.:+Lucifer+:.'s Den

((TW: Blood, mild gore))

This land is confusing.
You've been wandering for two days now- or is it three? Day and night are hard to distinguish, the sun and moon only rarely appearing through the thick pale mist that obscures everything. From what you can tell, the landscape is mostly dry, prickly grass, shrouded in fog and marked here and there by jagged rock formations the size of five lions, jutting out of the flat ground like a cat roaring at the sky. You're not quite starving yet, but prey is skinny and hard to find. Your last meal was a bony little gazelle, bleating in terror as it leapt out of the mist and practically ran you over. Your only source of water is the grass, growing heavy with moisture as the fog thickens over time.
You halt for a moment, sitting down and giving your sore pads a lick. The grass here pokes your paws like it's trying to draw blood, and walking on it for days isn't pleasant. Suddenly, you pause, frozen in place.
For a moment, you aren't sure what triggered your danger senses. Too late, you realize that you can hear breathing other than your own. Before you can react, a group of five lionesses surrounds you, pelts gleaming with condensation, eyes gleaming with malicious curiosity.
"What do we have here?" You whirl towards the lioness who's spoken and stifle a gasp. She's enormous. Sure, all the lionesses are a little bigger than average, with odd, flared nostrils, but this one is nearly a head taller than you are, with a rosetted pelt almost hidden by the clear piebaldism fading from her shoulders and flanks down to her huge, virtually white paws. Long, thin scars mark her back and sides, and her claws glitter dangerously with long gem extensions. You take a step back, and she lets out a low chuckle. You can't tell if she's somehow amused by you or delighted at the prospect of tearing you apart.
"Come on, you scrap of fur. What's your name? Has a cat got your tongue?" She snorts and takes a step forwards, looking you up and down through narrowed eyes and making you feel rather like a moth pinned under a lion's claw. After a moment, you manage to find your voice and tell her your name. She tilts her head just a little, apparently thoughtful, her gaze still freezing you in place. You imagine you can hear the mist swirling through the cold air, the grasses bending in the wind, the stars weeping softly somewhere far above.
"Well, you're coming with us!" The lioness announces cheerfully, snapping the tension in the air like a brittle bone. Her tone is still pleasantly menacing, as if she would be happy to kill you or befriend you, whichever is more convenient. She flicks her ears at the other lionesses, apparently issuing a silent command. They arrange themselves in a loose ring around you and begin herding you in the direction that you were originally going, letting the lead lioness walk beside you.
"You seem quite stupid, if I do say so myself." She comments as she moves, her huge paws making deep imprints in the grass. "We're the only pride around here for a week's walking distance in any direction, and you saunter your way into our territory with no excuses! And you don't even bother masking your scent, I mean, really." She wrinkles her nose at you as if she's doing you a great favor by even walking within a tree-length of your stink. "Still, Ares would moan and whine at me for weeks if I just killed you with no 'valid reason', so here I am, taking you to my den so that I can send you away, and if you don't leave, that's a valid reason!" She shoots you a toothy grin. You feel rather ill.
After maybe ten minutes of relatively silent walking, you realize the fog is starting to clear, and you can see further and further in front of you. After another minute, you recognize the shapes of a few lions, laying around something that seems to be a small lake, like an oasis where the mist has thinned dramatically. Enormous rock formations surround the water, and after a moment, you realize that dens are carved into the stone, with claw marks that look like they belong to lions. You try to hide your shock. Lions carved the stone like that? Then you remember the jeweled claw extensions on the lead lioness's claws, and realize they must be so that her real claws don't get damaged shaping rocks.
As you and the five lionesses pad into the pride's camp, the lead lioness suddenly stops and frowns at a skinny white lioness with dark gray speckles all over her, resting in the shadow of a tall boulder. You watch the lead lioness put on a pleasant smile and trot over to the resting lioness. It takes a minute for the white lioness to notice who you now realize is the leader of the pride. You don't see or smell any males around, and all the scent marks are made by the same lion; or rather, lioness. You're surprised, but not incredibly shocked. It's not unheard of for prides to have female leaders, just uncommon.
To your surprise, when the white lioness realizes the leader is standing over her, she leaps to her paws and bows as low as she can.
"I'm sorry!" She yelps, trying to cower and crawl back at the same time. "I was just- I mean-" The leader cuts her off with the same pleasantly murderous tone she used with you.
"Your hunting group is out doing their job, aren't they? But you're not. You thought you could sneak back here while I was gone and have a rest, didn't you? Terribly foolish of you, I have to say." The white lioness tries to say something else, to defend herself, but the leader effectively cuts her off by leaping at her and knocking her to the ground. The white lioness tries to struggle, but the leader just stabs her long jeweled claws into the pale fur on her chest, making the lioness roar in pain. You try to rush over and help the bleeding victim, but the other four lionesses block you without a word. Looking at their faces in disbelief, you see that their expressions are mostly a mask of boredom and disdain. Pity flashes in their eyes, but it's carefully hidden, ready to be buried at a moment's notice.
By the time you look over at the battling lionesses again, the white lioness is motionless on the ground, blood pouring out of a deep bite wound in her throat and soaking into the grass. The lead lioness trots back to your side with a pleasant smile, her pale brown muzzle and white paws stained pinkish-red.
"Bury that body somewhere unpleasant." The lead lioness orders. The four lionesses that had been surrounding you obediently hurry to drag the body back in the direction you came from. The lead lioness turns back to you, sitting down and curling her tail around her paws. The lake water seems to pull away from the shore, as if afraid to touch her.
"Right! Let's get the pleasantries out of the way. My name is Morning Star, but most call me Lucifer. You have a day to get out of here before you join Cloudedspot." She flicks her tail casually at the blood stain on the grass. "I suggest you find the Pride of Blessed Stars. Ares leads there, and he's an ally of mine despite all his high-and-mighty righteousness. He'll probably have his shiny prophetic dwarf read your memories or whatever, and then give you a welcome speech." She shoots you another bloodstained grin. "Have anything to add?" You're not sure if you could speak, even if you wanted to. "Great! Ares's goody-four-paws group will be in that direction." She jerks her head vaguely east. "Start walking."


Hello guys gals and nonbinary pals :))

I'm Phoenix, though you can call me Pineapple or Pine! This is my side account, and I'll likely be more active on my main. I use all pronouns, and I'm usually online from around 1pm to 7 pm Lioden time, then again from 12 am to 4 am Lioden time.


-Marking apps
-Any breeding items
-Any decor, especially event scars
-Food/amusement/nesting material

I also have a writing shop, you can pay me to write stuff so you can have cool lore like mine >:)

Go check out my main acc, have a good rest of your day, and remember that you're valid and cheese is overrated.

Deathlord of the Jungle .:+Lucifer+:.
Level: 10 Branch: No branch!
Stats: 201 Territory: 23
Lionesses: 19 Beetle Slots: 1 / 6
Cubs: 25 / 115 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 1 / 2 Subordinate Males: .:+Pyro+:.
Frozen Slots: 0 / 1 Cave Slots: 2 / 3
There are 7 lions with mutations in .:+Lucifer+:.'s pride.

.:+Lucifer+:.'s Player
Member ID #402565
Phoenix's Alt
Joined: 2022-11-23 19:27:19 Last Active: 2023-11-28 23:59:20

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