Territory: 120
Cosmic playing Caribbean Sea Glass
Player ID: 261085
Level: 1
Territory: 59
BlueJay(Quad Rosette) playing Kailani
Player ID: 153393
Level: 10
Territory: 60
Astrallyx[G2 Styx NRLC] playing ›› Luto ‹‹
Player ID: 268219
Level: 23
Territory: 40
Sarabi playing Ƨµ§hï †hê þrïmål Qµêêñ
Player ID: 481605
Level: 5
Territory: 33
Ampersat 🦝 playing ⯎ Oφhioχus ⯎
Player ID: 454631
Level: 20
Territory: 105
TheDerpyWolf playing Akwa
Player ID: 138038
Level: 5
Territory: 50
Mish 🐾 [G1 Primal Leonid] playing Excalipurr
Player ID: 82643
Level: 19
Territory: 65
Alex playing Limmy
Player ID: 476711
Level: 7
Territory: 12

Memory Used: 516.44 KB - Queries: 2 - Query Time: 0.00592 - Total Time: 0.00711s